Showing 25 results for Gohari
Volume 4, Issue 2 (summer 2023)
Aims: In Tehran, which is a city born in the modern era and is always open to immigration, establishing a meaningful relationship between the urban space/architectural bodies and citizens has been one of the most important design and planning challenges. The demographic structure and buildings undergo dramatic changes at a high speed, and citizens find fewer points of support to recreate themselves and their memories with them.
Methods: Research paradigm is interpretive and the approach is quantitative. The collected data through a survey study is analyzed with statistical tests. Data analysis is done through descriptive-analytical research design and the validity of the research model has been measured thorough exploratory factor analysis.
Findings: In the dimension of “spatial practice”, “physics and the structure of space” followed by “the structure of signs”, have gained the most points. The respondents are able to understand the relationships of the components and the language that conveys the meanings in experienced spaces. In the dimension of “representation of space”, “ideology and mental preconceptions” has the highest score, which means that the respondents interfere their mentalities in judging the qualitative values of the space. In the “representational space”, the “social perception” has the highest average which means that people have given importance to their psychological needs in the experience of the public space alongside other citizens.
Conclusion: The phenomenological dimensions of space in the realm of cultural uses can be counted and evaluated in a way that is concreted in people's lived experience of space. This can significantly affect the planning of urban spaces and the design of architectural bodies.
Volume 5, Issue 10 (Fall & Winter 2019)
The purpose of the revelation of the Quran is human's guidance, excellence and evolution; since The Qur'an has called itself the guidance book, all verses that have directly or implicitly pointed to scholarly topics. Therefore, all verses are in direction to this goal. Hence,in the translation of these verses, it is necessary to transfer these to audiences as much as possible because the ignorence or error in translation, deprives them of the correct understanding. On the other hand, the contradiction between science and religion occurs more likely as a result of the opposition to the emergence of the elemental with the experimental intellect. Therefore, the exact translation of the scientific verses has a role in understanding the Qur'an, besides it steps along pace in resolving the misgiving of the conflict between religion and science, as well as the discovery of the scientific secrets of the Qur'an. This paper which is organized by analytic and descriptive approach, has tried to translate the scientific verses of the Qur'an in the field of human creation correctly and study five chosen translations. Explaining errors in the translations of these verses is one of the most important result of this research like error in the mention of the equivalent and the referent, also unbeleiving in the existence of scientific material in the Quran, not referring to the interpretation of scientific verses and natural sciences.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)
Breast cancer is a serious health concern for women. It contributes to about 23% of the cancer cases, and accounts for the second largest number of deaths among all cancers. Expensive and time consuming recognition methods currently available for recognition of breast cancer potentiates the need for improvement of novel, specific and ultrasensitive strategies. Biosensors are sensitive, specific and cost effective procedures. These also display the benefit of quick response due to direct calculation in physiological fluids (saliva, blood, serum, milk, urine etc.) in a non-invasive way. Aptamer-based biosensors for cancer cell recognition have shown advantages of rapidness, simplicity and cost-efficiency over traditional approaches. In this study, by linking DNAzyme and aptamer together, we established colorimetric biosensor for the detection of MCF7 breast cancer cells. MUC1 and PTK7 aptamers used as specific aptamers to binding to the breast cancer cells. This manner may also evade the modification of DNA and the use of labels, which can intensely rise the cost-efficiency and simplicity of cancer cell discovery. Our results indicated that these aptamers showed good activity for breast cancer cells detection in which in the control cells no activity was observed. Results also indicated that there is a good linear relationship between the cancer cell values and colorimetric signal. Finally, the obtained results indicated a cost effective and conveniently operated approach for cancer diagnosis in future.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2021)
According to the latest report of the International Monetary Fund, the share of the US dollar in the total foreign exchange reserves of the world's central banks is about 63%, while the share of the Euro is 20% and the share of the Yuan is 2.5%. This study argues for the hegemonic position of the dollar in the world economic system and then tries to understand the future scenarios of this position. The ultimate goal of this study was to analyze the solutions of Iran's international banking system to deal with the position of the dollar in the global financial system. In this regard, a qualitative research has been conducted by qualitative content analysis method with the presence of 15 experts in the field of international banking. The data collected through semi-structured interviews have been analyzed and the results indicate that: Continuation of dollar hegemony, replacement with another national currency, strengthening of multilateral currencies and replacement with digital currencies are the four future scenarios of the global financial system. Subsequently, the solutions of Iran's international banking system to deal with it are: development of strategic financial relations with China, conclusion of multilateral monetary agreements, exploitation of digital currencies, and use of non-bank trade mechanisms.
Volume 12, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)
Aims: One of the most common types of diabetes is type 2 diabetes (T2D). Self-management can play a significant role in controlling the disease. The positive effects of mobile health (m-Health) applications on self-care and knowledge enhancement among patients with diabetes have been established. This study was conducted to investigate the e-Health literacy of patients with T2D in using self-care m-Health applications in Kerman City in 2023.
Instrument & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2023. Patients referred to a selected clinic in Kerman City were the research population of this study. A total of 198 patients were included in the study using available sampling and the questionnaire was distributed among them. Frequency, mean, and standard deviation were used to describe the data. Analytical statistical methods such as Mann-Whitney were also employed.
Findings: 188 individuals participated in this research, of which 103 (54.8%) were men and the rest were women. The average age of the participants in the research was 50.17±12.91 years. The average health literacy score of the participants in the study was 24.75±9.04. Among the patients, only 39 participants used diabetes applications to manage their disease and 33 patients (82.5%) reported the daily blood glucose level monitoring feature as the most useful feature of the application.
Conclusion: The participants have a low level of e-health literacy. About one-third of patients use diabetes applications to control their disease. The most helpful component of the studied apps is the daily blood glucose level report.
Volume 13, Issue 3 (Fall 2023)
Aims: Re-reading the previous patterns in order to clarify how man relates to architecture and how he is present in the space, can provide a criterion for measuring and evaluating the desirability of the city space. One of these valuable models is the Bazaar, which play an important role in the cultural, social and economic life of the city and can be evaluated from both architectural and urban aspects. Among these, the Isfahan Bazaar in Naqsh-e Jahan Square complex has been selected.
Methods: Descriptive-analytical method along with space syntax technique and simulation has been used in "Depth map" software. The method based on graph theory, instead of describing the geometric characteristics (shape, size and distances) of the components of a system, explains the position, relationship between the shapes and how to configure those components as a whole.
Findings: Although the Bazaar alone does not have much difference in the maximum and minimum value of its syntactic values, which shows the coherence of the whole complex, nevertheless, the presence of the Naqsh-e Jahan Square in combination with the Bazaar is effective in improving all indicators except entropy (internal order).
Conclusion: Since the focal points of urban functions have the highest degree of connectivity and movement density, with the development of access (as the most important factor), density and diversity; It is possible to generalize the connection to the city structure and create solidarity between the urban elements, which results in prosperity, vitality and presence in the space.
Volume 13, Issue 7 (Supplementary Issue - 2011)
Chemical composition and physicochemical properties of pumpkin seeds and fatty acids of their oil were determined. It was found that the seeds contained 41.59% oil and 25.4% protein. Moisture, crude fiber, total ash, and carbohydrate contents were 5.2%, 5.34%, 2.49%, and 25.19%, respectively. The specific gravity, dynamic viscosity, and refractive index of the extracted pumpkin seed oil were 0.915, 93.659 cP, and 1.4662, respectively. Acid value (mg KOH/g oil), peroxide value (meq O2/kg oil), iodine value (g I2/100 g oil), saponification number (mg KOH/ g oil), and unsaponifiable matter content (%) of the extracted oil from pumpkin seeds were 0.78, 0.39, 10.85, 104.36, 190.69, and 5.73, respectively. Total phenolics compounds (mg gallic acid/kg oil), total tocopherols (mg α-tocopherol/kg oil), total sterols (%), and waxes (%) were 66.27, 882.65, 1.86, and 1.58, respectively. Specific extinctions at two wavelengths of 232 nm (K232) and 270 nm (K270) and R-value (K232/K270) were 3.80, 3.52 and 0.74, respectively. Gas chromatographic analysis of the pumpkin seed oil showed that the linoleic (39.84%), oleic (38.42%), palmitic (10.68%) and stearic (8.67%) acids were the major fatty acids. Compared with other vegetable oils, the present study revealed that pumpkin seed oil can be a valuable source of edible oil.
Volume 13, Issue 54 (8-2015)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of frying temperature and replacement of soybean protein isolate (SPI) with wheat flour on chemical characteristics doughnuts. For this purpose samples doughnuts formulated replacement 3 and 7 percent SPI with wheat flour null and then fried at temperatures 150, 165 and 180 °C. Parameters moisture content, fat content, acid value, peroxide value and sensory properties were investigated. Statistical analysis was performed using a completely randomized factorial design. Means were compared using Duncan's test (p≤0.05) with each other. The results shown that, with increasing temperature and percentage replacement of wheat flour with SPI led to increasing moisture content and the oil content decreased in samples were doughnuts. Temperature increases from 150 ° C to 180 ° C in the process frying doughnuts Samples prepared with wheat flour, 3% and 7% SPI led to Increasing acid value oil absorbed in their 0.66, 0.64, 0.51 unit, respectively. Results of variance analysis showed significant effect type flour on the amount of hydroperoxides on oil is absorbed on case of donuts (p≤0.05). The results of the comparison means showed not follow the effect of the specific. The raters doughnuts Samples no significant difference in terms of our sensory evaluation (p≤0.05).
Volume 16, Issue 3 (Autumn 2016 2016)
Since financial development can contribute to the development of human capital, this paper examines the effect of financial development on human capital formation in Iran during 1973-2010. Regarding financial development as a multifaceted concept, this article first deals with constructing a multidimensional index, including ratio of M2to GDP, ratio of private debt to banks to GDP, ratio of central bank assets to GDP and the ratio of assets of deposit-accepting banks to GDP, using principal components analysis with SAS. Then, using Auto-Regressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) model, the effect of financial development on human capital is estimated through Microfit 4. The results suggest that financial development has significant positive effect on human capital in the short- and long term, and the magnitude of influence is higher in the long term than short term.
Volume 16, Issue 11 (1-2017)
One of the most important factors in surveillance systems using robots, is the complexity and unpredictability of the robot trajectories. This becomes more vital in hostile conditions where the robot trajectory is being followed by another agent. Therefore, random or chaotic sequences can be used in motion planning of surveillant robots. However chaotic sequences would be more effective due to their deterministic nature. Moreover the intrinsic robustness and ergodicity of chaotic systems, compared to random functions, would be another advantage to be considered in surveillance systems which require comprehensive coverage. In this paper, a method is proposed for chaotic motion planning for boundary surveillance and implemented to a quadrotor robot. Quadrotor robot is introduced as an appropriate choice for boundary surveillance application due to high maneuverability and aerial functions. The chaotic trajectory is produced using Henon map. Then the dynamics of the system is derived and a sliding mode controller is designed for such chaotic motion. Finally the dynamics of the robot and the proposed controller are simulated to generate the chaotic trajectories for two cases. The performance of the proposed algorithm is discussed according to unpredictability and staying in the allowable region. A circular path and a non-smooth path are considered for simulation examples.
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2017)
In this paper investigate the effects of friction stir pre-mechanical processing on damage evolution of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy by implementation of stress state dependent damage model which described in phenomenological way. For this purpose, specimens with special geometry were designed from sheet with friction stir pre-mechanical processing and without it of mentioned alloy. Each of these specimens demonstrate special stress state at fracture location in uniaxial tensile test. Material parameters determine for two different fracture initiation models, Xue and Hosford-Coulomb by using experimental result. By using each of these models, plastic strain to fracture surface obtained at stress state parameters for pre-mechanical friction stir condition and without it which can use to specify strain plastic to fracture for different stress state at different pre-mechanical friction stir and without it for this material. Also a phenomenological stress state dependent damage model and evolution of it investigated for this material at different pre-mechanical friction stir and without it by using these models. The experimental results show increase of plastic strain of material because of pre-mechanical friction stir and damage model show decrease of evolution of ductile damage because of this pre-mechanical processing. Also by comparing of damage result which obtained by using two different fracture initiation, Xue and Hosford-Coulomb conclude that using Xue model has better result than Hosford-Coulomb model and this model has more reliability to predict evolution of internal damage for this material and this model fracture surface has good compatibility with experimental results.
Volume 17, Issue 109 (March 2021)
Fried foods due to suitable taste, flavor and mouth feel are very popular but they contain high level of oil. Frying time and temperature and coating before frying process are the main factors, affetcting oil content in fried products. In this study the effect of different concentrations of Balangu seed gum (0, 10 and 20 %W/V), frying temperature (150, 170 and 190 0C) and frying time (2, 4 and 6 minutes) on the quality and sensory attributes of fried zucchini slices were investigated and optimized by response surface method. Results showed that the amounts of water loss and oil uptake during frying process were reduced with increase of gum concentration in the coating agent, but the moisture content of sample was decreased by increasing of frying time and temperature while oil uptake increased. The L* index of the final products were decreased with increase of frying time and temperature and Balangu seed gum concentration. The most affecting factors on the a* and b* index are frying temprature, frying time and Balangu seed gum concentration respectively. The sensory evaluation results, showed that, total acceptance of fried zucchini slices increased with frying time and temperature incensement while decreased with Balangu seed gum incensement. Optimization results showed that the optimum processing conditions of fried zucchini slices were frying time of 2 minute, Balangu seed gum concentration 14.31% and frying temperature 177 0C and in these conditions the quality attributes of final products were in optimum level. Application of Balangu seed gum lead to produce low fat fried zucchini slices without adverse effect on sensory attributes of final product.
Volume 18, Issue 7 (11-2018)
In this work, transmitted sound power control through a doubly curved laminated shell by the aid of RL-shunt is investigated. Therefore, vibration equations of a doubly curved shell with piezoelectric layers are firstly derived utilizing Hamilton’s principle. Then, the obtained equations are verified considering the results reported by other researchers. In addition, by applying a shunt circuit, which is parallel to the piezoelectric layer, the effect of resonant shunt method in passive control of the sound transmission loss of the shell is explored. It is indicated that with applying the shunt circuit, and then tuning the circuit with the resonance frequency, the amplitude of sound transmission loss has been significantly reduced. In next step, by applying three shunt circuits, parallel with one piezoelectric layer, it is found that passive control of this doubly curved structure can decrease the sound transmitted in resonant frequency. Finally, performance of these circuits is improved by using genetic algorithm to optimize RL-shunt circuit parameters. As a prominent result, it is shown that this method has an excellent effect on improvement of sound transmission loss up to 80dB.
Volume 18, Issue 72 (7-2021)
The fall of Baghdad and the destruction of the Abbasid caliphate by Hulagu Khan provided a fertile ground for Iran's independence and the re-emergence of Iranshahri political thought. Changizi Shahnameh, Mostufi’s Zafarnameh and Tabrizi’s Shahanshahnameh are the most important historical epics composed in the court of the Ilkhanate. The main purpose of this study is to examine the approach of the poets of these historical poems to the event of the conquest of Baghdad and how this event and the historical figures were described in these works to determine the extent to which the poets had an Iranian or religious view in interpreting this event. Examination of this poems shows that despite the similarity of the narrative, two different approaches are seen in these works: Kashani and Tabrizi have a more triumphant and Iranian-oriented approach to this event. Instead of considering the annihilation of the Abbasids as a historical tragedy, they consider it a fateful and natural thing in order to fulfill the Iranians' long-held desire for independence. Mostufi has a religious view of the conquest of Baghdad and has repeatedly expressed his grief and sorrow over the fall of the Abbasids. Of course, all three poets in the narration of the conquest of Baghdad paid attention to the political thought of Iranshahri and tried to introduce Hulagu Khan as a king in the thought of Iranshahri by attributing the outstanding attributes of the ideal Iranian king to him. On the other hand, by highlighting traits such as irrationality and stinginess in the Abbasid caliph, they show that he is not worthy of ruling.
Volume 19, Issue 6 (June 2019)
Welding laser beams is one of the essential parts of in automobile manufacturing used for joining plates. In this paper, for the first time, simulation of of joining stainless steel to low carbon steel was carried out. For this purpose, at first, thermal analysis was carried out by finite element method and of temperature profile and the dimensions of the melting area was gained as results. This was followed by mechanical analysis. The thermal analysis results were stored in a mechanical element as history to obtain the thermal conditions of the material. As results of this analysis, the strain of elastic and plastic as well as the amount of residual stress The results show that low carbon steel passes through in , because of higher thermal conductivity. Also, low carbon steel saves more residual stress due to higher yield stress. For validation of simulated model, two plates of 304 stainless steel with similar parameters the simulated model by laser welding. Comparing the results obtained from the experimental model with the simulated model shows a very good agreement.
Volume 19, Issue 123 (May 2022)
The aim of this study was the production of double emulsions stabilized by hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and comparison of physicochemical properties of these emulsions with double emulsions stabilized by Tween 80 emulsifier. Double emulsions were produced using the two-step method. Firstly, an initial water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion was prepared by adding 20% of the internal aqueous phase containing sodium chloride to the oil phase containing 95% sunflower oil and 5% Polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) and mixing with a magnetic stirrer. In the second stage of emulsification, 40% of the initial water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion produced in the first stage was added to 60% of the external aqueous phase containing hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose emulsifier in three levels of 2, 3 and 4%, 1% hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose and 1% tween 80 and 2% tween 80 as control sample and dispersed by magnetic stirrer. Both the produced emulsions were homogenized using a high speed homogenizer for 15 minutes at 15000 rpm. The produced double emulsions were optimized in terms of particle size and distribution, stability, viscosity, color and morphology. The results showed that the lowest particle size was related to the double emulsions produced by Tween 80 which their particles size and distribution were 385.33 nm and 0.31, respectively. These parameters were 453.97 nm and 0.33, respectively for emulsions stabilized with 4% hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose.
Volume 19, Issue 124 (June 2022)
The genetic algorithm (GA) optimization method can be used to overcome the inherent limitations of artificial neural network (ANN). Genetic algorithm–artificial neural network (GA-ANN) method has a high capability to find the optimum value of a complex objective function. In this study, first, to balangu seeds gum drying, an infrared dryer was used. In this infrared dryer, the effect of distance of samples from lamp at three levels of 5, 7.5 and 10 cm and the effect of height of the gum inside the container at three levels of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 cm on drying time and weight loss percentage of balangu seeds gum during drying time, were investigated. The results of balangu seeds gum drying using infrared method showed that with decreases in sample distance from the heat source and also with decreases in thickness of the gum in the sample container, drying time were decreased. With increasing in the lamp distance from 5 to 10 cm, the average drying time of balangu seeds gum increased from 62.6 minutes to 87.6 minutes. With sample thickness increasing from 0.5 to 1.5 cm, the average drying time of balangu seeds gum increased from 45.9 to 109.2 minutes. In the next step, this process was modeled by GA-ANN method with 3 inputs (radiation time, lamp distance from samples surface and thickness of samples) and 1 output (weight loss percentage). The results of modeling with GA-ANN method showed that the network with structure of 3-9-1 in a hidden layer and using the hyperbolic tangent activation function could predict the weight loss percentage of balangu seeds gum during drying in an infrared dryer with high correlation coefficient (0.999) and low mean squared error (0.788).
Volume 19, Issue 131 (January 2022)
ANFIS (Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system) is a combined neuro-fuzzy method for modeling transport phenomena (mass and heat) in the food processing. In this study, first, an infrared dryer was used to dry the extracted gum from quince seed. Then, ANFIS method was used to modeling and predicting the weight changes percentage of this gum when drying in infrared dryer. In the infrared dryer, the effect of samples distance from the radiation lamp and the effect of the gum thickness inside the container on the drying time and the weight loss percentage of quince seed gum during drying time were investigated. The results of drying of this gum by infrared method showed that by reducing the samples distance from the heat source from 10 to 5 cm, the average drying time of quince seed gum decreased from 58.0 minutes to 29.3 minutes (thickness 1.5 cm). Also, by reducing the gum thickness in the sample container from 1.5 to 0.5 cm, the average drying time of the extracted gum decreased from 45.7 minutes to 19.3 minutes (distance 7.5 cm). The ANFIS model was developed with 3 inputs of drying time, samples distance from heat source and gum thickness in the sample container to predict the weight changes percentage of this gum when drying in infrared dryer. The calculated coefficients of determination values for predicting the weight loss percentage of gum using the ANFIS-based subtractive clustering algorithm was 0.983. In general, it can be said that the high coefficients of determination between the experimental results and the outputs of the ANFIS model indicate the acceptable accuracy and usability of this method in modeling heat and mass transfer processes in the food industry.
Volume 19, Issue 132 ( February 2023)
To improving energy efficiency and increasing quality of dried product, a infrared dryer was constructed that can be used to dry fruits and vegetables. In this study, drying kinetics modeling of garlic in an infrared dryer was investigated. The effect of samples distance from the radiation lamp in three levels of 5, 7.5 and 10 cm and the effect of garlic slices thickness in the in three levels of 3, 6 and 9 mm on the mass transfer rate and effective moisture diffusivity coefficient during the dry process of garlic was investigated. To determine the appropriate kinetics model in the drying process, the drying curves can be analyzed under the defined conditions. Therefore, in this research, to investigate on the drying kinetics of garlic slices, the standard models were fitted to the experimental data. By increasing the distance of the samples from the heat source from 5 to 10 cm, the average drying time of garlic increased from 35.8 minutes to 37.3 minutes. By increasing the thickness of the samples from 3 to 9 mm, the average drying time of garlic increased from 22.7 minutes and 50.9 minutes. The effect of sample distance from infrared heat lamp and sample thickness on changes in effective moisture diffusivity coefficient of garlic was investigated and results showed that this coefficient values were increased with decreasing in distance and increasing samples thickness. By reducing sample distance from the lamp from 10 to 5 cm, it was observed that the effective moisture diffusivity coefficient increased from 2.71×10-9 m2s-1 to 3.63×10-9 m2s-1. The average effective moisture diffusivity coefficient of garlic slices for thicknesses of 3, 6, and 9 mm were 0.94×10-9 m2s-1, 2.72×10-9 m2s-1, and 5.54×10-9 m2s-1, respectively. In drying process modeling of garlic, the Midilli model with the highest coefficient of determination and the lowest
Volume 20, Issue 134 (April 2023)
In this research, the effect of ultrasound treatment at different powers and temperatures on the drying process of cornelian cherry by infrared dryer was investigated and modeled. The effect of the applied power by the ultrasonic device at three levels of 0, 75 and 150 W and the effect of the ultrasonic treatment temperature at three levels of 20, 40 and 60 °C on the mass transfer rate and the effective moisture diffusivity coefficient during the drying process of cornelian cherry were investigated. The results of this research showed that ultrasonic pretreatment before drying cornelian cherry by the infrared dryer, by creating microscopic channels on the product surface due to the cavitation phenomenon, makes it easier for moisture to exit from the product and thus reduces the drying time. By increasing the ultrasonic power from 0 to 150 W, the average drying time of cornelian cherry decreased from 73.2 minutes to 51.4 minutes. By increasing the treatment temperature from 20 to 60 °C, the average drying time of cornelian cherry decreased from 69.7 minutes to 55.7 minutes. The effect of power and time of ultrasound treatment on the effective moisture diffusivity coefficient changes of cornelian cherry was investigated and the results showed that with the increase in the power and temperature of the ultrasonic device, the values of this coefficient increase. By increasing the sonication power from 0 to 150 W, it was observed that the effective moisture diffusivity coefficient increased from 6.63×10-9 m2s-1 to 10.11×10-9 m2s-1. The average effective moisture diffusivity coefficient of cornelian cherry treated at temperatures of 20, 40 and 60 °C were 7.26×10-9 m2s-1, 8.10×10-9 m2s-1, and 9.45×10-9 m2s-1, respectively. In order to investigate the drying kinetics of cornelian cherry, mathematical models were fitted to the experimental data.