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Volume 2, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2011)

Acknowledging the strengths of the national curriculum, the present study aimed at evaluating its approach towards foreign language education from three perspectives: (1) analyzing the foreign language section of the national curriculum based on the methodological and theoretical underpinnings, and its internal consistency; (2) examining its content based on the basic assumptions mentioned in the literature for setting foreign language policies and (3) evaluating its content based on the macro-documents of the country. In so doing, first, the relevant sections of the national curriculum were analyzed. The results indicated that, although the foreign language section of the national curriculum has some strengths such as a move toward decentralization and increase in hours of instruction, it suffers from some weaknesses such as vagueness of the content and lack of consistency and connection among the aims of the instruction. In order to examine the document from the second perspective, 6 criteria that foreign language education policies should follow were extracted from the relevant literature, and the document was evaluated based on these criteria. The results indicated both consistencies and inconsistencies between the content of the document with these principles. The national curriculum, then, was evaluated to find its matches and mismatches with the policies and orientations of macro-documents. The results indicated that the foreign language section of the national curriculum cannot set the ground for achieving the goals proposed in the macro-documents of the country. Finally, the paper offers some guidelines for developing national English language curriculum.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)

  Accepting differences between knowledge-based organizations and other organizations with respect to the philosophy of existence, nature of the activities and their differentiated employees, we intend to present a proper model with surveying existing models. The presented model should be applicable in the compensation system in knowledge based organizations. Components Influencing compensation systems identified and classified into two main groups of financial and non-financial and four sub-division categories through studying existing models. According to the experts, 8 main effective components in compensation of these organizations were identified. Finally, based on 8 selected components and with the exploiting of the experts opinion and using of Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) technique, a prioritizing and leveling model for compensation system of knowledge-based organizations was developed. In this designed model, nonfinancial factors such as job-related factors (job challenge and growth opportunities) and factors related to the job environment (having a floating work hours and workplace conditions) have higher priority. This means that these Factors in compensation system are more important and have more influence.  

Volume 4, Issue 2 (4-2016)

Aim: Oral health is among the important components of individual general health that affects the health of entire body. This study aims at investigating the effect of educational intervention on the primary school students' oral health.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 175 primary school students recruited randomly from different regions of Dehloran City during the school year of 2014-15. The testimonial was obtained after holding briefings for the parents. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire, which was administrated at baseline and 3 months after the intervention. The content validity was approved by the expert panel and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed by SPSS software 18, inferential statistical tests, and paired t-test. This study was supported by the HSR Council and the Ethics Committee of Ilam University of Medical Sciences.
Findings: The results indicated significant changes in the samples' knowledge (from 3.6±1.37 to 4.98± 1.57), attitude (from 28.17±5.7 to 30.98±6.35) and behavior (15.03 ±2.98 to 17.08 ±2.60) after the intervention.
Conclusion: The positive results of educational intervention indicate that the education through appropriate methods can improve students' behavior in the field of oral health. Therefore, it is suggested more emphasis on oral health education at school age.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (spring 2024)

Problem: This article unfolds a collective educational journey that while initially faced by serious doubts, ultimately received positive feedback from the students in an online urban design workshop.  During a rampant global pandemic, one of the two instructors communicating from overseas, who is experienced in teaching face-to-face courses, raised initial pedagogical concerns.
Aims: To remedy these, the two instructors dedicated the first part of the workshop to theorizing urban complexity.  Exposure to theory, while less common if not uncommon in design studios, removed the students’ initial misgivings.  Gaining student confidence boosted their spirit in crafting idiosyncratic interpretations based on personal memories, and paved the way toward assuming agency, and subsequently integrative learning.
Methods: This technique enabled students to connect discrete structural learning domains to produce more complicated outcomes, and by doing so experienced three states of mind.  Melting away initial doubts coincided with thematic arrangement.  Boosting confidence through conceptual connectivity and self-discovery, then, resulted in ebullience in designing through purposeful action.
Result: This article contributes to the scanty literature on coping mechanisms in the face of looming uncertainties both for students and instructors in teaching studios.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background: The concept of allometry states that the relative rate of change of a system unit is a constant fraction of the relative rate of change of the entire system, or of another part of the system.This concept is stated as a nonlinear relationship and has been verified in a variety of natural systems.
Materials and Methods:The allometric relations in various phases of basin evolution in forms of static and dynamic models wasinvestigated.In order to study the dynamic allometry, a model consistingof two basins was developed.The evolution stages and the erosion changes caused by artificial rainfall and tectonic movements and also in static form (natural basins) were monitored.
Results: The existence of allometricrelations in drainage basins that are progressing toward the equilibrium (natural basins and basins affected by erosion) are significant and verifiable.This kind of relations do not exist in tectonic affected basins that were moving away from the equilibrium.
Conclusions:Allometric relations in drainage basins can define different states of system such as equilibrium. Moreover, any factor that causes the basin to move away from equilibrium needs to have an initial effect on basin relations to cause disorder in the system,and this change,in many cases,can be formulated or demonstrated by allometric model. Therefore the allometric equations could be considered an important tool in predicting the evolution of drainage basins and assessing their performance in the past and present.  

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2019)

The paper presents a comprehensive compilation of 543 species and 24 subspecies of aphids, within 144 genera, belonging to 15 subfamilies, 3 families and three superfamilies of Aphidomorpha recorded to date from Iran. Among them, 35 species of aphids are endemic to Iran.

Volume 5, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 21), (Articles in Persian) 2014)

This study is intended to report the effect of age of acquisition on lexical decision latencies in a group of Persian-English bilinguals. Forty freshman university students were requested to perform the lexical decision task in a counter-balanced design using DMDX software on laptop. Forty five English words and several pseudowords as fillers were selected for the stimuli. The stimuli were selected based on three different levels of AOA, and were checked against the Persian version of Snodgrass and Vanderwart Naming Battery. Thirty words were matched in their AoA in both Farsi and English, and then divided into early acquired (Group 1) and late acquired words (Group 2). The third group consisted of 15 words, which were later acquired in Persian but early acquired in English. In so doing, we wanted to explore whether processing of L2 words was dependent on the first language AoA of the same words or not. The findings revealed that the second language (L2) age of acquisition had an effect on lexical decision latencies regardless of the age of acquisition of words in Persian. The means of both groups (1 and 3) pertaining to the early acquired words in English were significantly lower than those of the late acquired group (2), implying that perhaps L2 mental lexicon has its own system of representation and processing in beginner bilinguals contrary to the majority of models on L2 mental lexicon and theories, supporting a critical period in learning a second language. The findings of this study have implications for form-meaning interface and dissociation of declarative vs. procedural memory in bilingual mental lexicon research. Accordingly, future research should take into account the important role of AoA in foreign language mental lexicon representation and processing.

Volume 5, Issue 16 (9-2017)

Carful investigation on Calendar and its related ceremonies which is part of the public culture will be a good guidance in studying the social values and sociological researches. Calendar writing has a long antiquity in Iran. Iranians have experienced various calendars, some traces of which can still be found among different folks and tribes. One of those remaining calendars which bear the signs of ancient culture is Sangsari calendar. This calendar is considered as part of the cultures of folks among Sangsari’s which is associated with Mehri and, Zoroastrian, and national culture. This article, while focusing on sangsari calendar these customs and celebrations; explains about popular public songs in Sangsar which is closely related to the calendar and living system of the people. Investigating these songs helps us gain a general familiarity with the spirit of the people of this land and also become familiar with some of their social relationships.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)

Aims: Numerous microbial agents have been identified as the causative agents of UTIs, such as Escherichia coli. The spread of antibiotic resistance is increasing among strains causing UTIs. The present study aimed to investigate the prevalence of etiological agents of UTIs and their antibiotic resistance patterns and to determine related risk factors and treatment outcomes of antibiotic resistance in Razi teaching hospital, Guilan, North of Iran.
Material & Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study was performed from April 2017 to September 2018. All patients with clinical symptoms of UTI were included. The patients’ complete medical records were assessed. Moreover, bacterial isolation and identification were performed by conventional bacteriological and standard biochemical tests. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed using the disk diffusion method based on the CLSI recommendation.
Findings: Gram-negative bacilli were identified as the most common causative agents of UTIs in all cases (140, 100%), of which E. coli had the highest isolation rate with 76 cases (54.3%), followed by Klebsiella spp. with 23 cases (16.4%).  Antibacterial susceptibility tests revealed that 64.3% of the isolates were resistant to three antibiotics of different classes (MDR phenotype).
Conclusion: In conclusion, Gram-negative bacilli were the most common causative agents of UTIs, and E. coli had the highest isolation rate (54.3%). Regarding the high prevalence of antibiotic resistance and MDR phenotype, paying attention to drug resistance patterns of pathogens and proper and correct administration of antibiotics as well as proper and timely monitoring of treatment, could help physicians decrease the patients’ mortality rate.


Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)

Introduction: Islam has considered “Health” of human beings from different angles such as physical and spiritual as well as individual and social aspects. We referred to the Qur’an, its interpretations, and hadith books to consider the Islamic issues related to the different aspects of health. In this regard, the examples were presented in the form of verses and traditions. The Holy Qur’an has reminded us to endeavor in improving our physical health. Many of the verses in the Holy Qur’an such as Ala'raf/31 and 157, Al Maedah/1 and 96, Al-Nahl/14, 68, and 69, Al-Abas/24, and Al-kahf/19 have manifested the “physical health” as the key word in this field. Also, Holy prophet has endorsed the importance of keeping in progress the health of every individual in the society. The aim of this review was to express the importance of physical health and its promotion from the point of view of Islamic teachings, Qur'an, and tradition (Hadith).
Conclusion: When there was no new science and people were in a dreadful darkness of knowledge, Islam established health foundations. Allah has bestowed health to His servants, who should keep it through their life. There are many principles for humans to keep their health such as decline in eating too much food, providing food through law-abiding channels of Islam, taking advantage of fruits, taking bath per day, brushing the teeth, etc. If we follow the recommendations of Islam, we will not get sick and there will be no need to tolerate painful treatment.

Volume 6, Issue 24 (12-2018)

Ravaei is a common folk lyrics and song of marriage among inhabitants of Damghan. They are in the form of Ruba’i with lyric content. The current research seeks to investigate, introduce and structural - content analysis of these lyric forms in order to sound and register them as the examples of folk poems. Because they include the thoughts and customs of a region, they can help us identify and examine the social and cultural developments of Damghan. To this end, the collection of poems - Damghan folklore book, written by Mohammad Ali Taheria, was used. In general, the current analysis has divided the stories into two parts: content and structure. In the content analysis section, the poems are analyzed in two parts of the contents of the relationship and the first words of the analysis. In the structural part, the analysis of the stories is considered from three angles: language, figures of speech, musics and metre

Volume 7, Issue 30 (12-2019)

The poems and rituals of the oral Ashura in various geographical areas illustrate the dominant manner of literary creation and the general streams of thought and religion. An examination of these poems illustrates the historical course of the Ashura oral literature among the people of one area. Accordingly, in the present study, we attempt to introduce the ritual poems of "Tea", "Ashouri", and "Friends of Worship" in the folk ritual literature of Damghan using an anthropological approach. The issue of Ashura rituals puts them in the broader areas of oral religious literature that have a direct relationship with popular religious rituals. The analysis was carried out on structural and content sections, introducing and focusing on the symbolic functions in the content section. In the structural part, the dominant theme of these poems is the emphasis on rhythm, rhyme, row, and inner music. The method of the study is qualitative and the means of data collection is in-depth interviews with experts on related poems.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (Summer 2018)

Introduction Ashura is a light to guide mankind from darkness to clarity and a safe ship in every horrible storm. This wonderful event is a portray of excellence of spirit and ethics, mysticism, love, faith, purity, social integration and privacy protection as well as all precious beliefs of life. Everyone who is great, is inevitably dealt with Karbala and Ashura, and this necessitates the importance of research in the field of this culture and the continuous study of this dynamic and lasting movement. The aim of this study was to evaluate the culture of Ashura in urban historical context of Dezful. This is a descriptive-analytical study carried out in field of study and library.
Conclusion Mourning ceremony for Imam Hussein (PBUH) in cities like Dezful has a long-term root and it is considered an identity element for this city. Outstanding urban-scale buildings and urban landmarks play an important role in organizing these events. These buildings include Jame mosque and Sabze Qaba Shrine as well as urban landmarks like Imam Khomeini’s Square and street. The main part of the Ashura ceremonies in Dezful includes Shame-Ghariban, Daste Gardani, Chalab Zani, Gahvareh Gardani, and Shabih Khani that generally take place in Sabze Qaba Shrine, Imam Khomeini street, Jame mosque, Imam Khomeini square, Husseinieh, and a place in Ghale.

Volume 8, Issue 16 (Fall & Winter 2022)

Religious prohibition of iconography led Muslims to compile hadith books to portray the faces of religious leaders, describing the outward features of the saints of the religion, especially the Prophet. Tirmidhi is the author of one of the first and most influential books. His book, known as "Al-Shamayel al-Mohammadiyya" in 56 chapters is devoted to hadiths describing physical characteristics of the Prophet. Despite the significance of Al-Shamayel in Islamic Iconography, only one Persian translation of it has been published in the contemporary era by Mahdavi Damghani. This is while the manuscript version of its poetic translation called "Nazm Al- Shamayel ", belonging to the tenth century, is available in the library of the Iranian Parliament. In this article, using a descriptive-analytical method, while introducing this single copy, expressing its linguistic and literary features and the level of fidelity to the Arabic text, we have revealed the composer of the verse (Hafez Heravi) translated "Shamayel" into persian as "Nasrol khasayel" and then converted its prose translation into poetry. His translation contains 4500 verses in the form of Masnavi. Except in the introductory sections, it rarely contains poetic elements and should be considered a rhythmic poem rather than imaginary. Comparing this version with the Arabic original, we found that the Persian poet generally managed to translate hadiths skillfully and faithfully to Persian in one, two or sometimes three verses or more, by deleting the chain of narrators and adding an addendum entitled "benefit" at the beginning of each chapter.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2009)

The 2006 census reveals that more than 50% of employed population in Iran is not involved in the production of food, clothing, housing and other tangible goods. Apart from the serious reservation of industrialization in Iran, this can be considered as one of the indications of a new phase shift known as “service economy”. To analyze such a post-industrialization economy, it requires new concepts and classifications which, to our knowledge, have been ignored by researchers mainly in Iran. The main objective of this paper is to measure and identify the domain of the fourth sector and its structural analysis in the framework of input-output and semi-social accounting matrix models. Using 2001 input-output data, the overall results show that the fourth sector appears to be oriented as a consumption goods sector compared to the other sectors. Consequently, the consumption-induced effect ploys a significant role in rising production, income and employment.

Volume 9, Issue 37 (3-2021)

The oral culture of the Iranian people is a mysterious and untapped world, the study of the delicate content of which can open new perspectives to the world of anthropology and human sociology. The present study tries to analyze and use the cultural elements and popular beliefs common among the people of Sarkavir region in the south of Semnan province in the proximity of the desert plain, to explain the concept of taboo among the people of this land. To this aim, the themes of taboo in the folk literature are categorized into two parts: The first one concerns the taboo words and languages, and the second one concerns the behavioral and material taboos in the customs of the people. The study found that the behavioral taboos are related to marriage, the dead and the mourning customs, taboos of the people's names, occupations and other social taboos which are content-analyzed based on the local narratives.
The oral culture of the Iranian people is a mysterious and untapped world. Sigmund Freud, in the second chapter of his book, Totem and Taboo (1984), has studied and analyzed this concept among the elders and heroes, and the dead. Borujeni (2010) has studied the concept of taboo in stories written by Hedayat, Ahmad Mahmoud, Chubak, and Simin Daneshvar. Rahimi Talab (2011), in his dissertation entitled Knowledge of Totem and Taboo in the Legends of Gilan, has explained the manifestations of taboo in the folktales of Gilan. But, so far, no research has been done specifically on the concept of Taboo in Sarkavir folklore.
The purpose of this study, in the first place, is collecting and introducing some common and living taboos among the residents of Sarkavir. It also analyzes its content and shows its ancient roots and connection with some long-standing rituals and mythical traditions. Analyzing the taboos, it was revealed how the taboo themes are used in the oral culture of behavioral and social traditions. Also, some cultural and climatic characteristics of the people of this land have been identified.
Theoretical framework
Popular beliefs are among the major and valuable resources of humanity. By studying them, some of the beauties of an ancient and growing culture can be recovered and represented. Linguistic and cultural taboos are one of the aspects of literary and social aesthetics in the folklore of people in any nation. The language of taboo has a direct and clear relationship with the popular culture, to the extent that forbidden behaviors or words and interpretations will not be comprehensible and tangible, unless the dominant cultural context and the intellectual system of society are analyzed.
As one of the fundamental propositions, taboo has a significant application in recognizing religious beliefs. Taboo is a kind of sanctity for the tribal Totem and its ban stems from a threat to the tribal totem.
The word taboo literally does not have a clear meaning. It is a term derived from the Polynesian language that semantically contains two opposing concepts: on the one hand, it means sacred, and on the other hand, it evokes dangerous, horrible, forbidden, impure, and mysterious meanings (Freud, 1984, p. 31). The trace of the concept of taboo is prominent in the oral culture of the inhabitants of Sarkovir.
Despite forgetting much of the ancient customs, this part of beliefs continues to maintain its function and strength, and plays a significant role in people's social life. This is due to the cultural isolation of the region and the reduction of media and cultural relations with large human societies over the past decades. In this article, taboo propositions in Sarkovir folklore are divided into two general categories: The first one concerns the taboo words and languages, and the second one concerns the behavioral and material taboos in the customs of the people.
In Sarkovir dialect, there are words, the use of which have been severely banned by society and not used except in emergencies. Instead, an equivalent word called euphemism (well-intended interpretation) is used, which is a word devoid of vulgarity and unpleasantness (Sabzian and Kazzazi, 2010, p. 202). Apart from avoiding the use of taboo words, the people of Sarkovir consider doing some things to be illegal for themselves, the most important of which are mentioned below.
Marriage-related taboos generally include the following: marriage with a stranger, showing the happiness of the bride and the bride's relatives at the wedding ceremony, putting henna on the bride's palm or soaking it by the widow, and leaving home by the bride during the wedding days.
Taboos related to the dead are among the most serious and prominent taboos in Sarkovir and include the following: relatives' celebrating of the dead, leaving the corpse alone at night, crying over the corpse at night, washing the corpse by a non-family member, burying the dead at night, attending the graves of the dead on Thursday evening, and using the corpse's accessories.
Taboos related to people's names are: Saying the name of the wife, and choosing the name of the grandfather for the grandchildren.
Taboos of occupations are: Blacksmith, wheat collector, and bath man.
Special taboos on farming include: stepping on a green wheat field, and selling ancestral agricultural land.
Taboos related to gender are: a boy sitting on the edge of the oven, and the women wearing white pants.
Other taboos include: pouring boiling water on the ground, pissing in water, farting, and picking nails.
By examining these cases, one can realize the behavior and some of the lifestyles of people in this region.
Based on the objective observations and face-to-face interviews with the people living in the Sarkovir region, the present study has studied the concept of taboo in oral culture. The study focused on a brief review of the concept of taboo, and then categorized it in the social life of inhabitants in the area. Accordingly, the types of taboos have been separated and discussed. The first general conclusion to be drawn is the discovery of cultural beauties and linguistic delicacies which is evident among one of the Iranian tribes. Due to their natural and inner taste, people in Sarkovir have realized that instead of words, phrases and themes of the taboo, they need to use some alternatives and euphemism. Moreover, through this research, the invisible but inseparable link between the Iranian subcultures and the ancient and deep-rooted rituals of the ancient humans can be explained and explored.
Afraz Borujeni, M. (2010). Investigating the content and linguistic structure of taboo words in some contemporary Persian stories. Master Thesis, Shahrekord University.
Avesta: The oldest Iranian songs and lyrics. (2007). Morvarid.
Freud, S. (1984). Totem and Taboo (translated into Farsi by Iraj Poorbaqer). Asia.
Gignoux, P. (2004).  ArdavirafName. Moin.
Rahimitalab, F. (2011). Recognition of totems and taboos in the legends of Gilan. Master Thesis, University of Guilan.
Sabzian, S., & Kazazi, J. (2010). Dictionary of literary theory and criticism. Morvarid
Tabatabayi, S. (216). Selected of Sarkavir proverbs (in Farsi). Hablerood.
 MahPari Aghayan. 76 years old, illiterate, housewife.
Fateme Akbari, 77 years old, illiterate, housewife.
SeyedMirza Tabatabayi, 92 years old, illiterate, farmer.
Leila Tabatabayi, 79 years old, illiterate, housewife.
Kheir-Al-Nesa Mirzay. 69 years old, illiterate, housewife.

Volume 9, Issue 38 (5-2021)

Analyzing the content as well as the common themes in Tazieh poems acquaints us with the culture, language, and common idioms in this field. Due to the aesthetics of the Tazieh poems and its narration, which mentions the sufferings of the martyrs of Karbala, as well as the multifaceted dimensions of the Tazieh and the characteristics of its representation, less attention has been paid to the text of the Tazieh works. This study aims to figure out what has been the most effective aspect of these poems on the general audience. Accordingly, in this research, the poems of Tazieh ceremonies have been studied in three parts. The first part focuses on the content, the second part is the descriptive analysis of the poems, and the third part focuses on the variety of poetic forms of the text. Relying on the content elements of the text, the functions of the poems in attracting the audience have been analyzed. So far, no research has been done in the field of content analysis of poems in Tazieh. This research is based on the manuscripts of Tazieh gatherings entitled The collection of Tazieh battles of General Resurrection - in eight volumes which are currently being performed in the month of Muharram in the Tazieh gatherings in Damghan city. The research method is descriptive-analytical.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (No. 1 (Tome 49), (Articles in Persian) 2019)

The dialect of Tonekaboni differs from the dialects of the speakers in the East of Mazandaran and the West of Guilan where the native speakers of the three regions use Persian to communicate. During the implementation of a part of a research project and in order to find the reason for the lack of mutual understanding between the speakers of the east and west of Mazandaran and the difference between their dialects which both are taken into account as Mazandarani (Tabari) language, the author has concluded that the most important factor is the difference between the construction of their verbs due to the unusual stem in Tonekaboni verbs. The aim of this paper is to describe the verb stem and analyze its different structure in Tonekaboni dialect. In this research, a fieldwork for data gathering was applied through a targeted interview with 10 native speakers to obtain the different paradigms of verbs. The current study showed that verbs stems in this dialect were based on "aspect", while in most languages, like Iranian language family, the stems of verb are based on its tense (commonly present and past), to which inflectional affixes – including aspect of the verb – are attached. This study on one hand, introduces the distinctive feature of aspect -based stems in Tonekaboni, the most widely-used dialect of one of the Caspian language group, which is in decline; and on the other hand it may be useful for dialectology, typology and sociolinguistic studies.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (2-2021)

Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) as a novel and sensitive technology was used to evaluate the biocontrol efficiency of Bacillus subtilis against Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a very destructive plant pathogen. The combination of two methods of culturing and cell sorting by FACS technology was used to distinguish a rapid and accurate method in monitoring the biocontrol effect of Bacillus (ATCC21332) on Agrobacterium (IBRC-M10701 and AGL1),. The culture method indicated that the B. subtilis could suppress A. tumefaciens in vitro and in vivo. We used a green fluorescent protein (GFP), reporter, to flow cytometric analysis using FACS. The mean of GFP expression levels was significantly reduced to 17.98, 16.48, and 11.27% in treatments 24, 48, and 72 h post-treatment; however, it was 31.57, 26.06, and 23.98% in the nontreated ones. The experiments demonstrated a positive biocontrol effect of Bacillus against Agrobacterium. Overall, our findings may provide a basis for improving the new rapid biocontrol agent detection method based on FACS.

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