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Volume 1, Issue 3 (10-2014)

Background: Immunological factors are important in pregnancy loss because of the interaction between mother and fetus. T-regulatory cells as the component of humeral immune response play important role in the fetu-maternal interface. One of the regulatory mechanisms for these cells is mediated by antigen independent co-stimulatory signals and interaction of Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Antigen 4 (B7/CTLA-4) is one of these signals. The CTLA-4 which down regulates the activation and proliferation of T-cells occurs in a competitive interaction with CD28 to bind to B7. The aim of this study was to find out the relationship of CTLA-4 +49A/G gene with Recurrent Miscarriage in a group of Iranian women. Methods: In the present study, 60 women with the history of two or more pregnancy loss were selected and considered as the case group. A group of women (n=60) with at least two live births without any previous history of pregnancy loss and autoimmune diseases were taken as control group. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood using standard protocols. The CTLA-4 +49 A/G were detected using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms assay. Results: The results showed that CTLA-4 +49 A/G polymorphisms were not significantly different in women with the history of two or more pregnancy loss compared to normal individuals. The frequency of G-allele polymorphism was 39.16% and 35.83% in patients and controls respectively. Conclusions: The data presented may suggest that the CTLA-4 is not associated with recurrent miscarriage in an Iranian population in Northwest region.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2011)

By the establishment of local semi-independent governments in the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, Iranian north provinces were cover of conflicts between the local governors with Omayyad and Abbasids Caliphates. Supplying political security in Tabaristan and creating suitable conditions for economic development led to formation of multiple garrisons in the vast geography of the region. These buildings, by the historical and geographical sources, have been nominated as Maslah-i-, Sakhlou and Zeynistan. The Garrisons in Abbasids period. Were built by Abol-Abbas-i- Tousi. The geographical coverage of these garisons included in Plain, jungles and Mountainous areas. Starting from Tammish-i- city in the east of Tabaristan to the Chalous city in the west. The quantity of garrisons has differed between 31, 45 to 50 numbers. In this research, we recognized 31 garrisons. Also we tried determine the distribution of garrisons according to historical and geographical sources.

Volume 2, Issue 8 (winter 2009)


Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2014)

In 2010- 2012 surveys, witches'- boom disease of tomato was observed in Borazjan area (Bushehr province, Iran). Agent of the disease was transmitted from tomato to tomato and eggplant by grafting and to Madagascar periwinkle via dodder inoculation, inducing phytoplasma-type symptoms in inoculated plants. Presence of phytoplasma in naturally affected tomatoes and all symptomatic graft and dodder inoculated plants was confirmed by direct and nested polymerase chain reactions (PCR) using primer pairs P1/P7 and R16F2n/R16R2. BLAST search and phylogenetic analysis of 16SrDNA showed that detected phytoplasma belonged to peanut witches'- broom (16SrII) group. Phylogenetic analysis, percent homology and virtual RFLP indicated that, as a member of 16SrII group, Borazjan tomato witches’- broom (BTWB) phytoplasma together with Bushehr eggplant and alfalfa witches’- broom (BEWB and BAWB, respectively) phytoplasmas were classified with Candidatus Phytoplasma australasia, a phytoplasma related to 16SrII-D subgroup. Based on the same analysis, BTWB, BEWB and BAWB phytoplasmas were differentiable from three other Iranian 16SrII related phytoplasmas associated with alfalfa witches'- broom diseases in Yazd and Fars provinces and lime witches'- broom disease in southern Iran.This is the first report of tomato witches'- broom disease and characterization of its associated phytoplasma in Iran.

Volume 3, Issue 4 ((Articles in Persian) 2012)

The Difference between Narrator and Spoken Narration: The Analysis of “Lion and Cow” Story in Kelile and Bidpay The comparison includes: narrator’s participation in the beginning of the story, extradigestic and intradigestic narrator, the role of narrator in lexical emphasis, narrator’s tone, the mode of narrator’s conclusion, the focalizer-narrator, and strong appearance of the narrator in the end of the story. Finally, the difference between two styles in narration of two texts (Kelile and Bidpay).  

Volume 3, Issue 5 (Spring & Summer 2016)

Translation of Quran into other languages is necessary in accelerating the process of human evolution in non-Arab communities. Because, Quran's translation has a considerable impact on culture and society, as the social and cultural context of translator plays an important role in his translation. The comparison of four French translations of Quran from 17 to 20 century, relying on the cultural verses of Sūrah al-Ḥujurāt, helps the authors to express the evolutionary process of the Quran's translation and to clarify this mutual influence. The appropriate translation of these verses, teaches the civilized language to the audience. The correct translation would require correct decoding of the source text and then correct encoding in the target text. The definition of three levels: structure, content and context as the base of the study of translation, introduces the appropriate translation. It clarifies that the maximum commitment to ST moreover to preventing damage to the meaning, complete process of the transmission in a best way by considering these three levels and on the basis of various strategies of translation into demanded conditions in the verse. Thus, this paper chooses Library resources with descriptive-analytical processing and the main objective of this paper is to investigate the evolution of translating the Quran in French, the introducing of superior translation, highlighting of the position of some approaches, by the translation theorists. In this way it is possible to find a combined pattern of approaches to provide a translation of the Quran. We will respond to cause of the revisions of the translations, during the time.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)

Imagology is one of the literary theories in comparative literature .Imagologie's component can be considered in six components: cliché, mold pattern, pre judgment, image, symbol and myth. In this article, foreign's image in Ferdosi's Shahname is epic work which is in defense of Iranian's national country and it is analysed in aspect of stereotypes processing. cliche (public belief) is a expression that is used by water Lip Man in America for stating public belief among one group or culture. The result of this research is that the reflect of foreign's image in Shahname in form of stereotype processing contain 13/58 percent from all of the four cases of foreigns personalities which are surveyed in this research. According to cliché's component, foreign personalities in Shahname can be divided to three categories: a) foreign's personalities who are linked by marriage with Iran. B) personalities who are going to impose a power or taking taxes ,attacked to Iran. C) using Iran's hero's power in foreign country. Among this one, the most relationship with foreign is done by establishing adultery link laundering .ferdosi has drawn the cause and result of these relations by others unpleasantly.  

Volume 4, Issue 1 (spring 2023)

Aims: With the onset of Covid-19 in the world, one of the crises that has arisen in the field of tourism industry, which in turn has affected the quality and well-being of the lives of residents in tourist areas, among which it is very necessary to pay attention to the social effects of tourism. The present research aims to measure the social effects of tourism on the quality of life in Tabriz city with the onset of Covid-19.
Methods: The current research is descriptive-analytical and survey. The statistical population of the research is the population over 18 years old in Tabriz city. Structural equations (EMS) with Amos and SPSS software were used for data analysis.
Findings: The findings show that interpersonal trust, attachment to place, understanding of social effects and Covid-19 have the greatest effects on the quality of life of residents with the effect coefficient of 0.825, 0.801, 0.735 and 0.711 respectively. The city of Tabriz has had in terms of tourism.
Conclusion: As a result, when people enter a place (tourism), they choose social behavior and environmental behavior to protect the place in order to help its practical purpose (tourism benefits) and thus They support the development of tourism. This, in turn, can play an effective role in realizing other key goals of stability, well-being and improving the quality of life of the residents of Tabriz during the time of Covid-19 and epidemics and after.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (Winter 2021)

Research subject: In recent years, due to limited water resources and the extraordinary increase in nitrates in the environment, efforts to remove and control in order to benefit from the natural adsorbents have been made. Although according to the negatively charged surface of bentonite particles, absorbent needs improvement.
Research approach: In the current study, the adsorption of nitrate columns by the modified calcium montmorillonite adsorbent was investigated. Furthermore, In order to change the surface load and increase the adsorption efficiency, three-step acid leaching, oxidation layering, and loading of the cationic surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide on the adsorbent were performed. Molecular interaction and crystallography of pure montmorillonite and synthetic nano-adsorbent (ACZ) were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray analysis. Moreover, the morphology of ACZ nano adsorbents was evaluated using Transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.
Main results: Nanoparticle compaction and less access to pores and cavities in the fixed bed column reduced the adsorbent capacity inside the column compared to the discontinuous system.
The results showed that an increase in inlet concentration from 80 to 150 mg/L increased the adsorption capacity from 67.39 to 88.25 mg/g. Reducing the inlet flow rate increased the penetration time, interaction, and greater access to the binding sites for nitrate ions and finally improved the column performance and increased the inlet flow rate reduced the adsorption capacity and breakthrough time. Therefore, the adsorption of nitrate ions by the stage of internal mass transfer is controlled and depends on the duration of interaction and the possibility of penetration into the active sites. With increasing the bed height from 4.2 to 9 cm, there was a significant increase in adsorption capacity from 60.608 to 77.167 mg/g. The effect of detergents and recovery showed an absorption column; After 3 leaching steps, acid leaching played an important role in increasing column recovery. Experimental data with correlation coefficients of R2>0.95 corresponded to Thomas and Yoon-Nelson kinetic models.
In this study, the ACZ nano adsorbent column for rapid removal of nitrate ions from aqueous solutions was introduced and for use in reusable systems was proposed.


Volume 4, Issue 13 (Spring 2011)

Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Since the literary language disrupts mimetic and common framework, the relationship between imagination and reality should be featured. The richness of imaginative representations is also in the light of the literary representation. The literary representation of a place creates another place in the mind and some non-visible virtual spaces are activated. Figures of speech show the literary characteristics of architecture, as well as dialectical relationship between real and imaginary architectural space. So the vocabulary of emotion and the experience of the "I" of several French authors which are selected from the eighteenth century onwards, faced with Iran's architectural spaces will be studied; because, through the different perceptions of subjects, these spaces expand in the literary world. Also, the entrance of time into the world of discourse, cause confusion with the place and the production of meaning.The specification of the relationship between the architecture and the subject, involves examining the space-time architecture in the works of the selected authors. Thus, the need to strive to preserve aesthetic beauty is highlighted, and the plan for the reconstruction of some architectural spaces is to be obtained beyond this reading. This study is aimed at building a symbolic network of Iranian architectural space. Explore of beyond the symbolic architectural spaces reveals the authors' personal myth, and it brings a new identity to the world of work and the architectural spaces in which it flows. Such a study requires a reliance on geocriticism and documentary method, with descriptive-analytic processing.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (5-2016)

If the organizational excellence models employ correctly, they would be effective tools for institutionalizing organizational concepts & values, employing self-assessment methods, organizational learning and continuous improvement in the organizations. And also it will provide recognition of the best processes. Islamic Republic of Iran Police tries to design and operationalize its excellence models, but the proportionate excellence patterns that can be applicable for Islamic Republic of Iran Police, hasn’t designed and executed yet. So the subject of this research is to design an organizational excellence model in Islamic Republic of Iran Police. To develop this model weights of criteria has obtained using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and relationships between criteria has determined using DEMATEL method. results show that leadership criteria has the highest score between enablers and the most effectiveness on others. Additionally, client results have the highest score between results and is the main receiver between other criteria. Finally a hierarchy method to prioritize improvement projects has suggested.

Volume 5, Issue 12 (3-2017)

In this study, we have investigated Sam battles; the hero of Sam Nameh; applying structural research methodology. To this goal, at first , the collection of battles have been categorized in five agents such as subject , battle’s motif , battle adversary, adjuvants , and the results of battle. Then, by summarizing table data, we reached nine total conclusions related to the battle’s structure of this poems. At the next step, by reducing these nine conclusions, we obtained three general formula. The main function of Sam nameh hero’s battles is to highlight an exaggerated hero who is always victorious. In a non-linear study and regarding sender / motif pairs, the progress of battles is separable. The first class includes hero’s battles from beginning of the story till his departure to the land of Shadad A’d and then his battles with the king of china and his army by the motif of love.    
Second class has been devoted to the collection of hero’s battles with regard to religious motifs and other marginal factors. Also, Sam Nameh hero’s is an independent actant who do not obey any king. Considering this fact and absence of no national motif , it is possible to say that Sam Nameh is not an epic work , rather this is a love story whose poet intervention in order to shape a an affected discourse has made it an exclusive work with special structures. 

Volume 5, Issue 15 (7-2017)

A large number of beliefs and old credences of Turkmen people inhabiting in Turkmen Sahra can be categorized based on the cultural reflections appeared in rituals like Porkhani or Daggers Dance. These rituals and costumes reflect the beliefs and ideas borrowed from neighboring societies or ancient religions dating back to the pre islamic era as well as Islamic ideology.

From a different angle studying the superstitious beliefs such as believing in evil creatures, harmful ghosts, demons,fairies are indications of vicissitude history of Turkmen people.

In this research we endeavoured to re estate information gathered from field work research as well as presenting credible research resources utilising comprehensive analysis from phenomenology of symbols of religious-tribal turkmen rituals.

The anthropological study of Shamanism as the main religious idea among ancient turkmens and synthesis of iranian elements along with Sufism with it is the dominant content of this research paper that depicts the belief system turkmens. This phenomena is called “folk religion” that is an amalgamation of beliefs, primitive perceptions, legends, myths, ancient religions, subordinate and tribal ideologies along with manipulated and false images and lastly the official religion of the territory.

Folk religion is an absorbing subject for folklorists, anthropologists and ethnologists so that they can record and recognise the consisting elements and worldview, mood, mentality of people in general.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (No.3- 2014)

Sassanid reign, as one of the most powerful Iranian dynasties, lasted for over four centuries before the Arab Moslems’ attack to Iran. The great Sassanid government managed to convert the Feudal Iran of Parthian era into a united and strong country thanks to its central government and Zoroastrianism nationalism; this not only recreated political power but also hugely revolutionized the cultural and social issues in Iran. However, different factors, after a while, led to the gradual weakness and suppression of this dynasty before the Arab Moslems’ attack. In this research, auditing the historians of all these four centuries of the early Islamic era including Abou- HanifehDinvari, Yaghoubi, Masoudi, Tabari, and EbneMoskouyeh exactly and from all aspects, many attempts have been made to figure out and analyze the reasons of this gradual weakness and overthrown of Sassanid Reign the emnloying a historical-descriptive method. The results of this research reveal that in the view of the historians of all these four centuries of the early Islamic era, the following factors were the most crucial reasons of Sassanid’s downfall and defeat before the Arab Moslems: religious prejudice, high position of Zoroastrian clergymen, well-borns’ increasing power, massacre of the royal family by Shirouyeh, the last Sassanid kings’ lack of authority, a military coup against the kings, long exhausting overseas battles, especially the constant wars against the Rome Empires, toppling the Ale-Lakhm by KhosrouParviz, economic pressures on people and heavy taxes, natural disasters like the Tigris and Euphrates rivers bursting their banks, and hidden helps.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)

Aims: Green algae (Chlorophyta), as a diverse group of algae, has almost omnipresent distribution in the Caspian Sea and plays an important role in ecosystem functioning. The aim of this study was to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution and biomass trend of planktonic green microalgae (Chlorophyta) in southeast of the Caspian Sea.
Materials & Methods: This experimental study was performed by sampling water from south of the Caspian Sea in Mazandaran province during the winter 2015 and summer 2016. Water sampling was done along two half-lines perpendicular to the estuaries of "Tajan" and "Babolrood" rivers in 8 stations and 4 depths (less than 1, 5, 10, and 20 m) in the euphotic zone, at 8 stations along the linear transects. Settlement method was applied to the preserved samples in formaldehyde 4%, in order to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of phytoplankton. The biomass of Chlorophyta was calculated, using the geometric shape method. The data were statistically analyzed, using PRIMER 6 and SPSS 19 software and the diagrams were drawn by Excel 2013.
Findings: Of total 29 identified Chlorophyta species, 28 species were present in the summer with the highest abundance of Chlorella sp. (1395×105±671×104 N/m3) and, 19 species were observed during the winter, with the highest abundance of Binuclearia sp. (456×105±155×104 N/m3). Binuclearia sp. also showed the highest biomass in both seasons.
Conclusion: The diversity of Chlorophyta is influenced by seasonal variations. Estuaries are the richest stations in terms of abundance and biomass of planktonic Chlorophyta in summer.

Volume 7, Issue 27 (9-2019)

  • Each nation has its origins in the manifestation of the beliefs and customs of its people. Literature is the mirror par excellence of each nation's past. The history of each nation or people is not discontinuous and, if a message of a text of folk literature is related to its historical realities, it will always be transmitted over time to the following periods and will be periodically reconstructed. One Thousand and One Nights- the prototype of world’s tale- has been always a remarkable source in folk literature. Throughout the history and over time, these stories have been emerged under diverse meanings and shapes. Farīd ud-Dīn Attār, the mystic poet- has taken the advantages of folk literature in order to express mystic thoughts. The existence of common signs and points as well as formal and content aspects of these tales show the inter-textual relations of both histories. It is possible to describe structural pattern of these stories by investigating their lyric structure. According to their theme, stories have different content (epic, romantic and mystic). In this research, the authors have compared two histories from Elahi-Nāmeh and One Thousand and One Nights according to Gérard Genette theoretical framework and inter textual relation by insisting on the their impressionability from folk literature.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Knowing customer behavior patterns, clustering and assigning them is one of the most important purpose for banks. In this research, the five criteria of each customer, including Recency, Frequency, Monetary, Loan and Deferred, were extracted from the bank database during one year, and then clustered using the customer's K-Means algorithm. Then, the multi-objective model of bank service allocation was designed for each of the clusters. The purpose of the designed model was to increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and reduce the risk of allocating services. Given the fact that the problem does not have an optimal solution, and each client feature has a probability distribution function, simulation was used to solve it. In order to determine the neighbor optimal solution of the Simulated Anneling algorithm, neighboring solutions were used and a simulation model was implemented. The results showed a significant improvement over the current situation. In this research, we used Weka and R-Studio software for data mining and Arena for simulation for optimization. The results of this research were used to develop Business Intelligence software for customers in one of the private banks of Iran.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: The innovation ecosystem states that innovation through interactive networks occurs at different levels. The network has a wide range of stakeholders that are complex in the innovation process as part of the innovation ecosystem. Considering the importance of the issue of prevention in the health sector and the importance of the role of biotechnology in this field, the aim of this study was to examine the innovation ecosystem of human vaccines in Iran.
Participants and Methods: In this qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive research, while investigating the dimensions of the ecosystem of innovation in literature and its main characteristics, the status of the innovation ecosystem of human vaccines was investigated in Iran. This study was carried out through content analysis of the current documents and deep and semi-structured interviews with experts in this field. Subsequently, a description of the current state of the vaccine innovation ecosystem was presented.
Findings: Most of the graduates did not have enough familiarity with the techniques needed to attend the industry. The existence of two major vaccine manufacturers, the Pasteur and Razi Institutes, were of important properties of ecosystems. The small number of service providers and existing service companies with knowledge-based organizations were of shortcomings. Shortcomings in the characteristics of stable and dynamic interaction in the innovation ecosystem of human vaccines in Iran were evident and the making policies to create or strengthen these characteristics was one of the important issues of Iran in this area.
Conclusion: Despite the abundance of elements and actors in this field, the innovation ecosystem of vaccines in Iran has not yet been formulated in a structured way, and its creation and development requires the characteristics of the innovation ecosystem and the resolution of its challenges.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (No. 4 (Tome 46), (Articles in Persian) 2018)

Jean-Michel Maulpoix, is a poet who achieves spatial proliferation and saturation of novelty with association to "the others" and causes manifestation of anonymous elements. He disassociates from the types which one present in the operational field of presence; keeps distance from his locative self and initiates an esthetic-perceptual activity with the attendance at virtual locations. All these activities act as crucial factors to proliferate signification. The present study seeks to investigate the purports of proliferation and plurality, by phenomenology of attendance then by various esthetic types in the book "Story of Blue", by Maulpoix, in the framework of semiotics. To this end, author probes the modality of acceptance of the others" by means of esthetic types by the poet, the modality of his transmission in extended circumstance; consequently the impact of esthetic types in amplification of purports and the modality of appearance of elements before the poet. The essential purpose of the present study is to distinguish poet’s presence with the world around, and to show interactive relationship of poet’s inner and outer universe by highlighting the modality of generating these purports.

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