Showing 4 results for Mostafapour
Volume 16, Issue 6 (8-2016)
Sever plastic deformation process in one of the important methods to produce nanostructures materials that is highly regarded in two past decades. Accumulative press bonding (APB) is a novel variant of severe plastic deformation processes (SPD), which is devised to produce materials with ultra-fine grain (UFG). In the present work, effect of APB technique on mechanical properties and microstructural of AA1100 alloy, were investigated. The study of the microstructure of AA1100 alloy was performed via optical microscopy. This article revealed that the grain size of the produced samples decreased to 950 nm, after six passes of APB process. The yield strength of AA1100 alloy after six passes of the process increased up to 264 MPa, which is three times higher than that of the as-cast material (89 MPa). After six passes, microhardness values of AA1100 alloy increased from 38 to 61 HV. Furthermore, the results showed that the behavior of variations in mechanical properties are in accordance with the microstructural changes and it can be justified by using the Hall-Patch equation. Moreover, the rise in the yield strength can be attributed to the reduction of the grain size and strain hardening phenomenon.
Volume 17, Issue 2 (3-2017)
Accumulative press bonding (APB) process is one of the newest approaches of SPD processes in which the applying of strain in materials lead to the substantial plastic deformation and microscopic changes. In this study, APB method was used to production of Al/Cu composite and AA1100 and pure commercial Copper sheets used as matrix and reinforcement respectively. Microstructure evolutions samples proceeding by APB process were studied by Scan Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Optical Microscopy (OM). Mechanical characteristics were accomplished by conducting standard tensile and microhardness tests. The microscopic analysis indicates that as the number of APB passes increased, the reinforcement phase (Cu) dispersion be improved and result in Cu continues layers discrete in to shorter layers. As well, by increasing the number of APB passes up to 3 the ultimate strength, microhardness and elongation had been increased so that, the ultimate strength is raised to 375Mpa, it about 3.1 and 2.7 times is more than as Al and Cu respectively. Under the 3 cycles of APB, the hardness of Al and Cu were reached to 62 and 152.6 HV respectively which are 1.6 and 2.6 times greater than those of corresponding pure materials. Furthermore, SEM observations demonstrated the failure mode in Al/Cu composite proceeding by APB process is shear ductile rupture.
Volume 17, Issue 8 (10-2017)
In this research, deposition of AA7075-T6 coatings on AA2024-T351 substrates was studied. In order to investigate the influence of process parameters on the mechanical properties and microstructure, the experiments were performed based on design of experiments using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Rotational speed (1200-1600 rpm), axial force (320-640 Kg) and feed rate (100-300 mm/min) were considered as input parameters, while coating width (w), coating thickness (t) and hardness of coating (HC), were raised as process outputs. The results reveal that joining of these two materials was done without any porosity at the interface. Hardness of coating showed a 30% decrease compared to the consumable rod in average. Thickness of deposition is decreased by increasing rotational speed, feed rate and axial force. If axial force is excessively increased, it results in development of an arc toward the plate along deposition. Microstructure of deposition turned into a totally fine-grained homogeneous structure in comparison with rod and plate microstructure.
A. Mark Pollard, Hossein Davoudi, Iman Mostafapour, Hamid Reza Valipour, Hassan Fazeli Nashli,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (7-2012)
Archaeological excavations on the western part of the Central Iranian Plateau, known as the Qazvin Plain provides invaluable information about the sedentary communities from early occupation to the later prehistoric era. Despite the past archeological data, chronological studies mostly rely on the relative use of the Bayesian modeling for stratigraphically-related radiocarbon dates. The current paper provides a new model for excavations and the chronological framework based on new radiocarbon dating of the six key archeological enclosures in the Qazvin plain. A Bayesian analysis of these data is presented on a site-by-site basis to give the best chronologies. Finally, all dates are combined into a single model of the chronology of the Qazvin Plain from the Late Neolithic to the Iron Age. The procedure aims to use the Bayesian model to predict the transition points between the archaeologically-defined periods with the highest possible precision, to redefine the existing chronology for the Qazvin Plain