Showing 5 results for Ghambari
Volume 11, Issue 0 (پاییز و زمستان 87- 2009)
Objective: Considering the importance of integrin molecules in the implantation and lack of sufficient information in the expression pattern of these molecules in various phases of estrous cycle. It seemed to be necessary to investigate these molecules in mouse endometrial during the various phases of oestrous cycle.
Materials and Methods: Female NMRI mice (n=15) aged 6-8 weeks were studied. Various phases of estrous cycle including: proestrus, estrus, metestrus and diestrus were determined by vaginal smear. The mice were sacrificed (at least 3 per each phase) by cervical dislocation and the tissues were obtained from the middle 1/3 part of their uterine horns at each phase then the cryosections at thicknesses between 8-10 μ were obtained. Then the immunohistochemistry were done for integrins of 4, 1, v, 3 and their ligand osteopontine.
Results: The integrins were expressed only in the metestrous phase of oestrous cycle in the different locations of mouse endometrium. The positive reactions were observed for αv, α4 and β3 in the apical and basal membrane of glandular epithelium. Also the positive reaction for β1 was found in surface and glandular epithelium as well as stroma. The osteopontin expression was seen in the apical membranes of surface and glandular epithelium and was not seen in other locations.
Conclousion: It seems that expression of integrins in endometrium is based on their role in the implantation, therefore the molecules α4, β1 and OPN that are expressed on the surface epithelial may be involve in the adhesion of cell to cell and integrins of αv, β3 that are expressed in the glandular
Volume 14, Issue 1 (4-2014)
In this research, grey cast iron scraps were recycled into powders and were then used in combination with iron powder for producing iron based powder metallurgy parts. Design of experiments was conducted by response surface method for both the green and sintered parts. For the green properties, the parameters cast iron powder percentage and compaction pressure, and for the sintered parts, the mentioned parameters in addition to sintering temperature and sintering time were selected each in five levels as the input process parameters. Transverse rupture strength and elastic modulus were measured as the responses. Regression analysis and analysis of variance were used to investigate the effect of input parameters, develop the mathematical models and evaluate the validity of the models. Scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy micrographs were provided to better understanding. The obtained results, in addition to determine the effects of the input parameters, demonstrated the adequate mechanical properties of the produced parts in industrial scales and the validity of the proposed models. Also, the proposed method demonstrated its good capability for estimation of elastic modulus of powder metallurgy parts.
Gholam Hossein Gholamhosseinzadeh, Afsoon Ghambari,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (2-2011)
Common culture is the basis of exact identification of nations and the manner of their distinctions from others. Cultural and social beliefs are inseparable parts of human lives as they always lived with human beings right from their creation. In a way that even today a number of beliefs of civilized people, with regard to a chain of appropriate or inappropriate rites and ceremonies, have roots in ancient days. As such, identifying and presenting an exact analysis could be possible only through the investigation of past cultures of different people and nations. A common and deep belief among human being is evil eye that too has an ancient precedence. Documents acquired from cave paintings, medieval historical records and number of repelled witchery stones narrate and confirm the prevalence of this particular belief among people through centuries and ages.
The present paper tries to respond to the question that whether evil eye being one of the ancient cultural beliefs of our people prevailed among other nations around the world, too? In case of its prevalence, whether or not religious sources confirm it? As such, the authors have tried to study ancient people and important world religions in order to reach to conclusion. They finally came to the point that different religious sources—including Islamic ones confirm the prevalence of witchcraft/evil eye among nations and people around the world.
Volume 20, Issue 5 (7-2018)
Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) is a typical Mediterranean plant distributed throughout the world and has different commercial uses such as salad, forage, inulin production, and coffee substitute. Health promoting characteristics of inulin as a prebiotic compound led to its biosynthesis pathway discovery. Two enzymes, namely, 1-SST and 1-FFT, are involved in inulin biosynthesis during normal phase. By cold nights or other factors, 1-FEHs enzymes degrade inulin to fructosyl units. To compare the strength of function of these genes in a wild type genotype with root type cultivar (Orchies) of chicory at three stages, i.e. 60, 90, and 120 days after seed planting, relative expression of those genes along with their corresponding metabolites were assessed using RT-qPCR and HPLC. Expression results showed that, unlike Orchies cultivar, relative expression of 1-SST in wild type genotype was ascending, relative expression of 1-FFT was very low and constant and there were high levels of relative expression of 1-FEH I gene during growing season due to flowering initiation. Also, glucose and fructose concentrations were upward, as result of 1-SST and 1-FEH I enzymes activity in wild type genotype, respectively. Degree of Polymerization (DP) of produced inulin had almost no increase due to low function of 1-FFT enzyme in the wild type genotype (DP< 5), but Orchies cultivar produced inulin with DP> 10 as expression of 1-SST decreased during growing season. So, it is possible to make inulin pathway in root type chicory cultivars more efficient by expanding and overexpressing 1-SST function using such wild resources through backcross breeding or biotechnology methods.
Volume 24, Issue 6 (11-2022)
MicroRNAs are endogenous noncoding RNA that play vital roles in all plant cellular metabolic processes by mediating target gene expression. To date, miRNAs in Taraxacum spp., which is an important industrial plant, have remained largely unknown. In the present study, 970 miRNAs from 399 families were identified in Taraxacum spp by conducting computational approaches. The most frequent miRNAs in Taraxacum spp was miR5021. According to the KEGG results, miR5021, miR838, and miR1533 are related to the terpene biosynthesis pathway, while miR5015b, and miR1436 are involved in the starch and sucrose biosynthesis pathways. Quantitative real-time PCR assay was performed to validate the expression levels of five predicted miRNAs and 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Coenzyme A Reductase (HMGCR) and invertase as the target genes. Results indicated that the highest relative expression of miR1533 and miR1436 occurred in the flower, while the highest transcripts levels of miR5015b were observed in the stem. In addition, the higher relative expression level of the miR5021 and miR838 was consistent with the lower expression level of the HMGCR gene in all tissue, suggesting that miR5021 and miR838 are involved in regulating HMGCR gene expression. Since mevalonate pathway is the main source of isopentenyl pyrophosphate, which is used in the synthesis of rubber, miR5021 and miR838 play an important role in the production of rubber by regulating the expression of HMGCR enzyme. These findings will accelerate future perspective studies on the regulatory mechanisms of miRNAs in Taraxacum kok-saghyz.