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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Cette recherche, qui s’inspire particulièrement du « nudge », une approche innovante en stratégie comportementale, ainsi que de la sémiotique tensive, trouve sa motivation dans les incitations à consommer moins d’énergie. Tout au long de cette étude, nous cherchons à répondre à la question fondamentale de savoir si, en matière d'écologie, les « nudges » peuvent encourager les individus à adopter des modes de vie plus respectueux de l'environnement en modifiant les discours et en faisant ressurgir des situations éthiques oubliées. L’objectif de cette étude est de comprendre comment l'univers du discours est lié aux pratiques de vie et de fournir des solutions simples et pratiques en exploitant le pouvoir du langage et en analysant l'impact du discours indirect sur les mentalités, dans le but de guider les individus vers des choix énergétiques optimaux pour la création d'une ville durable. Étant donné que cette recherche est analytique, la méthode de présentation adoptée repose sur une étude de cas. Dans cette approche, nous avons commencé notre analyse par une description théorique de notre exemple choisi, puis l’avons analysé à travers les approches sémiotiques et la structure tensive. Les résultats des analyses ont démontré que l'approche du nudge peut créer une dynamique éthique, encourageant les individus à s'organiser pour contribuer à une meilleure forme de vie. En orientant subtilement les choix sans contrainte, cette méthode favorise des comportements responsables et solidaires, tout en renforçant la prise de conscience collective.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

The current study evaluated the interactive impacts of water temperature and feeding rate on digestive enzymes, intestine histology, growth and stress-related genes, and cultivable intestinal microbiota of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). For this purpose, 180 fish (85.0±3.0 g) were reared at three different temperatures (20, 27, and 33 °C) and two feeding rates (apparent satiation and 2.5% of biomass) with three replications for 6 weeks. The results revealed no significant differences among different treatments regarding the activity of digestive enzymes (P˃0.05) of fish reared under different temperatures and feeding rates. The length, width, and thickness of intestinal villi were unaffected by different temperatures and feeding rates (P˃0.05). In addition, no variations were found in the total aerobic bacterial count of fish gut from different experimental groups (P˃0.05). At the molecular level, IGF-I and HSP70 coding genes were found to be highly expressed in experimental treatments (P<0.05). To conclude, present results showed that temperatures between 27 to 33 °C are more optimal for Asian seabass, and the different temperatures and feeding rates do not affect digestive enzymes, intestine histology, and gut microbiota after 6 weeks. Further molecular research is needed to unravel the complex impact and mechanisms of feeding rate and different rearing temperature on fish physiology.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Poly- gamma- glutamic acid (γ-PGA) is a natural polymer with diverse applications across multiple industries. However, its use in agriculture is limited due to high production costs. This study aimed to optimize the cost-effective production of γ-PGA through Solid-State Fermentation (SSF) using Bacillus velezensis UTB96, evaluate the concentration and molecular weight of γ-PGA suitable for agricultural applications, particularly in strawberry cultivation, and explore the impact of γ-PGA on extending the shelf-life of strawberry fruits during cold storage. Initially, the production of γ-PGA using SSF with B. velezensis UTB96 was investigated, along with an evaluation of the influence of physicochemical factors on the molecular weight of γ-PGA. Based on the results, three different molecular weights of γ-PGA were identified: 1156.43 kDa, 734.38 kDa, and 296.55 kDa. These were selected for greenhouse trials to assess their effectiveness in controlling gray mold on strawberry plants. The results showed that by utilizing agricultural wastes, including sesame flour, wheat straw, and banana peel in SSF methodology, γ-PGA could be produced at a rate of 70 g/kg of dry weight of the culture medium. Analyzing the impact of γ-PGA on reducing gray mold revealed that this compound could enhance the plant's defense. A significant increase in the activity of ascorbate peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) enzymes was observed, along with the production of polyphenolic compounds such as ellagic acid. Consequently, these mechanisms improved the plant's flexibility and tolerance to the fungus, helping to maintain the quality of the fruits during cold storage.


Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)

Background: Osteoporosis is one of the most common metabolic bone diseases. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a walking education program based on the health belief model (HBM) on osteoporosis among women. Material and Methods: In this quasi-experimental research design, 120 patients (60 experimental and 60 control),who were registered with the health centers in Fasa City of Fars Province, Iran, participated in the study in 2014. A questionnaire consisting of demographic information and HBM constructs was used at pre-intervention, immediately after their intervention, and then six months later. Bone mineral density (BMD) was recorded at the lumbar spine and femur prior to and six months post-intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS19' through 'chi-square test, independent t-test, repeated measure ANOVA at a significance level of 0.05. Results: Immediately and six months after the intervention, the experimental group showed increased in knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers perceived, self-efficacy, perceived internal cues to action and walking performance compared to the control group. Six months after the intervention, the value of lumbar spine BMD T-Score in the experimental group increased to 0.127, while in the control group it decreased to -0.043. The value of the hip BMD T Score in the intervention group increased to 0.125 and in contrast, it decreased to-0.028 in the control group. Conclusions: This study showed the increased knowledge and walking behavior regarding walking benefits could improve bone density. Therefore, HBM model can be a basic framework for designing and 'carrying out' educational interventions for women’s osteoporosis.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Summer 2008)

One of the important problems in Structuralist narratology is the relation between narrative and time and the manifestation of time in narrative.Some philosophers such as Paul Ricour believe that understanding time in an abstract form is very difficult but the action in narrative makes the time objective and concrete.According to Structuralists’ analysis, time, -with causality- is one of the essential components in developing the narrative.In addition, every narrative text has two times:the narrative’s signifier time ( the time it takes a reader to read a narrative text) and the narrative’s signified time ( the time taken up by the events of the narrative).The Structuralists, especially Genette, have posed three issues regarding the time in narrative: 1- Order,i.e.the way the events in the narrative are ordered and presented 2- Duration,i.e.the relation between the length of time of the story and the time of the speech or the signifier of the narrative 3- Frequency,i.e.the number of times an event occurs and the number of times that event is narrated.In addition,at the end of the article, different kinds of relations between the time of occurance of the events in the narrative and the time of their narration by the narrator are examined.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2013)

Nizami Ganjavi was a great Masnavi writer of the 6th century (AH.) and one of the founders of Persian poetic fiction. One of the attractions of Nizami’s Masnavi is blessing, litany, and ascensions that are seen in the beginning of each of his verses, which have been highly regarded by his followers due to their beauty and unutterable imagination. The current paper intends to make a comparative study of Nizami’s Khamsa (or five poems) and three Arabic ascensions before it; i.e. Kitab al-Maeraj of Qashiri, Maeraj al Nabi of Ibn Abbas and Al Isra’a va al Maeraj of Ibn Hajar Esghalani and Sayouti that have shown similarities and differences in structure and content. Hence, it is concluded that in spite of distinguishing features, Nizami has been much influenced by the aforementioned works in performing his ascensions. To this end, the literature of Nizami was matched with the evidences acquired from the above ascensions so that similarities become more apparent and obvious.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2013)

Vetiver grass is known to survive under diverse soil and water conditions. In order to test its potential of salinity and aridity tolerance ability, the effect of salinity and aridity stress on the growth of the Vetiveria zizanioides was studied by growing plants in arid soils that receiving salinity stress. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, arrangement in a completely randomized design using 5 replications. Salinity levels of 4 (as control), 20, 30 and 40 dS m-1; Aridity levels of field capacity irrigation (as control), -6 and -10 bars were applied. There was no significant effect on growth, yield, water content and chlorophyll concentration with 20 dS m-1 salinity level. There was significant effect on Mentioned parameters with 30 and 40 dS m-1 salinity levels. The root and length weight in -6 bar were significantly greater than those in control. The water content and chlorophyll concentration were highest in 40 dS m-1 and -10 bars salinity-aridity. Water content and chlorophyll concentration were lowest in 4 dS m-1 and FC salinity-aridity treatments. Our results suggest that in EC between 20 to 30 dS m-1 with -6 to -10 bars water content Vetiveria zizanioides could be used for soil rehabilitation.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2016)

Background: Most of the population in the different areas of world is affected by bacterial infections responsible for dental caries. Due to the importance of traditional medicines derived from herbs used for dental problems, this study investigated in vitro antibacterial activity of Mentha longifolia essential oil from Ardabil, Iran, on Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Actinomyces viscosus,bacteria that cause tooth decay. Materials and Methods: The volatile oil of Mentha longifolia leaves was extracted by hydrodistillation method using a Clevenger-type apparatus  and analyzed by GC and GC/MS system.The antibacterial activity was evaluated by the disk diffusion susceptibility in dilutions of 62.5, 125, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000μg/μl and broth macrodilution test methods. Results: The oil was particularly rich in Pulegone (31.78%), 1,8-cineole (15.99%), menthoforan (11.25%), cis-isopulegon (10.5%) and paramenth-3-n-8-l (6.85%). The medicinal plant essential oil could prevent the growth of the bacteria, and the rates of MIC and MBC of native pennyroyal essential oil on Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Actinomyces viscosus were 110, 165, 80, 120, 450 and 650μg/μl, respectively. The maximum inhibition zone diameter was about 12.2, 27.2 and 4.8 mm, for Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Actinomyces viscosus respectively, at the concentration of 500μgμl-1. Conclusion: In this work, the essential oil of medicinal plant containing effective ingredients could prevent the growth of bacteria and may be used as an affordable and available source for medicinal purposes.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2016)

Background: Clindamycin inducible resistant Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) isolates can cause failure in treatment with this antibiotic. Biofilm production via polysaccharide intercellular adhesion (PIA) contributes in the colonization of S. aureus, resulting in the initiation of different diseases. The aim of this study was to detect icaADBC genes among isolates of S.aureus with inducible resistance to clindamycin. Materials and Methods: A total of 209 clinical S.aureus isolates werecollected and identified by conventional phenotypic tests. Isolates with inducible resistance to clindamycin were detected by double disk diffusion test (D-Test) using clindamycin (2 μg) and erythromycin (15 μg). Oxacillin was used to detect Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was performed to detect the icaADBC genes. Results: The rate of clindamycin inducible resistance was 4% (n=8). All the isolates were susceptible to methicillin. Four isolates (50%) contained the whole icaADBC genes. The prevalence of icaA, icaB, icaC and icaD genes were 5 (62.5%), 4 (50%), 6 (75%) and 5 (62.5%), respectively. Conclusion: The results indicate that the prevalence of  icaADBC genes among clindamycin inducible resistant strains was low, and also these strains were susceptible to methicillin.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (4-2016)

Background:Pneumonia and respiratory tract infections, is associated with high mortality and complications in humans. Current antibiotics are used to treat this infectious disease, but may lead to many problems such as unwanted side effects and resistance to antibiotics. This study investigated the antibacterial activity of the hydro alcoholic extracts of the native medicinal plants Peganum harmala, Mentha pulegium and Alcea rosea, in Baku, as a natural alternative to antibiotics, on antibiotic-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae and Klebsiella pneumoniae,the main bacteria that cause pneumonia. Materials and Methods: Antibacterial activity of the hydro alcoholic extracts of medicinal part of these plants was evaluated by the disk diffusion susceptibility test method and the broth dilution test method on bacteria. Results: The rate of MIC of P. harmala, M. pulegium and A. rosea extracts of  S. pneumoniae were 80, 110 and 375μgμL-1  and for K. pneumoniae were 150, 230 and 680μgμL-1 respectively,  and the rate of MBC were 120, 165 and 550μgμL-1 for S. pneumoniae and 210, 315 and 800μgμL-1 forK. pneumonia respectively; The maximum amount of inhibition zone diameter in500μgμL-1 concentration  ofP. harmala, M. pulegium and A. rosea extracts  for S. pneumoniae were 21.2mm, 17.2mm, 6.9mmand  for  K. pneumonia were10.1mm, 8.1mm, 3.2mm, respectively. Conclusion: This work showed that substances in the hydro-alcoholic extracts of medicinal plants prevented the growth of bacteria. So these plants with having effective ingredients can be used as an affordable and available source for medicinal purposes.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (7-2016)

Background: Staphylococcus aureus can cause infections with a wide spectrum of illnesses ranging from benign skin infections to bloodstream infection leading to mortality. Antimicrobial resistance especially methicillin resistance in S. aureus (MRSA strains) is currently problematic. The emergence of MRSA infections has developed in both the healthcare and the community settings.  The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of MRSA and SCCmec types in Iran according to the previously published studies.    
Methods: For this review, the terms of MRSA, Iran, methicillin, mecA and SCCmec types were searched in searching engines including Google scholar, PubMed, SciVerse, and Scopus. Data from veterinary sources were excluded. Data were analyzed with Graph Pad Prism 6 considering meta-analysis section.
Results: Among several studies and approximately of 1810 results, the prevalence of MRSA was determined as approximately 56.5%. In the year of 2015 and 2016, results exhibited a higher prevalence of MRSA (62.2%) compared to 2013 and 2014, although not exceeded from 46% in healthy individuals. Moreover, among the SCCmec types, the SCCmec Type III has been reported as the predominant type (60.48%) followed by Type IV (21.2%), Type I (17.72%), Type II (17.12%), and Type V (0.56%). 
Conclusion: According to previous data, the prevalence of MRSA is increasing in Iran. However, it may be different for each year depending on several reasons. Moreover, the SCCmec Type III is the predominant type in the country. The SCCmec Type IV has also emerged in CA-MRSA isolates.

Volume 2, Issue 6 (Summer 2009)

In this essay parody will be discussed in the sphere of modern literary theories. In some of literary theories, parody is used as a literary genre to explain dominant processes and mechanisms in literary discourse, and some of them, such as deconstruction, operate as parody. According to Russian formalists, parody is a literary genre that, in the most effective way, represents evolution of literary genres and defamiliarization of literary texts. Mikhail Bakhtin places parody in his dialogism theory, too. According to structuralists too Parody is one of the complex and secondary literary genres that represents intertexuality.The relation between parody and deconstruction is connected to the way they act. Parody and deconstruction implicitly are the same, by breaching and inhabiting in former texts: they cause breaking and destruction of these texts.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2001)

A total of twenty seven bacterial strains were isolated from cankerous tissues of apricot, nectarine, peach, plum, sour cherry and sweet cherry trees in Tehran province and identified as Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss), the causal agent of the bacterial canker disease, on the basis of LOPAT (levan production, oxidase test, potato rot, arginine dihydrolase and tobacco hypersensitive reaction) and GATTa's (gelatin liquefaction, aesculin hydrolysis, tyrosinase activity and Na-tartrate utilization) group tests. Pss strains showed slight differences in morphology, phenotypic (biochemical and physiological) characteristics, serological properties, plasmid DNA and cellular protein profiles and antibiogram. They were divided into three distinct groups based on hippurate and formate utilization which was correlated with protein profile in SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). The virulence of Pss was significantly associated with the degree of necrosis on immature sweet cherry fruits and the rate of in vitro syringomycin production.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (Spring 98 2019)

Research subject: In recent years, many attempts have been devoted to industrial usage of bio-based adhesives, as a result of fossil resources shortage and unusual increase in oil-based products prices. Adhesion strength of this category of adhesives, however, needs improvement.
Research approach: In the current study, lap-shear strength of joints made of a natural polymer, Persian gum (PG), exuded from wild almond tree, and three various substrates, glass, poly(ethylene terephthalate), and cellulose fabric, was investigated. Furthermore, in order to prepare powder acrylic adhesive and evaluate its adhesion to aforementioned substrates, the gum dispersion was blended with synthesized poly(methyl methacrylate-co-butyl acrylate) random copolymer containing 30 wt.% methyl methacrylate (MBC30). Molecular interactions in PG, MBC30, and 50 wt. % PG-containing blend were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Moreover, morphology of blends containing various amounts of PG was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy of their fractured cross sections.
Main results: The textile joint made with PG dispersion in water showed high shear strength of about 340 kPa. However, PG could not form a suitable joint with glass and polyester substrates, as a consequence of its inability to form a homogeneous film, excessive brittleness, and its inability to diffuse and mechanically interlock with the substrates. Results showed that using an adhesive system containing 50/50 PG/MBC30, besides enabling preparation of powder adhesive, shear strength increased to 20, 11, and 14-fold with respect to pristine MBC30 on glass, poly(ethylene terephthalate), and textile substrates, respectively. In other words, shear strength of an adhesive could be improved by promoting the adhesive constituents interactions and subsequent increase in the blend cohesiveness, on the one hand, and increment of its adhesion to substrate, on the other hand. In the current research, Persian gum was introduced as a water-redispersing agent for acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives and new adhesive systems were invented with usability in cellulose industry.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 6)- 2015)

  Persian and Arabic literatures have had tight link and very similarity across the history. Both literatures in the contemporary era have very similarity and isotropy due to passing the common transformations and experiences, as well as the closeness of conceptual and literary trends of the poets. Thus, in our literary society, comparision of artistic masterpice of both literatures is one of the important fields of research concerning to comparative literature.  In the present study, we aim to study, using descriptive-analytic method and based on American school in comparative literature, on the both famous poems of "Crucified man" by "Shamloo" and "Messiah after crucifying" by Badr Shaker-Al-Sayyab, both of which deal with regeneration of the final part of Messiah’s life. For this reason, we have tried to, in addition of to conceptual and literary closeness of Shamloo and Sayyab, representing the place of Messiah myth, analyse both of the mentioned poems in terms of takeing advantage of "Messiah myth", admissibility structure, method of narrative, and symbolism, and also taking advantage from repetition music.  

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2014)

The Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, is one of the major pests in stored products worldwide. Several problems assossiated with the use of conventional insecticides have strongly demonstrated the need for applying alternative safe compounds such as insect growth regulators (IGRs). In the present study, growth regulating activity and hematological effects of pyriproxifen and methoxyfenozide were evaluated on E. kuehniella larvae. Effects of the insecticides were evaluated under laboratory conditions set at 26 ± 1 °C and 75% RH. Findings indicated that inhibition dose for fifty percent of population (ID50) was equal to 0.16 µg/mg larvae for pyriproxifen and 0.4 µg/mg larvae for methoxyfenozide, showing the considerable growth regulating effect on two-day-old fifth instar larvae. Then, influence of estimated doses were investigated on the insect hemocytes including total hemocyte count (THC) and differential hemocyte count (DHC). THC and the proportion of plasmatocytes were decreased as pyriproxifen doses increased, while, the granulocytes level was increased. In contrast, application of sublethal doses of methoxyfenozide caused a conciderable increase in THC and the plasmatocytes density, while, number of granulocytes was decreased. Since the total number of hemocytes and the proportion of plasmatocytes are very crucial in immune responses of insects, pyriproxifen could be used as an immunosuppressive pesticide in integrated control of E. kuehniella.  

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Background: Escherichia coli (E. coli) strains are among predominant agents causing nosocomial and community acquired infections. The majority of strains encode numerous virulence factors including fimbrial adhesions, secretory proteins and toxins, siderophores, and capsule. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence rate of virulence encoding genes and carbapenem resistance-encoding genes among imipenem-resistant E. coli isolates collected from patients hospitalized in Tehran, Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study (April 2015-December 2017), 50 non-duplicated carbapenem-resistant E. coli isolates were collected from clinical specimens (stool, urine, blood, and wound) of hospitalized patients in three hospitals in Tehran, Iran. The antibiotic susceptibility profile was determined against 15 antibiotics on Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA) as per CLSI guidelines version 2016. The PCR was used to detect virulence and antibiotic resistance encoding genes.
Results: From a total of 50 carbapenem-resistant E. coli isolates, the highest resistance rate was observed to ceftazidime (100%), tetracycline (88%), amoxicillin (100%), sulfonamide (60%), and the least resistance rate was observed against amikacin (14%), gentamicin (22%), and fosfomycin (0%). The genes mediating resistance were as follows: beta-lactams OXA-48 (8%), IMP (16%), VIM (0%), NDM-1 (0%),  fosA3 (0%), quinolones (qnrA 48%), and colistin mcr-1(0%). Furthermore, the prevalence rates of of fimA, hlyA, cnf1, vat, pic, crl, and papH were 88, 36, 28, 10, 12, 54, and 88%, respectively.
Conclusion: In this study, all imipenem-resistant E. coli isolates were susceptible to fosfomycin, and all were  fosA3 negative. Among carbapenemase genes, IMP and OXA-48 type enzymes associated with higher MIC levels (8 to 32 µg.mL-1) were detected. In this study, data suggest the role of these carbapenemases in resistance to carbapenems. Furthermore, the presence of multiple drug resistant strains encoding adhesive and secretory virulence factors is a concern for the infections treatment. 

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Background: Enterobious vermicularis (E. vermicularis) is one the most common parasitic infection among children.
Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the prevalence rate of enterobiasis among preschool children in Mazandaran province, northern Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this cross–sectional study, 653 preschool children were recruited via the cluster sampling method during April 2013 to Feb 2014. A questionnaire was administrated to parents by an interviewer and determined children’s socio-demographic characteristics, personal hygiene, and healthy behaviors. The Graham technique was applied for diagnosis. Data were analyzed using logistic regression model and chi-square test.
Results: In a total of 653 examined subjects, the prevalence rate of E. vermicularis was 19.4%, among which 40.9% were male, and 59.1% were female.  The highest and lowest prevalence rates of E. vermicularis were found in Neka (61.4%) and Tonekabon (1.6%) districts, respectively. A significant association was found between infection and residency, parental occupations, parental education, number of family members, changing underwear, sterilization of linen clothing, taking daily bath, boiling or ironing clothes.
Conclusions: The high prevalence rate of E. vermicularis infection in this study proves the stability status of enterobiasis in this area, posing a risk for children there. Systematic control of infection in children is proposed.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Background: Nocardia as a Gram-positive bacillus with a microscopic appearance of branching hyphae can produce considerable disease in an appropriable host. N. facinica is a member of genus Nocardia that is potentially life threatening; therefore, therapy of N. farcinica infection remains difficult.
Case presentation: This study is a case  report of disseminated N. farcinica infection in a 64-year-old man with a history of pneumoconiosis with brain, lung, and skin involvement in Labbafi Nejad hospital, Tehran, IR Iran in November 2013 with a discussion about diagnosis and management of this particular patient.
Conclusion: Due to the involvement of brain, triple therapy was started with meropenem, amikacin, and linezolid.

Volume 3, Issue 6 (Fall & Winter 2017)

The eye is the most important body member which is applied for receiving different extern data, saving them in the three layers of mind, that is, (imagination, hallucination, conception) as well as the semantic formatting. The verb “Raʾā” (beholding) as the main work of the eye, has this conception to expand the width of its meaning, it means, plus to the external visiting it can reason the internal too. Holding to this matter in converting the Persian texts and interpreting verses one has to monitorize the semantic coherence as well as the language coordinate. In Holy Koran according to the eyesight ability of the human being achieving the recognition of the complex and abstract concepts of mind is taken into account greatly, hence, the already lecture is trying to analyze, the semantic frames of the verb “Raʾā” (beholding) according to the Fillmore's semantic meanings theory. Using the cognitive linguistic, in the verses (Makarem shirazi, Aerfah, Pourjavadi, Khoram del, Elahi Gomshei and Safarzadeh). In the symbols of the under research Koran the verb “Raʾā” (beholding) has an abstract also concrete frame which is the external the very eye of the head. The outcome of the research shows that the translators in converting the Persian semantic meaning didn’t handle it correctly, considering, language coordinate. It can be said that they didn’t care about well, taking account the gap between Persian equivalences such as, beholding and observing and sometimes they have been used instead of each other.

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