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Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

Performance evaluation is one of the important components of each organization, and educational organizations are not exceptions. According to the results of many studies, the single most important factor in determining student academic success or failure is the classroom teacher. Therefore, teachers are at the center of attempts to improve or reform the educational system of any country. Because of their importance, educational systems need to be assured that teachers perform their best to enhance student learning and try to improve teachers’ performance by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of their performance for further professional development. Both of these aims can be achieved by developing a research-based teacher evaluation system. With due consideration of the requirements of developing an evaluation procedure, the present study aims at proposing a new model for EFL teacher performance appraisal.  For so doing, a number of relevant studies on teacher evaluation and effective teaching, relevant national documents, and EFL teachers’ and experts’ views were investigated. Then, for making decision regarding the components of the assessment procedure, Delphi technique was used. The decisions made about the components of proposed model are discussed and the requirements for its implementation are explained
Reza Ghaffar Samar, Gholamreza Kiani, Mohammad Rahimi,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2006)

The present study is an attempt to contribute to the L2 acquisition research through finding an appropriate answer to the question usually asked by both language teachers and learners, namely how to learn vocabulary and how to retain meanings in memory over time. We have chosen to discover the effects of two major types of productive exercises, writing and oral production exercises, on the remembrance of word meanings over time: 24 hours, one week, and one month after learning the vocabulary. For this purpose, two linguistically homogeneous L2 classes received ten sessions of treatment each: in one of these classes, 100 vocabulary items were practiced through controlled writing exercises and the other class practiced the same items through controlled oral exercises. The preliminary results indicate the positive influence of oral production exercises on meaning rememberance over time, i.e., after one month, while the two exercise types did not show any significant differences in their effects on in class vocabulary learning processes.
Reza Ghaffar Samar,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (2-2007)

Section 115 of Iranian constitution reads: "The president should be among the political, religious 'rejal' …". The word 'rejal' taken from Arabic language means 'men'. Some Iranian politicians believe that the word has the same meaning in Persian, therefore, women cannot lead the country as presidents; while, others argue that 'rejal' can now refer to both sexes, therefore women can be elected as presidents. This, study tackles the issue from a sociolinguistic perspective. To do this, we need to find if the word 'rejal' is now a Persian word borrowed from Arabic, or, it is an Arabic word to which Persian speakers switch. About eleven hours of sociolinguistic interviews were conducted with 10 Persian speakers and all nouns (Arabic or Persian) were extracted from the data and later subjected to analyses to describe the linguistic behavior of each category in its own context. Then the behavior of nouns in each context is compared to that of the other contexts. Our findings show that Arabic origin nouns are found to be behaving like Persian nouns, they have, therefore, been borrowed into Persian and have Persian connotations and functions. Evidence is, therefore, presented to the 'Persianness' of 'rejal', shedding scientific light on a political problem.
Hossein Navidinia, Gholam Reza Kiani, Ramin Akbari, Reza Ghaffar Samar,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (10-2014)

Performance evaluation is one of the important components of each organization, and educational organizations are not the exceptions. Teachers are believed by many researchers as the single most important factor influencing student academic success or failure. Therefore, they need to be at the center of attempts to improve or reform the educational system of any country. Considering the pivotal role of teachers, educational systems need to be assured that teachers perform their best to enhance student learning, and also they should try to improve by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of teachers' practice for further professional development. The present study tries to examine the effectiveness of the current teacher evaluation system in Iran from EFL teachers’ perspectives. For that matter, a survey consisting of both Likert-scaled and open-ended questions was developed based on theoretical underpinnings of purposes for teacher evaluation, experts’ views, and the purposes of foreign language education as stated by the National Curriculum. 423 English language teachers were asked to answer the questions included in the survey. The results indicated the current teacher evaluation system did not contribute to teacher professional development nor could it assure teacher accountability. The results of the study as well as the requirements for developing an alternative model for EFL teacher evaluation are discussed

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