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Volume 8, Issue 16 (Fall & Winter 2022)

In the conceptual system of the Holy Quran, the only strategy of the believers in the face of enemies is "resistance" which has different dimensions. The views of lexicographers, commentators, as well as how translators translate some of these words (Specifically "Là tarkanou elà" In verse 113 of Surah Hood, "Anbaza elà" in verse 58 of Surah Anfal "Asheda" In verse 29 of Surah Fath and "Qhelzah" in verse 123 of Surah Tubah/Baraàt) are Different and numerous. The present article aims to use descriptive-analytical method and data evaluation to enumerate the meaning of these words based on the opinions of lexicographers and commentators and after analysis and critique, to provide a comprehensive and accurate meaning of them. Finally, based on the results, contemporary Persian translations (specifically Ansarian, Fooladvand, Makarem, Meshkini, Safavid, Rezaei, Moezi, Mesbahzadeh, Khorramshahi, Haddad Adel and Yazdi) are evaluated. The results of the present study indicate that in order to understand the exact meaning of these strategic words, paying attention to the context and their association with other words plays the most important role; which some lexicographers, commentators and translators have paid less attention. However, Meshkini and Safavi have been more successful in transmitting the correct meanings of these words than other translators.
Ali Shakoor, K. Yazdjerdi, A. Kamanah, Gh. Roshan, M. Ramazanzadah,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2010)

This paper tries to systematically survey, with taking theoretical view on geomorphic basin and its changes into account. The purpose of this research is to determine the balance and stability of geomorphic basins from the past to present and then to future. Consequently, it tries to determine the balance between energy and input-output materials for example (rainfall , solar radiation, tectonics and neotectonics …) to the basin based cybernetics (including geomorphic, topographic and geological state) and also to calculate energy and material balance considering positive and negative entropy at basin level. Based on the findings, which is the outcome of cybernetic resultant between form and process in basin, we can determine stability and type of balance in the basin. In this paper, emphasis has been put only on rainfall (express of the energy exponent). However, it first discusses Kor Basin Geomorphic locations and Energy-Material Entropy on its surface and then Quantity form of energy (Isolated & Potential Energy). Considering geomorphic state of the basin, we can determine the best planning method from all systems (planning, risk management and crisis management) for basin that neither requires a great cost nor causes disturbance in stability and geomorphic balance while being the optimal process. In Kor geo planning, we are encountering and determining two dimentions: (Y dimension, for geomorphic change for example throughput topogeraphy geradient formations on Kor Basin and X dimension, for rainfall discharge range on Kor Basin rivers out let only and only on fiat paper surface), but in Kor geo management, we represent at least three – dimensional ordered, for example topogeraphy gradient for Y coordinate and rivers discharge quantity for X coordinate and absolution geography location (for space point Z coordinate). Consequently, Kor River Basin can be studied based on two scientific metod : I . Planning & II , Management .

Volume 19, Issue 126 (August 2022)

In this research a validated and effective method was developed for simultaneous analysis of 60 pesticides in rice, using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), then, the effects of washing and heating processes on residues of studied pesticides were investigated. Extraction was performed by the original QuEChERS method. The pesticides were analyzed simultaneously in a single run with a multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) method. The validation study was performed based on the SANTE 2019 guideline. The method was tested to assess for linearity, trueness, precision, specificity, limit of quantification (LOQ) and limit of detection (LOD). The results showed that the calibration curves for all studied compounds were linear with a coefficient of determination (R2) ranged between 0.984 - 1.000. The mean recoveries obtained for three fortification levels (25, 250, 1000 ng/g) were 76.4 - 110.2 % with satisfactory precision (RSD ranged between 2.8 – 16.7%.
After analysis of treated rice samples with investigated pesticides, the results indicated that both of washing and heating processes, in individual and combinational cases, significantly reduced the amounts of studied pesticides.

Volume 22, Issue 2 (8-2018)

Climate and environmental factors are considered as the most important challenges in contemporary age. Current research shows that climate and environmental changes were not very important in the past, but today due to the expansion of their obvious outcomes (such as the drying of lakes, wetlands, rivers, etc.) are regarded as one of the important variables. They affect various aspects of rural life in general and different activities of agricultural sector in particular. The effect of these changes on Iran is more intense, beacuse country has a large disparity of rural communities, dry and semi-arid geographic location with an evaporation more than 3 times the global average, about 70% of its rainfall -equal to 293 billion cubic meters – which become out of reach through evaporation along with the disparity of time and place of precipitation. Hence, it is predicted that along with the warming and desertification of the region (Middle East), climate change will increase the pressure on Iran's water resources. Therefore, the awareness of such a situation for the whole society, especially for rural communities and the agricultural sector, which is naturally the largest user of water resources in the country, is highly significant. consequently needs an adoption of strategic insights and new strategies to prevent the past and current strategic neglect regarding water resources at the national level and regional or local level, such as rural communities.
The present study is conducted using combined survey method and technique in a variety of ways such as library studies, documentary surveys of state agencies, and interview with experts, Delphi technique and a researcher-made questionnaire is utilized to analyze the information. For this purpose, software as Excel, SPSS and Smart PLS software are used. The statistical population of the research includes senior managers and senior experts in executive agencies, professors in the field of related disciplines, including professors of irrigation and agricultural schools and research institutes, as well as a number of expert farmers throughout the country. Using Cochran's formula and applying correction coefficient and taking into account the margin of error, the estimated error revealed 0.08, and the level of significance appeared α = 5%. A sample size of 180 respondents is chosen through purposeful method for data collection. In order to determine the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, content analysis method with a comprehensive general tool approach (according to the views of 40 experts) and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.94 based on the results of a sample of 20 experts is used respectively.
Result and discussion
The results of the research indicate that, from the experts' point of view, the impact of climate indicators and environmental factors on promoting water productivity in rural communities is not alike. Considering the criterion of significance coefficients z, it is found that all coefficients are higher than the criterion 1.96 and therefore, all the coefficients are significant at the 95% confidence level. Given that all obtained coefficients are greater than 0.4, thus internal consistency is confirmed. By looking at the coefficients, among the 4 components identified, the component "quality of climatic and environmental factors" with the highest coefficient of 0.958 and the component "production pattern with climatic characteristics" with a coefficient of 0.883 have the least correlation with "climate and Environmental" respectively. Meanwhile, the index "Agricultural production amount (kg) to the current volume of flood in the country (cubic meter)" with the highest coefficient of 0.896 and the index "percentage of cultivar observation" with a coefficient of 0.683 have the least relation with the relevant component. Reliability and validity indices confirms internal consistency and validity of the model: Cronbach's alpha is higher than 0.8, composite reliability is about 0.9 and convergent validity is more than 0.5. Also, the result of the divergent validity analysis of the model have shown that all components are suitable for the relevant indexes. The criterion of communality values showing the quality of the measurement models is confirmed. Likewise, the fitting of the generalized structural equation model, which is 0.87, indicates the robustness of the model. Therefore, the evaluation and assessment of the criteria and structural model showed that all variables (indicators) and (hidden) components are suitable criteria for the research model and their relationship is significant and generally strong.
Regarding the results, it is observed that the "water use efficiency in water crop" index is more important in promoting rural water productivity. This suggests that the farmer can have more favorable conditions for increasing production if they have or access to water management and control. However, the same conditions are not available for use of surface water such as irrigation networks that are not equipped with volumetric instruments and are not available to rural users at the right time and right place. Therefore, given the significant impact (about 85.4%) of climate change and environmental factors on rural water resources, priority and investment to promote water productivity in rural communities to promote water productivity, as an important factor, should be considered by all strategic managers of the country at regional, and national levels. an attention should be paid to positive correlation between the components and climate indicators and environmental factors, in environmental and projection studies as well as operational planning of rural areas. Since the four indicators including "the quality of climatic and environmental factors", "proper use of precipitation" ,"reducing the consequences of natural events" and "production pattern with climatic features" are more closely related to "climate and environmental factors" respectively, and likewise the indicator "amount of agricultural production (kg) to the volume of current floods in the country (cube meter) has the highest coefficient, it is recommended that appropriate investment measures is developed to optimize the use of atmospheric rainfall and current flood events, such as water and sewerage plans and rainwater harvesting.

Bahram Zahedi, Abolfazl Shakoori,
Volume 26, Issue 1 (8-2019)

Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani is a great Muslim mystic of the 8th century AH (14th century AD). He has left several manuscripts focusing on mystical teachings and we can recognize his attitude toward the issue of justice in these works. Therefore, the main question of this article is: what is the relationship between mysticism and justice in the political thought of Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani? Our hypothesis is that, there is a positive longitudinal relationship between mysticism and justice in the thought of Hamadani. According to the foundations of his ontology and anthropology and his definition of mysticism and human’s felicity, the issue of justice itself is one of the pillars of the voyage toward God. The data of this research are gathered by the library method. Also, we have used Abd al-Qahir Jurjani's method The Theory of Order, to obtain an integrated knowledge about various components of Hamadani's thought as well as Franklin Le Van Baumer’s The Climate of Opinion, to deepen the historical aspects of our research. Findings of this research show that by using The Theory of Order, we can clearly see the link between mysticism and justice in Hamadani's thought. Moreover, the study of the intellectual atmosphere of the time shows that majority of Muslim mystics, considered the issue of justice as one of their teachings.

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