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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

This study employed a comprehensive scientometric analysis of scientific publications within the Journal of Language Related Research from 2012 to 2023, encompassing 871 journal documents. Utilizing VOSviewer software, quantitative tools were applied to analyze research output, authorship, collaboration patterns, thematic trends (past, present, and future), and geographical distribution. The analysis revealed a significant increase in the number of publications in recent years, though citation rates displayed variation across the timeframe. Visualizations based on co-authorship, bibliometric coupling, and citation data unveiled a dense network of collaboration among authors. The authors with the highest number of publications were Golfam (n =17) and Pishghadam (n =16),  while Derakhshan (78) and Shakki (65) were the two authors with the most citations. Analysis of "authors' keywords" and "keywords plus" co-occurrences within the network pinpointed prominent thematic areas within the journal's knowledge domain and context, including "Persian language," "critical discourse analysis," "semiotics," and "cognitive linguistics." The study concludes with a discussion of the findings and their broader implications.


Volume 2, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2011)

Acknowledging the strengths of the national curriculum, the present study aimed at evaluating its approach towards foreign language education from three perspectives: (1) analyzing the foreign language section of the national curriculum based on the methodological and theoretical underpinnings, and its internal consistency; (2) examining its content based on the basic assumptions mentioned in the literature for setting foreign language policies and (3) evaluating its content based on the macro-documents of the country. In so doing, first, the relevant sections of the national curriculum were analyzed. The results indicated that, although the foreign language section of the national curriculum has some strengths such as a move toward decentralization and increase in hours of instruction, it suffers from some weaknesses such as vagueness of the content and lack of consistency and connection among the aims of the instruction. In order to examine the document from the second perspective, 6 criteria that foreign language education policies should follow were extracted from the relevant literature, and the document was evaluated based on these criteria. The results indicated both consistencies and inconsistencies between the content of the document with these principles. The national curriculum, then, was evaluated to find its matches and mismatches with the policies and orientations of macro-documents. The results indicated that the foreign language section of the national curriculum cannot set the ground for achieving the goals proposed in the macro-documents of the country. Finally, the paper offers some guidelines for developing national English language curriculum.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Background: Emergence of drug-resistant bacteria has highlighted the need to identify new and more efficient antibacterial agents. The aims of this study were to evaluate the antibacterial activity of dill (Anethum graveolens) seeds essential oil and to investigate the effect of cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seeds alcoholic extract on biofilm formation ability of Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Materials and methods: This experimental study was carried out at the Faculty of Medicine of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences in 2014. Activity of dill seeds essential oil was evaluated based on the inhibition zone diameter and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against some important pathogenic bacteria including: Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. Furthermore, the effect of sub-inhibitory concentrations of cumin seeds alcoholic extract was evaluated on biofilm formation ability of K. pneumoniae. The biofilms were formed on semi-glass lamellas and observed by a scanning electron microscope.
Results: Dill essential oil showed a good to moderate activity against the tested strains. The highest antibacterial activity was observed against S. aureus (inhibition zone of 15 mm and MIC of 0.62 mg.mL-1) and V. cholerae (inhibition zone of 14 mm and MIC of 0.7 mg..mL-1). The cumin alcoholic extract had no effect on biofilm formation ability of K. pneumoniae.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed the presence of antimicrobial compounds in dill extract. The cumin alcoholic extract was not able to inhibit biofilm formation ability of K. pneumoniae. Because of the medicinal plants properties, it is valuable to search for promising herbs and novel chemical compounds.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

Performance evaluation is one of the important components of each organization, and educational organizations are not exceptions. According to the results of many studies, the single most important factor in determining student academic success or failure is the classroom teacher. Therefore, teachers are at the center of attempts to improve or reform the educational system of any country. Because of their importance, educational systems need to be assured that teachers perform their best to enhance student learning and try to improve teachers’ performance by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of their performance for further professional development. Both of these aims can be achieved by developing a research-based teacher evaluation system. With due consideration of the requirements of developing an evaluation procedure, the present study aims at proposing a new model for EFL teacher performance appraisal.  For so doing, a number of relevant studies on teacher evaluation and effective teaching, relevant national documents, and EFL teachers’ and experts’ views were investigated. Then, for making decision regarding the components of the assessment procedure, Delphi technique was used. The decisions made about the components of proposed model are discussed and the requirements for its implementation are explained

Volume 13, Issue 6 (January & February 2023 2022)

Although the hearing skills of children with hearing loss are improved with the help of hearing aids, cochlear implants, and speech therapy, they have difficulties understanding and producing language because of their delayed hearing onset. Considering that these children go to school with their hearing peers, it is needed that their oral language performance be compared with the hearing students. Hence, the present study analyzed and compared the oral language skills of children with hearing loss having hearing aids and cochlea implants, with their hearing counterparts. For this purpose, 39 children aged 6-8 years were examined by the Told-p:3 test. The participants included 16 hearing children, 13 children with cochlear implants, and 10 children with hearing aids. The data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests. The results showed no significant difference in syntactic and semantic skills of children having hearing aids and cochlear implants. However, the findings indicated a significant difference between hearing children and children with hearing loss ones having hearing aids and cochlear implants in their semantic and syntactic skills. Therefore, it is needed that children with hearing loss go through verbal-auditory rehabilitation training until they reach the hearing level of hearing children. Neglecting this issue can have detrimental effects on their educational achievements and future job performance.
  1.  Introduction
Today, in the Iranian context, children with any kind of physical-motor and hearing disabilities go to public schools to study with other students if they have normal IQs. Although the language skills of hearing-loss children are improved with the help of hearing aids, cochlear implants, and speech therapy, because the onset of hearing in these children is delayed and given that the education of hearing-loss children is done in public schools, it is necessary that the quality of oral language and, consequently, the quality of the written language of deaf children in comparison with their hearing peers be carefully examined. Therefore, in the present study, the quality of oral language in hearing-loss children with their hearing counterparts has been analyzed and compared.

2. Method
In this study, oral language of hearing and hearing loss children was compared from two aspects of listening and speaking. For this purpose, 39 children aged 6-8 years, including 16 hearing children, 13 children with cochlear implants, and 10 children with hearing aids were examined by using the told-p3 test. Deaf children had pre-lingual deafness and had received hearing aids or cochlear aids before the age of two, and have gradually been able to speak with auditory-verbal rehabilitation training. The Told-p3 test was used for data collection. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for all variables. For inferential statistics, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to examine the difference between the means in all three groups of children, and then the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the groups.

3. Results
The gathered data were analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The results showed no significant difference in syntactic and semantic skills of children having hearing aids and cochlear implants (P.>0.05). However, the findings indicated a significant difference between hearing children and children with hearing loss ones having hearing aids and cochlear implants in their semantic and syntactic skills (P.<0.05). These children had a significantly worse performance than that of hearing children in receiving and understanding the meanings of words and sentences, providing verbal definitions of words and recognizing them, and understanding and applying the forms.

4. Conclusion
The findings of the study showed no significant difference in the quality of oral language between children with cochlear implants and hearing aids. However, there was a significant difference between hearing children and the two groups of hearing-loss children in the quality of oral language in terms of listening and speaking. Accordingly, because deaf children have poorer performance than that of hearing children, not paying enough attention to this issue can have detrimental effects on their educational achievements and future job performance.  Therefore, the policy of teaching hearing-loss children in public schools along with hearing peers needs more reflection by educational policymakers. It is suggested that hearing loss children be helped by different interventions and rehabilitation programs before they start their education with their hearing peers. 

Volume 16, Issue 3 (July & August (Articles in English & French) 2025)

This study aimed at investigating and comparing the expenditure of cognitive effort in translating various text types. The text typology of Reiss (1971, 2014) including informative, expressive, and operative text types was used as the theoretical framework. A mixed-method approach involving the use of screen recording, keystroke logging, think-aloud protocols, and retrospective interviews was adopted for the investigation. To pursue the research aims, 22 senior translation students were recruited to participate in the study and perform three translation tasks: translating informative, expressive, and operative texts. By using think-aloud protocols, the participants were instructed to speak out during the execution of the tasks. The amount of time spent by each participant and the number of pauses taken by them on each translation task were measured and compared as indicators of cognitive effort. Additionally, time and pause analyses were triangulated using technical operation analysis to have a better perception and obtain more reliable results. The findings of this study showed a significant difference in the cognitive effort required to translate informative, expressive, and operative texts. The findings also revealed a higher level of cognitive effort in translating expressive text compared with informative and operative ones
Hossein Navidinia, Gholam Reza Kiani, Ramin Akbari, Reza Ghaffar Samar,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (10-2014)

Performance evaluation is one of the important components of each organization, and educational organizations are not the exceptions. Teachers are believed by many researchers as the single most important factor influencing student academic success or failure. Therefore, they need to be at the center of attempts to improve or reform the educational system of any country. Considering the pivotal role of teachers, educational systems need to be assured that teachers perform their best to enhance student learning, and also they should try to improve by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of teachers' practice for further professional development. The present study tries to examine the effectiveness of the current teacher evaluation system in Iran from EFL teachers’ perspectives. For that matter, a survey consisting of both Likert-scaled and open-ended questions was developed based on theoretical underpinnings of purposes for teacher evaluation, experts’ views, and the purposes of foreign language education as stated by the National Curriculum. 423 English language teachers were asked to answer the questions included in the survey. The results indicated the current teacher evaluation system did not contribute to teacher professional development nor could it assure teacher accountability. The results of the study as well as the requirements for developing an alternative model for EFL teacher evaluation are discussed

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