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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Examining the meaning of a word with the approach of cognitive semantics, through the radial network, analyzes the change of the meaning of the word in different contexts in the form of a systematic pattern. In this view, the word has a central meaning, which is also seen in the secondary concepts. Based on this, the secondary meanings that are proposed for the word are somehow tied with the central meaning and a semantic network is formed. Due to the fact that this theory can explain the semantic development of the word and clarify how they came about, we decided to use it to explain the semantic network of zikr in the Qur'an with a descriptive and analytical method. Dealing with the word zikr according to this theory leads us to the following conclusions: The linguistic remembrance of Allah along with the presence of the heart is the central meaning of the word zikr. This meaning is the central core of the coherent semantic network, which consists of six radial meanings based on the first meaning.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

 The turning increasingly of educational centers to Virtual and online classes shows necessity of paying attention to the quality of training and deep and meaningful learning using modern educational methods in this type of training.This study aims to investigate the effect of k.w.l strategy, which is one of the educational metacognitive strategies and was introduced based on the constructivism theory for deep and meaningful learning by Ogel, in the onlin class of teaching Arabic grammar,to asses the effectiveness of this strategy in meaningful and deep learning of Arabic grammar.The study used Quasi-experimental method with pre and post test on the control and experimental groups who were trained virtually. statistical population included 34 students in the first semester of the bachelor at Khwarizmi public University in(1400). The sample was selected by the available method and then randomly divided into two groups .Data analysis was done by(spss). In order to determine the presence or absence of influence between variables and to estimate and generalize the results obtained from the sample size to the statistical population,the combined analysis of covariance or repeated measures test(GLMRM)was used to assess and evaluate the research data. According to results, average of pre-test scores of the Arabic grammar variables in the control and experimental groups are 2.40 and 2.04,respectively, and these averages in the post-test of these groups are reported 2.55 and 3.01 respectively,so there is a significant difference betyeen pre-test and we see a significant increase in the grammar average in the experimental groupʼs post-test.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Considering that there are many commonalities between MohammadReza Shafiei Kadkani and Abdul Wahhab AL-Bayyati in cultural, social and political fields, and especially in literary filed, and also the inveterate familiarity of Shafiei Kadkani with AL-Bayyati’s views and opinions, besides study and translation of his works and preoccupation regarding to AL-Bayyati, all these caused Shafiei Kadkani to model AL-Bayyaties poetries and his personality as the major sample and in some cases to he impressed by him such that, sometims, Shafiei Kadkani composes like AL-Bayyati. So the common aspects of these two literates could not be accidentally. Therefore, obvious signs of this impressiveness and commonality are discussable in the framework of comparative literature. The purpose of this article is analyzing the commonalities and impressiveness signs of this Iranian poet from the Iraqi poet.

Volume 2, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2011)

Occupation of Palestine and Iraq’s invasion to Iran, as two enormous events of the twentieth century, overshadowed the lives of two lands. Meanwhile, literature- especially poetry-as one of the thinking areas of the Palestinians and Iranians, had witnessed a fundamental transformation. The poets of the two lands parallel to the enemy’s attack, showed resistance together with the combatants against the invasion of the enemy. “Smyh Alqasm” and “Hassan Hussein were two poems who left various worthwhile resistance poems. One indicator of this type of literature is the use of dramatic, symbolic and lyric contents. The present paper intends to investigate the reflection of changes caused by the onslaught of foreign enemies on the deployment of concepts and symbolic myths as well as the homology, differences, semantic developments and concept changes of these themes in the lyrics of Samyh Alqasem and Hassan Hosseini. The results indicated that both Samyh Alqasem and Hassan Hosseini have used symbolic and natural, human being, animal and place lyrics but symbolic and lyric meanings in the poets of Samyh enjoy more initiative, variety and extension.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2014)

Nostalgia or submit for the past is a mental state that appears in a person unconsciously and then becomes a thought. In the literature, this state occurs for a poet or writer, who, because of individual motivation or surrounding social, political situation, feels cut from the present time and raises the idea of returning to the past and its sweet memories. Abd -Al Wahhab Baiati and Mohammad Reza Shafie Kadkani, as two famous contemporary Arabic and Persian literature poets and gonfaloniers of the school of literary romanticism, refresh their memoirs according to their personal and social conditions; and their poem takes the color of pain, sorrow and yearning for the past and induces an atmosphere of submit and nostalgia to the audience. Therefore, in this research, the authors, using Hermeneutics approach and content analysis method, review and match the appearance manner of this poetic thought in these two poets' lyrics. The results showed that these two poets have subscription in nostalgic themes, staying away from land, childhood, lover, loss of values and myths.    

Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2011)

Literature is one of the most important factors of cultural transferring for every nation and has elements and components as complex as life and culture. If we consider criticism as a tool of leading literature to creativity, then we will perceive its crucial situation among the societies because the alive conscience of literature releases it from self deception. Critics select different procedures in the frame of their proficiency and interest in this way. Moral criticism, social criticism, psychological criticism, historical criticism, aesthetic criticism and comparative criticism are of the most important branches of literary criticism that besides merging with other sciences, they prove the dependency of literature on science from one hand and on the culture of society on the other. This research, using an analytical approach to social criticism, aims to reach a kind of convergence beyond the different and sometimes contradictory ideas in this field, while explicating the foundations of social criticism in literature. Therefore, to assume the society as the subject of a writer's thoughts instead of his/her source of thought, defining the individuality of an artist or a writer (which helps to distinguish his/her point of view and accepting the artistic aspect of literary works as the distinction between science and art) removes a lot of challenges in this field.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (, (Articles in Persian) 2011)

Literature of resistance has both human and world face. Efforts by a generation of fighters for liberation of land, religion, culture and traditions from the shackles of aggressors to national privacy and human values are done, which everyone can draw poetic and literary expression. Events such as occupied Palestine and Iraq’s attack on Iran caused the creation of unique works of the resistance literature of nations. Works of the poet of Palestinian resistance, “Smyah Alqasem”, poets of Iranian’s Sacred Defense, “Hosseini Hassan” and “Kaiser Amin Pour” are valuable legacy in the realm of the resistance poetry of the two territories. The present study is to investigate homology and differences in the poetry of resistance by relying on the works of two poets of the country. Research findings showed that sense of belonging to the land, disposal of foreign invasion and occupation are among the main factors in the incidence of resistance elements of Samyh, Husseini and Aminpour poetry. Land, war victims, rebellion against the aggressor, religious and ethnic motivations of struggle, martyrdom, the enemy, oriented ideals and values to override objections by flow resistance are the main themes of the poets.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 16), (Articles in Persian) 2013)

Study of the experience of women and its difference with that of men has caused to the formation of different approaches about the connection between language and gender. Women and men have different tendencies in the use of some language features (especially vocal). This issue distinguishs their language from each other. Linguistic differences are not so clear and the speakers have not much sensitivity and awareness of them, but by examining the works of women, one can achieve the mentioned features. Among the type of poetries, literary gender has deep ties with poets feeling. Therefore, it provides reflection on the poets’ mind and thoughts. Finally, it has the capacity of analyzing the linguistic gender reflection. Technique of whimper poem is inspired of disaster, and stimulates the poets’ feelings in order to utter his/her grieving poems and affect on the audience. The main subject of this study, using the votes of language sociologists is discussion on the Sa′d Sabbah’s poems at three levels: lexical, syntactic and rhetorical in order to illustrate the connection between language and gender. The results showed that a close relationship exists between sentiment whimper and gender of the poet. And situation of grief has a direct impact on the poems of Sa′d Sabbah. Descriptive and analytical methods were used to explain the subject of this research

Volume 4, Issue 11 (1-2016)

Popular culture deals with the public perception of habits, traditions, anecdotes, beliefs, anthems, proverbs, and oral speech, having been discussed in different areas of humanities including sociology, history, psychology, literature, art and even religions. Literature is, in its technical sense, marked with folklore elements. Particular attention to literature in multidisciplinary studies is a new approach.
An itinerary is a personal account of the conditions of the cities and nations visited by a travel writer. An itinerary encompasses invaluable information by means of which the social, political and economic realities of different historical periods can be established. Moreover, it is among the most critical ways to analyze and compare various nations, being at the same time the best way to gain insights into diverse phenomena surrounding popular culture and social communications, about which little has been written in historical documents.
This research, descriptive-analytical in nature, was concerned with investigating Iran’s popular elements, popular culture and social communications (folk literature of Iran). It also focused on popular-culture-based behaviors in the eyes of the Moroccan travel writer, who traveled across Iran during the Mongol Empire.  The findings indicate that folklore elements occupy an important position in Ibn Battuta’s itinerary. The appearance of these elements is mostly focused on eating habits and foods.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 18), (Articles in Persian) 2014)

Story utterances are means for expressing sayings and thoughts, and a suitable situation for promoting story incidents that establish a wide part of every story; the "narrator" should represent the utterances in a way that the reader gets familiarized with the story deeply. Therefore, stylistics of story utterances is necessary for better understanding of the story. Styles of representing story utterances, which comes from the relationship between the narrator and the story characters, are divided into five types:  direct speech, indirect speech, free direct speech, free indirect speech, and narrative report of utterances. The present article deals with descriptive and analytic styles of "Assabbar" novel (1976), while it presents a complete statistics population of story utterances. The findings showed that utterances in the order of direct speech style, narrative report of utterances and free direct speech style have the most frequency in this novel. The narrator allows characters to connect with the reader by using direct speech and free direct speech styles, and familiarize them with the political, social and cultural problems of their society, because these two styles cause intimacy between the reader and the characters, and transfer the message of the writer to the reader in a good way. Sometimes, the narrator establishes control over the time of the story incidents, and advances them with a narrative report.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

Based on Mikhail Bakhtin’s point of view, the Dialogism, novel, more than anything else, is a linguistic phenomenon, which has a fair correlation between its genuine and its feature of heteroglossia. Language expresses the different social and ideological approaches of the utterances within a translinguistics framework. So the novel compiles all of these diverse social and ideological discourses and utterances. Different Character zones and discourses of the narrator, and embedded genres create a world of different voices and ideologies. From a feminist critique perspective (Gyno criticism), the novel Cheraghha ra Man Khamush Mikonam (I turn off the lights), applies social and cultural differences in different discourses to indicate the writer’s womanly standpoint through various social languages and utterences, and therefore, makes grounds for the promotion of the womanly voice in a multi-linguistic system. Here, through a descriptive-analytical method, we are going to study the “Heteroglossia” feature in the novel Cheraghha ra Man Khamush Mikonam written by Zoya Pirzad in the light of Bakhtin’s dialogism, and also from the Gyno criticism point of view, to analyze the diversity of discourses in this womanly novel. In this novel, the womanly awareness is indicated by the writer, the double-voiced discourse consists of the writer’s double-voice discourse and that of the narrator, embedded genres and the Character’s zones display the different social and cultural levels available, which also result in the appearance of a womanly world in the novel.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (No.8- 2016)

The Realistic and Historical Approach in the novel of (alzalzal) for Tahir Wattar Abstract Algerian society throughout long history has experienced different revolutions, for example Revolution in 1962 against the French colonial history, the agricultural revolution and the process of land reform in 1971. Obviously, committed scholars try to write the events of Algeria in his view. Tahir wattar (1936-2010),one of the largest Algerian novelist, attended to some of the most important historical society in the novel "Alzlzal" a with realistic look. Socialist ideas in novel social issues such as discrimination, lack of peace and security, and oppression and to find a way to solve these problems and historical events the socialist revolution. This research try to explore the approach in the novel. Due to the adaptation of the novel "Alzlzal" with a lot of features of historical-realistic novel, it looks, we can assign it, a historical - realistic novel.

Volume 10, Issue 38 (Summer 2017)

According to Jung's Archetype concept. some of the affective behavioral and though patterns are inherited by human beings and these patterns do significantly affect human being's personality development. These primordial perceptions are rooted in "collective unconscious" and since mystical poetry is this poet's achievement from this smooth layer. therefore. many archetypes will appear in that. The idea of "perfect man" is one of these archetypes. The appearance of this idea within mystical poetry is illustrative of the poet's challenge in achieving self-actualization and realizing self.
The present study applies a descriptive-analytical approach and it mainly relies upon Jung's psychology school. The objective of this study is to provide the reader with a psychological criticism of "Emadodin Nasimi"'s poetry. with regard to perfect man idea. This archetype has been projected within various characters such as Prophet Muhammad. Fazlollah Na'eemi. etc. The appearance of this idea in Nasimi's poetry follows a specific target and the main purpose in so doing is for the poet himself to achieve "self". This achievement is the result of passing several stages like " Identification ". "mental inflation". "projection" and " Individuation ".

Volume 24, Issue 1 (2-2018)

Universal literary theory is a new critical approach that aims to study universal mechanisms literary work at the levels of Inline text, language, and framework. The Universality is to achieve the level of universal recognition of the greatness of literary work and the desire to translate, read and study. There is no doubt that the efforts of Najib Mahfouz in the case of the novel had a great significance in the movement of Arab narratives towards the world. This article attempts to investigate the Universal literary elements in the novel "Our neighborhood kids" within the Universal literary theory, through a curriculum that is a bridge between the Universal literary theory and the descriptive-analytical approach. The results indicate that this novel has the advantages to qualify for the presence in the world space, the most important is the victory of Najib Mahfouz Nobel Prize. In addition to the presence of Inline text element’s such as the conflict between religion and knowledge, and the balance between Egyptian society and the Universal level in terms of ideas, the author's involvement in Egypt's political power and culture has helped him gain access to the Universal literary space. Then translating the novel into the most important languages of the world, such as English and French, which helped her to cross the border of Egypt. But the universality of this novel does not imply the availability of all the elements of the Universal literary

Volume 25, Issue 1 (4-2019)

Tribalism was the most important component of the thoughts and behavior of Arabs who had transformed themselves into Islam. In the teachings of Islam, there was no place for tribal prejudice, and the Prophet (PBUH) did not give it an opportunity to rise through his revelation and management. Tribalism re-emerged with the passing of the Prophet and gradually became a discourse and affected many issues of the Islamic community. Families are important components of tribal discourse, and Hashemites, as one of the three famous families of Quraysh, as well as the founding family of Islam, are more than others in the context of its developments and currents. The main issue of this research is the question of how did tribalism affect the virtue and identity of Hashemites after the Prophet? After a descriptive-analytical survey, it was revealed that the Prophet of Islam did not define identity and virtue separately from other Muslims, and the privileges of Ahl al-Bayt and Zil-Qoraba, which were limited to five in the time of the Prophet, were due to their records and virtues and had no connection of being Hashemite. But with tribalism overcoming after the Hashemite Prophet, they were given the opportunity to make themselves a partner in the virtues of the Prophet's household and inheritance. The caliphs' actions and their own aspirations contributed to this issue. The Hashemite gradually shared with the Ahl al-Bayt virtues and found a new identity, and, relying on this identity, claimed the most important legacy of the Prophet, i.e. the leadership.

Volume 27, Issue 2 (7-2020)

Harold Bloom's "anxiety of influence" theory is one of the postmodern flows influenced by Nietzsche's philosophy and Oedipus Freud's theory of relationship between poets and critics, relying on two terms "backward" and "predecessor".Based on this theory, every poet tries to free himself from the anxiety of his influence by employing different mechanisms and proving his independence from the predecessor. Ignoring the extent to which this theory can be applied to all poets and critics, as Harold Bloom puts it. The study of the poetic collection "Al-Ketab", in the present moment" and the assignment of this collection to the text, along with the recitation of the poet's life and poetry by Adonis, are the main motivation.The authors used a descriptive-analytical approach to read this series in the light of the theory of "anxiety of influence ". The results showed that by using modern historical criticism and deconstruction in relative reading, Adonis attempted to exert his independence in three stages by employing mechanisms of influence retreat, denial of sanctity, and self-criticism of the predecessor.

Azam Tavakoli, Mehdi Mehrizi, Cobra Roshanfekr, Kamran Rabiee,
Volume 29, Issue 3 (7-2022)

The present tries to study and review the manner the discourse analysis method is being used in family studies. This method especially emphasizes the role of research in the social context. Considering the key role of the family and women and their place in ensuring the prosperity, this sacred institution should be researched upon in this so that we can reveal the structures and processes that are based on ideology and power. However, considering past researches in the field of women and family, a majority of researchers have paid little attention to the social context while investigating those problems. Therefore, it seems a research gap in this field and hence, this article aims to answer to this question: How can family and women's issues be investigated through the discourse analysis method? The influencing factors on this social phenomenon have been written with the aim of determining the type of linguistic strategies in representation, alienation, highlighting, etc. And in the meantime, we will also discuss the evolution of the discourse analysis method. In order to achieve this goal and to understand this matter more easily, we have used the movies Kitab Qanun (Book of Law), Abed and One Day (Forrever and One Day) as examples.

Volume 30, Issue 1 (Spring 2022)

Receiving the Qur’an as a literary text is one of the epistemological responses of scholars to this text in the twentieth century. This kind of reception has a long history in the Islamic heritage, especially in the studies of Qur’anic commentators and scholars, but there are fundamental differences between the literary reading of the Qur’an in the past and in the present. These differences arise from the methods used to analyze and study the literary text. If we look at the Qur’an as a literary text from the perspective of modern theories, we encounter with challenges because the literary text, under in this view, is considered an open and pluralistic text in terms of meaning, during its formation and reception. This article examines the challenges raised by receiving the Qur’an as a literary text in light of "Reception Theory". In this regard, it is observed that the principle of coherence provides us with a criterion for distinguishing interpretations close and far from the truth of the Qur’an and contributes to framing the reader's participation in the process of reading the Qur'an as a literary text from the perspective of modern theories.


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