Showing 268 results for Sharif
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the basic sentence structures of textbooks written for Iranian students in Persian language. The theoretical principles of the research are based on Tesniere's (1959) Dependency Grammar, which describes syntactic structures in different languages by examining the dependency relationships between head and dependent elements in syntactic groups. The basic sentence structures presented by Tabibzadeh (2001, 2006, 2011) have been used in this research for comparison. The data was extracted from the review of 211 texts belonging to textbooks. In order to collect data, 633 sentences were selected from all the textbooks and their basic structure was extracted using the purposeful sampling method. The findings indicate that in addition to the 24 basic sentence structures provided for Persian language, other basic structures have been used in textbook, which are: || sub., pro. Comp., pre.||, || sub., pro. Comp., pro. Comp., pre. ||. The most used basic structures in the sentences of textbooks of all levels were bi-valency constructions. The study of the complements showed that, the nominal subject 96.4%, the prepositional complement 41.9%, the direct complement 31.4%, the predicate 17.2% and the complement 15.3% are the most used. The findings of the present research show the profile of the language development of 10-12 year old children by identifying the level of syntactic complexity of the sentences in the textbooks. The results of this research show the readability of educational texts written for Iranian students and can be useful for textbook authors.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The purpose of this research is to determine the average perceptual strength of the five senses in the Persian language based on average perceptual strength hierarchy by Lynott and Connell (2009). To achieve this goal, (100) commonly used Persian sensory adjectives and (25) native Persian-speaking subjects were used to express their level of sensory perception of each adjective based on the 5-point Likert Scale. Also, (20) other subjects were asked to choose names for the given adjectives. These tests were carried out to answer these questions: what percentage of adjectives are exclusively attributed to one of the five senses, how much was the total score of each sense on the 5-point Likert Scale, and as overall which sense has the highest average perceptual strength؟ Also is the rate of collocations of names and adjectives of the same domain more than the collocations of nouns and adjectives of different domains, as Lynott and Connell believe? The results showed the average perceptual strength of the senses in Persian data is different from the findings of Lynott and Connell (2009) only in the position of the sense of hearing, also according to their findings, the sense of vision has the highest and the sense of smell has the lowest average perceptual strength among the five senses. In terms of collocation of names and adjectives, it was found that with a little consideration, Lynott and Connell’s idea about the larger number of the same-domain sensory name- adjective collocations can be accepted.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The present study aims to investigate the meanings and productivity of derivative suffix «i» in Persian language using Plag's (2003) point of view. Data collection was conducted by library method and analysis of findings was done by descriptive-analytical method. The sampling included three works from the 5th, 8th, 11th centuries, and the contemporary period. Then, the frequency of using «i» to express different meanings was investigated in each period. The findings indicate that in the 5th and 8th centuries, noun-forming «i» was more productive than adjective-forming «i». In the 11th century and the contemporary period, adjective-forming «i» was more productive than that of noun-forming «i». Also, the productivity of the adverb-forming «i» has been less than adjective-forming «i» and noun-forming «i» in all periods. Considering the different adjective-forming meanings of this suffix, the highest frequency in the 5th, 8th and contemporary periods was related to the adjective "place" and in the 11th century, it was related to the adjective "belonging to a thing". Among the different meanings of the noun-forming «i» in the 5th century, the noun "state indicator" had the highest frequency and in the 8th, 11th and contemporary periods the "simple" noun was the most frequent. Among the different meanings of the adverb-forming «i», the highest frequency was related to the adverb "state" in the 5th century, "scale, amount and size" in the 8th and 11th centuries, and "place" in the contemporary period. The paper also explains possible causes of differences in this suffix's productivity.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)
Bars with standard hooks in tension are often used to anchor reinforcing bars where concrete dimensions element are not sufficient to provide the required development length for straight reinforcement. In previous researches, concrete breakout failure was the predominant failure mode of hooked bars. Closely-spaced hooks provide a lower strength per hooked bar than more widely-spaced hooked bars because the area of the breakout surface is reduced for the more closely-spaced bars. The effects of fy of bars, spacing, and confinement by ties or stirrups have been updated to reflect test results, in of ACI 318-19. In this formula, The confining reinforcement factor ψr is based on test results reported by Ajaam et al. (2018). Base on ACI 318-19 definition, Ath is total cross-sectional area of ties or stirrups confining hooked bars. Therefore crossties are not included in the relationship. The purpose of this study is to expand the understanding of the behavior of confinement effect of crossties on development length bars with 90 degree bent hooks in tension. In this study, 3 simulated beam-column joints were tested as a continuation of previous work by Ajaam et al. (2018). The results of this experimental study show that the ACI318-19 provisions underestimate the contribution of confinement by crossties on the development length bars with 90 degree bent hooks in tension.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)
Shotcrete, a pneumatically sprayed concrete mixture, has gained significant popularity in the construction industry due to its versatility and adaptability. However, the demand for high-strength shotcrete has intensified, driven by advancements in equipment and admixtures. Fiber-reinforced high-strength shotcrete (FRHSS) offers enhanced quality, adhesion, and construction speed, making it ideal for stabilizing excavations and slopes, strengthening masonry and concrete structures, and reinforcing underground structures. Additionally, the increased strength allows for reduced section dimensions, leading to more economical designs.
This research investigates the effects of aggregate gradation and admixtures, including micro silica, superplasticizer, accelerator, and micro recycled steel fibers (MRSFs), on the strength and performance of FRHSS. The study employs wet-mix and dry-mix shotcrete methods, examining the properties through laboratory and field experiments.
The results demonstrate that achieving high-strength shotcrete is more feasible with the wet-mix method. Fiber-reinforced wet-mix shotcrete attained a 28-day compressive strength of 987 kg/cm², representing an 80% and 77% increase in compressive strength and energy absorption, respectively, compared to conventional fiber-reinforced wet-mix shotcrete. Furthermore, fracture toughness tests revealed that MRSFs effectively prevent microcrack propagation and control deformations. FRHSS incorporating MRSFs exhibited a 28% and 97% increase in compressive strength and energy absorption, respectively, compared to the corresponding mix without fibers.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted for Publication 2024)
Aim and Introduction:
Vulnerable employment, a segment of the informal economy, includes home-based businesses that emerge due to a lack of opportunities for formal employment. These businesses often operate without essential benefits such as medical insurance, social security, bonuses, and pensions, which exposes workers to economic instability. Consequently, many individuals engaged in vulnerable employment seek loans and financial assistance to expand their business activities and transition to the formal sector. Banks, as the primary providers of such loans, request collateral from borrowers – typically in the form of property documents – to ensure repayment and mitigate financial risk. Strengthening legal rights related to loan collateral enhances banks’ confidence in issuing loans, thereby increasing access to credit for vulnerable workers.
Due to the oil-dependent nature of OPEC economies and their reliance on oil revenues, many of these countries often lack robust production infrastructures capable of generating sufficient formal employment opportunities. This study aims to analyze the effect of strengthening loan-related legal rights on vulnerable employment in OPEC member countries, including Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Angola, Congo, Gabon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Guinea, Libya, and Nigeria, during the period from 2013 to 2021.
Following the approach of Herkenhoff et al. (2021), this study employs a model in which the independent variables include the strength of legal rights related to loans, oil revenues, secondary school enrollment rates, and the urbanization ratio. Given the study’s objective of analyzing the threshold effects of legal loan rights on vulnerable employment, the Panel Smooth Transition Regression (PSTRmouseout="msoCommentHide('_com_1')" onmouseover="msoCommentShow('_anchor_1','_com_1')">[A1] ) method is used to estimate the model.
Results and Discussion:
The analysis identifies a 6.22% threshold in the legal rights index, distinguishing two distinct regimes. In the first regime, the strength of legal loan rights does not significantly impact vulnerable employment. However, in the second regime, a higher index value reduces vulnerable employment, suggesting that more substantial legal loan rights facilitate the transition of workers from the vulnerable to the formal sector. Additionally, oil revenues and secondary school enrollment rates exhibit a negative effect on vulnerable employment, while the urbanization ratio has a positive effect.
The findings of this study indicate that strengthening legal loan rights has contributed to a reduction in vulnerable employment, which is a subset of informal employment. This shift has contributed to growth in formal sector employment. Banking regulations and enhanced requirements for obtaining collateral have increased banks’ confidence in lending, as they are better able to mitigate the risk of non-repayment. However, this system primarily benefits individuals who can pledge valid collateral, such as real estate and housing documents. Given the high value of such collateralized assets, borrowers are more likely to invest their loans in business development, transitioning their employment from the informal to the formal sector. In addition to securing stable employment, they also gain access to social benefits such as insurance and social security. This financial stability enables them to make timely loan repayments, preventing defaults and preserving their financial credibility.
Based on these findings, it is recommended that governments and banking authorities in the investigated countries implement strict laws and regulations to guarantee loan security and identify factors contributing to bank insolvency. Such measures would help prevent financial resource mismanagement in the banking sector and reduce the probability of bank failures. Strengthening financial regulations and risk management strategies would facilitate lending, ultimately promoting employment growth in the formal sector and reducing the prevalence of vulnerable employment.
Furthermore, the study reveals that oil revenues negatively impact vulnerable employment, which may be attributed to increased government spending on productive investments and formal job creation. This suggests that redirecting oil revenues toward investment, production, and employment generation—rather than short-term expenditures—can facilitate the transition of workers from the informal to the formal sector. Thus, policymakers are encouraged to prioritize long-term economic strategies that allocate oil revenues to sectors that foster sustainable employment opportunities.
The findings also highlight the positive effect of education on labor force transition. Higher levels of education and training result in a more skilled workforce, increasing their acceptance and employability in formal job markets. Therefore, governments should allocate additional resources to public education, provide free schooling, and expand access to higher education for economically disadvantaged groups. Promoting scientific education and fostering a culture that values learning can further enhance workforce skills and economic mobility.
Finally, the study finds that urbanization has had a positive effect on vulnerable employment, indicating that increasing urbanization has not been accompanied by industrial advancements or skill development, thereby failing to support the expansion of the formal sector. Instead, urbanization in the studied countries has often been driven by unfavorable business environments, weak regulatory frameworks, and a lack of political transparency, contributing to the growth of the informal economy. To address these challenges, policymakers should focus on improving governance, strengthening legal and economic structures, and fostering a business-friendly environment that supports formal employment
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mouseover="msoCommentShow('_anchor_1','_com_1')" style="text-align: justify;"> [A1]The written abbreviation is for “the Panel Smooth Transition Regression”
Volume 1, Issue 1 ((Articles in Persian) 2010)
Volume 1, Issue 1 (Autumn 2017)
Hemodialysis is a process of purifying the blood of a person whose kidneys are not working normally. Polyethersulfone membrane has the most application in blood purification because of its unique features, but its hydrophobic nature results in poor biocompatibility. When PES-based membranes are contacted with blood, proteins tend to adsorb onto the polymer surface, and this protein layer causes any adverse effects such as the coagulation of blood cells and platelet adhesion. The biocompatibility of pristine PES membrane can be improved by different modification methods. The aim of this research is to improve polyethersulfone (PES) membrane hydrophilicity and antifouling properties by adding pluronic F-127, poly(ethylene oxide)−poly(propylene oxide)−poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO) block copolymer, to the dope solution. In this regard, PPO hydrophobic molecules are bound to PES chains due to hydrophobic–hydrophobic interactions, and membrane hydrophilicity would be improved because of hydrophilic PEO segments. To investigate the effect of adding pluronic F-127 on membrane performance, water contact angle, mechanical properties and filtration tests were carried out. Membranes morphology were characterized by SEM microscopy. Results showed that the addition of pluronic F-127 to the polymeric solution caused permeate flux increase up to 554 L/m2h due to membrane pore size growth and contact angle decrease. Moreover, addition of pluronic F-127 caused a decrease in the tensile strength of the PES/Pluronic F-127 membranes. PES/Pluronic F-127 membranes have improved fouling resistance compared to the pristine membrane.
Volume 1, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2010)
The Semantic Script Theory of Humor is the first complete linguistic theory on humor. This theory, that was in fact a radical departure from the traditionally taxonomic approach of puns and humor, was first introduced by Victor Raskin. He was the first linguist that analyzed the structures of humor from the semantic view point, and could identify the structure of joke. In Raskin’s view, a semantic theory must include two abstract concepts: a set of the whole scripts available to the speakers and a set of compositional rules.
The purpose of this article is to introduce this theory and to answer this question that which objections on the basis of Persian data may be made to this theory. For this purpose, we studied a number of Persian jokes published in Iranian Humor Press, and by the analysis of these texts, we could show some weaknesses of the theory.
The results of this study showed that the way of analysis in Raskin’s Semantic Scripts theory, which is based on listing all of the scripts involved in the words used in the humorous text, has some weaknesses in analyzing Persian Jokes; such as not being compatible with the linguistic processing realities and for having time-consuming redundant complexities, it is not applicable on long Persian jokes.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (9-2011)
In order to investigate the Effect of different levels of nitrogen and plant density on yield, and some morphological sunflower cultivars, experimental farm in 2009 in the College of Agriculture University researcher Ardebili A split plot factorial design based on a randomized complete block with three replicates was carried out. Nitrogen treatments included (zero, 75 and 150 kg per ha) assigned to main plots and levels of plant density (8, 10 and 12 plants per square meter) and two varieties were Urofelor and Armavirsky in sub plot. Head and stem diameter, plant height, number of kernel per disk, number of leaves at the final of harvesting and grain yield measured. Sunflower cultivars was significant difference on the stem diameter, plant height and number of kernel per disk but different levels of nitrogen and plant density were significant difference on the for all traits measured. The highest grain yield was obtained, 262 gr /m2 in 150 kg N/ha× Armavirsky. Increasing plant density by increasing the number of heads per unit area, will affect performance. Considering the excellence level of 80 thousand plant density and fertilizer level of 150 kg ha compared to other treatments in terms of grain yield, the amounts of nitrogen and planting density to achieve adequate performance in the test area and similar areas is advisable.
Volume 2, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2011)
Mystically language is one of the most important tools for expressing the mystical meanings. The language which the contemporary arab poets have well benefited from it. Abdol- Suboor is one of those poets who has met with the great heritage of Iranian Sufism. According to the poet, Attar’s and Rumi's works constitute part of his poetry. His ode “Remembrance of suffi bishr al hafi”, has been affected by the (Manteq at-tayr) of Attār, which is the story of allegorical and symbolic move toward self-perfection. He uses the mask method in this ode, so that, the ode is in motion, in an existential space towards the “pantheism” and “perfect man” and, finally, the form remains open without being finished.
This research has used the method of comparative literature. By reviewing the similarities of the two works, it indicates that the ode “Remembrance of suffi Bishr al Hafi” has used the story theme of travel truth in the Attār's (Manteq at-tayr)
Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2013)
The rose sawfly, Arge rosae Linnaeus, is one of the most destructive pests of rose bushes in the north of Iran. Nowadays, many attempts have been made to reduce pesticide application by looking for new methods of pest control. A non chemical method for controlling insect pests including A. rosae can be achieved by using genetically engineered plants expressing carbohydrase inhibitors. Therefore, in present study we characterized biochemical properties of digestive carbohydrases in the gut of A. rosae for achieving a new method for control of this pest. The specific activity of α-amylase in the digestive system of last larval instars of A. rosae was obtained as 9.46 ± 0.06 μmol min-1 mg-1 protein. Also, the optimal pH and temperature for α-amylase were found to be at pH 8 and 50 °C. As calculated from Lineweaver-Burk plots, the Km and Vmaxvalues for α-amylase were 0.82 mg/ml and 7.32 µmol min-1 mg-1 protein, respectively, when starch was used as substrate. The effects of ions on amylolytic activity showed that Mg2+ and Na+ significantly increased amylase activity, whereas SDS and EDTA decreased the enzyme activity. The highest activities of α-/β-glucosidase and β-galactosidase were obtained at pH 5.0. By the native PAGE, three, one, one and two bands were clearly detected for α-amylase, α-/β-glucosidase and β-galactosidase, respectively. No bands were found for α-galactosidase that confirmed the absence or low activity of this carbohydrate in the digestive system of A. rosae. These results could provide the knowledge needed to produce transgenic plants for control of this pest.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (Autumn 2019)
In this study, the effect of chemical modification on adsorption behavior of scleroglucan polymer on carbonate rock of oil reservoir was studied. The chemical modification was performed to increase hydrophobicity of scleroglucan while substituting ionic and hydrophobic groups on its structure simultaneously. Investigation of adsorption behavior of the samples on carbonate rock surfaces revealed an increase in uptake of the modified samples compared to the original one. Evaluation of various factors affecting the adsorption process showed that the Langmuir isotherm can describe the adsorption behavior of primary and hydrophobic scleroglucan samples better that Freundlich & Temkin isotherms. However, the adsorption behavior of the ionic-hydrophobic sample was hard to explain using the Langmuir model. A pseudo-second-order & Intra-particle diffusion models could express uptake kinetics of the samples. Thermodynamic studies indicated the temperature-dependency of free energy, ΔG, and the dominant role of entropic phenomena, rather than enthalpic phenomena, in the adsorption process of samples. In addition, ΔH values of different samples (about 6 KJ/mol for the primary scleroglucan, 5 KJ/mol for the hydrophobic scleroglucan and 9 KJ/mol for the ionic-hydrophobic scleroglucan) suggested the physical adsorption of samples onto the carbonate particles surface in both water and brine solutions.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Conflagration of forests and rangelands is one of the most frequent events in Iran. It is regarded as one of the most important parts of land degradation that occurred due to range destruction and desertification. This study was conducted in Boroujerd, Lorestan Province in west of Iran in 2013 to determine the fire risk model. The data prepared for the study area involved the vegetation types, land use, elevation, slope, aspect, standard topographic map and mean annual climatic data (evaporation, rainfall and temperature). Landsat ETM+ data were used for the image analysis. Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) model was applied to weigh and generate the fire risk map. Results showed that the highest weight of factors has been given to the land use because land use contribute to the maximum extent due to inflammability factor. The second highest weight was related to rainfall since it caused the biomass growth (fuel factor). Land use and rain played important roles in the modeling of fire risk zonation. The third one was attributed to the evaporation because of fuel drying and highly inflammability. The other variables comparatively had less impact on fire risk. Based on the statistics achieved for different weight classes, the map was reclassified into five classes as very low, low, moderate, high and very high in order to generate fire risk area map. Also, final map showed that most of the fires which occurred in the last year (5 fire control points about 4812.323 ha) might be put in the firing class of very high risk. Finally, about 42353.36 ha of the total area fell in the class of very high fire risk. The results indicated that 90% of burned areas were located in high risk class.
Volume 3, Issue 1 ((Articles in Persian) 2012)
This survey is dedicated to the study of Persian reactive tokens. Reactive tokens are short utterances such as “hmm”, “mm”, and alike, which are produced by the listener when he/she is listening. They do not require answers on the part of the speakers and they do not cause changing of the turn. Reactive tokens influence the success of the ongoing conversation. Their importance is understood in their absence. If they are used improperly, the conversation is disturbed. Without considering these tokens, we will ignore the important features of conversations. To our knowledge, no research has so far examined these token.
In the corpus of this research, 960 tokens are transcribed in all the conversations, including face to face and telephone conversations, and studied in conversational analysis framework. Furthermore, super-segmental features and the degrees of reactive tokens’ influences are explored. The results showed that reactive tokens have different meaning in different context and we can consider a canonical and a non-canonical meaning for them. Also a spectrum for the degree of their influence is presented. The aim of this study is discovering the meanings and function of reactive tokens and some factors influencing their meaning in the conversations.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (12-2003)
In this paper, behavior of teleoperation systems with modeling error and delay time error in Smith predictor is discussed. In teleoperation systems, modeling error is inevitable. This paper discusses stability of teleoperation systems with modeling error. First, error of delay time in teleoperation systems by using of Internet as communication channel is considered and the performance of Smith predictor in teleoperation systems with delay time error is discussed. Next, a new structure for teleoperation system is proposed. An adaptive filter is integrated into the new structure for determination of delay time in communication channel. The new structure augments wave variables and Smith predictor to provide an effective method for teleoperation systems. Along with the adaptive filter, this new structure is shown to overcome instability due to the variability of the delay times. Simulations results show significant improvements in the system performance.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (, (Articles in Persian) 2012)
In this study, first using documentary research method, the nature of language in the web-based electronic communication, besides different methods of improving communicative and linguistics competence in teaching languages online, were investigated. Then considering the importance of language faculties' familiarity with the role of computer-based teaching in the development of linguistic competence and communicative skills necessary for translating or teaching all foreign languages (esp. Persian to non-natives), a descriptive survey method was used to investigate the familiarity of foreign language faculties with the strategies and technologies used in e-teaching-learning process applied in teaching languages online. The results of the 68 questionnaires filled in by English, French, German and Persian faculties of seven universities offering classical and virtual programs indicated that most of language faculties are not familiar with web-based strategies and techniques in teaching or learning foreign languages. Considering the need of our country for the experts who are able to communicate with the scientific scholarly networks in the world to obtain or transfer related knowledge and those who are able to use at least one international language of their fields thoroughly, planning an online faculty training program can be an essential measure to improve teaching or translating foreign languages at the academic level and also lead Persian language to find its proper position in the cultural, educational and scientific world networks.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2014)
Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata is one of the major insect pests of potato. Toxicity of spinosad, as a bio-rational insecticide, was investigated against various developmental stages of this pest. Bioassays were conducted by using the eggs, neonates, first, second, third and fourth instar larvae and adults. The potato leaves were impregnated with different concentrations of spinosad and applied for the adults and different larvae bioassays. The eggs were tested through dipping its masses into the insecticide solutions. LC50 values of neonates, first, second, third and fourth instar larvae and unsexed adults after 24 hours were 2.06, 3.19, 4.75, 6.46, 20.24 and 11.97 ppm (of commercial formulation), respectively. Results show that spinosad did not possess any ovicidal effects and the fourth instar larvae and neonates were the most tolerant and the most susceptible stages, respectively. Susceptibility of the neonates (up to 24 hrs after hatching) was significantly higher than that of first instar larvae (24-48 hrs after hatching). Developmental stages of Colorado potato beetle responded differentially to this insecticide. Since the control of L. decemlineata mostly relies on early season measures against the most susceptible stage(s), by considering no ovicidal effect, our results propose a limited interval, for avoiding the highly tolerant larvae.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)
The purpose of this paper is to study and evaluate the effect of Job - Family Conflict on intention of nurses to quit their jobs in public and private hospitals (A comparative Study), by job burnout as mediator. Statistical society of this research was formed by Emam Khomeini, Firouzgar, Day & Hasheminejad hospitals. 275 nurses was selected randomly among those hospitals. Data analyzing performed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson Correlation test, Conformity Factors Analysis and Structural Equestrians Modeling. The findings showed that Job-Family Conflict has a meaningful (direct and indirect) effect on nurses' intention to quit. We also found that Job-Family Conflict can increase nurses' job burnout. With 95 percent confidence, differences between Job-Family Conflict in public hospitals and private ones was meaningful and Job-Family Conflict occurrence in public hospitals was greater than private hospitals. There was no meaningful difference between public and private hospitals in job burnout level and intention to quit.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Summer 2019)
is one of the most common improved oil recovery method in the world. High residual oil saturation at the end of this method is due to low macroscopic sweep efficiency and viscous fingering. It can be improved by the mobility control during polymer solution injection. In this study, by of silica/ the effect of it on IFT, viscosity, and was investigated. In addition, the performance of in high salinity water was studied by using nano particles. The zeta potential results show that the stability of polymer solution was enhanced in of nano particles in high salinity water condition. Also, the lowest IFT was obtained for contained 1 percent nano silica (18.34 ), and the most tendency to water wet conditions was provided for this concentration. In addition to, 1 percent nano silica/ has the best performance on formation water viscosity and improved the mobility ratio to 1.07, which it can increase the oil recovery.