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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The purpose of this paper is to examine the emotional discourse with semiotic-semantic approach in one of the poems of Mir Razi Danesh Mashhadi. Poetry is the language of the heart that is emerging from the feelings of a poet, and a poet is someone who expresses these feelings and emotions in a rhythmic language in a desired construction. Semiotics and analysis of poetic discourse are novel implementations with various and new functions created for literary studies to evaluate the poet's affection in terms of poetic experience, level and type of affection, imagination, language and audience and demonstrate the poet’s affection in poetry experience dimensions, degree and type of emotion, language, and audience. In this regard, the emotional flow of discourse and the way of creating the meaning in poetry are evaluated in order to study the conditions of formation and production of the emotional system. The main question is how the poet has manipulated discourse elements to create an emotional environment and which pattern of tension in poetry is used and which function of semantic sign emotional process in poetry is based on. The results indicates that the emotional system of discourse in Mirrezi's poetry is a function of the emotional system of sensual- perceptual and tensional-physical discourse and is formed based on the Shushi (Shushi-Eventual) event pattern. In adition, the process of schema emotional tension of poetry is heterogeneous and divergent.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2015)

A new species of oak gallwasp, Andricus synophri (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) is described from Iran. Data on the diagnosis, distribution and biology of the new species are given. This species is known only from asexual females and induces galls on the twigs of Quercus brantii and Q. libani. Galls aremultilocular, develop on lateral buds of young branches. According to its morphology, Andricus synophri belongs to a large group of 12 Andricus species, the “Adleria non-kollari” group.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)

Aim: Many of the oral health problems start in childhood that may affect the way of speaking, eating and even the social manners of the individual. The aim of this study was to test the Trans-theoretical Model to gain an understanding of the inter-dental cleaning behavior change in mothers and their children in the city of Sanandaj. Methods: This study was a randomized controlled trial, conducted in 2011 in eight Health Centers in Kurdistan province, Iran. Using a cluster sampling, we conducted a prospective study. The participants were grouped into an intervention group including 25 couples of mother and child, and a control Group including another 25 couples of mother and child. The intervention program was designed based on Trans-theoretical Model. The Gingival index of mothers and their children were recorded before and after the intervention. The data were analyzed using SPSS-16 software and with paired T-test. Findings: Most of the mothers in the intervention group (64% vs. 96% in control group) did not use any of the tools (dental floss and tooth picks). After intervention, most of the mothers and their children were in action and preparation stages and the direction of change improved after the intervention. Significant statistical differences were found in self-efficacy, perceived benefits, and also Gingival index before and after the intervention between two groups (p= 0.03-0.001). Conclusions: There was a positive relationship between stages of behavior of inter-dental cleaning in mothers and their children. Qualitative research can be used to reveal underlying inter-dental cleaning perception and behaviors of mothers and children.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)

Hydrodynamic factors have been proved to effectively influence the high-performance heap leaching, hence this study evaluates them on column bioleaching of low grade uranium ore. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to predict the behavior of effective parameters particle size, irrigation rate, aeration rate and their interactions in the bioleaching process. Obtained results showed that the best model for the recovery of each metal was the quadratic model. The maximum values of uranium recovery at the optimum condition, (d80 5, mm particle size, 0.34, l/m2/min irrigation rate, and 210, l/m3/min aeration rate), were 63.85%. The results from the model and the experimental data show good agreement.


Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2016)

This paper provides data on distribution of 13 chalcid wasp species (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Chalcididae) belonging to 9 genera and three subfamilies Chalcidinae, Dirhininae and Haltichellinae from Hormozgan province, southern Iran. All collected species are new records for the province. Two species Dirhinus excavatus Dalman, 1818 and Hockeria bifasciata Walker, 1834 are recorded from Iran for the first time. In the present study, D. excavatus is a new species record for the Palaearctic region. An updated list of all known species of Chalcididae from Iran is also included.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Special for Virtual Conference of Health Education & Promotion - 2014)

Aim: Substance abuse is a substantial threat and problem to public health. The goal of drug abuse treatment is to return people to a productive normal situation in the family, workplace, and community. Treatment dropout is one of the major problems, encountered by the treatment programs. The maintenance of treatment is associated with retention in treatment, and many factors are associated with retention. The main purpose of this study is to examine the factors that play important role in retention of addiction treatment. Methods: This is a qualitative research with conventional content analysis method. Purposive sampling was applied and continued until data saturation was achieved. The participants were 22 volunteers, including outpatients, physicians and psychotherapists. The method of data collection was semi-structured face to face interview (30- 40 minutes). All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Findings: By content analysis, two categories were obtained, including emotional and informational support. The main common theme of categories was social support, which was the major requirement to retain the treatment among drug abuse outpatients. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that social support is one of the essential services to stop or reduce substance abuse. Recognizing this factor could improve interaction between the family, clinical staff and patients in addiction treatment retention.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (Summer 2020)

The 21th century has been confronted with wonderful changes in the dimensions of technology, social, economic, and political, perhaps no organization and settlement be safe from their changes and events. In recent decades, strategic management is one of the important organizational and institutional issues that has attracted researchers and experts. In addition, this strategic management has expressed among many new theories and approaches in developed countries and, consequently in all over the world including Iran, which in turn created a lot of new theoretical and practical challenges. This research has been tried by using a descriptive method, discourse analysis, and critique of the framework, that propose strategic management as new management in the service description of spatial planning. Therefore, in the first step, examined the constituent parts of the management spatial planning in the description of the services and then described planning and strategic management and strategic management process as the integrated and practical and at the end, presented suggestions for achieving strategic management in the description of the services of spatial planning with the achieve of integrated management, in the service description of the spatial planning, we will see the operational of the spatial planning oriented programs in the territory of Iran.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2017)

In the present study, the family Sclerogibbidae (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) is newly recorded for the Iranian insect fauna by several records of a single species, Sclerogibba talpiformis Benoit, 1950. The materialwas captured by a series of Malaise traps in the provinces of Fars andHormozgan (south of Iran) during 2013–2015.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2014)

  A Production system with push control system uses materials requirements planning (MRP) to plan purchasing and manufacturing physical resources. Therefore a material planning system provides a basis for scheduling production and purchasing materials. Firms are looking for a way to deal with fluctuations causes by environmental uncertainty, which include fluctuations in demand and supply of raw materials. Using safety stock which is a certain amount of goods or materials kept as inventory to deal with uncertainty is one way to deal with fluctuation issue. Despite the safety stock importance, there is no comprehensive framework for decision making about this issue. The aim of this paper is to provide a dynamic model for MRP system. By applying this model, a suitable policy of safety stock is achieved. Then, the appropriate amount of safety stock can be obtained and total inventory cost can be reduced. A system dynamics approach is used to simulate the model and demand and lead time are considered probabilistic. After designing the model, different scenarios of safety stock have been proposed. Used criteria for selecting an appropriate scenario is total inventory cost, and finally a scenario in which the total inventory cost is at its lowest amount would be chosen as the best scenario.    

Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2018)

This article whit a descriptive-analytic method studied and compared two poet’s descriptions about the nature’s perspective. Conclusion: After comparing two poets various description subjects the research conclusions show that they enjoyed a nice and subtle humor as well as sweet speech and rich hobby, that provided for them a great power to describe the nature. Some of their descriptions of the nature have the color of the aristocracy. It seems that Mutran in describing some elements of the nature was under the influence of Arabic literature and Qaani influenced of Persian literature.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (10-2012)

  The most important concerns of every government in order to achieve social justice and development are to get rid of the social problems caused by poverty, illiteracy and unemployment,and to fulfill the economic, social and cultural needs of people to establish security and social justice. Therefore, it is forced to adapt appropriate policies for the allocation of resources and facilities available to different economic, educational, therapeutic and recreational sectors. To implement this issue, determining priority and the advantage of different sectors is the first step to be taken in order to allocate optimum sources and facilities. Obviously,with out social classification, planning for development would not be possible. One way to achieve the development of scientific classification is taxonomy. The main concern of this paper is to show the implementation of taxonomy method and advantages of this method for ranking different sectors, and, moreover, to explain how to determine the priority of each sector. This study is descriptive and the methodology used in ofthe document using secondary sources.        

Volume 4, Issue 2 (Summer 2020)

Research Subject: One of the important methods in the treatment of skin wounds is the use of wound dressings. Recently, the use of polymer-based wound dressings has become increasingly common. The use of natural polymers is very important in wound dressings. The aim of the present study is to design and manufacture a polyvinyl alcohol/aloe vera wound dressing with the capability of healing skin wounds.
Research Approach: The electrospinning method was applied to prepare the samples. Aloe vera gel was first extracted, purified, and powdered by freeze-drying. In all samples, the amount of polyvinyl alcohol and aloe vera powder was fixed at 8 wt.%. This value was selected empirically based on the quality of the produced fibers. Different samples including different amounts of polyvinyl alcohol and aloe vera were produced and their properties including morphology, tensile strength, swelling, degradability, and antimicrobial properties were investigated.
Main Results: The results showed that the dropless random oriented fibers with uniform diameter were produced. The diameter increased with increasing aloe vera contribution, which was attributed to an increase in viscosity due to the presence of aloe vera. With increasing aloe vera contribution in the samples, tensile strength decreased and the elongation percentage increased. The swelling behavior of the specimens was evaluated by measuring the weight of the specimens in a simulated skin environment and the results showed that the presence of aloe vera increased the hydrophilic properties of the specimens. Antimicrobial activity of the samples against two gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated using the disk diffusion method and it was found that the presence of Aloe vera in the samples brought antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Finally, the findings of this study confirm the feasibility of using polyvinyl alcohol /aloe vera for the production of the electrospun wound dressing.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2016)

Aim: Nowadays, sexual behaviours of the youths have turned into a controversial issue all over the world due to widespread sexually transmitted infections (STIs), human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) and unwanted pregnancies. Regarding the increasing interactions of the youths with their friends and peers in Iranian society in the recent years, this research was conducted to explain the role of friends and peers to establish pre-marital sexual relationships among the youths.
Methods: This qualitative research was conducted on 30 single boys and girls aged 18-24 years, living in Isfahan, Iran, who had already started sexual activities and 17 other participants who were in a way involved in the experienced events by the youths. Data collection was done using semi-structured interviews. Data were analysed using conventional content analysis.
Findings: After analyzing the interviews, two sub-categories emerged including "being influenced by friends and peers" and "exchanging sexual information and contents", which were entitled “The effects of youths, interactions with friends and peers” as the main category.
Conclusion: Considering the important role of friends and peers in shaping pre-marital sexual relationships among the youths, providing them with comprehensive educational programs about STIs, HIV/AIDS, and sexual health protection through peer-based educational approach is necessary.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Aim: Health literacy means having basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between health literacy and knowledge in rural patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was performed on 120 patients with type 2 diabetes patients in 2016 in two health homes of Hossein Abad and Kaghazi villages of Aran and Bidgol City in Isfahan Province. Sampling was done by census. Data were gathered by three questionnaires. They were valid and standard questionnaires including demographic, knowledge and HELIA. The data were analyzed by SPSS16 software using descriptive statistics, T-test, correlation coefficient and ANOVA.
Findings: In this study, the participants were 66.7% women, 29/2% worker, 5/8% employee, 4/2% retired, 5% unemployed, and the rest were housewives. The mean score of health literacy and knowledge was 13/82±2/20 and 114±23/21, respectively. The mean age of the participants was 48/88±9/57 years, the mean score of knowledge and health literacy of the participants was 13/82±2/20, 114±23/21, respectively. There was a significant relationship between health literacy and knowledge (p=0.007) and between health literacy and educational level (p<0.05). Also there was a significant difference in health literacy between men and women (p=0.001).
Conclusion: According to the results of the study on the relationship between health literacy and educational level, this study suggests that since the women have an axial role in family health, in order to improve the level of knowledge, the formal education level in rural women diabetic patients must be increased.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)

Spatial policy regarding flood risk management is a series of actions that are aimed at achieving a logical solution in reducing the damage caused by floods and reducing the spread of floods (Sinha et al., 2020). The impact of devastating floods on global lives and livelihoods is growing. Large-scale floods caused 104 billion US dollars in damages globally between 2000 and 2015 (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2015). As the climate changes, populations increase, and demand for housing and infrastructure grows, now more than ever, society needs to manage its flood risk and adapt to climate change. For this reason, achieving a spatial and logical comprehensive policy in flood risk management in a way that is efficient and sustainable, in research, policies and practice, requires (related program in flood management, 2017). Accordingly, the issue raised here is that; among the mentioned indicators, which of them is more important in making the spatial policy of rural flood risk management more efficient? Based on this, the necessity of research in this direction is that the present research has first identified all the items related to the indicators. Then he examines the importance of each of them in order to be able to answer this research problem.
The method of the present research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of the nature of information gathering. The method of data collection in this research will be both library and field. In the first step, library studies related to the research title will be used to compile the research literature, background, and theoretical foundations of the research. In addition, in the second step, it is used in the field and quantitatively by using the questionnaire tool to check the hypotheses of the research. The statistical population of this research consists of experts in the field, including faculty members specializing in this field, graduates and doctoral students with the title of a related thesis, and people in charge of the field, for this purpose, 70 samples have been selected (explained in the table below). From their point of view, the related questionnaire has a favorable level of validity and reliability with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.97, which shows a very favorable level. Finally, one-way ANOVA (F) statistical test was used to analyze the data obtained from the mentioned questionnaire for the items of each index and finally all the indices.
Result and discussion
According to the problem stated in the introduction, in order to examine the importance of various indicators in the spatial policy of rural flood risk management, to examine the status of each of the five indicators (environmental, economic, social-cultural, managerial-institutional) and physical (land use)) deals with spatial policy of rural flood risk management To be able to identify the various aspects of the importance of each of the indicators and finally respond to the problem according to the opinions of the sample community.
To determine the importance of each of the indicators on the spatial policy of rural flood risk management, we have used Duncan's post hoc test, and the output of this test is grouped into three spectrums. They are classified according to their importance. So that the environmental index is the least important with a value of 2.9484 in spectrum one along with the economic index with a value of 3.1056, but the economic index is due to its proximity to social-cultural indicators with a value of 3.2381 and managerial-institutional indicators. With the value of 3105.3, they are the same shade in the spectrum and these two indicators (social-cultural and managerial-institutional) are placed in the third spectrum because of their proximity to the importance of the physical index (land use) and the only index that is the individual is placed in a spectrum and group. It is the physical index (land use) which is placed in the third group with the value of 3.4186 and has the largest sub-set for alpha, which shows the greater importance of this index on the spatial policy of management. The flood risk for the villages located in the watershed of Gorgan River in Golestan province has been that the following graph, which is the output of Duncan's post hoc test, also indicates the same performance of the indicators that as can be seen, environmental indicators are the least important. In addition, after that, the social-cultural index is the least important, and then the economic index and then the administrative-institutional index play a more important role. Finally, the physical indicators (land use) are the most important. The category of significance level, which is stated below the three groups, shows the lack of significance within the groups because of the closeness of their performance within each of the three spectrums.
According to the investigations carried out in the present study in two steps, first, through the study of available sources, the effective indicators and items in the spatial policy of rural flood risk management have been identified. Based on this, 5 indicators and 120 items have been identified. In order to check the importance of each of them, according to the type of indicators, ANOVA test (one-way analysis of variance) was used, the results of which can be summarized as follows: in the inter-group and intra-group sections. It is possible to understand the level of output desirability according to the average of squares and the sum of squares But what is important and effective in the ANOVA test output table is the F test statistic and the significance level value, which the test statistic number is 6.229 and the significance level value is 99 percent, which shows the very high importance of the five indicators on politics. Spatial planning is rural flood risk management. Based on this, Duncan's test was used to determine the importance of each of the indicators separately, and the results show that the output of this test is that the indicators are grouped into three spectrums, the reason for this problem Three spectrums are categorized according to their importance, So that the environmental index is the least important with a value of 2.9484 in spectrum one along with the economic index with a value of 3.1056, but the economic index is due to its proximity to social-cultural indicators with a value of 3.2381 and managerial-institutional indicators. With the value of 3105.3, they are the same shade in the spectrum and these two indicators (social-cultural and managerial-institutional) are placed in the third spectrum because of their proximity to the importance of the physical index (land use) and the only index that is Separately, it is placed in a spectrum and group, it is the physical index (land use), which is placed in the third group with a value of 3.4186, and has the largest subset for alpha.This shows the greater importance of this index on the spatial policy of flood risk management for the villages located in the Gorgan River watershed of Golestan province, and the following graph, which is the output of Duncan's post hoc test, also indicates the same performance of the indicators. As it can be seen, the environmental indicators are the least important, then the socio-cultural index is the least important, and then the economic index and then the administrative-institutional index play a more important role. Finally, physical indicators (land use) have the most importance in the spatial policy of rural flood risk management.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Spatial court in the city, management, distribution and distribution of space services and urban possibilities, special attention e-mail. In the discussion of equality and equality, none of the urban groups and classes of residents have a tendency to oppose each other and they provide equal treatment for everyone, regardless of social and economic status, for access to general urban services. For this reason, this topic, as it prevents the accumulation of possibilities and urban services in one area, the polarization of the city space and social inequalities, it makes access to the possibilities in the city for everyone. In accordance with this, the present research is aimed at assessing the spatial justice in the distribution of services and urban possibilities in the palaces of eight Shahr, Tehran.
The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on library and documentation methods. The data used in this research are the data that have been extracted from urban areas. In order to analyze the information, in the first stage, using the entropy scale, balance (equality) or disequilibrium (inequality), each of the uses has been analyzed and then proceeded to rank the 13 palaces, regions. And the level of utilization of urban services and possibilities using the Cocoso model has been used for ranking the regions
Result and discussion
Since the globalization of cities and the urbanization of the world is the most prominent feature of the twenty-first century. Especially fortunately, the growth of urbanization in the majority of cities in the developing countries is more rapid. Various (housing, traffic, pollution, urban identity, commercial land, unsustainable land use, etc.) have been faced.
Land, as a limited, scarce and non-renewable commodity, in the face of rapid urban development and increasing collective demand, is transformed into an expensive and profitable commodity, as a result of which it is considered as a means of commerce for the purpose of securing profit and general welfare and improving the standard of living. Special groups are declared and cause many social, economic and environmental problems.
Based on these problems and difficulties of the current urbanization in this research with a radical and critical approach based on theories related to justice and spatial equality, after identifying and analyzing urban land use conditions, types and programs derived from them, the percentage of their realization. Reasons and forces influencing their realization or non-realization, as well as the space produced, the positive or negative spatial-spatial effects resulting from them. Perhaps the most important concern that prompted me to address this matter is the chaotic and confused situation in the suburbs of the three districts and the palaces of the third district of the eight city of Tehran in recent years.
The conditions are not improving, they are getting worse day by day. The situation of overcrowding and non-distribution of inappropriate uses, which have arisen due to major reasons, have led this region to a state of chaos. The urban land has been transformed into a bubble with the expansion of the stock market, the dimensions of which are getting bigger and bigger every day. Since the use of urban land is the core of urban planning, based on this assumption, it is possible to understand the root problems and spatial problems of the current urban area.
The results obtained indicate the imbalance in the distribution of spatial services and urban possibilities. Based on the results of the entropy method, cultural quality with a weight of 0.463 has won the first rank. Sports quality with a weight of 0.255 has won the second rank and green space quality with a weight of 0.153 has won the third rank. According to the Cocoso  model and according to the results, Kerman district has won the first rank, Fadak has won the second rank and Wahidiya has won the third rank. Therefore, the eastern region and its palaces, which are located in District 1 and part of District Two, are in a better condition than the western region, where the palaces of District Three are located.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Growth, sex ratio and age of 188 specimens of Tench, Tinca tinca, from Anzali wetland were recorded during Nov. 2013 to June 2014. The age range of fish was 0+ to 6+ years. Male to female sex ratio was 1:1.7 that differed significantly (P<0.05). Maximum total length (TL) and weight (W) was 40.7 cm and 1000g, respectively. The b value of the length-weight relationship was 2.70 that showed negative allometric growth (p<0.05). The growth performance index (ϕ) was calculated as 2.61. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth parameters were (L= 47.48 cm, k= 0.18 yr- and t0= -1.07 yr). Tmaxwas calculated 16.41 years. Also infinity weight (W) was estimated as 1261.43 g. The present investigation provides basic information about population structure of Tench (T. tinca) in Anzali wetland.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Settlement of benthic community depends on environmental conditions and interspecific reactions. The effect of substrates on the surface cover by the soft coral, Zoanthus sansibaricus, and the brown algae, Iyengaria stellata and their computational condition, was compared in the Hormuz Island by estimating of coverage area in 40 quadrates (50×50 cm). Z. sansibaricus is a dominant soft coarl (Zoanthid) species in Hormuz island coasts in the other side I. stellata considered as dominant macroalgea, most of year in area. Significant negative correlation (p<0.01; r = -0.607) revealed competition between two species in settlement on the two substrates. Soft coral with 61.7% coverage was dominant vs. 16.8% for brown algae on muddy-Rubble substrate, but on sandy-Rubble substrate, the brown algae was dominant with 37.8% coverage vs. 19.5% for the soft coral. It seems that better compitiunal conditions in settlement on unconsolidated substrate have some advantages for Z. sansibaricus on Muddy-rubble substrate.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Today, Mobile Health interventions as a group of Electronic Health interventions used to provide health information and improve health outcomes. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Health Belief Model-based (HBM) education on self-care in diabetic patient via Telegram, among participants.
Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was done from Jun 2016 to September 2017 in the health centers of Tabriz. Out of 20 health complexes in Tabriz, randomized (stepwise sampling) 5 complex selected. Then from each complex, 2 health center was selected randomly. With randomly sampling method, 68 patients with diabetes were selected (34 participants in the intervention group and 34 participants in the control group). In intervention group, educational text messages based on HBM was sent via Telegram during one month regularly. Three months later, both Intervention and control group completed researcher-made questionnaires by self-report. The data were analyzed by Chi-square test, paired t-test, Pearson’s test and SPSS 19 software.
Findings: There was no significant difference in several demographic characteristics between two groups. Comparison of the mean difference of knowledge and in HBM constructs before of intervention in the groups showed no significant difference (p>0.05). There was a significant mean difference in the HBM constructs between two groups after intervention (p<0.05). There were significant correlations between the HBM constructs (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Educational messages improve the perception constructs of HBM constructs for adopting self-care behaviors.

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