Showing 13 results for Tavousi
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Aim: Identification of contributory factors in smoking and gaining insight into the roles played by each of these factors including health literacy (HL) may account for quitting or decreasing the prevalence of smoking. The aim of the current study was to identify the effects caused by different HL levels on smoking.
Methods: 347 students inhabiting the dormitories of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences were included in a cross-sectional correlational study. Random cluster sampling was used for the selection of participants. HELIA questionnaire (used for HL measurement in Iranian urban population between 18-65 years of age) and a researcher-made questionnaire (for determining the status of smoking in individuals) were used to collect information from the participants. All data were statistically analyzed by SPSS software.
Findings: The mean and standard deviation of HL score was 70.52±14.12 out of 100. The results indicated that among the university students, 59.7% (201 people) were non-smokers, 23.1% (78 people) were smokers, and 17.2% (58 people) had experienced smoking. These findings reveal that HL is significantly correlated with smoking in university students. Also different levels (insufficient, relatively sufficient, and sufficient) of HL show its significant correlation with smoking, meaning that less HL levels are accompanied by a higher chance of smoking.
Conclusion: The relatively high prevalence of smoking in university students and the impact of HL on smoking highlight the need to increase the level of HL in university students and develop an efficient tool for measuring smoking literacy in all age groups.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (1-2016)
Aim: Smoking is one of the most important causes of respiratory, cardiovascular and cancers diseases. This study examined the smoking-related knowledge, attitudes and practices of dormitory students of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in Tehran. The specific aim is to determine the correlation between the main variables' affect on smoking habits, knowledge and attitudes.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study conducted with descriptive and analytical approach, 340 students were selected through random cluster sampling. The participating students completed an interview measuring demographic characteristics and smoking-related knowledge, attitude and practice. Data were analyzed using Chi-square and Pearson's tests in SPSS (ver. 21).
Findings: The mean and SD of the participants was 22.93±4.05 years. Accordingly, 23% (n=78) of the subjects were current smokers and 17.1% (n=58) had experienced smoking. The knowledge of 1.8% (n=6) of the subjects was weak about smoking's health effects, 9.97% (n=332) had average and 0.3% (n=1) had good knowledge. Attitude of 8.6% (n=29) of the participants about smoking was poor, 29.5% (n=100) average and 61.9% (n=210) good. Relationship between knowledge and attitude about the harms of smoking (r=0.35, p<0.001), between knowledge and smoking (r=0.2, p<0.001), and between attitude and smoking (r=0.45, p<0.001) was significant.
Conclusion: There was a moderate level of knowledge and attitude about smoking hazards among the participants. Also the prevalence of smoking was relatively high. With regard to the statistically significant relationship between knowledge and attitude with smoking, declared health educational programs may enrich current knowledge, and promote the attitudes related to smoking risk and effects on the students' health.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (1-2016)
Aim: The present study was conducted to validate the international version of the resilience scale (CYRM-28) among adolescent youth students.
Methods: The first original scale was translated into Persian language by two experts. Then an integrated version of the two was translated to the language of the original version again; then it was ensured that the content of the Persian and English versions' was matched. The Persian version scale was filled in by 412 high school students (270 males and 142 females) in Tehran, who were selected as a random cluster. Regarding the clear scale structure to assess the validity, construct validity was used (confirmatory factor analysis) using the LISREL software version 8.8. In addition, scale reliability was examined using the two methods of internal correlation coefficient and test-retest.
Findings: Fit Index confirmed the resilience scales' fit ness in confirmatory factor analysis. In examining the reliability using the internal correlation calculation method (Cranach’s alpha), the value of each sub-scale item, as well as that of total questions was higher than the standard value of 0.7 to confirm the tool's reliability. In examining the reliability using test-retest method, correlation coefficient of each sub-scale in two steps was at an acceptable level and significant.
Conclusion: The present study confirmed the three-factor structure of CYRM-28 scale, including the individual sub-scale's relationship with the primary caregiver and contextual factors in the Persian version of the scale. This study showed that the reliability and validity of the Persian version of CYRM-28 was suitable for measuring the resilience of Iranian children and youth.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Background: Extreme temperature events can impose serious impacts on environment and societies. Since the outbreak of cold and frost are one of the important factors of climate in many parts of Iran, utilization of a new model for predicting the continuity of these factors is necessary.
Materials and Methods: This paper uses high-order categorical non-stationary Markov chains to study the occurrence of extreme cold temperature events by transition and probabilities matrixes in Zabol, southeast of Iran. The occurrence of frost days, homogeneity, continuity and spatial duration were analyzed for 30 years (April 1982- April 2012). The multivariate regression was used to modeling and mapping the statistical characteristics of frost and Kriging interpolation method in Arc/GIS was applied for its relationship.
Results: The occurrence of frost days in Zabol was in conformity with Markov model characteristic that showed the continuation of frost days depended on the weather of preceding days.
Discussion and Conclusions: Heavy frost in Zabol is expected to occur in Jan and Feb. Thus, frost-free day cycle duration was more than frost cycle and occurrences of frost in short term were more than long term in the studied period.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)
Aim: One of the influential factors in maintaining health is nutritional status. As a meal that is prepared quickly and easily and sold in restaurants and eateries, fast food has been popular in many communities. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of health education on the knowledge, attitude, and practice of fast food consumption among primary students in Tehran.
Materials and Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 120 primary school students were selected by simple random sampling method during 2015-2016 academic year in Tehran and they were randomly allocated to intervention and control groups. The data were collected from schools in district 6, Tehran, using a valid and reliable questionnaire before and after the intervention in the areas of knowledge, attitude, practice, and demographic variables. The data were analyzed by SPSS 22 software, using descriptive statistics and independent & paired t-tests, Chi-square, and Mann-Whitney tests.
Findings: Regarding the knowledge, attitude, and practice scores, there were no significant differences between the two groups (intervention and control) before the intervention, but during ``3 months after education``, a significant difference in knowledge, attitude, and practice scores was seen (p<0.01). In the intervention group, the mean score for knowledge, attitude, and practice, 3 months after intervention was increased by 7.13, 12.96 and 0.87 scores, respectively (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Increasing the awareness of educational health in terms of knowledge, attitude, and practice is effectivein the reduction of fast food consumption in primary students.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)
Aims: Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) are the main causes of death and have the first place among other diseases throughout the world. Studying the situation of risk factors for CVDs seems necessary in Iran at various periods. The aim of this study was to determine risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) among the employees of Ilam University of Medical Sciences in order to design appropriate educational interventions.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, which was conducted in 2017, 294 employees of Ilam University of Medical Sciences participated after presenting written consent forms. To collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was designed and applied after verifying the validity and reliability (Cronbach’s alpha greater than 0.8). Eventually, the data were analyzed, using SPSS 16 and appropriate statistical methods.
Findings: Generally, 46.3% of the participants had a history of CVDs, 21.8% had a history of death caused by these diseases in their family, and 69.4% had a history of death caused by CVD among their relatives; 72.4% of the participants did not exercise daily and the mean daily exercise of participants was 8.08±1.51 minutes. Totally, 41.5% of the participants were taking solid oil, 78.6% were high-fat dairy consumers, and 41.2% consumed red meat more than twice a week.
Conclusion: Performance of the participants in terms of physical activity and consuming fruits and vegetables, fish, red meat, and fatty foods is undesirable, indicating the unhealthy lifestyle of people and their exposure to CVDs.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)
Aims: This study aimed to determine the relationship between the constructs of Health Belief Model (HBM) and doing daily exercise to prevent cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) among the employees of Ilam University of medical sciences in Iran.
Instrument & Methods: About 294 employees of Ilam University of medical sciences participated in this cross-sectional study after providing a written consent form in 2017. The tool to collect data was an HBM-ISCS questionnaire, which was applied. Eventually, the obtained data were analyzed using SPSS 16 and logistic regression.
Findings: The results showed that 72.4% of participants did not exercise daily, and the Mean±SD of their daily exercise was 8.08±1.51min. Logistic regression showed that the possibility of daily exercise per unit of increase in perceived barriers decreased by about 10%, while every unit of increase in the self-efficacy score resulted in the possibility of 1.12 times more doing daily exercise. The possibility of doing daily exercise among men was 2 times more than in women, and among the personnel of financial/administrative department, it was about 2.5 times more than in the employees of health care department. Accordingly, the possibility of doing exercise decreased by about 8% per unit of increase in work experience.
Conclusion: The amount of doing daily exercise among the participants of this study was low, and implementing interventions commensurate with the results of this study and based on HBM can be effective in improving the amount of doing daily exercise in them.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (10-2019)
The concept of life is one of the main concepts of many ancient civilizations arts, especially in Persian art and civilization. In the present article an attempt has been made to study "the concepts of symbolic and pictorial scenes of pouring win on the ground, presenting gulp and flowers in ancient Persian art, and its continuation in the paintings of Islamic period. The aim of this study is a consideration the content and the origins of one of the most popular scenes in the Islamic arts. The scenes that presented a gift such as flowers or wine to make a beautiful picture. At first glance these motifs can be thought of normal everyday life scenes. But with reviews of its Visual and mythic- religious concept changes in ancient Persian art and culture, can be provide the continuation of a symbolic and Visual archetype on the ancient and Islamic art of Persia. In the present article an attempt has been made to study with an emphasis the mythical and cultural information, Explain the concepts of pouring win on the ground, presenting gulp and flowers in ancient Persian art, Show related images, then analysis them on Islamic art, On the basis of the transmission of symbols and archetype of a culture. Based on comparative mythology, this theory can be said that pouring win on the ground, presenting gulp and flowers are common ritual archetype among the Hindu European groups. This is an issue many of the Scientists have confirmed but the interesting thing that is the key result of this article, is the continuity of meaning and symbolic picture of this pattern in the Islamic art and culture.
Mitra Azad, Mohammad Reza Pour Jafar, Mahmoud Tavousi,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (1-2005)
Various opinions have been put forward about Achaemenian beliefs and thoughts, especially about the religious beliefs of the Achaemenian kings such as Cyrus the Great. Scholars rely on Herodotus’s statements that “they didn’t look at building temples and altars as a religious tradition, they refer believing in these things as ignorance and foolishness in the converse opinion to Greeks. They didn’t believe that Gods had the same nature of human. In their religion, Zeus (Ahura-Mazda) was the sign of the blue dome of the sky and was a wise master. Their traditions were going to the highest peaks of mountains praying and offering sacrifice to God. Sun, moon, fire, water, wind and other divine existences are only bodiless Gods that Iranians pray and offer them sacrifices.” According to Herodotus Iranians in the Achaemenian era, had no idol, temple and altar.
In this article we have used the most accessible sources and references to study Achaemenian religion and their temples. Various opinions from the researchers have been cited here. The historic art of the Achaemenians, the inscriptions, and fire alters quadrangles and fire temples (or Brasmadana) the Achaemenian shrines which were generally located in holy areas are being focused in this article.
Hooman Asadi, Dariush Safvat, Mahmoud Tavousi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (5-2007)
The historical background of the dastgāh concept, and the process through which it replaced the maqām system, still remains a major question in the history of Persian music. It is usually vaguely assumed that both concepts of the dastgāh and the radīf were introduced to Persian music during the Qajar era. The present paper is a first attempt to shed light on the issue through a historical musicological study as well as a number of hitherto neglected Persian musical manuscripts. This paper discusses the gradual historical evolution of the dastgāh concept from its eraliest manisfestations as an entity within the maqām system up to the formation of the idea of the radīf, as the main core and the model repertory of contemporary Persian classical music, in terms of several stages that began in the Safavid period and got its final accomplishment formulation in the Qajar epoch.
Hassan Yousefi, Mohammad Alizadeh Sola, Mahmoud Tavousi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (1-2013)
The Khānegāh or the Shrine of Shaikh Safi al-Din in Ardabil, north-west of Iran, listed as the world heritage site ( by UNESCO) back in 2011 under the identification no. 1450. This ensemble is located at 38° 14´52/5" northern latitude, 48° 17´27/5˝ longitude, and altitude of 1365 above sea level in the center of city of Ardabil.
The ensemble of Shaikh Safi al-Din is a well-developed prototype constituting social, religious, charitable, cultural, and educational functions. With range of versatile spaces, it has met the physical and spiritual needs of residents and pilgrims as such; it includes places to meet needs in fields of education and training, livelihood and healthcare. Relying on the diagram of De Morgan, it seems there are more than 67 spaces and courtyards attached to the Khānegāh, all of which have had a significant role in the training and educational philosophy of Safavid tradition. After decade of Safavid, most part of this magnificent structure damaged.
F. Sarre, a German researcher, conducted one of the earliest studies on the architectural and archaeological history of Ardabil shrine in 1897. Some others such as Dibaj (1948), Ali Akbar Sar-faraz,(1974), Weaver (1974), Morton (1974) and Seyyed Mahmoud Mousawi (1995-6) have also carried out researches on this subject in recent decades. Archaeological works of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization of Islamic Republic also conducted a study under the leadership of Hassan Yousefi in 2007. These studies cleared so many unsolved historical questions about the general plan of the holy shrine.
Sohrab Tavousi, Jalal Sokhanvar,
Volume 26, Issue 4 (12-2019)
This article aims at studying ecofeminism in Vladimir Nabokov’s Laughter in the Dark. Nabokov’s works have been the matter of different perspectives since they have been created but this article claims that what has so far been neglected about his works is that Nabokov’s novels pay respectful attention to nature and its problems. Ecofeminism, a branch of ecocriticism, has been created and widened recently by some prominent thinkers like Susan Griffin and Elizabeth Bishop. In the context of ecofeminism, the similarities between nature and women in having two opposite sides is the site of authorship for some contemporary writers. Nature and women, according to them, are both healer and killer simultaneously. The article shows how these two sides are presented in Nabokov’s novel, and, by means of which it, tacitly, claims that Nabokov, as in his other works, worships nature and its elements.