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Showing 5 results for Kord Zafaranlu Kambuziya

Volume 5, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 17), (Articles in Persian) 2014)

In this article, the most important phonological processes of Kalhori Kurdishdialect have been analyzed on the basis of “generative theory”. To achieve this goal, the researchers collected data from 13 informants by interviewing with them, who were in all range of ages and all educational sections. Also one of the researchers is a native speaker of this dialect. We used written sources and ducuments like thesises, articles, and books as the background of the research. The gathered data were written according to the "IPA" alphabets.  Method of research was descriptive-analytic in generative framework. Data analysis showed these phonological processes: assimilation and deletion in the middle and end of the word, insertion in the middle of the word, lenition, fortition, and metathesis. Deletion and lenition are very active, and insertion is very passive in these processes.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (March & April 2022 2022)

To know how people begin their conversation and address each other is important in studying and making social relations. The aim of this research is to analyze sociolinguistic phenomenon called address terms by focusing three objectives: finding types, functions and social factors of address terms used in spoken form of Khoy variety of Azeri Turkish. The method of this study is content analysis and the data which are collected by field study using questionnaires from 225 Khoy native speakers show that there are eight types of address forms in Khoy variety of Azeri Turkish: first names, last name, titles, family relationship terms, pet names, religious terms, terms of profession and reversed terms. Data analysis show that in this language address terms in different conditions and situations express intimacy, power distance and respect from the maximum to the minimum which means that among these language society intimacy gas high priority in using address terms. Also data analysis showed that age, family relation, social ranking and job hierarchy and education affect on choosing address terms showing that in the culture of this traditional language society age and family relation more than other factors are responsible for social, cultural and class distances.  Also, according to the data first name is most frequent address term in Khoy variety of Azeri Turkish. Religious terms have the most frequency among strangers which shows that religious affairs are important for Khoy people. Distinctive characteristics of this research regarding other researches is that beside studying address terms, social and functional factors having role in choosing address terms are analyzed.

1. Introduction
Understanding the culture, ideology, ethnic beliefs, social relations, etc., needs understanding the society and the verbal interaction among the individuals. One of the most important aspects of the social relations is to know how to start up a conversation and use the means of addressing the other. The current study, accordingly, aims to investigate the addressing phrases used in interactions in order to extract their types, functions, and social aspects. The corpus used in this study consists of 1474 addressing phrases in Azeri Turkish used in Khoy, which was collected through a spoken questionnaire from 225 speakers. The research questions are: 1) what are the type of addressing phrases in Azeri Turkish in the spoken language of Khoy? 2) What are the structural and functional features of these phrases? 3) What social aspects do play role in selecting the phrases by the Khoy speakers? The hypothesis indicates that the traditional, religious, and cultural beliefs as well as the social aspects of the Khoy speakers affect the selection of these addressing phrases. The research method employed in this study is content analysis based on the theoretically-related perspective through the descriptive, explanatory, and exploratory levels of analysis.

2. Conclusion
The aim of this study was to understand the addressing phrases used in the Turkish community of Khoy considering the factors that distinguish them from other addressing phrases. The findings showed that the addressing phrases in the spoken language of Khoy people is influenced by the individual's relations, context, and social variables of gender, age, education, occupation, behavioral type and other related factors. Analyzing the structure, function, and social aspects of the addressing phrases used among the Azeri Turkish speakers of Khoy suggested that there are eight categories of addressing phrases: first name, surname, title, family relations, nickname, religious names, occupational names, and reversal names. The frequency of each category depends on the social and cultural status, gender, social class, age, family relation, occupational status, and functional factors. The content analysis indicated that except for the strangers, the first name is the least signifying addressing phrase. Therefore, it can be implied that the Azeri Turkish used in the spoken language of Khoy is mostly first name dependent, as it is the case in Farsi language.
This study also analyses the social factors of using each of the addressing phrases. The findings of the study not only can set a platform for other research projects in Turkish language and comparative studies among other languages, but also could be used in teaching Azeri Turkish as a second language for the teachers of the ministry of education who are working on Farsi, English, and Turkish at the same time.

Volume 13, Issue 3 (July & August 2022 (Articles in English & French) 2022)

La langue persane fait partie des langues dont le groupe consonantique finale de la syllabe CVCC est soumise à certaines contraintes du point de vue de la succession des sons. Le présent article se fixe, comme objectif, d’étudier les emprunts lexicaux qui, dans les groupes consonantiques en position finale, comprennent une consonne labiale non appartenant au persan contemporain mais qui y ont trouvé leur place. Pour ce faire, toutes les syllabes en CVCC ayant une consonne labiale en position de C1 ou C2 seront étudiées. Elles seront ensuite comparées en fonction de leur statut (lexique pur ou empreint) dans la langue. Seront ainsi étudiés la fréquence d’occurrence de chaque consonne, tous les ordres possibles de leur apparition ainsi que l’ordre de leur succession. Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre des recherches descriptives et analytiques basées sur des données statistiques. Le dictionnaire Mochiri comprenant 40.000 entrées, a été utilisé comme source principale pour l’extraction des données de cette recherche. L’article est présenté dans le cadre théorique des principes de phonématique et du principe de l’ordre (de la succession) des phonèmes en fonction de leur degré de sonorité. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent que le lexique purement persan a un comportement totalement différent du lexique emprunté en ce qui concerne le type de succession dans le groupe consonantique, l’ordre de la succession sonnante et la sélection du noyau de la syllabe. En persan pur, la consonne /f/ en tant que premier élément constitutif du groupe consonantique et la consonne /m/ en tant que deuxième membre de ce groupe, sont les plus fréquemment employées, parmi les consonnes labiales.
Aliye Kord Zafaranlu Kambuziya, Negar Momeni,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2010)

Power is a social phenomenon, which refers to the ability of its holders to compliance or obedience of other individuals to their will. This superiority is caused by different factors including social role, sex or even a particular style of speech. This study aims at presenting comprehensive definition of power, its role in terms of different speech styles of language and its signs. Therefore, the authors can measure power in language more carefully, recognizing new signs. In fact, power in language means avoiding linguistic uncertainty variables (filler, pause…) and using some linguistic signs (like following standard accent, etc…). "lengthening", "tag question (hear-oriented, speaker-oriented)" and "use of English word" are studied for the first time. In fact, we want to know if these three factors can be considered as linguistic uncertainty variables showing powerless speech. Sample research is 30 male managers at the age of 30-40. The results showed "lengthening" and its different kinds are one of the uncertainty linguistic variables showing powerless speech style.
Faezeh Farazandeh-Pour, Aliyeh Kord Zafaranlu Kambuziya,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (10-2013)

This paper aims at describing the mechanism of German loanwords adaptation with respect to constraints of Persian language and within OT framework. Consequently the adaptation of consonant clusters and diphthongs as well as the phonemes substituted in loanwords will be examined. Prince and Smolensky’s (1993) Optimality Theory with its key notions of faithfulness and markedness constraints is suited to model this aspect of linguistic competence. So in this research a number of 30 German loanwords were selected as research data of which some were collected through the library method from written resources and the rest are the trade names of German Products that are collected through a field work. Descriptive analysis of the mentioned data within Optimality Theory comes into valuable linguistic conclusions such as: “In Persian, initial consonant clusters of German loanwords are broken up through vowel epenthesis which is mostly identical to the vowel of the second syllable.”

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