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Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)

Nowadays, the seismic performance-based design of structures has been widely noticed by the engineering community. So, different methods for performance-based design have been presented by different researchers. This attitude has been included in the design code and regulations for seismic design of new buildings and retrofit of existing buildings. The FEMA P-58 performance-based design method presented by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) can quantify the consequences related to the seismic response of buildings. Therefore, using this method, the seismic performance of buildings can be directly evaluated. In addition, this performance-based design method can define simpler criteria such as repair cost, repair time, and casualties for seismic evaluation and decision-making process. The method is based on considering different sources of uncertainty in earthquake input and its intensity, structural response, associated damage, and repair cost, using the concepts of conditional probability and total probability theorem. In this method, the building is designed in such a way that it meets the expected and predetermined performance level in a specific level of seismic excitation. Since the performance levels of the building are determined based on the amount of damage caused to structural and non-structural members, one of the practical and effective ways to evaluate performance is to estimate the building repair cost. In the approach presented in FEMA P-58, the repair cost is defined in a probabilistic approach, as the cost needed to restore the damaged parts to their original state in the form of expected annual loss. In this research, first, three 4-, 12-, and 20-story office buildings with the lateral force resisting system of reinforced concrete special moment frames were selected in a high seismic risk area. Then, the nonlinear model of structures was provided in OpenSEES software. In order to reduce the computational cost and analysis time, the single-bay Substitute Frame model was used to simplify the multi-bay reinforced concrete moment frames. All four structures were subjected to Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) for 30 earthquake records. A probabilistic relationship between the spectral acceleration of the earthquake and the main damage parameter (i.e. the inter-story drift), as well as the collapse fragility curve, was obtained. Then, the repair cost including the cost of repairing structural members as well as beams and columns, the cost of repairing non-structural members as well as partition and curtain walls, and the cost of replacing collapsed structures was calculated as expected annual loss. The results show that the repair costs at the Design-Based Earthquake (DBE) for 4-, 12-, and 20-story buildings are 3%, 2.5%, and 10% of the building replacement cost and at Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) are 22%, 23%, and 38% of the building replacement cost, respectively. In addition, in short buildings, most of the cost is caused by repairing structural and non-structural members, and in tall buildings, most of the cost is caused by replacing collapsed or severely damaged structures. Considering two nonstructural elements (i.e. partition and curtain walls) in repair cost, the analysis results show that the cost of repairing structural elements is more than the cost of repairing non-structural elements.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (Fall 2020)

Applying social capital to refurbish urban streets has meant recognizing opportunities and challenges and shaping processes to its sequences over time. The purpose of the present study is to introduce a strategic framework for applying the potentials and values ​​of social capital in environmental improvement and responsible maintenance and social control of street-related sequences. The main question is that how to transform the role of today's street as an element of neighborhood segregation into a linking element of discrete neighborhoods so as to become a showcase for cultural and social interactions. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical which is in three phases: explaining the relevant conceptual framework for entering the research context, applying it to the research context, analyzing and discussing the objective and subjective findings, Qualitative data analysis is done. The measurement tool is a semi-structured questionnaire, using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics performed by SPSS software were used to evaluate criteria and answer research questions. The research context is Imam Khomeini Street and the neighborhoods adjacent to this street. The sample size was 378 using Cochran formulaIndicators used in this study are invitations, neighborhood personality expression on the street edge, transparency and depth to the street edge, and a sense of belonging and responsible environmental behaviors. The results indicate that the items related to the design of the entrances and the continuation of recreational and tourism activities on the edge and the inner texture of the neighborhoods are of greater importance for identifying street sequences.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2013)

Iranian-Islamic architecture is a precious heritage of Shia culture which is the legacy of past generation, the valuable samples of which are well observed and recognizable in planning, design, and management system of historical cities of Iran. The relation between Iranian-Islamic architecture and theoretical basis, principles of Islamic jurisprudence, and verses of scripture and revelation shall be a valuable treasure in guiding and developing Iranian contemporary architecture and urban development. An overview of practical experiences and their theoretical foundation in the areas of architecture, urban development and urban management indicates that explaining the relation between theoretical principles and physical specifications is the prerequisite for realization and implementation of an architecture style and orientation; it is on the basis of such approach that the subject of the present research could be analyzed in the bed of Koran verses and their valid interpretations. The main research question is that what does identity mean in Islamic architecture? And where is the position of this definition in the formation of Islamic architecture? What are the requirements for realization of the rule of no injury loss in Islam in the bed of forming Islamic architecture? How Islamic architecture is formed in the bed of identifying elements and where is the position of these elements in Islamic architecture? The research method used in this study is based on a logical reasoning method. Upon drawing the theoretical framework of the research, the specialized and scientific resources are analyzed using comparative method, then the resulted opportunities and challenges are discussed. This research is required to be treated qualitatively, so it will be viewed based on free research paradigm using library sources and field study. The research findings indicate that the observance of 10 principles could be introduced as the realization of a rule of no injury loss in Islam in architecture and urban development system, especially in directing and planning urban development projects.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2014)

The probiotic effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Aspergillus niger on the feeding efficiency, body composition, ammonia excretion, blood serum enzymes and the intestinal microbiota of juvenile beluga, Huso huso was investigated. The fish (31.8±2.81g) were randomly allocated into 12 oval tanks at a density of 30 individuals per tank with three replicates for each treatment,. The fish were fed either a basal diet (as control) or the diet supplemented with S. cerevisiae and A. niger (2×106, 4×106 and 6×106 cells g-1) for 8 weeks. The results indicated that the probiotic supplemented diet at 6×106 (cells g-1) significantly improved FCR and other nutritional indicators compared to the control treatment (p<0.05). Significant improvements (p<0.05) were also observed in ammonia excretion and blood serum enzymes between treatments. Total viable fungus and Lactobacillus spp. count were significantly improved in treatment compared to control (p<0.05). These results indicated that S. cerevisiae and A. niger improved feeding performance and blood serum enzymes of beluga.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (, (Articles in Persian) 2012)

Intertextuality of two text: Comparative analysis between king Lear and Feridoon Comparative study which has opened to investigation the text could illuminate the relationship between cultures and shows the originality and richness of one literature alongside with range of its stubbornness of our or other culture. Comparative analysis between Feridoon’s tragedy and King Lear shows the interlocking relationship and arrangement between two texts in different and completely dissimilar culture and different historical context with two kind of language. Although mapping out the conscious or unconscious trace and impact of this texts over each other is completely impossible but the high level of intersexuality between the two texts is obvious so that this relationship could not be ignored. “similarity of plot”, “being tragically”, “impulses”, “familiarity of two text”, “dividing of kingdom”, “presence of destiny”, “parallel of characters”, “conflict”, “prediction”, “chorus” could be accepted as issues which are convinced common points between the two text. The analysis and survey toward understanding the equivalent between the two texts by helping of comparative literature is the fundamental question which has been followed by this paper.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2014)

  Leadership is one of the most important concepts in management literature. Organizations cannot achieve their predetermined goals without an efficient leadership. This study tries to identify the most effective factors on leadership intention and demonstrate them as a conceptual model. Leadership intention means persons’ scheduling for self-individuals future and whether he or she is willing to be responsible for leaderships roles. The conceptual model of this study is created according to subject literature. Questionnaires distributed among management students of Tehran universities using convenience sampling and 845 were collected. Data analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results showed that fame-seeking, social networks, leadership motivation and person’s leadership efficiency have positive and significant Influence on his/her leadership intent. Dream, risk taking, independence, confidence, curiosity and emotional intelligence were among other variables that their effects on leadership intent was not confirmed.        

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Ninety one monoconidial Bipolaris isolates were obtained from lesions on different parts of rice in different locations of Mazandaran province during the summer of 2009. Bipolaris species were identified using morphological features such as color and shape of colony and color and size of conidia and conidiophores. The isolates were separated into two species; 85 (93.4%) isolates belonged to Bipolaris oryzae and the remaining 6 (6.6%) isolates to Bipolaris cynodontis. Therefore B. oryzae is regarded as the major cause of rice brown spot disease in Mazandaran province. In order to analyze genetic diversity among B. oryzae isolates, 71 isolates were subjected to fingerprinting analysis by rep-PCR using BOX and REP primers. In cluster analysis, 15 clonal lineages and 54 haplotypes were identified. The largest clonal lineage contained with 36 haplotypes was the most common lineage. These results also indicate a relatively high level of genetic diversity among B. oryzae isolates. Also, pathogenicity test of a few B. oryzae isolates (12 isolates) was conducted under greenhouse condition and showed that those isolates were pathogenic to rice seedlings of cv. Tarom. All isolates produced some leaf spots 24 h after inoculation.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2016)

Based on SPI and RDI indices, changes in droughts in the semi-arid areas of west Golestan Province was assessed in the GIS environment by incorporating data from Hashemabad synoptic station and 11 climatic stations. After evaluating the ability of LARS-WG5 in the simulation period (1984-2010), downscaling of HadCM3, IPCM, and GFC models was done as a group under scenarios of A1B, A2 and B1 to evaluate changes in meteorological values of precipitation, Tmax, Tmin, and evapotranspiration during 2011-2030.Model accuracy was studied using the coefficient of determination, index of agreement (D) and the mean error. The results showed that the highest mean values of Tmax and Tmin were related to the B1 and A2scenarios, with an increasing trend of 0.81and 0.91°​C, respectively. The highest mean evapotranspiration (1.34 mm) changes were under group model of B1 and A2. For precipitation, these were related to B1 (1.49 mm) and A1B (1.36 mm) scenarios. Based on the regional interpretation of drought, the central, northern and eastern parts, in spite of the current droughts, are predicted to be hit harder in the upcoming period and for more prolonged period. In this study, performance of group models to simulate climate data and use of drought indices were shown.

Volume 5, Issue 0 (0-2005)

In this paper, we used a shape matching algorithm to recognize Farsi digits. For each sampled point on the contour of a shape, we obtain a descriptor showing the distribution of the other points of the contour, with respect to this point. Based on these descriptors, we find the corresponding points of the two contours and take the sum of their distances as a dissimilarity measure between two shapes. Then we define a geometric transformation that maps the sampled points of the one shape to the corresponding points of the other shape. The bending energy of this transform is taken as the second dissimilarity measure between two shapes. We optimized the parameters of the matching algorithm for the recognition of Farsi digits and used the method of minimum distance from the class prototypes for the recognition. In a test on a set of 1288 digits, we obtained a recognition rate of 89.9%. This result was obtained without any post processing

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Comparing thinkers' opinions makes us reach the same comprehension of their insights. In this research, opinions of Mawlawī, eastern mystic and poet (1207-73) and Soren Kierkegaard (1813-55), the father of existentialism, about different levels of becoming better people comparatively have been compared.
Mawlawī and Soren Kierkegaard are two thinkers in the history of human being who due to their similar views towards the universe, have had common prominent ways of thinking. This unanimity especially about human and levels of becoming a better person, needs to be reflected upon. They, as religious thinkers in two different parts of the world and at different times, believe that one is responsible for his fate.
They both believe that there are different steps in reaching perfection.
Mawlawī mentions that in order to become a perfect human being, which is the best level of humanities, one must pass two levels: an imperfect human being and a mujāhid.
Kierkegaard puts forward his opinion in three stages: aesthetical, ethical, and religious. The stages have a lot in common which are explained in the article.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (No.3- 2014)

Kalmakareh treasure was accidentally explored by a rural hunter from the Kalmakareh cave in 1989. The cave is Located in the north west of Poldokhtar City in Loristanprovice. The treasure includes different types of vessels like rhytons, human and animal statues, masks, plaques, bracelets, etc. Based on the previous studies, the treasure belongs to Neo-Elamite period (1th millennium BC). These objects bear archaeological significance and enjoy unique value, with recpect to Neo-Elamite inscriptions in some of them. Deciphering theses incscriptions by Lambert, F.Vallat and RassoulBashash, and archaeological analysis by Leila Khosravi shed light on an anonymous local governorship of the Neo-Elamite, and provided a New chapter in the archaeological studies of this particular period in the west of Iran. Except a few number of masks made of gold, the rest objects of this collection were nade of silver. It seems that, because of being as a scale for trade at the time, the artisans deliberately applied silver to produce kalmakareh treasure. The authors aim to present an analytical study on the golden masks of the treasure, and slso compare them with the same types produced in other cultures.  

Volume 6, Issue 24 (12-2018)

Bidel Dehlavi’s poems- as one of the prominent figures of Persian literature who was living out of Iran’s geographical frontiers – include popular culture especially Iranian culture. In the present study, his poems will be examined from the view point of the crystallization of popular culture. It was demonstrated in the first chapter that although he is a non-Iranian poet; Bidel Dehlavi was strongly influenced by Iranian thought and culture to reflect the folklore in his poetry in different ways, consciously or unconsciously. In this research, the sources and origins of some of the popular traditions and beliefs of Bidel's poetry, which are common in Indian and Iranian cultures, have been analyzed and revealed that in this respect, Bidel’s social and literary vision is the cultural background of Iran and his poem reflects Iranian culture.

Volume 7, Issue 27 (9-2019)

In order to explore the smallest structural units, structuralists analyze the inter- related and contrastive relations among texts’ constituents. In this study, the authors seek to investigate and criticize the structure of “Head” Folk Tale – from Khorram Abad – based on Vladimir Propp Morphological model. To this end and at first and by analyzing and investigating tale’s protagonists, the authors have discussed the structuralist approach and Vladimir Propp’s morphological model. This story is composed of two movements and two types of heroes: the hero - victim and the hero- searcher. The general structure of the story with a small number of displacements corresponds to the Propp morphological pattern. The last function of this story is totally different from the last function proposed by Propp. According to the main objective of structuralism which investigates the hidden layers of phenomena; in the end of this article, the authors have tried to analyze the most important contents such as fatalism, zurvanism, virgin birth , the natural son, and abandoned child

Volume 7, Issue 30 (12-2019)

Psychoanalysts and psychologists of different schools have analyzed fairy tales for psychoanalytic purposes. Bruno Bettelheim, a Freudian thinker, seeks to show how fairy tales, using imaginary faces, shape the process of healthy human development and make the process of development interesting and acceptable for the child. The Limped Deer tale helps children figuratively to learn how to manage the two conflicting feelings of love and hatred toward their parents and to preserve the image of the loving parents. In the story, when children leave home, it means that self-care and individualism require leaving home. Running away from the demon is a symbol of the child's conceptualization of the dangers of adolescence as imaginatively disturbing creatures. Siblings are symbols of the need to assimilate conflicting human and animal tendencies within themselves to achieve real development. The whale swallowing the sister represents an unreal death to reach a higher existence. "Replacement", "adjustment and modernization of deep psychological conflicts", "individuality and identity independence", "psychological extraversion", "personality integration", "mental, psychological and social order", "the cultivation of the imagination" are all the most important functions which are extracted from the Limped Deer. Therefore, it is concluded that fairy tales can address the fundamental problems of the child's maturity process figuratively and resolve them in an imaginative and indirect way.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (10-2008)

Design and manufacturing of spur idler gears of gearbox by means of traditional methods, involves too many times of trial and error and consequently spending too much time and money. Utilizing new technologies such as CAD/CAM will increase productivity and flexibility of the process (PDP). In this paper, different parameters and characteristics of the parametric design process of the spure idler gear using CAD/CAM have been discussed and a method for parametric design has been presented. Using this method, design of parts of the same group can be done within the shortest time and by inputing parameters for any part, a typical design can be achieved. Due to the comlex contours and high accuracy requirements of the gear theeth, gear manufacturing is highly specialized, demanding much machining time and therefore is costly. Material wastage is also another problem in these process. In recent years, there has been increased interest in the production of gears by precision forging. Precision forging enables gear teeth to be manufactured to net or near-net tolerances. Resulting in significant savings in raw material and production time compared with conventional cutting methods. In contrast, precision gear forging is associated with problems related to die design, preform volume and geometry, tooth dimensional accuracy, load and energy prediction, ejection problem and finally tool life. These are also reviewed in this paper. Finally, designed dies for manufacturing a typical spur idler gear, analysed by “Super Forge” software.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2008)

Iran plans to export natural gas (NG) to Western Europe using a system of pipelines running through Iran, Turkey, and Western Europe. International gas pricing is usually undertaken through negotiations between buyers and sellers on a bilateral basis. Currently, Russia is the only exporter of gas from the Former Soviet region. So, Russia competes strongly with Iran to export NG to Western Europe. This paper develops a bargaining model to study natural gas pricing and analyze competition between Iran and Russia as gas suppliers to Western Europe. In this model, it is assumed that NG pricing is usually linked to the prices of alternative fuels as competing energy sources. Therefore, in light of previous evidence, it is reasonable to consider that there is a long-run relationship between NG price and price of alternative fuels. Initially, a regression model is specified to investigate unlagged relationship among variables. This relationship is estimated using the Johansen cointegration technique and then we forecast margins of the Iranian NG price. Finally, a VECM model is identified and used to forecast the lower and upper bounds of future NG price.

Volume 8, Issue 34 (10-2020)

Mythology has always been associated with new capabilities from a different perspective, which highlights the explanation, understanding, and spiritual energy of the literary works for the reader. Through the archetype of the hero's journey, Campbell tries to show that most of the heroes in folk tales need to go through certain stages in order to gain self-knowledge, spiritual perfection, and spiritual and material gifts. Silent City is one of the folk tales of Lorestan province, which embeds the flawless archetype of Campbell's "Heroic Journey", and represents three main stages of "departure", "arrival" and "return". The protagonist, going through the physical and spiritual stages, finds a harmonious and godly existence by which he can have a useful possession of the physical world. In this story, traces of myths, religions, and insights, related to the creation of man and the world of creation, are much prevalent.
Research background
In this article, the story of Silent City from the book of folk tales of Lorestan is analyzed (Farahvashi, 2018). So far, no research has been done on the analysis of the symbols and elements of this story. Considering that the subject of the present study is the study of this story based on the theories of Joseph Campbell, two studies related to this subject are referred to: an applied studied following the theory; 2. a study entitled "The hero's journey in the story of Hamam Badgard based on Campbell and Jung's analyses which tries to connect the necessity of the hero's journey with the human needs for psychological development.
Objectives, questions, and hypotheses
The current study analyzes the story of Silent City based on Campbell's mythical theory of "Heroic Journey" and aims to see to what extent the story of Silent City, with different stages of "Heroic Journey", matches with Campbell's theory? The premise of the article is that the journey pattern of Campbell's hero and its various stages have a specific overlap with the rawness, experience, and maturity of the hero in the story of Silent City.
The protagonist of this story travels along the sea with the colt following the call of a wise, who seeks special land from an unknown land to heal the eyes of the king. At the beginning of the journey, the hero picks up a feather from a spring, and then, when he reaches a dark and silent city, he lights it. The city lights up. He is taken to the palace. At the request of his daughter, the king asks the hero for three things: 1. Chicken, 2. Cage, and 3. Forty horses. During the next forty days, the hero travels to a distant land to accompany the sea to meet the king's wishes. In one of the journeys, the fairy king's daughter accompanies the hero. The king asks the hero to stay silent in the city forever; but the hero does not accept it because he has to take special soil with him to heal his father's eyes. At the end of the story, after healing his father's eyes and encountering his brothers' jealousy, he returns to the silent city and marries the king's daughter. According to the archetypal stages of the hero's journey, the stages of the hero's journey in this story are analyzed based on Campbell's theory.
Departure (invitation to start the journey, rejection of the invitation, occult help, crossing the first threshold, and whale belly)
In this story, the blindness of the king and the coming of the wise are signs of invitation to travel and movement, and making the younger boy aware. The little boy's disregard for Hakim's call at first, as well as his father's dissatisfaction, can be equated with "rejecting the invitation." In the story of the silent city, we see that the sea is with the hero as an unseen aid and inhuman helper from the beginning to the end of the journey. As the guardian of the threshold, the sea urchin forbids him to remove the springs to protect them; but the hero crosses the threshold and reaches the silent city. This city is actually the stage of the whale's abdomen considering the stages of Joseph Campbell's departure.
The rite of atonement (test road, meeting with Goddess, Gods, and lord of two worlds)
Upon entering the king's palace, the hero must pass three important tests: 1. bringing a chicken, which is a symbol of the human soul and spirit, 2. Bringing a cage, which is a symbol of the human body and spirits, and 3. Bringing a horse of forty ponies, which is a symbol of the devil. Accomplishing these missions, he becomes a worthy hero, a carpenter of a princess or a goddess, and finds a godly existence. He becomes like a lord who wanders with ease without hesitation in both the material and transcendental worlds.
Return (refusal to return, crossing the threshold of return, extraterrestrial savior, ultimate achievement, reconciliation and harmony with the father, and liberation and freedom)
The protagonist of this story does not accept the king's request to stay in the silent city and remembers that he was looking for soil to heal his father's eyes, so he must return. He steps into darkness from the material and earthly world, and then goes to the transcendental land and paradise. After that, he returns to the material world with the solution of life and the final blessing. The "fairy" who came from a transcendental land with the hero is like a savior who saves him from the clutches of the earthly wicked. The ultimate achievement of the hero is the light of life and the spirit of life for the silent city, and the solution of light for the king's eyes. The hero of the story, successfully completing the cycle of departure, arrival, and return, is now ready to take on the difficult responsibilities of life like a father. But since the protagonist of this story is not dependent on his father's successor, he leaves the city silently and without any dependence, and because of this trust, he finally achieves everything.
The journey pattern in the story of Silent City, like the journey of most mythical heroes in a circular round trip, completes the process of individuality and self-awareness of the hero. The main character of the story, in the course of telling the story, becomes a hero who achieves inner freedom and liberation with the help of his helper - the sea and the fairy. The story of Silent City, addresses the inner levels of the human psyche, and subconscious - the little son of the family - and the use of psychoanalytic symbols and codes showed a complete form of paying homage to the hero's journey. In this story, while showing the overlap and application of the archetype of Campbell's "Hero's Journey", the hero's journey in the context of numerous and complex social and psychological obstacles and tests, achieves ontological knowledge and ultimately discovers love.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (12-2009)

Radiative heat transfer must be considered in retail refrigerators with glass doors. Some methods have been proposed for reducing radiative losses, like usage of double glased windows filled with argon or other types of transparent material with low emissivity in infrared band. For evaluation of thermal radiation in commercial refrigerator compared to infiltration loss, thermal conduction and facilities loss, a three dimensional model has been developed. In this model all wall surfaces are isothermal and evaporator with specific temperature located in roof. The radiative properties of glass are considered as actual. The results show that decreasing internal temperature of cabinet incentive radiation losses. These losses are almost independent of window surface temperature. Increasing of emissivity factor of evaporator, causes increasing of thermal radiation flux of evaporator which can be used in design improvement. Radiation flux of each surface have been compared with convection flux. This comparison show the importance of covering windows in unutilized times.

Volume 9, Issue 17 (Spring & Summer 2022)

One way to make an exception in Arabic is resorting to definite predicate. It has been utilized in numerous verses of the Qur'an to express exception. One instance of this usage of definite predicate in the Qur'an occurs at the end of verses in which the Beautiful Names are mentioned as definite complement with gender AL. In some of these verses the above-mentioned definite Predicate has been juxtaposed with emphatic particles and copulation. Our approach in the present study has been one based on both a complete induction and a qualitative quantitative method that analyses the verses in which these expressions occur; it likewise analyses the problems translators encounter when translating them. The results show that amongst the most daunting of these problems are: taking definite complement and indefinite complement for one, translating definite beautiful names as indefinite, not being attentive to more than one definite predicate in one verse, not heeding he different ways of translating different exceptions, the existence of different multiple exceptions in one verse, the difficulty of including multiple emphatic structures and exception in Persian, not willing to follow the same path when it comes to similar structures, not being alert to the syntactic structures in the source language, being doubtful about the exception in the verse, not coming up with a usual equivalent, having juxtaposing definite Beautiful Names with other emphatic particles. As for precision in the studied verses, the most precise translations were the ones done by the center for Quranic culture and sciences, Saffarzadeh and Balaghi. Moreover, no significant discrepancy was detected when comparing the classical and contemporary renditions in terms of showing or not showing the concept of exception in the translations.

Volume 9, Issue 37 (3-2021)

Wrestling has been popular since ancient times and it has been associated with many aspects of Iranian culture. In this regard, wrestling has been a physical ritual, and today it is performed at the national, indigenous, and local levels. This study focuses on the myths behind this ritual movement. It is aimed to explain the myths that have been the reason for the meaning, continuity, and the value of this movement as a ritual in Iranian folk culture throughout history via the analytical method. In ancient culture, a person who fought with the destructive forces of nature became the heroic archetype who created livelihood and security in a society and was respected by the people. This challenge with the antagonist also entered the arena of the enemies of Iran, and wrestling was a symbol of the action of the heroes who fought a duel to protect his land and its values; but what was suggested in Iranian culture was that these heroes, whose actions establish the security and order of the society, first, must clear their background as an antagonist, and voluntarily go into the battle with shadows. In Iranian society, this became a value and moral foundation for the heroic archetype and remained in the collective subconscious of the Iranian society, and in the festivals of folk culture where wrestling is held, all these values are projected on the wrestler character. This forms the kind of social identity and cohesion through which viewers receive love and self-fulfillment.
Research background
A few research projects been done on wrestling in folk culture. However, in these studies, types of wrestling in folk culture have been studied on a case. In the culture of every city and village, a type of native and local wrestling is common, and most studies have focused on one of these types such as Chokheh wrestling or Gilehmardi wrestling. Qasem Mehrabi et al. (2014) have dealt with the interaction of spectators and wrestlers of Chokheh, and Rahmati and Abbaszadeh (2016) have paid attention to the ability of Gilehmardi wrestling in the development of social participation. Since wrestling has a long history in Iranian culture, it is necessary to conduct research on the values and social beliefs that have led to the continuation of this national, indigenous, and local sport.
Aims, questions, and assumptions
The aim of the present research is to describe the mythology that has caused the continuity, meaning, and value of wrestling in Iranian society throughout history. Therefore, three theories could be indicated in this regard: Jung's archetypal, Campbell's mono-myth, and Maslow's hierarchy of needs to describe these myths through a qualitative descriptive-analytical method. The main question of this study is: what myths are behind this ritual movement activity? Wrestling is probably a movement activity that was intertwined with rituals and represented many myths through ritual performances.
Archaeological evidence with the motif of wrestling and Persian mythology in the cultural context of ancient Iranian society shows that wrestling is a physical activity in a ritual that represents the heroism of prehistoric times that killed monsters to provide security for human life (Campbell, 2005). The monster is a symbol of some destructive natural forces that destroys the security and livelihood of people. The protagonist's combat with natural destructive forces, such as wild animals, becomes a physical habitus in the Iranian culture and takes on a ritual aspect. This ritual physical activity combines with other aspects of Iranian culture so that it is a show for the legitimacy of the king as a provider of security for the people and the wrestling is performed in the celebration of nature revitalization in the spring (Kaptain, 2013). Thus, the wrestling is a symbol of the battle of two opposing forces, one good, and the other evil. It is the ideology of the culture of ancient Iran that the force of good always triumphs over evil by choosing the right manner for battle (Rezai Rad, 2010). Folk literature also tells the story of wrestlers who wrestle with fair behavior, avoiding any inappropriate behavior. Thus, the wrestler is a symbol of the heroic archetype who removes individual and collective needs and has moral principles. The moral foundation of the Iranian hero archetype is Mithraism, at the top of which is the struggle against the inner shadow. The religion of Mithraism is a form of mysticism that teaches its followers the moral and social principles to make the world a better place (Cumont, 1966). According to these teachings of mysticism, the wrestler is also the protector of the social values.
Wrestling is a physical activity that is intertwined with the dimensions of Iranian culture. Iranian myths and beliefs give meaning to this physical activity and its integration with other cultural aspects. The wrestling is not only reminiscent of the hero archetypal actions of the prehistoric time but with its functions, it satisfies the psychological needs of the wrestler and the people. Hence, people project the character and moral qualities of ancient heroes on the wrestler. The inner shadow is the most important opponent of the wrestling, and by overcoming it, he can show the right manner in his behavior through wrestling.
Rahmati, M. M., & Abbaszadeh, M. (2016). Capability of rural sport; local development & social participation: a case study of Gilehmardi wrestling. Journal of Community Development, 7(1), 59-78.
Campbell, J. (2006). The hero of a thousand faces (translated into Farsi Shadi Khosrow Panah). Mashhad: GolAftab.
Cumont, F. (1966). The Mysteries of Mithra. Routledge.
Kaptan, D. (2014). Achaemenid history XII. The Daskyleion Bullae: seal images from the western Achaemenid empire (translated into Farsi Morteza. Saghebfar). Tehran: Toos.
Rezaei Rad, M. (2011). Fundamentals of political thought in Mazdaean wisdom (in Farsi). Tehran: TarheNou.

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