Showing 16 results for Rouhani
Volume 0, Issue 2 (8-2011)
We measured the impacts of coastal modification on beach erosion and beach retreat conditions, selecting the Miankaleh Region as an example of a complex high-pressure free zone with high levels of engineering and tourism activity. Nine sampling transects, stretching from the shoreline to a 10 meter depth, were defined and 36 sediment samples were collected from the sea bed at depths of 1, 3, 5, and 10 m. After conducting laboratory tests, data were analyzed in terms of sediment dynamic parameters such as grain size, sediment size distribution, mean, median, skewness, kurtosis, standard deviation, and mineral composition. Beach structure and morphodynamic conditions were assessed in the Miankaleh region, by means of satellite image interpretation and field surveys. Results show that from 1978 until the present the average rate of beach retreat rapidly increased due to sea level rise and coastal constructions that have resulted in a progressive increase in sea level height in this region. Erosion vulnerability hazards have also increased in the eastern part of the study area and deposition processes have developed in the western Amirabad region.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2014)
In this study two Bacillus pumilus including ToIrFT- KC806241 and ToIrMA-KC806242 were obtained from tomato fields and characterized based on phenotypic and molecular properties. Their possibility to reduce root knot disease of tomato caused by Meloidogyne javanica was evaluated. The experiments were done in lab and under pot conditions. Application of the ToIr-MA against M. javanica reduced the number of galls and eggs. Preliminary results indicated that the ToIr-MA has an ability to produce proteolytic enzymes in lab conditions. It seems that the bacterial culture filtrates can suppress egg hatching and increase juvenile's mortality, but the role of these metabolites in disease suppression needs to be investigated. Significant enhancement in root and shoot length (33%) and dry root and shoot weight (64 and 67%) was also recorded over usage of strain ToIr-MA in comparison to untreated controls. Additionally, survival of bacterial strains in rhizosphere and increases in population density were seen using root colonization assay. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such B. pumilus strain with nematicidal activity against M. javanica has been reported in Iran which may suggest to manage disease and change microbial population dynamics in the rhizosphere.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2017)
Background: In this study for the first time terrestrial laser scanning survey was implemented on upland Hyrcanian forest, through which a and new method was applied to automatically extract DBH and tree position as a necessary step for height calculation and fitting the clustering as a circle.
Materials and Methods: Tree height extracted by fixing a cylinder around the trees center. The accuracies of these methods were investigated by field measurement. Among 4 shapes fitting algorithm, Monte Carlo had more suitable result to fitting circle in each height above the ground.
Results: Tree detection rates were 85% for Carpinus betulus and 87% for Diyospyrus lotus with respect to field measurement. R2 and RMSE for DBH measurement were 0.98, 2.06 cm for Carpinus betulus and 0.98, 1.26 cm for Diyospyrus lotus. Value of R2 and RMSE for height measurement were 0.96, 3.37 meters and 0.93, 3.02 meters for Carpinus betulus and Diyospyrus lotus, respectively.
Conclusions: The accuracy of DBH by TLS is very suitable, and about the height of trees we extracted underestimated value in comparison to field measurement and that we need to develop more effective algorithms in order to reach more accurate measurement of trees’ height in Hyrcanian forest.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2017)
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol) is the causal agent of vascular wilt in tomato, an important plant disease in Iran. Four monogenic resistance genes in tomato are used for identification of races of Fol and their corresponding avirulence genes Avr1, Avr2 and Avr3 were identified in pathogen one of which, Avr2, is f.sp. specific. Hence they can serve as reliable markers for racial identity and f.sp discrimination. These markers have been used for strains from other countries except Iran. Furthermore, a point mutation in Avr3 can lead to enhanced virulence of Fol on a susceptible tomato cultivar. To identify forma specialis and racial identity, Avr genes were studied in a collection of Iranian strains. Results revealed that PCR assay is very efficient in distinguishing between non-pathogenic and low virulence strains and in the vast majority of strains, avirulence genotype was consistent with Fol race1. Furthermore, to determine whether allelic variation of Avr3 could separate strains of different degrees of virulence, Avr3 wassequenced in Fol strains with high and low virulence. The resultsrevealed that allelicvariation of Avr3 was not correlated with degree of virulence in Iranian strains.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)
Aims: Pre-adolescence is an essential time for the formation and stability of behaviors. The aim of this study was to determine the correlated factors with nutritional behaviors in elementary school students.
Instrument and Methods: In descriptive-analytic study, 300 fifth-grade elementary schools students of Talesh and Fouman cities of Guilan Province, Iran were selected using the random cluster method, in 2017. Data were collected by researcher-made questionnaire. The one way analysis of variance, two independent samples t-test, Spearman correlation coefficient, and SPSS 21 software were used.
Findings: There was no significant relationship between demographic characteristics and nutritional behaviors (p>0.05) but father's education level had a significant reverse correlation with barriers (r=-0.147; p<0.05). The most important barriers of having breakfast during the week in school were lack of appetite and adequate time, and on vacation, was to be alone. Barriers were disliked milk, embarrassment of taking bread and cheese as a snack, and the lack of fruits and vegetables at home (p<0.05). The important cues to action were mothers (76.5%), fathers (44.5%) and then health workers and teachers, respectively.
Conclusions: Barriers play an important role in nutritional behaviors. The most important barriers of having breakfast during the week in school are lack of appetite and adequate time, and on vacation, being alone.
Hassn Rouhani,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2002)
Volume 14, Issue 5 (9-2012)
Viral symptoms indicative of Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) were observed on onion in several fields near Chenaran in Khorasan Razavi Province. Mechanical inoculation of herbaceous hosts with onion sap extracts from symptomatic plants showed similar symptoms to those described for IYSV. The mechanically transmitted virus reacted only with antisera specific to IYSV in DAS-ELISA but not with antisera specific to seven other tospoviruses. In RT-PCR, a DNA fragment approximately 822 bp in size was amplified from infected Nicotiana benthamiana by using primers specific to the nucleocapsid (N) gene of IYSV. After cloning and sequencing, the deduced N protein sequence of two isolates (GenBank accession no. HQ148173 and HQ148174) showed 98% amino acid identity with a Sri Lankan isolate, 96% with a Dutch isolate and 92% with a Brazilian isolate. To our knowledge, this is the first molecular characterization of IYSV in Iran.
Volume 15, Issue 3 (5-2015)
In this article microhexapod robot is introduced as a micromanipulator. First hexapod which is a parallel mechanism is investigated and also modifications that is needed for the improvement of positioning accuracy and eliminating factors such as clearance and friction in the conventional joints. Doing this, spherical and universal joints are replaced with flexural beam type joints after scaling down the hexapod. Then the degrees of freedom of flexure joints are achieved and after that the instantaneous center of rotation of flexure joints is derived for every finite twist of moving platform and it is shown that the kinematic chain of each pod of microhexapod consists of two spherical joints and a prismatic actuator; but it differs from hexapod in a way the location of the instantaneous center changes with the change of the finite twist of moving platform. Thereafter the velocity kinematics of microhexapod is solved using screw theory. In addition, using the analytical formula, the velocity of actuators was calculated for some case studies; linear motion of moving platform with constant velocity and also constant acceleration and also movement with constant velocity in a circular path. The results are verified with the finite element analysis and shown good agreement.
Volume 16, Issue 3 (10-2016)
Using of reinforcement elements in improving geotechnical properties of soil has been considered by a human for many years. In recent years, many improvements have been made in the field of improving poor soils and reinforcing them. Soil reinforcement is used as an effective method to improve the soil layers in order to increase the bearing capacity and reduce the settlement. Soil-bag system is one of the new polymer products. That can be used as a soil reinforcing element in various projects. Soil-bag system was developed in order to increase the bearing capacity of the soil and reduce its settlement. The kind of filling materials mostly depends on the application of soil-bag system and availability of materials. The most important characteristic implemented into the structure of soil-bag system is tension strength of the polymer implemented in the bag. Bags implemented into soil-bag system are generally built of polyethylene or polypropylene polymers. When soil-bag system undergoes vertical loading, tension force produced into the bag cover causes to increase vertical force (N), consequently, this causes to increase the force between soil particles (= soil friction coefficient and F=.N). Earth reinforcement using of soil-bag system causes to increase bearing capacity and it causes to minimize transformation of foundation bed influenced by the imposed load. The results of simple pressure test on the foundation reinforcement with soil-bag system by Yongfu Xu show that when soil-bag system is exposed on external load, it exhibits high strength which a fundamental portion of this strength is resulted from tension force generated in the cover of polymeric bag. Of other characteristics of soil bags, the absorption of vibrations resulted from traffic load can be addressed. In this study, the bed soil models in reinforced and non-reinforced conditions have been investigated using numerical method. Numerical studies have been done in three dimensional cases using finite element method (Abaqus). In this method sand and polypropylene polymer bag behavior were defined by using Mohr-coulomb and Elastic- Perfect Plastic models. Also, the effects of soil-bag system in increasing the bearing capacity and reducing settlement were evaluated. Another resistance-based parameters of soil-bag system which was examined in this research, is the effect of internal friction angle of soil on the bearing capacity of soil-bag system. Regarding the results of numerical method, it is observed that the maximum tension concentration in the above-mentioned model is placed in the corners of polymeric bag. The results show that the more is the friction angle between soils particles, the resistance of soil-bag system will also be increased against the external loading. There are proper matching between the results obtained from numerical studies and field studies done by other researchers. The results show that the bearing capacity of reinforced bed is almost 2 times bigger than the non-reinforcement bed.
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2018)
Various solutions have been suggested to overcome the issue when cooling peak hours and electric energy consumption coincide. One of the solutions is to store the cooling load at off-peak hours. One of the most conventional types of storage systems is the ice-on-coil storage system. The low heat transfer rate in this system is one of the challenges. Since the conduction heat transfer coefficient of ice is low, by starting the ice formation, the heat transfer between the refrigerant inside the coil and the reservoir’s water will reduce. One idea to increase the heat transfer rate is to postpone the starting time of the freezing process to keep active the natural convection mechanism. In the present study, mechanical vibration has been used to linger freezing initiation in ice-on-coil energy storage system. The effect of longitudinal and lateral positioning of the probe, on the amount of temperature and initiation time of freezing as well as the amount and structure of formed ice has been investigated. The results revealed that placing the vibrator at the middle of coil over its two ends leads to further increase in the amount of formed ice. It is found that applying mechanical vibration can postpone the initiation time of the freezing process and decrease the subcooling temperature. Moreover, it is shown that the amount of ice formation is a function of subcooling temperature and initiation time of freezing. Finally, the energy consumption of the vibrator and the energy consumption reduction in peak-hour are calculated.
Volume 19, Issue 4 (11-2019)
The number of scrap tires is increasing rapidly in both developed and developing countries due to the steady rise in the number of vehicles. Scrap tires accumulation in the environment causes several social, economical and environmental issues all around the world. Recent studies showed that this material can be considered as an alternative for some conventional materials in construction industries. Scrap tires are used as a whole or in processed pieces in geotechnical engineering to help reducing the disposal effects and improve mechanical characteristics of soils. It is becoming quite common to mix soils and processed rubber particles in different civil and geotechnical constructions like lightweight backfill, road subbase, embankment fills, slopes, asphalt construction, sound barriers, rail construction and foundation reinforcement. However, the employment of these mixtures in real scale projects requires a better understanding of the mechanical performance of the mixtures.
The mechanical response of sand-rubber mixtures, initial fabric skeleton and interaction mechanism between constituents depend on several factors such as volume proportions of the mixtures, confinement stress and size ratio between constituent’s grains. The idea of mixing sand and rubber particles with the same particle size distribution was employed in this study to minimize size contrast effect between the grains. Therefore, the mechanical behavior of the mixtures is only based on the volume proportions of the mixtures and internal mechanism between sand and rubber particles. To do so, drained triaxial compression and extension tests were conducted in conventional triaxial apparatus on sand-rubber mixtures. The triaxial samples were made using moist tamping method in three successive layers to avoid high segregation between rubber and sand particles.
The effect of rubber particles was significant on drained mechanical response of sand-rubber mixtures. Peak strength reduction followed by axial strain increase corresponding to the peak strength were observed by increasing the rubber fractions of the mixtures. Consequently the initial elastic modulus of sand-rubber mixtures reduces by increasing the rubber proportions of the mixtures. The contribution of volume proportions of the rubber particles inside the mixtures was found to be significant on the deformation behavior of the mixtures. The volumetric response of sand-rubber mixtures shows that increasing the rubber proportions of the mixtures increases the compressibility tendency of the mixtures which reduces the dilatancy of the mixtures. The angle of friction and intercept cohesion reduces and increases by increasing the rubber fractions of sand-rubber mixtures which are consistent with what have been observed by the previous investigations in the literature. The critical state line parameters of the mixtures were highly dependent on rubber proportions of the mixtures as the slope of critical state line increases by increasing the rubber fraction of the mixtures. The radial strain of the mixtures decreases by increasing the rubber proportions of the mixtures which could be the effect of replacing sand particles by rubber particles in force chains. In general, the mechanical response of sand-rubber mixtures was mostly controlled by sand particles where FR ≤ 20% and by rubber particles where FR > 30%.
Volume 19, Issue 6 (June 2019)
Near dry Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is one of the advanced methods for removing materials environmentally friendly. Combining the minimum quantity of lubricant (MQL) and vegetable oil not only reduces health and costs, but also improves the process. This research has been conducted on Mo40 steel and the mixture of vegetable oil and air has been used as dielectric. The effect of electric current variables, open circuit voltage, pulse on and off time and air pressure were studied on material removal rate (MRR), tool wear rate (TWR), and surface roughness (Ra), using the method of designing the central composition of the response surface. The results showed that the increase in ampere, pulse on time and open circuit voltage increase the MRR; also, increase of the pulse time improves washing of the environment that prevent short-circuit and all had an effect on the MRR. Also, increasing the ampere and open circuit voltage leads to an increase in the TWR and increasing the pulse on time, as well as the increase in pulse time, reduces the TWR. Increasing the air pressure reduced the dielectric density and increased the TWR. On the other hand, the increase in the ampere and the pulse on time as well as the open circuit voltage increased Ra and increase in the pulse time and the air pressure reduced Ra. This method has led to an increase of 200% in MRR, 30% reduction in TWR, and 60% reduction in Ra compared to the kerosene immersion method.
Volume 20, Issue 1 (1-2018)
Root-knot nematodes are the most economically important plant pathogens in pistachio. The ability of Pseudomonas fluorescens strains VUPF5, VUPF52, Bacillus cereus strain PRC95 and Bacillus subtilis strain PRC96 were tested as biocontrol agents for Meloidogyne incognita on the pistachio cultivars Sarakhs and Badami. The effect of these bacterial strains on defense-related enzymes activity in pistachio was also investigated. Pistachio seedlings of both cultivars were treated with bacterial strains and then were inoculated with 2000 second-stage juveniles of nematode after two days. Evaluations were made for changes of Peroxidase (POX), PolyPhenolOxidase (PPO), Phenylalanine Ammonia lyase (PAL) and Total Phenolic Content (TPC) determined at 2, 4, 7, and 10 Days After nematode Inoculation (DAI). Results showed improved activity of POX, PAL and PPO in both cultivars. The most significant result for POX activity in the treated seedlings belonged to Pseudomonas strain VUPF5 at 7 DAI for Sarakhs and 10 DAI for Badami. However, this strain displayed an increase in PAL activity at 2 and 4 DAI in Badami and Sarakhs, respectively. Seedlings treated by the Pseudomonas strain VUPF52 at 10 DAI had the highest PPO activity among cultivars. TPC concentration was slightly higher, by 8.4% at 4 DAI, in Sarakhs seedlings treated with VUPF5, but no significant increase could be seen in the Badami cultivar compared with the control. In another experiment, 4 months after nematode inoculation in seedlings of both cultivars treated by bacterial strains, numbers of galls, egg masses, and second juveniles decreased compared with the non-treated seedlings.
Volume 20, Issue 4 (11-2020)
Actually, after drilling a borehole, some materials would be eliminated from the original rock mass. The exhumed materials no longer can carry the stresses transferred to the rock surrounding the borehole. The process represents a stress concentration in the rock around the borehole. The so-called borehole breakout failure results from an enhancement in shear stress on the borehole wall because of the excavation-induced increase of the hoop stress surrounding the wall. Vertical borehole breakouts generated via un-equal horizontal in-situ stresses are usually focused in two opposed areas along the least horizontal in-situ stress. Excavation cause loss of balance stresses around the borehole and also cause compressive stress concentration on the walls. Changes in stresses around the borehole may cause formation damage
. This status results in other modes of borehole instability such as collapsing of the wall due to shearing failure. Breakout phenomenon (collapsed walls under shear failure) will occur by increased shear stress at the borehole wall which by itself is due to an increase in hoop stress on the wall. In this paper, the goal is to compare four failure criteria including, Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, Griffith and
Fairhurst to estimate the depth and angular width of the borehole wall in damaged zone, where the stresses are heterogeneous. The results show that damaged zone, undamaged zone and boundary curve of failure around the borehole, can be obtained using the function of failure criteria (
F) in σ
3 plane
. The more that the area under the curves of these criteria would be in σ
3 plane, the less damaged zone will occur around the borehole. For instance, the area under the curve for Griffith criteria in σ
3 plane, is less than the area of other criteria. So damaged area in Griffith criteria is more than 3 other criteria. Angular width obtained from Hoek-Brown criterion, Mohr-Coulomb criterion and Fairhrust criterion (unlike Griffith) coincide, because these 3 criteria cut the σ
1 axis with the same width in σ
3 plane. Also, with the constant value for difference of in-situ stresses (σ
h), depth of the failure in minimum in-situ stress direction is more in Griffith and Fairhrust criteria in compare with 2 other criteria. By comparing the failure criteria, it has been observed that, with an increase in in-situ stresses ratio (σ
h), the results of Griffith and Fairhrust criteria are more close to experimental results in compare with 2 other criteria (Hoek-Brown and Mohr-Coulomb).
Volume 21, Issue 85 (4-2024)
In this article, a famous sonnet by Hafez is briefly analyzed based on Van Dijk's (professor of discourse analysis) ideological square & Based on some discursive factors, it is analyzed and interpreted in terms of form and content and it is analyzed how Hafez highlighted the positive characteristics of "we" (Hafez, mystics) while writing a lyric. And he has distinguished the negative characteristics of "others" (the kings). And he has shown the negative qualities of "self" and the positive qualities of "others" and he shows that they are less important. These four cases are the basic cases of Van Dijk's theory in the analysis of texts and speeches. The main goal of this research is to know more about the moral and social views of Hafez and his time through the poems that From the point of view of the theory of critical discourse analysis, it has been evaluated.
The method of this research is descriptive-analytical (qualitative) and its data was collected using the library method. Among the results of the current research is this that by introducing the linguistic and rhetorical methods of Hafez & in expressing moral and critical issues, his great human and social concerns should be introduced. In this way, Hafez has expressed his critical discourse by using direct and indirect expression, and by using appropriate vocabulary and syntax and rhetorical ironics. He criticizes us by highlighting our positive qualities such as avoiding bad language and prejudice and avoiding wrongdoing, and he has talked about the negative characteristics of others such as saying bad things and hearing bad things, thinking bad things and slandering.
Volume 23, Issue 3 (10-2019)
The purpose of this research is to study the co-authorship among researchers in field of strategic management in Iran. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and has been done by scientometric approach. The statistical population of research consists of all articles and authors of internal articles in field of strategic management and collectively contain 320 articles in 32 internal journals related to this field that have been identified during the period from 2001 to 2016. Social network analysis was used for analyzing data and also UCINET and Gephi software has been used in order to analyze co-authorship network. The findings show that the most used authoring pattern to produce these articles is two-authorship. 606 unique authors have contributed to form the network of articles, that 102 authors among them have played an influential role. This research showed that Azar, Khodadad Hosseini, and also jointly Hosseini and Seyedjavadin have earned first to third ranks in terms of frequency of articles. Azar, Khodadad Hosseini and Hosseini respectively were ranked first to third in rank centrality.