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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Examining the meaning of a word with the approach of cognitive semantics, through the radial network, analyzes the change of the meaning of the word in different contexts in the form of a systematic pattern. In this view, the word has a central meaning, which is also seen in the secondary concepts. Based on this, the secondary meanings that are proposed for the word are somehow tied with the central meaning and a semantic network is formed. Due to the fact that this theory can explain the semantic development of the word and clarify how they came about, we decided to use it to explain the semantic network of zikr in the Qur'an with a descriptive and analytical method. Dealing with the word zikr according to this theory leads us to the following conclusions: The linguistic remembrance of Allah along with the presence of the heart is the central meaning of the word zikr. This meaning is the central core of the coherent semantic network, which consists of six radial meanings based on the first meaning.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

 The turning increasingly of educational centers to Virtual and online classes shows necessity of paying attention to the quality of training and deep and meaningful learning using modern educational methods in this type of training.This study aims to investigate the effect of k.w.l strategy, which is one of the educational metacognitive strategies and was introduced based on the constructivism theory for deep and meaningful learning by Ogel, in the onlin class of teaching Arabic grammar,to asses the effectiveness of this strategy in meaningful and deep learning of Arabic grammar.The study used Quasi-experimental method with pre and post test on the control and experimental groups who were trained virtually. statistical population included 34 students in the first semester of the bachelor at Khwarizmi public University in(1400). The sample was selected by the available method and then randomly divided into two groups .Data analysis was done by(spss). In order to determine the presence or absence of influence between variables and to estimate and generalize the results obtained from the sample size to the statistical population,the combined analysis of covariance or repeated measures test(GLMRM)was used to assess and evaluate the research data. According to results, average of pre-test scores of the Arabic grammar variables in the control and experimental groups are 2.40 and 2.04,respectively, and these averages in the post-test of these groups are reported 2.55 and 3.01 respectively,so there is a significant difference betyeen pre-test and we see a significant increase in the grammar average in the experimental groupʼs post-test.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted for Publication 2024)

Aim and Introduction
This paper examines the distribution of income in Iran from 2006 to 2016 and evaluates the validity of one of the latest economic theories concerning income distribution, namely, the Econophysics Two-Class Theory of Income Distribution (EPTC).
According to this model, income distribution generally comprises two classes. The lower class of this distribution, typically representing 97 to 99% of th society, follows the exponential (thermal) Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution, primarily driven by labor income. This distribution remains stable over time and undergoes minimal fundamental changes. Conversely, the income distribution of the upper class, constituting approximately 1 to 3% of society, follows the Pareto distribution, recognized as a superthermal distribution in econophysics. Notably, this distribution exhibits high variability over time, closely mirroring fluctuations in the stock market.
For this study, a review of the theoretical literature on the statistical distribution of income is conducted, tracing its evolution from Pareto's initial attempts to the formulation of the two-class distribution of income. In the methodology section, emphasis is placed on delineating the characteristics of two Probability Density Functions (PDFs) and Complementary Cumulative Distribution Functions (CCDFs) associated with exponential and Pareto distributions. The methodology elaborates on the approach to detecting income distribution patterns within the framework of the aforementioned theory. Subsequently, in the data and findings section, an examination of the income data spanning the specified time period in Iran is undertaken. The section meticulously explores the compatibility of these data with the EPCT, offering detailed discussions on the observed patterns and their alignment with the theoretical framework. Finally, the implications of the EPCT are elucidated, and the paper's conclusions are presented in the concluding remarks section.
In complex systems concluding big data or complex models, alternative approaches beyond conventional statistical tests may be employed to estimate distributions. Visual inspection and descriptive analysis, facilitated by histograms and distribution charts, serve as effective tools for approximating distributions without relying on statistical tests. The selection of distributions is informed by theoretical considerations that align with the underlying characteristics of the system. These alternative methods offer practicality and informativeness, particularly in scenarios where traditional statistical assumptions may not hold or when dealing with extensive and unconventional data. The present article adopts this methodological approach to analyze income distribution in Iran.
The initial step involves drawing the histogram and probability density function (PDF). The shape of the histogram guides the identification of distribution. Given the potential complexity arising from large datasets, and the ambiguity that may arise from visual inspection of merely the PDF, a Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) plot serves as a valuable aid. Subsequently, following the first step and the selection of candidate theoretical distributions, the CCDFs are plotted to ascertain the optimal fit with the experimental data distribution. Consequently, the combined use of PDF and CCDF serves as indispensable tools for delineating annual income distribution patterns.
The resemblance between the graphs of the PDF for both exponential and Pareto distributions on a linear-linear scale poses challenges in distinguishing between these distributions. Similarly, the CCDF curve lacks clarity on a linear-linear scale due to this similarity. However, employing a logarithmic-linear scale to plot the survival function related to the data of the lower part of society proves beneficial, as it reveals a smooth line representative of the exponential Boltzmann-Gibbs law. Similarly, plotting the survival function for the upper part of the society on a logarithmic-logarithmic scale serves to elucidate the Pareto power law. Consequently, plotting the survival function for the entire dataset on a logarithmic-logarithmic scale, as per the hypothesis of the EPTC, should unveil two distinct segments: exponential and Pareto.
The data utilized in this study were derived from the raw tables pertaining to the household expenditure-income (budget) plan, annually published by the Statistical Center of Iran. Specifically focusing on data sourced from the urban population, which constituted approximately three-quarters of the total population during the study period. Data preparation commenced with the meticulous removal of zero and negative values, followed by deflation adjustments based on the consumer price index. Subsequently, data normalization was conducted utilizing the slope of the line of the CCDF for the lower part of the dataset, plotted on a logarithmic-linear scale for each year. This normalization process was initiated based on the initial estimate of the border income, set at the 99.7th percentile. Finally, an appropriate binning strategy was selected, with a uniform value of 0.4 (∆r≈0.4T) applied to all data subsequent to the initial 0.2 portion.
Plotting the PDF of the income pertaining to the lower class of the society across three scales—linear-linear, logarithmic-linear, and logarithmic-logarithmic—alongside the fitting line of the exponential distribution function for the year 2016 revealed a notable alignment, indicative of a robust fit with the theoretical exponential distribution.
Alternatively, the survival function chart was employed to analyze the income distribution among the upper class of society. Presenting this data graphically across three scales—linear-linear, logarithmic-linear, and logarithmic-logarithmic—for the entirety of 2016 underscored two key findings. Firstly, the tail-end distribution of income follows the Pareto distribution. Secondly, and of paramount significance, these graphical representations unequivocally affirmed the appropriateness of dividing the dataset into two distinct segments.
Plotting the PDF for the 11-year period revealed that the data pertaining to the lower part of the society, representing 99.7% of the total population, converged onto a singular curve following normalization across the entire duration under study. Subsequently, depicting the survival functions for the aforementioned 11-year time frame in a unified graph, utilizing both logarithmic-linear and logarithmic-logarithmic scales, served as a more definitive validation of the two-class theory of income distribution.
Discussion and Conclusion
The analysis of income data in Iran from 2006 to 2016 reveals a distinct two-class structure in the country's income distribution.
Firstly, the lower class, encompassing approximately 97 to 99.7% of the population, follows the exponential Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution, primarily driven by labor income. This statistical distribution reflects a cumulative process characterized by a constant rate of decrease, as indicated by the exponential distribution's parameter. The consistency observed in the exponential fit graphs of the survival function and data histogram across different years suggests the stability of income distribution within the lower class over time. This stability parallels thermal equilibrium in physics, suggesting that the majority of the population is in a stable equilibrium. Notably, the high-resolution histogram of the PDF reveals a sharp and narrow peak at low incomes, attributed to governmental policies such as the imposition of minimum wage regulations.
Conversely, the upper class, constituting approximately 0.3 to 3% of the population, follows a Pareto distribution, predominantly influenced by capital income. However, unlike the lower class, the distribution of income within this part does not align along a single line in the power law segment. This part undergoes discernible fluctuations from year to year, indicating instability within this economic sector. These fluctuations are attributed to the variability of capital income

Volume 1, Issue 2 (winter 2018)

The main purpose of this research is experimental and theoretical study on demulsifying components effect on demulsification rate of water-in-oil emulsions. In other words, some surfactants is considered and their function as a demulsifier in breaking crude oil emulsions has been investigated by bottle test. To develop a theoretical model to take into account the effect of demulsifier agent on demulsification rate of water-in-oil emulsion. Considering similarity between gas adsorption, and agent adsorption on the water-oil interface, a Langmuir isotherm based model is developed to correlate interfacial tension of water and oil phases to demulsifier concentration. Based on the proposed correlation, the collision frequency function in population balance equation is modified to account the effect of demulsifier agent on water droplets coalescence. The proposed model consists of some adjustable parameters that need to be fitted with experimental data. Therefore, a group of surface-active compounds are supplied and their demulsification capability is investigated through bottle test method. The experimental demulsification results are compared with population balance simulation results and it is apperared that the developed model could appropriately reproduce experimental data at different agent concentrations.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2011)

Today, most experts agree that in the highly competitive world, product line or technology are not even more considered as competitive advantage for organizations but on the other hand, HR and manager’s ability to manage people in an organization brings about superiority for an organization among others. Therefore, the development of this valuable resource is considered to be vital for the organization. Staff training and Development constitutes a strategic and important issue for an organization that through this, organizations human capital is transformed into permanent capital. While the importance and necessity of designing and implementing training in organizations has become popularity and everyone agrees on it, what has become extremely important in this matter is effectively Evaluation of training programs. Accordingly, at the present study we used the return on investment model to assess training courses at Saipa Company’s Maintenance unit. Results showed that the rate of return on investment for these courses was 35.6%. In addition, employees transmission reduction, increased employee job satisfaction, increased customer satisfaction, employee absenteeism reduction, employee progress, employee turnover reduction, increased employee engagement and decreased rate of occupational accidents has also sought for the organization as intangible benefits.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Considering that there are many commonalities between MohammadReza Shafiei Kadkani and Abdul Wahhab AL-Bayyati in cultural, social and political fields, and especially in literary filed, and also the inveterate familiarity of Shafiei Kadkani with AL-Bayyati’s views and opinions, besides study and translation of his works and preoccupation regarding to AL-Bayyati, all these caused Shafiei Kadkani to model AL-Bayyaties poetries and his personality as the major sample and in some cases to he impressed by him such that, sometims, Shafiei Kadkani composes like AL-Bayyati. So the common aspects of these two literates could not be accidentally. Therefore, obvious signs of this impressiveness and commonality are discussable in the framework of comparative literature. The purpose of this article is analyzing the commonalities and impressiveness signs of this Iranian poet from the Iraqi poet.

Volume 2, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2011)

Occupation of Palestine and Iraq’s invasion to Iran, as two enormous events of the twentieth century, overshadowed the lives of two lands. Meanwhile, literature- especially poetry-as one of the thinking areas of the Palestinians and Iranians, had witnessed a fundamental transformation. The poets of the two lands parallel to the enemy’s attack, showed resistance together with the combatants against the invasion of the enemy. “Smyh Alqasm” and “Hassan Hussein were two poems who left various worthwhile resistance poems. One indicator of this type of literature is the use of dramatic, symbolic and lyric contents. The present paper intends to investigate the reflection of changes caused by the onslaught of foreign enemies on the deployment of concepts and symbolic myths as well as the homology, differences, semantic developments and concept changes of these themes in the lyrics of Samyh Alqasem and Hassan Hosseini. The results indicated that both Samyh Alqasem and Hassan Hosseini have used symbolic and natural, human being, animal and place lyrics but symbolic and lyric meanings in the poets of Samyh enjoy more initiative, variety and extension.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2014)

Nostalgia or submit for the past is a mental state that appears in a person unconsciously and then becomes a thought. In the literature, this state occurs for a poet or writer, who, because of individual motivation or surrounding social, political situation, feels cut from the present time and raises the idea of returning to the past and its sweet memories. Abd -Al Wahhab Baiati and Mohammad Reza Shafie Kadkani, as two famous contemporary Arabic and Persian literature poets and gonfaloniers of the school of literary romanticism, refresh their memoirs according to their personal and social conditions; and their poem takes the color of pain, sorrow and yearning for the past and induces an atmosphere of submit and nostalgia to the audience. Therefore, in this research, the authors, using Hermeneutics approach and content analysis method, review and match the appearance manner of this poetic thought in these two poets' lyrics. The results showed that these two poets have subscription in nostalgic themes, staying away from land, childhood, lover, loss of values and myths.    

Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2011)

Literature is one of the most important factors of cultural transferring for every nation and has elements and components as complex as life and culture. If we consider criticism as a tool of leading literature to creativity, then we will perceive its crucial situation among the societies because the alive conscience of literature releases it from self deception. Critics select different procedures in the frame of their proficiency and interest in this way. Moral criticism, social criticism, psychological criticism, historical criticism, aesthetic criticism and comparative criticism are of the most important branches of literary criticism that besides merging with other sciences, they prove the dependency of literature on science from one hand and on the culture of society on the other. This research, using an analytical approach to social criticism, aims to reach a kind of convergence beyond the different and sometimes contradictory ideas in this field, while explicating the foundations of social criticism in literature. Therefore, to assume the society as the subject of a writer's thoughts instead of his/her source of thought, defining the individuality of an artist or a writer (which helps to distinguish his/her point of view and accepting the artistic aspect of literary works as the distinction between science and art) removes a lot of challenges in this field.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (, (Articles in Persian) 2011)

Literature of resistance has both human and world face. Efforts by a generation of fighters for liberation of land, religion, culture and traditions from the shackles of aggressors to national privacy and human values are done, which everyone can draw poetic and literary expression. Events such as occupied Palestine and Iraq’s attack on Iran caused the creation of unique works of the resistance literature of nations. Works of the poet of Palestinian resistance, “Smyah Alqasem”, poets of Iranian’s Sacred Defense, “Hosseini Hassan” and “Kaiser Amin Pour” are valuable legacy in the realm of the resistance poetry of the two territories. The present study is to investigate homology and differences in the poetry of resistance by relying on the works of two poets of the country. Research findings showed that sense of belonging to the land, disposal of foreign invasion and occupation are among the main factors in the incidence of resistance elements of Samyh, Husseini and Aminpour poetry. Land, war victims, rebellion against the aggressor, religious and ethnic motivations of struggle, martyrdom, the enemy, oriented ideals and values to override objections by flow resistance are the main themes of the poets.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (1-2017)

Background: Many comprehensive epidemiological studies have been done about fungal infections, which areone of the publichealth and therapeutic problemsin different communities. Since prevalence rate of fungal diseases and their etiological agents are changing over time,the aim of this study was to provide additional information about visceral fungal infections (VFIs) in order to understand the ways of their dissemination, to prevent disease transmission, to eliminate contamination sources and predisposing factors, and to provide effective ways for their treatment.
Materials and Methods: Samples were taken from the lesion of patients referred to medical mycology laboratory of Tehran University of Medical Sciences from 2014 to 2015. After providing direct wet mount of Potassium hydroxide (KOH) smears from these samples and samples sent from other medical centers, culturing on Sabouraud Dextrose agar with chloramphenicol (SC) and brain heart infusion agar (BHI) media was performed. After growth, species were identified.
Results: From a total of 295 suspected samples, VFI was proved in 69 cases (23%). Aspergillosis was the most prevalent infection among VFIs. Candidiasis, cryptococcosis and mucormycosis were in the late orders, respectively. Two patients were also infected by Trichosporon. The predominant species in aspergillosis infections was Aspergillus flavus, and the predominant species in candidiasis infections was Candida albicans.
Conclusion: According to the obtained results on the prevalence rate and incidence of VFIs between male and female patients in different age groups and also by taking into account the prevalent type of fungi and infectious site of patients’ bodies, it is possible to take appropriate action for the prevention and treatment of these kinds of diseases by using the important keys of these results to research and study etiological and underlying factors involved in these diseases.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)

In Nicomachean ethics, Aristotle divides the soul into two fundamental parts, the knowing part and the calculating part, the virtue of the first part is theoretical wisdom (Sophia) and the virtue of the second part is practical wisdom (Phronesis). This distinction is based on the ontological distinction between becoming and stability because the subject of practical wisdom is the realm of changeable affairs and the subject of theoretical wisdom is eternal affairs. In this research, we will first show that the intuitive intellect or Nous is the connecting factor of these two realms: Nous receives the ultimate principles from both sides, in the framework of theoretical knowledge, Nous knows the most general concepts of eternity and in the framework of Practical wisdom receives the partial individual. We will also argue that practical wisdom is the agent of realization of theoretical wisdom: Phronesis is the power of receiving the highest good, that is, the life according to the Sophia. The interpretation of the relationship between Phronesis and Sophia as a “necessary – end” suggests a way out of two conflicting interpretations of Aristotle’s ethics- the rationalist and holistic interpretation of happiness – which we will address.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (5-2017)

Background: Many studies have been conducted on fungal infections which are known as public health and therapeutic problems. Since the prevalence rate of the fungal diseases and their etiological factors are changing over time, the purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence rate of superficial-cutaneous fungal infections (SCFIs) in order to understand the ways of their dissemination, to prevent diseases transmission, to eliminate contamination sources and predisposing factors, and to take appropriate action for their treatment.
Materials and Methods: After referral to medical mycology laboratory of Tehran University of Medical Science from 2014 to 2015, the patients were subjected to mycological examinations, and sampling of patients’ lesions was performed. Directsmears were prepared with Potassium hydroxide. Samples were cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar medium, and species were identified.
Results: From a total of 916 suspected patients, 334 cases (36.5%) had SCFIs. Dermatophytosis was the most prevalent SCFI (55.7%), followed by cutaneous candidiasis (19%), tinea versicolor (14.3%), and non-dermatophytic molds (11%).Tineapedis was the frequent site of involvement. Trichophytonmentagrophytes was the predominant species of dermatophytosis.
Conclusion: According to the obtained results on the prevalence rate of SCFIs between male and female patients in different age groups and also by taking into account the type of the prevalent fungi and the involvement site of the fungal infection, it is possible to take appropriate action for prevention and treatment of these kind of diseases by using important keys of the results to research etiological and underlying factors involved in these diseases.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 14), (Articles in Persian) 2013)

The message recall effects consist of the primary effects, middle effects and recency effects. People who recall the first part of the list are affected by the primary effects, those who recall the middle part are affected by the middle effects, and those who recall the last part are affected by the recency effects. The present research is to investigate the recency effects of Persian verbal radio commercials on the memory of their listeners. Also the study is to represent the effects of using short sentences and slogans in Persian radio commercials. The research methods are the field study and experimental. To perform the trials, six out of the 50 Persian radio commercials were chosen, which were broadcasted from Iran, Javan and Payam radio channels in February and March, 2011. Six blank-sentence tests were designed according to the commercials. 71 participants (44 men and 27 women) were randomly selected. Listening the commercials twice, they wrote the missing words in the tests they recalled. The results suggest the recency items with minrank (2/77) of a Persian radio commercial have more effects on the listeners’ working memory and are recalled better than the primary (2/16) and  the middle items (%1/06). Also short sentences and slogans (99/79) have more effects on the listeners’ working memory and they are recalled well than the others (41/80). The results are suitable for Persian radio commercial programmers, goods producers and service institution administrators to take the listeners’ attractions to introduce their goods and services better. Linguists and psychologists can also use these results to study the effects of sentence positions on people's memories.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 14), (Articles in Persian) 2013)

This paper studies the conditions of production and understanding of the meaning of “Leqa-on Fi LazateRahil” by Nasrin Edris, Lebanese author. The story of “Leqa..” can be studied sustainability from a new semantic point of view, which includes the photographer and the fighters’ active discourses. Hamzah follows the program; his skill in the photography creates the main character in the action. The Commander has an important role in the acquisition of Hamzah’s emotional ability. In the second discourse, the fighters enter into action after the contract and obtaining the ability. Therefore, the main actions are performed simultaneously; the fighters fight and Hamzah takes photos. All procedures are performed respectively. The dominant discourse is intelligent, but emotional processes, especially photographer part, play an important role in the story forming. The aim of this research was to study the semantic process and narrative traits of the “Leqa..” story in order to achieve the main meaning functions and details. Also the effect of emotion on the meaning process has been investigated

Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2014)

The affecting behaviors of employees in an organization environment are to be realizable and visible. Such behaviors influence decisions and organizational outcomes and employees’ career in the organization. One of the most important issues related to personnel’s career in the organization is different influential actions which are done to achieve different goals.  Due to the significance of career, present study was carried out to investigate the impact of impression management tactics on the employees’ career. This study is an applied and descriptive survey. In terms of data collection procedure, the present study was correlational and based on structural equation modeling. The data were collected through a validated instrument consisting of 28 items measured on a five point Likert scale. In the analytic model of the study, impression management tactics was independent variable, carrier was the dependent variable, and gender, age, education, and working experience were moderator variables. Results of the study showed that the impression management tactics have significant positive impact on the employees’ career.      

Volume 4, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 16), (Articles in Persian) 2013)

Study of the experience of women and its difference with that of men has caused to the formation of different approaches about the connection between language and gender. Women and men have different tendencies in the use of some language features (especially vocal). This issue distinguishs their language from each other. Linguistic differences are not so clear and the speakers have not much sensitivity and awareness of them, but by examining the works of women, one can achieve the mentioned features. Among the type of poetries, literary gender has deep ties with poets feeling. Therefore, it provides reflection on the poets’ mind and thoughts. Finally, it has the capacity of analyzing the linguistic gender reflection. Technique of whimper poem is inspired of disaster, and stimulates the poets’ feelings in order to utter his/her grieving poems and affect on the audience. The main subject of this study, using the votes of language sociologists is discussion on the Sa′d Sabbah’s poems at three levels: lexical, syntactic and rhetorical in order to illustrate the connection between language and gender. The results showed that a close relationship exists between sentiment whimper and gender of the poet. And situation of grief has a direct impact on the poems of Sa′d Sabbah. Descriptive and analytical methods were used to explain the subject of this research

Volume 4, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 16), (Articles in Persian) 2013)

In recent decades, processing relative clauses (RCs) and studying their complexity in different languages had an important role in linguistic and psycholinguistic researches. This study is to compare the complexity of two types of Persian RCs: Subject-Subject (SS) type and Subject-Object (SO) type. This complexity is assessed on the psychological criterion of the preschool children’s understanding of the sentences in which these types of RCs are used. 96 Persian native children in three different age ranges of 3-4, 4-5, and 5-6 (each range 32 children) took part in this study. They were presented by the fore-mentioned types of sentences in two different forms of declarative and interrogative sentences, in different ways of showing pictures and realties, and also asking them to follow the order. Then their understanding of these sentences was tested. The results showed that SO type RCs, both in declarative and interrogative forms, were clearly more complex than SS type RCs.        

Volume 4, Issue 11 (1-2016)

Popular culture deals with the public perception of habits, traditions, anecdotes, beliefs, anthems, proverbs, and oral speech, having been discussed in different areas of humanities including sociology, history, psychology, literature, art and even religions. Literature is, in its technical sense, marked with folklore elements. Particular attention to literature in multidisciplinary studies is a new approach.
An itinerary is a personal account of the conditions of the cities and nations visited by a travel writer. An itinerary encompasses invaluable information by means of which the social, political and economic realities of different historical periods can be established. Moreover, it is among the most critical ways to analyze and compare various nations, being at the same time the best way to gain insights into diverse phenomena surrounding popular culture and social communications, about which little has been written in historical documents.
This research, descriptive-analytical in nature, was concerned with investigating Iran’s popular elements, popular culture and social communications (folk literature of Iran). It also focused on popular-culture-based behaviors in the eyes of the Moroccan travel writer, who traveled across Iran during the Mongol Empire.  The findings indicate that folklore elements occupy an important position in Ibn Battuta’s itinerary. The appearance of these elements is mostly focused on eating habits and foods.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 18), (Articles in Persian) 2014)

Story utterances are means for expressing sayings and thoughts, and a suitable situation for promoting story incidents that establish a wide part of every story; the "narrator" should represent the utterances in a way that the reader gets familiarized with the story deeply. Therefore, stylistics of story utterances is necessary for better understanding of the story. Styles of representing story utterances, which comes from the relationship between the narrator and the story characters, are divided into five types:  direct speech, indirect speech, free direct speech, free indirect speech, and narrative report of utterances. The present article deals with descriptive and analytic styles of "Assabbar" novel (1976), while it presents a complete statistics population of story utterances. The findings showed that utterances in the order of direct speech style, narrative report of utterances and free direct speech style have the most frequency in this novel. The narrator allows characters to connect with the reader by using direct speech and free direct speech styles, and familiarize them with the political, social and cultural problems of their society, because these two styles cause intimacy between the reader and the characters, and transfer the message of the writer to the reader in a good way. Sometimes, the narrator establishes control over the time of the story incidents, and advances them with a narrative report.

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