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Showing 10 results for arjmandi

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of telling social stories on the use of some morphological features of speech in children with autism such as adverb, adposition, possession, article, compound noun, adjective and plural form of noun. This is an Interventional, quasi-experimental single group study with a pretest-posttest design. The study subjects were selected by convenience sampling method which included 10 Persian-speaking aged 7 to15 years old with autism spectrum disorder, requiring support, from all autism population in Qazvin Autism Center in 2019. The framework was based on the model of Brown 1973 and Naigles 2014 (taken from the research of Tek 2014). Social stories were designed and organized, based on the model of Gray 1993. The children of autism received the intervention program in 10 individual sessions 30 to 45 minutes. The pre-test and post-test comparison of morphological categories in visual test and spontaneous test showed that the average use of names and particles in the post test was more than the pre-test for all cases. The biggest difference is related to the adposition. The result of the Wilcoxon test analysis showed that the training had a significant effect only on the visual test and on the article (according to the average of the pre-test and post-test, the statistical value and significance level = p˂0.05). 


Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The purpose of the semiotics of discourse approach is to communicate between semantic layers and differentiating units of the linguistic, social and intertdiscursive conext at the macro level in order to achieve meaning with the help of cognitive tools of text and discourse. This research interprets and explains how to produce, understand and receive meaning in the context of discourse systems in "Wuthering Heights" within the framework of the semiotics of discourse approach. Discourse systems include two categories, either they are based on Speech-Action and Movement-Action (Behavior) which create cognitive discourse systems or they are based on Sense-Action­ which are the generators of emotional discourse systems. In this research, the representation of Speech-Action, Movement-Action (Behavior) and Sense-Action­ and their feedback in the participants within the text and discourse of the novel has been discussed. Discourse analysis in the text and situational context of the novel based on the semiotics of discourse approach of Greimas is rooted in cognitive perspectives, because Speech-Action and Movement-Action build the infrastructure and a platform for the motivation of Sense-Action­ in the audience of the discursive context. Heathcliff and Catherine are two main characters of the novel who depict the Sense-Action­ of love along with the behavior and Speech-Action of revenge in the textual and intertextual semantic layers. Heathcliff gains the necessary mental, physical and financial competences and performs the action by going through the first stage of Sense-Action­

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of telling social stories on the use of some morphological features of speech in children with autism such as adverb, adposition, possession, article, compound noun, adjective and plural form of noun. This is an Interventional, quasi-experimental single group study with a pretest-posttest design. The study subjects were selected by convenience sampling method which included 10 Persian-speaking aged 7 to15 years old with autism spectrum disorder, requiring support, from all autism population in Qazvin Autism Center in 2019. The framework was based on the model of Brown 1973 and Naigles 2014 (taken from the research of Tek 2014). Social stories were designed and organized, based on the model of Gray 1993. The children of autism received the intervention program in 10 individual sessions 30 to 45 minutes. The pre-test and post-test comparison of morphological categories in visual test and spontaneous test showed that the average use of names and particles in the post test was more than the pre-test for all cases. The biggest difference is related to the adposition. The result of the Wilcoxon test analysis showed that the training had a significant effect only on the visual test and on the article (according to the average of the pre-test and post-test, the statistical value and significance level = p˂0.05). 


Volume 11, Issue 3 (Vol. 11, No. 3 (Tome 57) (Articles in Persian) 2020)

In this Paper, the authors aim at understanding either the inmportance of the origin (the original features) of the brand logo or its audience's experience acts to be more effective. The purpose of the present study is the semiotic review of the 14 best-brand logos of automobile luxury goods through analysis of data and questionnaire which the authors can reach the rules governing on the brand logo with a focus on the two terms of the origin of the luxury brand's logo and its audience experience, and based on the indicators defined for each, within the framework of Barthes's visual semiotics and Van Leeuwen's social semiotics. The findings reveal that what is important to attract the attention of the customers of luxury automobiles in Iran is the audience's experience of the logo, which has tangibly got a head of the role of the origins and the identity of the goods. Accordingly, the difference in the perceived meanings of every brand logo by the audience indicates that the meanings received from every logo are not uniform and it is based on culture, so that individuals, based on their individual experience and their socio-cultural insights, understand the different implied meanings from a similar logo; it means the meanings received from every logo are not universal and regardless of audiences culture. This affects the success of the goods and maybe leads to different results in business.

Volume 12, Issue 6 (January & February 2022 2021)

Virtual networks and Internet language have now been shaped by and are shaping language and registers as communicative tools. The present study aimed at investigating the effect which the internet is making on the language, the discourse and the writing style of Iranian male teenager students in cyberspaces of Telegram and Soroush. To conduct the research project, initially, 60 junior high school students from SAMPAD, Rasht, at the ages of 13-15 years old were selected through non-probability convenience sampling joined in a common group on the social media as the members. Then, 837 utterances from students Netspeak were selected through purposeful sampling. Their social and verbal behaviors including written and spoken had been recorded and transcribed for one month. To this end, the data were analyzed into two levels of description and explanation. At the level of description, the features of network discourse inspired by Crystal (2004) were represented. Along with Crystal's classifications, this study achieved to other features peculiar to Persian networks as follows: Substitution for Persian alphabetic system (Finglish), lexical barrowing, text spoken style, spelling mistakes (slip of the pen), humorously idiosyncratic Netspeak, permutation of Persian word ordering, encryption, and punctuation. At the explanation level, the network discourse which was inspired by Gricean (1975) model, revealed that the cooperative principles worked differently and the quantity maxim was flouted without any violation. But other three maxims were in line with the prominent characteristics of the cooperative strategies. The results manifested that cyberspace for the survival of communicative competence generated the virtual variety as marked written register of Persian language for social media purposes.

Virtual networks and Internet language have now been shaped by and are shaping language and registers as communicative tools. Language itself is a medium of diversity of signs which, due to its important communication role in human social life, has become an integral part of the social life of its speakers and is influenced by linguistic and multilingual changes as well as any cultural changes. On the other hand, the cycle of public communication is not complete without a media tool or institutions that can convey their message. Various aspects of people's lives have been comprehensively influenced by new media, including the Internet and virtual social networks, so that the effects and consequences of these new information and communication technologies cannot be denied (Ghasemi et al., 1392, p.6). In this regard, the most important objectives of the present study, citing the views of Grice (1975), are:
  • Representation of the effect of virtual messenger networks on the applied style of Persian text and writing system in Iranian adolescents,
  • Analysis of the damage to the body of Persian written language with an emphasis on the effectiveness of virtual messenger networks,
  • Representation of differences in the written text and the spoken text of students' speech in their virtual networks messages,
  • Comparing and classifying the characteristics of the written texts in virtual messenger networks.
It is very important to note that the role of virtual networks as a fast and economic communication tool is not hidden for anyone, which due to its written nature, plays a significant role in promoting orthography and Persian language development among Iranian youth and adolescents. The present study tried to investigate the effect of mobile messenger networks (Internet discourse) on the Persian language writing system among adolescents through descriptive-analytical methods in order to obtain appropriate answers to the following research questions:
  • RQ1: Do the descriptions and representations of the written form of messages in virtual networks have a tendency towards written discourse or they display the characteristics of discourse in spoken texts?
  • RQ2: Which of the highest frequency of sub-categories of text spoken style is the writing system of messenger networks among adolescents?
  • RQ3: How can the characteristics of the virtual discourse be evaluated and explained based on Grice's principles, and what are the effects of these characteristics on the applied style of text and writing system of Iranian adolescent students?
       The Internet, as an electronic, global, and interactive medium, has features compared to other media, each of which has implications for language. Users are limited to a number of hardware and software components to communicate, which must also transmit all text rules and language features via the keyboard. In this regard, in order to address the questions of the present study, a theoretical framework has been considered which is a combination of Crystal (2004) points of view on Internet discourse, and Grice’s (1975) principles of cooperation.
  1. The six characteristics of Crystal’s (2004) written form of messages (Internet discourse) in virtual networks are:
- Neologism,
- Contraction,
- Shortening,
- Unconventional spelling,
- Abbreviation (word-digit replacement, word-letter replacement, word-combination), - Emoticon.
  1. The four main characteristics of Grice’s (1975) cooperative principles are:  
- Quantity: Give enough information, no less and no more;
- Quality: Be honest and do not provide inaccurate information;
- Method: Address the issue and do not marginalize;
- Relevance: Communication should be explicit and concise.
According to Crystal (2006), the language of the Internet and media communication, especially virtual media, influences and changes the Standard English Language for its survival. He believes that the language of the Internet is in a process of constant change. In such a way that this language changes momentarily and daily. Therefore, in the opinion of the authors, the functional language of the Internet, whether in English or in other languages, will not be unaffected by this rapid change.
This research is analytical-descriptive research in nature and identifies and analyzes writing errors in virtual networks which aimed at investigating the effect of the Internet on the language, the discourse and the writing style of Iranian male teenager students in cyberspaces of Telegram and Soroush. The necessary information for writing the background and theoretical foundations of the present research has been obtained from library sources and documents. To conduct the research project, initially, 60 junior high school students from SAMPAD, Rasht (Mirza Koochak Khan High School out of 360 students in total) were selected. The age range of them was between 13 to 15 years old and they were from the first three grades of the aforementioned school - 20 students from each grade were selected - which was done by non-probability sampling method. Then, 837 speeches (out of 2487 speeches) of Internet chats used by them in virtual networks were selected by purposive sampling method. It is worth mentioning that the research data was collected from the Internet discourse of virtual messenger networks that was exchanged between the mentioned high school teenagers. This study was a copy of private chat pages and conversations of people in different groups according to the completed form of their satisfaction. Their social and verbal behaviors including written and spoken had been recorded and transcribed for one month. To this end, the data were analyzed into two levels of description and explanation.
At the first level, the collected data were described based on the theoretical framework of Crystal (2004) on Internet discourse including: neologism, contraction, shortening, unconventional spelling, abbreviation (word-digit replacement, word-letter replacement, word combination). Along with Crystal's classifications, this study achieved to other features peculiar to Persian networks as follows: Substitution for Persian alphabetic system (Finglish), lexical barrowing, text spoken style, spelling mistakes (slip of the pen), humorously idiosyncratic Netspeak, permutation of Persian word ordering, encryption, and punctuation.
Also, at the second level, the data were explained based on the theoretical framework of the four principles of Grice (1975), including: quantity, quality, method, and relevance. From the authors' point of view, in addition to crystal views, they were considered as substituting Persian written system (Finglish), lexical borrowing, text-spoken style, text slip of pen, humorously idiosyncratic Netspeak, shifting sentence elements, coding, and marking.
The present study, based on Crystal (2004)'s views on Internet discourse and the four principles of Grice’s (1975) model, concluded that the inclusion of neologism and other language terms in standard Persian vocabulary is itself a symbol of lexical borrowing. The type and nature of these terms and borrowed applications, create a new format of Persian language as an online form of Persian language in virtual networks. According to the authors, the reason for entering this kind of Persian language is to fill communication gaps in a limited time in cyberspace. Also, based on data analysis, it can be explained that changes in the application of Persian language by these users in these virtual networks act as automated social-linguistic devices and to express their intentions under the influence of situational context. Society and observance of appropriate conditions in the Persian language create the criteria for changes and encodings appropriate to cyberspace, and this introduces the style of marking the Persian language for virtual purposes. In addition, in the analysis of the speech style of the text, as a subcategory of the applied style of the text among these adolescents, it has the highest applied frequency, which is a symbol of observing the principle of economics and diligence in any language. The use of dialogues is a factor that refers to the use of language in various social situations through the users. At the explanation level, the network discourse which was inspired by Gricean (1975) model, revealed that the cooperative principles worked differently and the quantity maxim was flouted without any violation. But other three maxims were in line with the prominent characteristics of the cooperative strategies. The results manifested that cyberspace for the survival of communicative competence generated the virtual variety as marked written register of Persian language for social media purposes.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (March & April 2022 2022)

Regarding the necessity of selecting efficient language learning strategies and methods for teaching English to Persian-speakers, the Langacker’s cognitive grammar theory has been used as a creative method in teaching. The present study aims to evaluate the creative usage of cognitive grammar in education to simplify the process, provide better learning, and develop creativity and linguistic capabilities. For this purpose, the following questions have been addressed: 1. What is the increasing number of words used by both control and test groups, after passing the “creative course of the learning style of describing a word in a sentence” through the “specificity” attribute in meaningful contextual textures? 2. How can we use the “syntagmatic combinations” attribute to facilitate the teaching of “complex linguistic units” construction in the sentences? In this regard, following the creative training of participants with a cognitive approach, 46 Farsi speakers were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by using SPSS software. By using the creative courses of learning style and describing the word using Langacker’s cognitive grammar, together with quasi-cognitive charts for simplifying the education process, learners were able to create linguistic well-form sentences. The research results demonstrates that after completing the creative course of the learning style of describing a word in a sentence, the test group could expand 98% of the words from the total number of textbook words and include them in their texts; while the control group, who hadn’t gone through the creative course, managed to collocate only 44% of the total words. The outcomes illustrate the high effect of the approach in facilitating English teaching for Persian-speaking children.
1. Introduction
The present article seeks to introduce one of the easy teaching methods from Langkaker's grammatical point of view. In this research, “how to expand vocabulary”, “specificity”, “mixed structures” and “synchronization relations of nominal groups” are investigated and presented in the form of tables and statistical charts. By examining the present study from a cognitive perspective, we can examine the application of some key concepts of this grammar in teaching and simplifying second language learning, based on Langaker's grammatical theory. Hypotheses in the present study are as follows: Hypothesis 1: after passing the creative course the test group, can describe more words in a sentence and in texts by using the characteristic feature; Hypothesis 2: creative diagrams, similar to cognitive diagrams in syntagmatic combinations, can be used to simplify teaching the construction of complex linguistic units and adaptation of expressions. The present study aims to evaluate the creative usage of cognitive grammar in education, which simplifies the process, provides better learning, and develops creativity and linguistic capabilities. In addition to performing qualitative and quantitative analysis via statistical softwares provided on the basis of the narrative texts of language learners, by the usage of Langaker's cognitive theory in the field of cognitive grammar, the present study provides a creative way to facilitate language learning for Persian-speaking children at the intermediate level and to test the research hypotheses. Accordingly, the study presents a solution for the learners’ educational problems to facilitate the content through innovative methods in effective teaching.
Research Question(s)
In this research, the following questions were addressed: 1. After passing the “creative course of the learning style of describing a word in a sentence” what is the increasing number of words used by the control and test groups through the “specificity” attribute in meaningful contextual texture? 2. How can we use the “syntagmatic combinations” attribute to facilitate the teaching of “complex linguistic units” construction in the sentences?

2. Literature Review
So far, various research has been conducted on fostering creativity in teaching and learning. However, to the best of our knowledge, most research has not mentioned the creative usage of cognitive grammar in education. The position of cognitive sciences in education to provide opportunities for the growth of creativity and language capabilities is low. Training that accompanied by a cognitive approach will be effective and efficient. Torrance (1968) studied the factors of creativity and mentioned intelligence, family and personality traits of individuals. In a study, Ronald and Standler (2005) cited the efforts of parents and other educators as a key factor in fostering creativity. Gardner (2002) showed that educators and mentors could play an important role in motivating creative learners. Still, noteworthy is that the researches present explanations of theories, while the matter isn’t used for practical teaching English for Persian- speaking children.

3. Methodology
The present research is of applied and theoretical type in terms of purpose. The unit of observation is by collecting data, linguistic narratives, from children. Language learners, as the community of the case study in this research, were aged 10 to 12 years. This research was considered as a survey research based on the time of collection and performed experimentally on the control and test groups for 4 months. After creative training with a cognitive approach, 46 Farsi speakers were described qualitatively and quantitatively by using SPSS software. As a result, by using the creative courses of learning style and describing the word using Langacker’s cognitive grammar, learners were able to create linguistic well-formed sentences.
4. Results
The following diagrams summarize the results for the control and test groups:

Control group figure 1
Chart of the amount of words used by the control group during surveys and assessments

Test group figure 2
 Chart of the amount of words used by the test group during surveys and assessments

Also, a comparison has been made within the charts of the percentage of new words used in both total and each word in the control and test groups, shown below. As seen, figure 3 illustrates the expansion of 98% of textbook vocabulary by language learners in the creative cognition teaching.

Figure 3
Vocabulary expansion and demonstration of the effectiveness of the creative cognitive method in teaching

5. Discussion
The purpose of putting phrases together is the diverse creativity of each person and the creative power of individuals that can construct a variety of linguistic expressions in a possible way according to their knowledge of the grammatical principles of the target language. Talents of learners are different in the arrangement of phrases, and individuals create and conceptualize relationships between words as they imagine them, in producing meaningful linguistic phrases. After 3 months of training and introducing various methods of describing a word, learners managed to develop words using descriptive methods.
After a semester of training, language learners were able to present a short narrative such as the sample and explain each description. They started with a word, turned it into a linguistic phrase, then connected the phrases together, and created meaningful sentences. Finally, they connected the meaningful linguistic sentences which is seen in a meaningful narrative example below. The following chains are produced by the learner after easy and creative training.
The result of creative teaching through Langaker's grammar is the formation of the following well-structured language chains by the learners. Consequently, the learners are able to easily move a word to the level of the text. An example of a text that has been developed and specified by a learner after creative cognitive training is given below.

Figure 4
 Expanding words and specifying each word by the learner

6. Conclusion
As a result, by using the creative courses of learning style and describing the words by the usage of Langacker’s cognitive grammar, and using the quasi-cognitive charts in simplifying the learning process, learners were able to create linguistic well-form sentences. After completing the creative course of the learning style of describing a word in a sentence, the test group could expand 98% of the words from the total number of textbook words and include them in their texts; while the control group only managed to collocate 44% of the total words.

The appendices are mentioned below.

Appendix A: Sample of language texts for learners along with their edited text.

Appendix B:
Frequency tables of words used in the control and test groups

Appendix c: samples of making sentence in test groups


Volume 13, Issue 2 (5-2022)

The present research aims to investigate the place of noun in Persian language based on cognitive approach by relying on the  framework of Lanckager’s cognitive grammar (2008). To achieve this goal, authors have selected 150 Persian simple nouns from Sokhan Dictionary (1382) accidentally. The method of the present research is descriptive-analytical and data collecting is based on library studies.  After the study of collected data of research, authors concluded that in Persian language, the discussion on being countable or non-countable of noun doesn’t make much sense and unlike cognitive approach mass nouns are the same as countable nouns, which receive plural –s morpheme and together with proper nouns, they constitute a different class of nouns. Also in Persian language as well as cognitive approach, pronouns can replace nouns.

1. Introduction
 One of the most important grammatical categories is noun, which has been considered in most linguistic studies, and due to the frequent presence of this grammatical category in language sentences, it can be given a special position in the field of grammar as well as word structure. In today's advanced world, where scientists and inventors are making new inventions and discoveries every day and selling them to the markets, the centers and authorities responsible for naming these products have faced a huge challenge. Making new domestic products, updating and editing, school and university textbooks based on modern science, updating Persian dictionaries, translating borrowed words in technical, engineering, medical, pharmaceutical and even military fields show the importance of studying the status of nouns in Persian based on an up-to-date and new theoretical framework in the field of linguistics. Although much research has been done on the grammatical category of nouns and distinguishing this category from other grammatical categories inside or outside Iran, the position of nouns in Persian has not been studied in detail from a cognitive point of view.To this end , this study aims to investigate the position of nouns in Persian language based on the theoretical and grammatical framework of Langacker (2008).
Theoretical framework
 The theoretical framework of the present study is Langacker’s (2008) grammar. Cognitive linguistics can be divided into two broad areas: cognitive semantics and cognitive approaches to grammar. In grammar, language is considered as a mental and cognitive system, and therefore the issue of language independence from other cognitive powers is not raised, and a comprehensive understanding of the language system is not possible without a complete understanding of the cognitive system. Also, the independence of linguistic domains is rejected, and semantics does not mean literal or linguistic meaning and does not believe in semantic characteristics. Rather, the literal and non-literal meanings are metaphorical, virtual, metaphorical, and context-based. The grammar proposed by Langacker (2008) is the most prominent framework of cognitive linguistics. In describing grammar, Langacker (2008) considers language as a part of cognition and believes that linguistic research should be dedicated to understanding the human mind. In Langacker's grammar (2008), nouns are divided into two main subsets of countable nouns and common or uncountable nouns. Langacker (2008) also divides nouns into two groups of pronouns and specific nouns in terms of semantic usage. Langacker's (2008) cognitive approach has introduced the distinction between countable nouns and uncountable or general nouns in taking the plural marker. Thus, the noun that receives the plural is countable and the noun that does not receive the plural is uncountable.
Research questions:
 In this study, the following questions have been raised: 1. To what extent does the pattern of countable and uncountable nouns in Persian correspond to the cognitive pattern? 2. What class of nouns in Persian does the pattern of common nouns which are one of the two main classes that make up nouns in the cognitive approach correspond?
Research method:
The research method of the present study was descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting research data was based on library studies and random sampling. To investigate the status of nouns in Persian from a cognitive perspective under the theoretical framework of Langacker (2008) grammar, the authors randomly selected 150 simple Persian names from  Sokhan dictionary (2003).
2. Results
 the results showed that in Persian the discussion of countable or non-countable nouns does not make much sense. Contrary to the cognitive view which considers countable nouns and common nouns as the two main classes of nouns, in Persian, common nouns are the same as countable nouns and receive the plural marker, and together with specific nouns, they form a distinct class of nouns. Also, in Persian, as in the cognitive view, the pronoun replaces the noun. Examining the simple nouns from a cognitive point of view showed that Persian grammar has significant differences in the category of countable nouns, uncountable nouns, general nouns, specific nouns and pronouns compared to Langacker (2008) grammatical pattern. In Persian, general, specific, and some personal pronouns do not receive the plural marker (s), which is in stark contrast to Langacker (2008)'s grammar. Also in Persian, some nouns that are inherently uncountable, such as water, also receive the plural marker (s). Here, the language instinct of the Persian speaker is also involved, which is also a case of contradiction between Persian grammar and cognitive grammar.

3. Conclusion
 In general, in Persian, countable and uncountable nouns are on one side, and general and specific nouns are also on the other side, which do not correspond in general to Langacker’s (2008) grammatical model.

Volume 15, Issue 6 (January & February 2024)

The present research investigates the productivity of compound noun maker patterns in Persian language based on the theoretical framework of Plag (2003). For this purpose, the authors have extracted 1300 compound nouns from a corpus taken from Persian language database (PLDB). The method of the present research is descriptive-analytic and data collecting is corpus based. After the study of collected data of research, the authors have concluded that the only quantitative method for measuring the productivity of word formation processes introduced by Plag (2003) is to count the outputs of a word formation process. Also, the most productive compound noun maker pattern among compound noun maker patterns is (noun+noun). Moreover, different methods of measuring the productivity rate of compound noun maker patterns offer different results. Analysis of the extracted data from the research corpus shows that among the compound noun maker patterns in Persian, (noun + noun) pattern has the highest productivity and these patterns ( pronoun + noun / pronoun + stem of present verb / noun + imperative verb / number + number) have the lowest productivity.

1.     Introduction
One of the most important word formation processes in the Persian language, which is also highly productive, is the process of composition, which is used in the construction of new words, especially compound nouns, and plays an important role in the formation and enrichment of Persian language words. Words play an essential role in the formation of human language, so knowing the productive word-forming processes and, above all, the productive noun-forming processes, can be one of the most practical methods of creating new words in any language, especially the Persian language. 
Languages have benefited from the process of composition, which is one of the most important processes of word formation and is considered one of the generative processes of word formation. Therefore, this research, based on the theoretical framework of the generation of Plug (2003) as well as the analysis of the data obtained from the corpus, investigated the quantitative methods of measuring the generation of patterns of compound nouns in Persian language, and the patterns of the formation of compound nouns which can help Persian language in naming and choosing words for new domestic or imported products and inventions.
Despite many studies that Iranian and non-Iranian researchers have done on nouns, only a few studies have been conducted in relation to the issue of the reproduction of noun formation processes, and so far no researcher has exclusively investigated the reproduction of compound noun formation patterns in the Persian language. Based on this, the authors intend to study the rate of reproduction of compound noun formation patterns in Persian based on the theoretical framework of reproduction of Plug (2003).

Research Question(s)
In this regard, the following questions have been raised:
1. What are the quantitative methods of measuring the productivity of compound noun formation patterns in Persian language?
2. Among the patterns of compound nouns, which one is more productive?
For the above two questions, two hypotheses have been proposed. For the first question, it is assumed that the quantitative methods of measuring the generation of compound noun formation patterns in Persian include counting the outputs of a noun formation process, using possible words, using monofrequency words, and counting new words. For the second question, it has been assumed that the pattern (noun + noun) has the highest rate of reproduction among the patterns that make up compound nouns.

2.    Literature Review
Shaghaghi (2011) defines productivity as follows: if a process can be used for phonetic changes or making new words or sentences, that process is considered productive, like the adjective-forming suffix (-y) in Persian language, which has a high productivity.
Amir Arjamendi (2009) in her doctoral thesis entitled "Productivity in the process of composition of the Persian language" based on the theoretical framework of Borer and Borer (1988) and by studying and researching the linguistic databases of the Persian language, provided a general picture of productivit.
Amir Arjamandi (2009) believes that it is possible to quantitatively measure the productivity in the composition of the Persian language by measuring the productivity by counting the outputs of the composition process using possible words and using single frequency words and by counting new words, but the reason for the limitations in the Persian language database was that it was only able to examine the productivity of the composition process using two methods of counting the outputs of the composition process and using single frequency words.                                                          
Badakhshan (2011) in his doctoral dissertation investigated the rate of reproduction of the composition process in Persian based on the theoretical framework of Plague (2003). According to Badakhshan (2011), fertility is not absolute, but rather continuous. He deals with productivity as a quantitative and qualitative concept and then introduced the methods of measuring productivity and because of the limitations he faced such as the impossibility of choosing compound words separately in the linguistic body and also the lack of software that can separate compound words from other words. He is satisfied with only one method and by counting the outputs of a derivational process, he measures the fertility of non-current compound words in Persian language.

3. Methodology
The method of conducting the present descriptive-analytical research and the method of collecting the research data is to use the language corpus available in the Persian language database in the Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies (PLDB). The data collected from the 8 linguistic corpora of the research included 1300 compound nouns selected from 63 sources. 

4. Results
In this article, the fertility patterns of compound nouns in Persian were investigated based on the opinions of Plag (2003). In this research, by extracting 1300 compound nouns from 63 sources in the Persian language database (PLDB), researchers tried to answer the two questions raised in this research and prove the hypotheses raised for each question.
In order to find the most productive pattern of compound nouns and after examining all the patterns of compound nouns, the authors came to the following conclusion: the pattern of compound nouns (noun + noun) with a frequency of 623 compound nouns and a sample frequency of 6740 compound nouns is one of the highest fertility among the compound noun patterns. Therefore, the hypothesis related to the second question of this research is confirmed.  The authors, in examining and comparing different methods of measuring the productivity of the patterns of compound nouns, obtained different results of these patterns.
For example, in the first method of measuring the productivity rate of the data extracted from the body of the current research through counting the outputs of noun formation processes, which is a quantitative method, the compound noun pattern (noun + noun) had the highest fertility rate, while in the second method of measuring, the fertility rate of the data extracted from the body of this research, that is, by using single frequency words, which is based on the model of Plague (2003), is not a quantitative method and in this research is only used to compare and verify different productivity measurement methods. The compound noun formation pattern (pronoun + current stem (present)) which had very low productivity in the first method, in the second method has the highest rate of productivity among the compound noun formative patterns and the most productive noun pattern, called compounder.

Volume 18, Issue 118 (December 2021)

Citrus Lemon is one of the medicinal herbs that is cultivated mainly because of its alkaloids, nutritional properties and antioxidants. Lemon peel extract is rich in tocopherol, phenol, flavonoids and vitamin C, and has an antioxidant activity. The purpose of current study was to investigate the effect of solvent, microwave and ultrasound extraction on the antioxidant properties of sour lemon extract. The effects of different methods extraction such as soaking, microwave and ultrasound carried out using water: ethanol solvent (30:70) on amount extraction of tocopherol and phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity, and the study of colorless process of β-carotene-linoleic and the amount of vitamin C in extract of lemon peel to obtain the best extraction efficiency for proper use of the extract. And the antioxidant activity and the inhibitory effect of the linoleic acid oxidation of the extract were compared with synthetic antioxidant BHT. The results showed that the phenolic compounds (480 mg gallic acid/gram), tocopherol (145 mg/ml) and ascorbic acid (85 mg/100 g) in the ultrasonic extraction method had the highest content. Also, the percentage of free radical scavenging DPPH (91%) and the colorless process of β-carotene-linoleic (58%) in the extract extracted by ultrasound showed the highest percentage of inhibition, however, they had a lower percentage of inhibition compared to BHT. According to the results of this study, using an ultrasound method, an extract can be obtained that does not significantly differ with the antioxidant BHT level in terms of antioxidant activity.
Masoomeh arjmandi, Ferdows Agha Aghagolzade,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (2-2016)

   The present study focuses on the evaluation and critical reviewing of equivalence translation process and output. The choices of equivalents were examined by Fairclough’s model (2011) of critical discourse analysis. According to this model, interpretation and explanation of socio – cultural, socio – historical and situational context as macrostructures which examine everything about texts are complementary pairs for descriptive analysis which examine everything in texts as microstructures. To clarify the discussion, translated texts (Meta texts) are analyzed and compared with their source texts (Proto text). The results indicated that in order to find a framework for equivalence; there is a significant need for discursive features which are partly critical and partly descriptive (semantic) as units for translation criticism. These discursive components in translation process have been coined in this study as “CRISEME”.      

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