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Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2023)

Aims: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of coping skills group training and mindfulness-based group training on pain perception in patients with kidney failure with follow up.
Method and Materials: The method of the study was semi-experimental in nature with a pretest-posttest design. The statistical population of this research included all kidney failure patients who visited Kosar Hospital in 2021-2022 (from October to November). Based on this, 45 renal failure patients were divided into two experimental groups and one control group using the matching method, and all three groups were administered the McGill Pain Questionnaire (1997) in the pretest, posttest and follow-up. Data were analyzed with SPSS-26.
Findings: The findings showed; there was no significant difference between the effectiveness of coping skills group training and mindfulness-based group training on pain perception in patients with kidney failure. But both intervention groups were significantly different from the control group (P<0.01). Both treatments had a lasting effect in follow-up stage.
Conclusion: According the findings of this syudy, it can be said that group training of coping skills and group training based on mindfulness can affect pain perception, in patients with renal failure, and this effect continues over time.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Introduction Encountering with environment, sensory perception paves the way for the creation of meaning and the architect has to mix merely technical ideas with sensory perception to make it possible to approach the real and living meaning, which have been present in people’s lives. Criterion architecture, where architect’s physical and mental features prepare the formation of his work, causes the audience to find an intellectual picture of him. Iranian traditional architecture, particularly Iranian Bazaar architecture, is a type of visual-perceptual architecture, which involves all senses. The aim of this study was to investigate and understand the concept and structure of the Kashan Bazaar as a space consistent with Iranian values and identities. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods was used and the main body of the research was an analytical-exploratory method.
Conclusion As one of the examples of Iranian bazaars, the architecture of Bazaar of Kashan creates a sensory concentration system by embodying sensory incentives. Within the major directional system, corridors invite you to walk through them and discover the surroundings, and peace can be found in places such as mosques, Timches, and open spaces nearby. In the bazaar, the perceptual process is achieved in the face of the enormous congestion and desolation in the environment. This secrecy in the first step leads to the creation of the quality of inviting to gain tranquility, contemplation and thought; in the next stages, and based on human consciousness, it leads to the adoption of semantic systems and ultimately leads to the recognition of values and aesthetics.

Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Aims Space is the most fundamental aspect of architecture, whose survival directly depends on place survival. The origin of the sense of space is the place that is closely related to it. Architecture space, as one of the main carriers of the art, has a prominent place in society. The place and space were raised as a main subject in both philosophy and architecture and an important part of the literature of these two has human thought aspect. It can be said that the relationship between place and space and their impact on environmental psychology of architecture is the most basic requirement to understand the architecture and the transcendental sense of space to architecture. One of the objectives of this study is to examine the characteristics of the place in creating architectural space, which will be dealt with.
Materials & Methods This is is descriptive-analytical research and it is based on library documents; also, interviews with experts in this field helped us in this regard. The question ahead is “how much can space in architecture affect the audience feeling and how much important is the position of place in the architectural space?
Findings A space in architecture is beautiful when the special attributes of space are in harmony with space operations. This is a principle, which is evident in the study of traditional architecture.
Conclusion Identification of useful elements in the sense of place and space can help us in creating a successful architecture. The positive energy emitted from the architecture space to the audience is controlled by architect and s/he can use it.

Volume 8, Issue 28 (4-2011)

  With ever increasing competition, enterprises as well as researchers are focusing on consumer and its priorities and thus everyday, new aspects of determinants of consumer choice become clear. One of such determinants is brand perception. Perception of consumer about technology of production -which is derived from brand and packaging-, can play a great role in the consumer choice when differentiation is little. Such role is investigated in this research work. We have studied a group of food products with very low level of differentiation and correlation between demand and technology perception is elaborated. Field study has been performed in Shahrvand department stores. Results show that in simpler, more commodity type products, technology perception has a greater role in finalizing customer choice. So making a more positive perception of technology can be considered as a rather inexpensive way for gaining competitive advantage. Additionally, based on interviews, it can be claimed that technology perception consists of sub-elements such as environment friendliness perception, healthiness perception, quality perception, etc. 

Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Aims: The aim of this study was to examine six different assessment tools for pain in children. The study sought to determine whether there were differences clinical usage among the various scales. Additionally, the study aimed to identify if any of the scales demonstrated superior sensitivity compared to the others.
Method and Materials: A narrative review of currently published studies was performed following standard guidelines. Online databases PUBMED and Google Scholar were searched for systematic reviews published before January 2024. The search terms initially included pain rating scales, pain measurement, pain intensity. Papers were examined for abstract relativity before being included. Ultimately, a total of 6 articles were selected for the final analysis.
Findings: The Wong-Baker Faces Pain Scale and Faces Pain Scale (FPS) were found to be the most frequently mentioned as sensitive, valid, and reliable tools in various clinical scenarios. In terms of clinical application, the Oucher Scale and Poker Chip Pain Scale have not been utilized for chronic pain assessment, whereas the other four measures have been employed in different contexts including acute, chronic, and post-operative pain.
Conclusion: All six assessed instruments yielded noteworthy favorable outcomes when assessing acute pain in children aged three and above. However, their sensitivity, validity,and reliability varied.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (5-2018)

The aim of this qualitative study was to apply the grounded theory methodology to a comparative investigation of the challenges and problems of teaching and learning English and Arabic in Iranian high schools. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with five English teachers and seven Arabic teachers who were theoretically sampled from different high schools in Sabzevar, Iran. Using MAXQDA software, the data were analyzed based on the three levels of open, axial, and selective coding in grounded theory (Corbin & Strauss, 1990). Two models of challenges of teaching and learning of English and Arabic was posited with the problems of teaching and learning of English and Arabic as the core category and teacher, student, and educational facilities as sub-categories. The findings of this study shows that in spite of some differences between these two languages in terms of problems of their teaching and learning, there are some similarities between them. Also, some pedagogical implications for teachers, students, and curriculum developers were discussed in this study.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2019)

At present, the principles and patterns of mosque shaping and its symbolic look have been forgotten, especially at the level of neighbourhood mosques. Since the restoration of Iranian-Islamic architecture and urban identity is one of the tasks of contemporary architects and urban planners, therefore, the purpose of the present study was identifying features, principles and values existing and influenced by Islamic verses and hadiths in mosques architecture and urban planning, as well as adapting them to the needs of the contemporary period and modelling the values of beyond place and time mosques. In the present study, a survey method had been designed to investigate the effect of sensory perception models on satisfaction and desirability increase in neighbourhood mosques of Qazvin City. After explaining the models and components of sensory perception, the criteria for effective assessment of satisfaction increase in mosques were extracted and the questionnaire was adjusted according to the Likert spectrum, and structural equation modelling (SEM) method analyzed the relationships between variables and their impact. The findings of the study show that there is a significant relationship between the components of sensory perception and satisfaction in neighbourhood mosques, in which the impact of cultural indicators and social system existing in the neighbourhood was more than other indicators. As a result, observing the sensory patterns in the design of the mosque's constituent elements increases the spatial utility, which creates and reinforces adaptive sensory architecture patterns in religious space and increases the motivation of worshipers to continue attending neighbourhood mosques.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (7-2024)

Aims: The purpose of this study was to find the relationship between pain metaphorical perception and quality of life with pain intensity in musculoskeletal patients.
Method and Materials: This was a descriptive correlational study. The statistical population of this study included all musculoskeletal patients in Tehran. In this study, 250 candidates were selected via the at-reach method in 2024. They completed three questionnaires, Chronic Pain Intensity (1992), Pain Metaphorical Perception (2023), and Quality of Life (1996).  For data analysis, SPSS-26 was used.
Findings: The results showed that the correlation coefficient of pain intensity with pain metaphorical perception was significant (r=0.46) (P<0.01). The relationship between quality of life and pain intensity were negative and meaningful (r = -0.29) (P<0.05). Moreover, 9.6% of the pain intensity variance was explained by the pain metaphorical perception and 4.5% was explained by the quality of life.
Conclusion: It is suggested to investigate specific conceptual metaphors of musculoskeletal pain in future studies. It is also recommended that specialists in this field, physicians, health psychologists, etc. pay attention to the role of metaphors in improving the quality of life of patients with severe pain.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (10-2018)

The study aimed at developing a hypothesized model and questionnaire of language glocalization for the first time to accomplish systematic data generation and collection of the teachers’ perceptions regarding the glocalization of language education (LEG) in Iran. Hence, a model was initially hypothesized and the researchers went through scientific phases to generate a reliable and validated LEG questionnaire to test the model. Face validity, content validity and construct validity of the questionnaire were investigated. For exploratory factor analysis, the criterions for the data factorability being met, the researchers ran factor analysis employing Principle Components Analysis (PCA) method resulting in identification of five factors. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was used to measure the questionnaire internal consistency. The Cronbach’s Alpha results indicated that the internal consistency was 0.96 for the whole questionnaire, and 0.89, 0.92, 0.88, 0.89, and 0.87 respectively for the five components of LEG as the subscales in the questionnaire. After running exploratory factor analysis, to check whether the questionnaire data fits the hypothesized model of LEG introduced at the beginning of the study, a confirmatory factor analysis was done. Then, the final version of the questionnaire was administered to 270 language teachers to gather the data to feed it to the model to see the extent to which the model fit the data. The results of the study revealed that although the model has been the first one of its kind, it displayed a reasonable degree of reliability and validity as confirmed by the statistical procedures. The developed and validated model and the questionnaire of this study can have many practical applications for Iranian EFL teachers as well as future researches in other contexts.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (2-2020)

Aims: The present study aims to measure the perceptual quality of sound in the case study of “Darvazeh Isfahan” of Shiraz (a public urban space) in two objective and subjective dimensions.
Participants & Methods: The study method in objective analysis is using acoustic simulation software and measurement of five acoustic components and characteristics of sound including sound pressure level (SPL), sound clarity (C), and sound transmission index (STI). Mental dimension analysis was conducted through direct interviews with people in the space during the day, at three intervals in the morning, noon and afternoon. In the interview process, interviewees were asked to respond to the three components of voice information, voice perception, and auditory rating. Simultaneously, the audio content of the study area was recorded using a calibrated voice recorder.
Findings: The results of the analysis in objective dimension indicate the lack of space acoustic transparency in the contextual and background noise measurement components. Although the audio quality of the sound is normal at all three intervals, in some cases the sound intensity level is poor. The direct sound transmission index is in normal condition. On the subjective side, different audio content was heard over three intervals. In the morning, interviewees identified the buzzing, motorcycling, walking and talking. At noon, in addition to the audio content mentioned, the sound of music was also heard. In the afternoon, motorcycles, cars, and people’s conversations were the main audio content of the space.
Conclusion: Through overlaying the objective and subjective analysis, it has identified the subareas of the study space that have difficulty in perceiving the quality of sound. In summary, location-based urban design solutions for improving perceptual sound quality under problem areas are presented. Despite the fact that the present study might be restricted to a urban space in Shiraz, the findings could impart fruitful information for implicating appropriate acoustic vitality guidelines in urban public spaces.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2024)

Aims: This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy on the pain metaphorical perception in patients with chronic pain.
Materials & Methods: The study method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design and control group. The population was all people with chronic pain in the first six months of 2024 in Tehran. Accordingly, 45 patients with chronic pain were selected voluntarily and randomly assigned to intervention and control groups (each group n=15). The Questionnaire of the study was Raiisi`s Pain Metaphorical Perception. The first experimental group received eight sessions of 90-minute cognitive-behavioral therapy, but the second group received eight sessions of 90-minute dialectical behavior therapy.
The control group did not receive any intervention. The data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance by SPSS-26.
Findings: The results indicated that cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy significantly increased components of pain metaphorical perception (object, force, human, and causality) in patients with chronic pain (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The findings of this research emphasized the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy on the pain metaphorical perception. As a result, by changing the metaphors of pain in patients, the interpretation of pain can be changed.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2021)

Aims: Light hierarchy is a secondary but highly influential issue in the perception of space and forming a unique experience in architecture. Light hierarchy is due to a light gradation which presents the priority of space content and leads the users into the space around him. This is a significant subject in Iranian-Islamic architecture that is considered in constructing a pleasant building in various ways.
Instruments & Methods: To identify the factors contributing to the Light hierarchy, experts in the field of Iranian-Islamic architecture were surveyed by the Delphi method to identify the factors and their role as fundamental, main or complementary factors. To be specific, experts were also asked to rate the role of factors in the creation of light hierarchies with a Likert scale of 5 degrees. Wilcoxon test was used to analyze data at the last part.
Findings: The factors were divided into three categories: “Lighting Elements” (such as normal opening and lattice opening), “Intermediate communication with outer space”, and “Decorating”.
Conclusions: Experts believed that the “normal opening” had a significant effect on the “fundamental factor” in creating a light hierarchy. In addition, “lattice opening” and “architectural spaces” were identified as the “main factor” factors controlling the light, and decorations as the “complementary factor” influence the light hierarchy.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (7-2021)

Aims: Dynamic cultural World Heritage Sites, as irreplaceable resources with tangible and intangible dimensions, have been shaped by a result of the processes of sociocultural production and experiences in the temporal and spatial context and are going through a series of changes over time. The main purpose of this research is assessing the state of conservation of dynamic cultural World Heritage Sites, which is one of the most fundamental issues in the World Heritage monitoring process.
Instrument & Methods: This study elaborates on applied-developed research methods, using an analytical descriptive method in two sections. The theoretical section is based on the logical reasoning method and technique of content analysis and logical inference; and the practical section is based on the survey method and analytic hierarchy process technique.
Findings: Achieving the effective assessment for the state of conservation of dynamic cultural World Heritage Site is based on two substantial criteria: 1) “securing and conveying cultural significance of the heritage site” with the sub-criteria of “integrity” and “authenticity”; 2) “heritage site experience” with the sub-criteria of “perception of cultural significance” and “experience of authenticity”.
Conclusion: The results show that the “sense of place attachment” indicator is the most important factor in assessing the state of conservation. And periodic use of this proposed model in the monitoring process provides a coherent platform for measuring the efficiency of the study heritage site management system. The developed framework might be used by Tehran Beautification Organization and Tehran Municipality in culturally-rich sites of Tehran.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (4-2023)

Aims: This study aimed to analyze the effect of knowledge on the application of clean and healthy living behavior through perceived susceptibility in the prevention of AIDS.
Participants & Methods: Using quantitative research, we examined the possible causality between certain factors possibly causing the studied symptoms. The statistical population was 290 people living in Wakatobi Regency, of whom 166 people were considered as samples using the Lemeshow formula. Descriptive and inferential analyses were performed using path analysis, t-test, and normality tests.
Findings: Based on the results of the path analysis, the path coefficient value of the knowledge to perceived susceptibility was 0.177 with a t-value of 7.762 > 1.974 and a p-value of < 0.005. Thus, it can be concluded that knowledge has a positive and significant effect on clean and healthy living behavior in the community.
Conclusion: The results showed that knowledge about the dangers of smoking had a significant effect on fostering clean and healthy behavior (PHBS) through perceived susceptibility.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2023)

The present article deals with the comparative study of literary Fiction and music in the short story "Marsh al-Ghroub" by Youssef Idris, based on comparative literature criticism studies and with a Semiotics of discourse approach. In this story, in addition to the musical title; A kind of folk music related to the profession. A kind of folk music related to the profession, in the overall structure of its plot, advances the narrative sequence. In this discourse three types of active, tensif and aesthetic presence are formed and the main core of the process of meaning is aesthetic presence. At this stage, the music becomes the essence of music. Therefore, the issue that arises is what the aesthetic presence is based on. How the dialogue between literature and music guarantees the transformation of the world. This research examines three types of presence in this story with a descriptive-analytical method, and at the same time, they refer to the role of title, place and time. This study shows that the subject, passing through two relations of action and tension due to the phenomenological view, reaches one of presence and aesthetic moment, and its manifestation is shown in his improvisation and his ecstatic and transcendental relationship with existence. At this stage, due to the disturbance in the action and tension relationship, the literary narrative suffers a deficiency in its progress, from here, literature and music enter a dialogue, and the reflection of the voice of the narrative is entrusted to music.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2022)

The purpose of this study was to examine and identify the perceptions of employees on the eve of retirement of the electricity industry about retirement to achieve a deeper understanding. Accordingly, using Zaltman's metaphorical extraction technique, the cognitive structures of employees have been studied and analyzed. The study participants were 12 people and were selected among the employees on the verge of retirement in the electricity industry using the concept sampling method. Then individuals were asked to select images for the interview session that they considered to mean retirement. In the interview session, questions related to the images were asked and then the answers were analyzed in order to discover the concepts. A total of sixteen structures were extracted, including "inevitable", "starting again", "fear and excitement of entering a new life challenge", "separation from work and loss of role", "rest, discovery and pursuit of individual interests", "Freedom and release from the cage" and "Emotional deprivation" were identified as the main structures in the consensus plan. According to the consensus plan, "start again", "separation from work and lack of role" and "inevitable", causal structures, "emotional deprivation", "fear and excitement of entering a new life challenge" and "rest, discovery and pursuit of individual interests" were considered as affected structures. The consensus map shows that the organization should take into account the relationships between structures, while strengthening the positive mentalities, change the negative mentalities of employees on the verge of retirement, and repair the retirement challenges associated with it.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (1-2024)

Aims: Many concepts and messages related to health literacy are metaphorical. Conceptual metaphor perception in the field of health literacy can challenge people's minds more cognitively. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the metaphors of health literacy.
Information & Methods: This paper, using a thematic analysis method, reviewed all review articles in the field of health literacy from different perspectives published between 2017 and 2022 in the PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, ISI, and Persian databases, such as Magiran and SID. Due to the large amount of data and the reduction of qualitative data to the main and fundamental themes, Sterling's method was used. According to the theoretical saturation, ten review articles were purposefully selected. The inclusion criteria were review articles with available full text and peer review, written in English or Farsi.
Findings: Conceptual metaphors were used in four prominent categories as health literacy source domains, including health literacy knowledge, health literacy services, health literacy strategies, and health literacy intervention. The most common source domains in all categories of health literacy were objected as "Health literacy is an object that needs to be worked on more", and force as "Health literacy is a strong determinant of preventive behaviors".
Conclusion: Conceptual metaphors help to understand health and people's perceptions of health messages.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (8-2021)

In any education context, teachers are mainly responsible for enacting the core values of classroom justice and equality. To address this notion, this qualitative study went through the exploration of the perceptions that Iranian EFL teachers had of classroom justice and its main dimensions. To this end, 31 EFL teachers, chosen through purposive sampling, filled out an open-ended questionnaire, and a sub-group of them participated in a semi-structured interview. The major findings, resulting from the content and thematic analyses of the data done both manually and through the MAXQDA software (Version 2020), revealed that first, all the participants, except one, regarded classroom justice as a crucial element of their instructional practice; second, interactional, procedural, and distributive dimensions of justice were reflected in the definitions that the teachers provided for classroom justice; and third, in line with the theoretical and empirical underpinnings of the study, the teachers conceptualized the classroom justice dimensions through their unique principles in relation to the various domains of classroom learning, teaching, assessment, and interactions. A pedagogical implication based on the findings is that by becoming aware of how they perceive justice in their instructional practice, teachers may take the initial strides toward enhancing their just treatment of students, and consequently, increase their professional effectiveness.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2024)

Comparative literature is one of the attractive and very valuable and useful trends in the field of literary criticism, and because the methods of research in comparative literature are different and numerous, there are different schools; In such a way that each researcher chooses the appropriate school or method based on his research method. With the emergence of the theory of reception in the last decades of the 19th century, more attention was paid to the role of the reader and the approach of central perception or reception was formalized. One of the research topics in the field of perception theory is the perception of Persian poetry by Arabic language writers and artists. In this context, Hafez Shirazi has attracted the attention of writers and researchers in the field of literature in other languages, and Arabic-speaking writers have a significant contribution in understanding Hafez's poetry. Among the writers who have paid special attention to Hafez's poetry and presented their views in the form of poetry and prose are Ebrahim Amin Al-Shwarabi and Ali Abbas Zulikha. In this research, two writers' interpretations of Hafez's Ghazal 175 are presented and analyzed and compared, and finally, the writer's opinion is presented as the final opinion. In general, it can be said that Al-Shwarabi's interpretation of verses is more comprehensive than Zuleikha's, but in terms of emotions and feelings, Zuleikha's interpretation is superior to Al-Shwarabi's.

Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2021)

Teacher written feedback (TWF) has received growing attention from researchers and teachers. Although TWF arguably targets multiple dimensions of students’ writing, research to date has largely focused on the relationship between written corrective feedback and language development. More research is needed to understand TWF more holistically and as a two-way social process (Storch, 2018). As such, it is important to understand students’ perspectives on TWF in different instructional contexts. The present study explores Vietnamese EFL students’ perceptions of TWF practices and their preferences for TWF. Data was collected from 97 English-major students in a Vietnamese tertiary setting by means of a questionnaire and follow-up interviews. The findings show that while TWF tended to weigh more on the linguistic end of the form-meaning continuum, students preferred TWF to target both form and global issues of content/idea development and writing style. However, students were divided in their preferences for comprehensive/selective feedback and for direct/indirect feedback. Although students were aware of the necessity of revising their writing upon reception of feedback, they reported different post-feedback actions. Above all, students’ preferences and expectations were underpinned by their own beliefs about the values of TWF that encompass both cognitive/non-cognitive and affective dimensions. The study offers important pedagogical implications for planning written feedback in writing instruction.

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