Showing 4 results for Majedi
Volume 8, Issue 4 (2019 2019)
Aims Sacred architecture is a reflector of divine beauties, and it is an illustrative example of the combination and association of symbolic forms with our deep beliefs and this connection can be expressed in the deepest mysterious layers of the altar. The altar is the most important part of the religious building. In the history of architectural decorations in Islamic art, altar has always embedded the best and most valuable examples in terms of style and in terms of motifs as well as calligraphy values. The Aljaito altar, in terms of the art of Stucco used in it, is in the rank of the most beautiful works of the Ilkhani era. In this research, the study of the herbal designs of the altar, the characteristics, and generalities of the motifs and the patterns governing them are the aim of the research.
Instruments & Methods Through library and field studies, we have identified the decoration of the altar of the Jameh Mosque of Isfahan. The research method is descriptive-analytical and uses architectural software.
Findings & Conclusion The following results were obtained by examining the designs and decorations of Aljaito altar: 81 patterns of herbal design were extracted from the altar designs, with a range of 28% horizontal rectangle, 22% circle, 21% pentagon, 15% vertical rectangular, 7% star, 6% square, and 1% Shamseh; the majority of it included horizontal rectangle. Also, the dominant line in Aljaito altar designs adhered to 100% of the curve pattern, and 85% were completely non-symmetrical and 15% was vertical to the axis in the herbal designs.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (Fall 2021)
Aims: The theory of the transcendence city has been presented with the aim of the quality of life of the citizens, the city and sustainable development. The question is how the city and the citizen can excel in an interactive relationship. The purpose of this study is to explain the components of the transcendence city in three dimensions of environmental, economic and socio-cultural sustainability from the perspective of the Holy Quran.
Methods: The research method used in this research is combination of qualitative research and content analysis, based on the strategic planning approach to the interaction of the city and the citizens. The conceptual framework depends on the Transcendence City theory, with an interpretive approach. The content of the Holy Quran is coded in valid interpretation of Al-Mizan. Then, the selected texts were classified and categorized by ATLAS.ti software.
Findings: Totally, 315 codes were extracted from the propositions related to the research topic, which were classified into 53 components and 18 categories. Finally, in three dimensions of worldview, orientation, actions and behavior; the final model resulted in three dimensions of environmental, economic and social - cultural sustainability.
Conclusion: Conclusion of the research emphasizes on the three basic dimensions such as the divine worldview of citizens, the tendency towards perfection in human beings, and the actions and behavior of citizens within the framework of divine laws in order to reach the sustainable utopia. In the theoretical model described, citizens have a key role to play in creating a sustainable city
Volume 21, Issue 5 (11-2021)
Nowadays, extraction of materials from river bed is one of the effective factors in the occurrence of scouring phenomena around bridge piers. The extent of scouring around the bridges depends on a number of factors, including the type of foundation, the Froude number, flow rates and bed granulation. In , in vitro evaluation of scouring around piers groups in two different grains was investigated. The effect of scouring and armoring of scours in scouring control was investigated in both natural and river conditions. In the present study, 44 experiments with identical laboratory conditions were tested in a rectangular channel with of 13 m, width of 1.2 m and depth of 0.8 m. In this study, 44 experiments were conducted in two models 1 (control or simple groups) and model 2 (modified groups), both scaling behavior. B = 0.7) and Bꞌꞌ (= 1.7 mm) were analyzed. In addition, to investigate the effect of material extraction on the scour rate of bridge pedestals, experiments were conducted for both pit-bed (pit-extraction mode) and pit-free bed (river natural state). A removable sand bed with a height of 22 cm was placed between the floorboards. Two series of pedestals were located upstream and downstream of the bed with a clear distance from the flooring. The pedestals were arranged in the same arrangement (consecutive tripods in the direction of flow and in the center of the channel width) with center to center 21 cm apart.
The results showed that the armed (rough) pier group was less than the simple pier group (flat surface), due to the excavation of river materials, it increased the scour equilibrium time. The armed pier group also controlled the impact of extraction of materials on the scour rate. By examining the upstream and downstream materials mining, it was observed that extraction of materials of upstream of pier group decreased and extraction of materials of downstream pier group increased the scour. Therefore, it can be concluded that the scouring of pier is more sensitive to the downstream pit hole and even the mining of materials from upstream of the pier should be possible. In other words, the percentage of scour depth reduction in downstream bed due to extraction of materials and percentage of scour depth in upstream bed of extraction of materials in model with armed pier group were higher and lower than model with simple pier group, respectively. The percentage of scour reduction due to armed of the pier was also studied and it was observed that at best, the maximum scour depth in the aggregate with mean diameters of 0.78 mm and 1.7 mm by armed pier group were 55 and 66 percent, respectively. It is also observed that the extraction of materials from the bed increases the equilibrium time. It should be noted that scour is balanced when the driving force is approximately equal to the resistive force (particle saturation weight). The results show that the presence of the pit leads to an increase in the scour equilibrium time. In other words, when the sediments reach the pit site, due to the decrease in water velocity and increasing depth, the flow cannot carry the larger sediments and the sediments settle in the upper wall of the pit.
Federa Amini Badr, Mostafa Mokhtabsd Amrei, Hamid Majedi, Hassan Sattari Sarbangholi,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (10-2016)
The relationship between light and philosophy is one of the oldest issues in the scope of epistemology. In philosophy, presence of light has been manifested as the mystic- philosopher intuition and specific ontological model. The Islamic philosophers have emphasized the divine nature of light. The western philosophers have stressed on the centrality of rationalism besides metaphysical source of knowledge of the universe concurrent with divine reason that manifested in the presence of light. The research method was based on analysis of the philosophical texts of the western and eastern philosophers. The research statistical sample was chosen by analysis of the contents of the opinions of thirty five western philosophers and thirty two Islamic philosophers. The most common components with philosophical nature were three components of divine nature, active intellect and beauty. Two components of divine light manifestation and truth in the western philosophers’ opinions and three components of cognition, necessary being and reveled intellect had the most philosophical nature on the light in the Islamic philosophers’ opinions.