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Showing 6 results for Vahdati Nasab

Volume 6, Issue 3 (No.3- 2014)

Selecting crown prince has always been an ambiguous enigma in the Sassanid era. Crown prince nomination had been a matter of debates and sometimes quarrels amongst the royal family, the Magi, and the powerful feudals. According to the primogeniture law, in the Sassanid dynasty, crown prince was a position dedicated to the eldest son. However, documents indicate that sometimes the King himself decided to choose a younger son as his successor. One of the most challenging examples of such exceptional cases is the long-lasting quarrel between Narseh and Bahrams (Bahram I, II, and III) for grasping throne, which lasted for three decades. Naresh (youngest son of Shapur I) clearly violated the Primogeniture law and claimed throne over his older brother (Bahram I) and his successors for more than three decades. This research is trying to answer some key questions in this matter: why did Prince Narseh violate the Primogeniture law and claim the power for about three decades? What were his justifications in pursuing the power? Why did he insist on his solicitation? Here we represent another crucial element in selecting crown prince in the Sassanid dynasty, which is called “blood purity”. This law indicates that princes with double - sided pure blood (paternal and maternal) might have been preferred to the elder ones. This research is based on comparative analysis of historical documents, ethnographic studies, and archaeological data via psyco-anthropological view. It seems that in the Sassanid era, the law of “Royal Biternality” or “Royal Bilateral Descent” was superior to the law of “Primogeniture”.

Volume 14, Issue 2 (3-2023)

 Today, some scholars believe in which a matriarchal structure, hereditary succession is traced to a matrilineality line. The residence is matrilocal and all the essentials’ items are in the hands of women. But today we live in societies with the patriarchal and androcentric structure. Some feminist scholars believe that if a matriarchy society existed in prehistory, it may be possible to hope for the end of today's patriarchal structure. Various materials and deposits such as skeletal data and grave goods can be used to search for women, their way of life and their status in the past. With the help of research on women’s burial and how it is done in a burial site and with the help of the findings of the graves; hypotheses can be made as to the existence or absence of a matriarchal structure in that society. In this article, with the help of library research, we give a brief history of the emergence of the hypothesis of matriarchal societies and some of its features. Then, with a descriptive-analytical method and using field research conducted, we express the interpretations obtained from the findings in some burial sites in Southwest Asia. The findings indicate that there should not consider just one form of structure for all prehistoric societies in this region, and on the other hand, with all the research done in this field, there is still no firm and conclusive findings about the existence of matriarchal societies in the prehistoric area of Southwest Asia.

Hamed Vahdati Nasab,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2010)

There has been more than four decades since Frank Hole and Kent Flannery conducted a field expedition in central Zagros Mountains located in western Iran, in 1963. From then onward, numerous discoveries and field projects have been done in this region. Some of these findings may contradict the report of the original survey. Although the goal of this article by no means, is to criticize the 1967 report, it sounds unavoidable to incorporate the new discoveries in it. For instance, the author of this article believes that the twelve missing sites in the 1963 survey were found later, hence; new discoveries in case of the presence of Levallois technique in the Zagros Mountains could change our understanding regarding the Middle Paleolithic of Zagros.
Hamed Vahdati Nasab,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2011)

Although the Iranian plateau has witnessed Paleolithic researches since the early twenty century, still little is known about the Paleolithic of Iran. There are several reasons for this situation and lack of scholarly enthusiasm on the part of Iranian archaeologists seems to be the most imperative one. Concerning the history of Paleolithic surveys and excavations conducted in Iran, three distinct phases are recognizable. First, from the beginning of the twenty century to the 1980 when numerous field missions were executed in this region all by western institutes, second phase observes a twenty years gap in the Paleolithic studies hence; only few surveys could be performed in this period, and the third phase starts with the reopening of the Iranian fields to the non-Iranian researchers, which led to the survey and excavation of handful of new Paleolithic sites. This article reviews Paleolithic researches conducted in Iran since the beginning of twenty century to the present time.
Ali Haghighat, Hamed Vahdati Nasab, Ali Reza Hejebri Nobari, Seyyed Mehdi Mousavi Kouhpar,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (7-2012)

An amalgamation of ancient mythological and linguistic features from Ghabrestan Tepe, this article is disposed to introduce some of the oldest findings especially about the then prevailing myths. It can possibly be said that the oldest motifs carved by men, on bones, stones or on cave walls have been the depictions of myths related to Homo sapiens; however, even after the lapse of thousands of years, it is still impossible to find the main tenets they actually tried to narrate through those depictions. Unfortunately, we have to admit that, even the use of modern methods, doesn’t help us to reach to those stories that are much warped and deformed. This article, tries to carry, what has remained from some later version of the myths, backwards in time and, by focusing on a pottery design, uncover what once has been a mythological and significant narrative. Perhaps this had been a well-known mythological story narrated in religious and domestic circles.    
Mohammad Hosein Rezaei, Ali Reza Hejabri Nobari, Hamed Vahdati Nasab, Farhang Khademi Nadooshan,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (7-2013)

Painted rocks may be considered the oldest manifestation of art in human society. The history of this art is estimated to be more than 30 thousand years. This art has also a long history in Iran.
This article introduces one of these rock art sites i.e. Ghalat Niloo which is located in Kazeroon County, south-east of Ghalat Niloo village. The purpose of this study is to identify and determine the location, the function of concepts, the history, classification and relationship of these designs with similar samples available from other areas. These designs have been engraved on the walls of the caves and include subjects such as hunting, human on horseback with a bow in hand, animal images mostly goats and in one case a dog. They probably date back to the 1st Millennium BC.

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