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Showing 9 results for Shabanali Fami

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Rural handwoven carpet weavers, particularly in the context of handmade silk carpet production, grapple with significant challenges concerning recognizing all stakeholders and establishing timely connections. These challenges have a substantial impact on the adoption of innovation in carpet production and the overall enhancement of productivity. This research was conducted to scrutinize the communication network of carpet weavers within the Knowledge and Innovation System (KIS) of handmade silk carpet production in rural areas. Data were gathered through interviews with 270 rural households in Zanjan province, specifically in the Tarom, Khodabandeh, and Zanjan counties, utilizing a structured questionnaire. Social Network Analysis (SNA) in UCINET was employed to examine the interactions among these actors, and graphical representations were created using Net Draw. The results revealed that the network's density varied across different levels, showing weakness in some cases, moderate strength in others, and strong connections in select instances. The connections of carpet weaving families with other actors within the KIS were predominantly localized. Among these families, those utilizing the home-based wage production method exhibited the most extensive interactions. The individuals designated as "FMs" (likely referring to family members) and "WNVKRs" (possibly local experts) demonstrated the highest degree of connection and influence within the network of weavers' interactions

Volume 8, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2006)

Since time immemorial, Iranian women have played a pivotal role in agriculture, the largest industry contributing to rural livelihoods. Hence, the present study was conducted in Tafresh area of Iran to examine factors influencing participation of rural women in mixed farming activities in 1999.This was a descriptive- correlation research project in which a total number of 300 rural women were selected through stratified random sam-pling technique and interviewed. A questionnaire was used as measurement tool for which the reliability coefficient was 0.90. According to the findings, sixteen characteristics of ru-ral women had significant relationships with their overall participation in mixed farming. Nine variables, namely, women’s age, husband’s age, crop farming experience, animal husbandry experience, perceived role overload, total energy expenditure, energy expendi-ture in animal husbandry, time spent in animal husbandry and time spent in mixed farm-ing were positively and significantly correlated with overall participation of rural women in mixed farming. Whereas, energy expenditure in mixed farming activities, women’s education, husband’s education, animal ownership, extension contact, energy and time spent in household activities were negatively and significantly correlated with the overall participation of rural women in mixed farming. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that 48 per cent of variation in the overall participation of rural women in mixed farming was explained by three variables: marital status, woman’s education and time spent in animal husbandry.
Hossein Shabanali Fami, V. Veeabhadraiah, M.s Ameerjan,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (1-2001)


Volume 13, Issue 4 (Number 4 - 2011)

The main purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing knowledge sharing among the personnel of Agricultural Extension and Education Organization in the Iranian Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture. A survey method was employed for the study, and 110 personnel randomly selected as a sample out of 140 who were busy working in the organization. Data was collected through a questionnaire employed as the tool of the study. The reliability of the questionnaire was determined as 0.93. The personnel were of the belief that knowledge sharing happened in their organization to a large extent. According to the study, there existed significant relationships between the factors of social trust, relational social capital and attitude toward knowledge sharing, and the dependent variable of knowledge sharing. A stepwise regression analysis indicated that relational social capital and attitude towards knowledge sharing could explain about 37 percent in the variations of knowledge sharing.

Volume 18, Issue 1 (1-2016)

The aim of this study was to examine potato growers' perceptions of risk sources and risk management strategies and their risk management behavior. A Survey research method was used in this study. The data originated from a sample of potato growers (n= 128) of Ardabil Province in the cropping year of 2013. The respondents were divided into two groups of Less Risk-Averse (LRA) and More Risk-Averse (MRA). Results show that more than half of the respondents were MRA. In general, potato price, marketing and yield were important sources of risk. The MRA farmers perceived price, yield, input costs and subsidy elimination as highly important sources of risk. Change in farming practices times, sharing farm machinery and hedging were important perceived strategies. LRA farmers marked more importance to management strategies than their counterparts. Except for a few strategies, there was consistency between the growers’ perception and management behavior. The results also show that there were significant relationships between farmers’ perception of strategies and their application. The results have implications for agricultural policy makers, extension and advisory services on the brink of subsidy targeting policy in Iran.

Volume 21, Issue 6 (10-2019)

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have affected all sectors including the agricultural sector. ICTs play an essential role in sharing knowledge and information and networking among different actors of the agricultural sector. Agricultural researchers, as the main actors of generating and developing knowledge and technology, need to use the unique capacities of ICTs. The current situation of access to ICTs and the extent and skill of agricultural researchers in using ICTs need to be evaluated to take advantage of this capacity. In this study, 141 researchers from six agricultural research institutes of Iran were selected by multi-stage random sampling method to survey their access, purpose, skill, and extent of using ICTs. The findings indicated that researchers had access to the main ICT tools such as computers and the Internet. Researchers mainly used ICTs for information acquisition, chatting and sending messages, and finding educational materials and resources. Most of the researchers use e-mails, search engines, and social networks every day. The primary skills of most researchers were good at working with computers. Job experience and skill in using ICTs explained 46.7% of the variance of using ICTs.

Volume 22, Issue 2 (3-2020)

The current empirical research was conducted to investigate the impact of drought on livestock production with the main objective of studying the role of adaptation strategies in the process of changing the farming mode from crop-oriented to livestock-oriented by farmers in Komijan Township, Iran. Komijan has been facing a long period of drought that has affected farming systems of the area. Primary data were collected through interview using a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study consisted of livestock farmers in the area (N= 1,000), out of which 200 people were selected. The participants in research were interviewed using simple random sampling and Descriptive–Correlation research method. Logistic regression was used as the main statistical technique. Logit function with an odds ratio of 70.4% showed that strategies of shifting livestock as well as production management were the main responses of the farmers to drought conditions. Those farmers with a high level of perceived vulnerability were more capable of adapting themselves to drought than the others. Hence, perceived vulnerability is associated with production or farming mode.

Volume 24, Issue 1 (Spring 2020)

In recent years, the world has been witnessing climate change which is mostly due to socio-economic activities of man and in turn producing greenhouse gas emissions. These actions have been led to global warming, melting of glaciers and extreme variability of weather indicators such as rainfall and temperature. These changes in our country have also shown itself in phenomena like snowfall shortage, devastating floods and storms, terrible and out-of-season storms, and unprecedented summer heat. These Climate fluctuations have had significant effects on different sub-sectors of the economy, especially agriculture, and the phenomenon of climate change in agriculture has shown itself at the first step in different forms of drought. Increasing farmers' resilience and adaptability to climate change are the major strategies that many countries have taken into account to face and confront the negative consequences of drought. One of the provinces that are facing drought phenomenon in Isfahan Province. For example, conflicts among farmers on water shortages and water transfers from this province to the neighboring provinces and crisis in Zayandeh Rood River are just some proof showing the severity of the situation.
Based on the present study, the SWOT Matrix was used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of small-scale farmers' adaptation to drought conditions in Isfahan province. Therefore, appropriate strategies were developed and proposed to achieve this objective. The statistical population of this research consisted of 110 experts working in the field of drought management in Isfahan province out of which, 88 people were selected on the basis of the Krejcie & Morgan table. The main instrument of this study was a questionnaire whose content validity was confirmed by the opinions of an expert panel in the Department of Agricultural Development and Management at the University of Tehran and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficients. In order to find appropriate strategies, the TOWS matrix was developed and used in this study. This method integrates scientific and theoretical opinions with application remarks. This method is innovative and provides lights to workable strategies based on a reasonable and appropriate framework.
Result and Discussion
Based on the results of study, the most important opportunities for the adaptation of small-scale farmers to drought condition were the "implementing rainwater harvesting programs", "improving urban potable and green-space water management " and "national support for all strategies related to adaptability to climate change in formulating appropriate policies and regulations" It is while the most important threats found to be "weak governmental administrative works for recognition and management of climate change consequences", "insufficient supportive credit for drought management" and "insufficient attention by government to extension education programs related to drought management", In terms of the internal environment, the most important strength was found to be "Increasing farmers assets and their productive power, “cooperation of farmers to manage drought" and "Strengthening farmers Organizations ". Besides, the most important weaknesses were identified as “the low willingness of farmers to apply technologies for reducing greenhouse gases emission", "high cost of irrigation equipment to reduce water consumption" and "decreasing farms resilience towards climate change".
 Drought covers about 80% of Isfahan province and 22.5% of the province has been faced with severe drought. A survey of drought conditions over the past years indicates that most parts of Isfahan province are affected by drought. The drought has had many detrimental effects on different parts of the province, including agriculture, industry, services, the environment, public and cultural green spaces. Desertification, air pollution, and dust generation, relative humidity reduction, soil moisture depletion, rangeland wildfire, salinization and depletion of groundwater resources, damage to historic structures are some examples of the negative consequences drought in Isfahan province. In addition, the direct effects of water scarcity on agriculture and other socio-economic sectors are evident.  Outbreaks of pests and plant and animal diseases, increased agricultural migration to cities, loss of productive livestock, reduced aquaculture, and the crisis of access to potable water and reduction of farm productivity in rural areas have been observed and reported as some of the effects of drought. Accordingly, the present study was conducted to find appropriate coping strategies. However, in analyzing the strategic space, the results showed that the most efficient and adaptive strategies in the Jihad Agriculture Organization of Isfahan Province are placed in the ST area. Moreover, using a TOWS matrix, some other agricultural adaptive strategies were formulated to be used in the drought conditions of the province. SO strategies recommend operations such as Diversification of Resistant Crops,   Improving interaction between actors in the agricultural production chain and Proper management of floods through water harvesting projects. Under ST strategies operations such as paying attention to support programs and subsidizing drought management among farmers, Support diversification of livelihood investments for agriculture in times of drought crisis and strict monitoring of groundwater harvesting through the strengthening of aquifers are suggested. WO strategies focus on operations like Using modern irrigation equipment in agriculture through government support for water management projects, Improving specialized drought information for farmers by improving the efficiency of technical-engineering companies in providing services to farmers and Reduce farmers' migration by supporting livelihood adaptation strategies in government programs and projects. WT strategies also place its attention on operations such as Convergence of public and private sectors in implementing drought management programs and providing specialized information to farmers, Change the cropping pattern with the aim of developing drought-resistant varieties,  Defining a clear role for farmers in drought management in agricultural development programs.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (3-2022)

With the increase of the world population, the worries and concerns for food supply increase too. Wheat, as one of the most important agricultural products, which is widely consumed all over the world, has a very important role in people's nutrition, particularly among Iranians, the diet of whom is highly dependent on bread. Product forecasting is critical for any country so that decisions about storage, import or export, etc. can be planned. In this paper, several univariate time series models and the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model are used to forecast wheat production in Iran. Annual wheat production, total annual precipitation, total applied fertilizer, population, and wheat cultivated area data were used in the period between 1961-1962 to 2018-2019. With the minimum values of 1.45894, 1.00329, 1.0448, and 1.09742 obtained for RMSE, AIC, HQC, and SIBC criteria, respectively, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) (1,1,1) was selected as the best univariate model. In testing the ANN models, total annual precipitation, total applied fertilizer, population, and wheat cultivated, area as input variables, and wheat production, as output variable, were used. Among several NN models, the Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP-NN) model with five hidden layers had the lowest MSE= 0.153 and was chosen in this study. Comparison between the ANN model and the ARIMA (1,1,1) model showed that RMSE= 0.391, MSE= 0.153, and MAPE= 0.4231 in the ANN model were much lower than that of the ARIMA (1,1,1) model. The results showed the power of ANN models to predict wheat production using efficient parameters, as compared to the ARIMA model.

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