Showing 25 results for Davoudi
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development (T-CPD) is of utmost importance for language teachers. T-CPD is the stimulation for updating teachers’ subject knowledge and their teaching skills. Therefore, the predictive power of Psychological Well-being, L2 Teacher Grit, Grit-s, and Perceived Organizational Support (POS) on T-CPD was investigated through the mediating role of Work Motivation. Those who have participated in this study were 189 L2 teachers, who were from Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran. They took part in an online questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using Path Analysis. Before running path analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was run to estimate Cronbach’s Alpha. Based on the CFA, two items (one from L2 Teacher Grit and one from POS) that did not have good loadings were removed from the scales. Then, the authers used path analysis to check the causal relationship among the variables in the proposed model. The fitness indices showed good fitness. Moreover, the more domain-specific L2 Teacher Grit performed better than the Gris-s scale. These insights can inform strategies for enhancing T-CPD and improving the overall quality of education. In addition, the results put light on the design of teacher training programs and organizational policies that aim to improve teacher quality and student outcomes.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
With the increasing prevalence of online education, the significance of students’ self-regulation skills has never been more pronounced. Yet, many students struggle to develop and apply these skills (Bylieva et al., 2021). This transcendental phenomenological study investigates the self-regulation strategies employed by highly self-regulated university students in fully online learning environments. Participants were recruited online based on purposive and criterion sampling procedures. Data were collected through guided journals and semi-structured in-depth interviews, transcribed with Voxtab, and analyzed using Peoples' (2020) phenomenological framework and NVivo 10 software. The result revealed four major themes: meta-affective and affective practices, metacognitive and cognitive practices, socio-affective features, and tech-enhanced learning strategies. The study's trustworthiness was ensured through member checks, purposeful sampling, inter-rater agreement, and debriefing. The findings offer profound insights into students' experiences with online self-regulation. They present students with practical and effective online self-regulation strategies and provide educators with insights into course designs fostering self-regulation.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 13), (Articles in Persian) 2013)
The semiotics is one of the scientific instruments for analyzing the discourse system, which studies the components of meaning structure and creation in texts. In semiotics, the gnosilogical characteristics of literary works will find the chance to appear clearly by surpassing mere constructive semiotics to phenomenology semiotics and showing the signs path of moving towards higher and more perfect signs. The beautiful poems of “Oghab” by Khanlari and “Arash Kamangir” by Kasrayie are the narrative oriented kind of poetry, which have the narrative characteristics due to having situational identity and various actions and nourishing precious mythos actions at the end of the story. Therefore , these two masterpieces are worth being studied and analyzed for semiotics analysis and discourse system. The prescriptive discourse system and manipulative ones are flowing at the beginning and in the middle of these two stories. Later on, proceeding the discourses and appearance of the narratives, two value systems are shaped, which through their conflicts, the dynamic semiotics discourse is provided, leading to tensional system, which is analyzable based on the expansion and pressure values. This research studies these texts by means of Greimas comparative approaches, passing through semantic square to tensional square while analyzing the type of discourse systems including prescriptive, manipulative and incidental ones in these two poems. This research Further tries to find out up to which point Persian narrative poetry is cable of analyzing the discourse systems ruling over it.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)
Aims: This study aimed to assess the water quality of Ardak River and analyze its suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes.
Materials & Methods: In this research, water samples were collected during dry and wet seasons in 2018 from previously selected 5 sampling stations. Then, the water quality index (WQI) and irrigation-related indices were calculated.
Findings: The calculated WQI values are between 156.77 and 379.59 in the study area, which shows the water quality of Ardak River is in the “poor” to “unsuitable for drinking” range both periods. The effects of water quality parameters on the WQI were evaluated, and the obtained outcomes indicate that the highest mean effective weight value belongs to the fecal coliform and phosphate parameters compared to the other parameters. Furthermore, various indices such as sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), magnesium hazard (MH), Kelly’s index (KI), and Permeability index (PI) were used to assess river water quality for irrigation purposes. The results indicate that the river water quality is generally moderately suitable to safe with exceptions at a few sampling stations in the dry season, which are unsuitable for irrigation purposes.
Conclusion: Due to the negative effects of anthropogenic pollutants such as animal husbandry, intensive agricultural activities, and rural wastewater discharging, the water quality of the Ardak River is deteriorating. Therefore, necessary protection steps should be taken in the Ardak Watershed.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2024)
Background: The prevalence of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) is a growing global public health concern due to the significant morbidity and mortality associated with infections caused by these bacteria. The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of class I integron in CRE isolates collected from patients in teaching hospitals affiliated to Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences (MAZUMS).
Materials & Methods: A total of 100 Enterobacteriaceae isolates were collected during March 2022 to March 2023 from MAZUMS teaching hospitals using a consecutive sampling technique. The isolates were distinguished using standard microbiological methods. The antibiotic resistance of the isolated strains to carbapenem was subsequently detected using antibiotic discs including imipenem and meropenem. Using the disc diffusion method, 73 carbapenem-resistant isolates were identified and subsequently investigated by genetic analysis using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Findings: Among the 73 carbapenem-resistant isolates, the most commonly found bacterial isolates were Klebsiella pneumoniae (39.72%), Escherichia coli (30.13%), and Serratia rubidaea (12.32%), respectively. Also, 100% of the isolates were resistant to meropenem, while these isolates showed lower resistance to imipenem (70%). Also, out of the 73 isolates, 64.38% were positive for the intI1 gene. K. pneumoniae isolates had the highest prevalence of the intI1 gene (89.65%).
Conclusion: The prevalence of class I integron among patients in MAZUMS educational hospitals is relatively high, exceeding 50%. Therefore, it is crucial to implement effective infection prevention measures and identify this gene in hospitals to hinder the rapid dissemination of these hazardous organisms.
Volume 10, Issue 6 (Vol. 10, No. 6 (Tome 54), (Articles in Persian) 2019)
Currently reflective teaching has received much attention by educators in the field of education and is believed to be a serious new measure of the quality of teaching. Many experimental studies have been carried out to study teachers’ reflective teaching using methods and research instruments such as reflective journals, video recordings or actions research but little research has been conducted using reflective journals in L2 teaching in the context of Iran. The present study intends to explore the extent to which EFL teachers engage in reflective teaching. For the survey section, there was a random sampling of 250 Iranian EFL teachers holding M.A, B.A. Ph.D. degree in linguistics, translation, English literature. Out of 250 surveyed participants, a convenience sampling comprising of 60 EFL teachers, both males and females, from two language institutes in Sabzevar, Iran, participated in the study. They were randomly assigned into two groups of A as the experimental group and B as the control group with 30 participants each. Data were collected by the following means: (a) Akbari et al.’s (2010) reflective teaching inventory administered to 250 Iranian EFL teachers, (b) journals written by 60 EFL teachers. The results revealed that EFL teachers practice the metacognitive as the most frequently used component and the practical component as the least frequently used one. Using Farrell’s (2004) framework, journal data were analyzed whose results indicated that EFL teachers practiced three chronological types of reflection namely, reflection-for-,in, and on-action with different degrees. The analysis of the contents of reflective teaching resulted in a framework with metacognitive, learner-based, cognitive, critical components. Some implications and suggestions for teacher education programs are discussed in EFL context.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (11-2011)
A geotechnical engineer may sometimes encounter fine-grained clay soils. Improvement of
the engineering properties of those soils is necessary in order to achieve suitable construction
sites. One of the methods for soil modification is to use additives, which are economically
justifiable as well as being abundantly produced and accessible. Lime is one of the additives
that results in reinforcement of the soil through Pozzolanic reactions. But in case that the soil
consists of sulfate ions or when a stabilized soil becomes prone to sulfate water, then the
presence of lime not only doesnot decrease the swelling of the stabilized layer, but also it acts
to the contrary and causes the increase in swelling and reduces the strength. Addition of fly
ashes reduces the destructive effects of the sulfates (such as bulk increase and cracking) and
increases the abatement of carbonation in a soil stabilized by lime or cement while rising the
PH level of the aggregate and calcium ion, which results in expedient pozzolanic reaction.
This article discusses the impact of fly ash addition on the geotechnical properties of soil and
lime aggregate.
The ML soil was used in this study with various percentages of fly ash and a given percentage
of lime. Then the effect of fly ash on lime and soil aggregate was studied through shear
strength and Atterberg limits tests. These tests were performed for 7-day and 28-day saturated
specimens of different percentages so that a set of diverse fly ash and lime aggregates would
be tested. The results represent the extraordinary impact of fly ash on the shear strength as the
28-day samples showed a 138% increase while the 7-day samples had a 90% rise. Also the
cohesion parameter was increased up to 700% in the 28 –day samples while it showed a 600%
rise in the 7-day samples. The internal friction angle also showed a significant increase,
especially since the low price of fly ash makes it economically advantageous. This article
would at least be useful for rehabilitation of problematic soils and for application of novel
results and technologies in the geotechnical engineering.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (11-2011)
Level of the water table on reservoir is one of the parameters that effects on the seismic behavior of embankment
dams. Water table in embankment dams changes every month of the year. Also changing of water table causes to
the change of stress and strain in the body of dam. In this situation, earthquake can always happen. So to
evaluate the effect of this parameter, Masjed Soleiman dam as a case study was selected. The Masjed Soleiman
dam is a rock-fill type with clay core and a maximum height of 177m located on the Karoon River in the
Southwest Iran. This embankment dam is located in Khuzestan province at the distance of 25.5 km to Masjed
Soleiman town. Finite element model of Masjed Soleiman dam was constructed. The Mohr-coulomb elasticperfectly
plastic constitutive model was taken into account to reflect the soil stress-strain relation. First, layer
analysis was carried out considering 12 layers at the end of construction stage. Then, the analysis was continued
considering the water table and weight of the dam reservoir in steady seepage condition. The 4 earthquake
records in the far field condition were applied horizontally to the bedrock as the input for dynamic analysis.
Then, by considering the result of dynamic analysis, changing of the maximum acceleration and maximum
displacement in time domain was evaluated. In this study, to perform stability analysis and calculate the factor of
safety, critical sliding surface on upstream and downstream, as reported by the consultant engineers, were
considered. The semi- empirical Newmark method used for estimating permanent earthquake-related
deformation of the slopes is based on the sliding block framework. This conceptual framework approximates the
potential sliding mass as a rigid body resting on a rigid sloping base. Using the Newmark method, the equal
dynamic factor of safety, minimum factor of safety and applied deformation were evaluated. For studying the
water table effect on the behavior of embankment dams, 20 models were used with different water tables in the
reservoir. In this study, dynamic analyses were done for 4 earthquake records and for 5 elevations of water table
that were considered. Then the seismic response of embankment dam was investigated. The results showed that
the level of the water table has low effect on occurred maximum acceleration and maximum displacement.
Minimum factor of safety in the downstream critical slip surface was has increased when the water table
elevation was increased. But this parameter in the upstream critical slip surface was decreased when the water
table elevation was increased. Equal dynamic factor of safety in the downstream critical slip surface was
increased when the water table elevation was increased. But the upstream critical slip surface was decreased
when the water table elevation was increased to 0.6 height of the dam, and then the equal dynamic factor of
safety was decreased. So water table elevation in the upstream wedge was in critical condition when the water
table elevation was equal to 0.6 height of the dam. Permanent deformation occurred after the earthquake in the
downstream critical slip surface was decreased when the water table elevation was increased but the permanent
deformation occurred in the upstream wedge was increased when the water table elevation was increased.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2012)
Metal foams are a new class of materials with interesting structural properties; however no comprehensive understanding of their inelastic behavior has been established yet. Since the experimental studies of these materials have their own limitations, there is a growing research interest towards the mesostructural modeling of these materials. Accordingly many researchers have been trying to generate realistic and representative numerical models of the foams and prepare computational labs in which different aspects of foams mechanical behavior can be thoroughly investigated. The following three kinds of mesostructures have been commonly employed: (1) models based on a unit cell or a building block, (2) random Voronoi diagrams, and (3) CAD structures provided by the X-ray micro-computed tomography. In the current study, the physically representative circle set Voronoi diagrams are employed to define the geometry of 2D metallic foams. It is assumed that the minimum and maximum radii of the circular generators are 0.5 and 1.5 mm, respectively. The first sample is generated using linear distribution of cell size while, compared to the first sample, the second and third specimens have less and more small cells. An extra specimen (the forth sample) is also created with the same structure of the first one unless its edges are straight. In the next step, the FE models of the specimens are created using second order Timoshenko beam elements. Finally, the effects of microstructural features (e.g. strut curvature and cell size distribution) on the initial yield surface, elastic properties, and failure modes of the foams are numerically investigated under various biaxial loading conditions. Displacement-controlled loading is used. A newly energy-based approach developed for the identification of initial yield points has been incorporated. The results show that: (a) the size of the initial yield surface is significantly influenced by the curvature of the cell struts, (b) in the principal stresses space, the initial yield surface is bigger in the tension-tension region, (c) for a constant relative density, the presence of more big cells in a sample increases the size of the yield envelope, and (d) the macroscopic yield properties of the specimens can be interpreted according the microscopic failure mechanisms of the plastic yielding, elasto-plastic buckling, and plastic hinging of the struts. Furthermore, it is found that the previously proposed energy-based method for the identification of yield initiation under multiaxial loading conditions has serious shortcomings and needs revision.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (11-2023)
Biological control represents an effective approach for managing pest populations in horticultural crops, presenting an alternative to the reliance on pesticides. To ensure the successful integration of predators into biological control programs, it is imperative to conduct thorough assessments of how these predators respond to changes in prey density in laboratory settings. In this study, we investigated the functional response of various developmental stages of Hippodamia variegata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) when exposed to varying densities of Hyalopterus amygdali (Hemiptera: Aphididae) at 26°C, 65 ± 5% RH, and 16L: 8D h photoperiod. Each treatment was replicated 15 times and conducted on almond leaves placed within Petri dishes. Our findings revealed that all larval stages, as well as adult males and females of the predator, exhibited a type II functional response when presented with different prey densities. We quantified searching efficiency (0.0219, 0.0173, 0.0163, 0.0141, 0.0198, and 0.0128 h-1) and handling times (5.7650, 2.6023, 0.7303, 0.3166, 0.7352, and 0.2920 h) for the first through fourth instar larvae, male and female adults, using Holling's disc equation. Notably, handling times for males were significantly longer than those for females or fourth instar larvae. Nevertheless, no statistically significant differences were observed in the attack rate between fourth instar larvae and either adult females or males. The maximum attack rate (T/Th) for the first to fourth instar larvae, male, and female H. variegata was estimated as 4.163053, 9.222611, 10.52909, 100.2925, 32.64418, and 82.19178, respectively. Consequently, our results indicate that the fourth instar larvae and adult females of H. variegata are recommended for utilization in biological control programs aimed at managing H. amygdali populations.
Volume 14, Issue 5 (8-2014)
In this paper, the natural convection of water-Al2O3 nanofluid in a square enclosure exposed to a magnetic field is numerically investigated. The enclosure is bounded by two isothermal vertical walls at different temperaturesof Th and Tc.The two horizontals walls of the enclosure are thermally insulated. A vertical plate (membrane separator) with a negligible thickness and a variable height is located in the middle of the chamber. Discretization of the governing equations are achived through a finit method and are solved using the SIMPLE algorithm. Based on the results of the numerical solution, the effects of the relevant parameters such as the dimensionless height of the membrane separator, Rayleigh number, the solid volume fraction and the Hartmann number on the flow field and the heat transfer rate are investigated. The results show that the heat transfer rate decreases with an increase of the dimensionless height of the membrane separator and an increase of the Hartmann number. The heat transfer rate, however, increases as the Rayleigh number increases. Depending on the Rayleigh number, the thermal performance of the enclosure is either improved or deteriorated as the solid volume fraction is increased.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (March & April (Articles in English & French) 2024)
Advocating the inclusion of neurocognitive science concepts in English language teacher training curriculum is gaining more interest. However, little is known about the prospective teachers' perceptions of neurocognitive science core concepts. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the prospective ELT teachers' perceptions of the neurocognitive core concepts and the applications of them through the lens of four neuro-educational models in the classroom practices. Fifteen prospective Iranian ELT teachers were interviewed and the data were analyzed using the phenomenological method. The findings revealed that the prospective ELT teachers lacked a clear understanding of the neurocognitive concepts and their implications in classroom practices. The findings support the inclusion of neurocognitive science core concepts training in language teachers' professional development.
Volume 15, Issue 3 (5-2015)
Dynamic modeling of beams under aerodynamic loading is extremely important in many engineering applications. So the objective of this paper is to present a new approach to model and simulate the time domain response of tapered cantilever beams with airfoil cross section to wind excitation. The extended Hamilton’s principles along with the Euler-Bernoulli assumptions are utilized to derive the Partial Differential Equation (PDE) governing the deflection of the beam. A new finite difference based algorithm is proposed for finding the mode-shapes as well as the natural frequencies of the beam. These mode-shapes are then used in a Galerkin projection procedure to convert the PDE governing the system’s behavior into strongly coupled nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). The aerodynamic loadings are modeled using the open source code of XFOIL. The blade of an under developed 100KW wind turbine is considered as a case study. The results reveal that even a single mode approximation is accurate enough in predicting the beam’s dynamic exposed to wind excitation. It was also observed that the instability speed of beams with higher modal damping is considerably higher than those with lower modal damping. The knowledge resulting from this effort is expected to enable the analysis, optimization, and synthesis of tapered cantilever beams for improved dynamic performance.
Volume 15, Issue 5 (November & December (Articles in English & French) 2024)
In the context of language socialization, second/foreign language (L2) instruction is a crucial context for secondary socialization, especially when it takes place outside the learners’ culture of origin. This study explored how Iranian EFL learners socialize through the rules of EFL classes and how gender, parents, and native language affect their language socialization during the COVID-19 pandemic. We focused on two fundamental principles of language socialization (Lee & Bucholtz, 2015): agency and identity. In this ethnographic study, we collected the data by observing two classes in a WhatsApp group, interviewing the learners four times through Skype, asking them to write down their reflections about their class procedure, and writing our reflections about teachers-students interactions. We used Direct Qualitative Content Analysis method to analyze the data. To simplify data classification and interpretation, we utilized the MAXQDA-2020 software. The findings revealed two sub-categories for learners’ agency (talent and experience) and three sub-categories for learners’ identity (gender, parents, and native language). The results also showed that language socialization is bidirectional, and learners face forms of negotiating, accepting, or rejecting their agency and identity across this socialization process. The learners’ L1 and culture influence their opinion about the English language and culture. Whether this effect is negative or positive depends on proficiency level, gender, and social context. Finally, cyberspace provided a suitable context for language socialization, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Findings showed several pedagogical implications for EFL teachers and learners.
Volume 15, Issue 58 (Summer 2022)
One of the key motifs in Shahnameh is the struggle between evil and good. Motifs serve a unique and essential role in the text’s visual and narrative networks because of their distinctive repeating feature and characterization. As a result, they assist in enhancing the text’s semantic layers. In Shahnameh and epic literature, the struggle between evil and good permeates human social interactions and appears as motifs in heroic and epic stories. Motifs are used by the painter to create visuals throughout the text visualization process, and visual elements are placed in the composition in line with the motifs employed in the literary text and take on the function of symbols and signs. This study examined the roles that literary motifs play in the visualization of an epic narrative and in shaping the visual narrative. The main research question was: What functions do the literary motifs from Rostam’s Seventh Labor play in rendering paintings and transforming the text of Shahnameh into a visual text, and what techniques does the painter employ to visualize such motifs. A descriptive-analytical methodology was used in this qualitative study. A desk study was used to collect the data. The results showed that the motifs of the text are represented in the visual symbols and signs of the paintings. Paintings can be composed and planned utilizing these aspects in accordance with the priority of motifs employed in the literary narrative thanks to this visual translation from the literary text.
Extended Abstract
Recurring and salient in pictorial and narrative networks of the text, motifs have a prominent and fundamental role in literature. They foreground the literary text, adding layers of meaning. Good versus evil is a major motif in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh where the struggle eventually surfaces in humans and social life, manifested in the form of heroic stories and epics. The battle of Rostam and Div-e Sepid (the White Demon) is one of Shahnameh’s stories illustrated frequently in the miniatures of different periods, spotlighting the importance of its illustration. The general theme of the “Haftkhān” (known in English as the “Seven Labours of Rostam”) is the hero (good) saving Iran and the king from the demon (evil) and ultimately, his victory over evil after undertaking seven difficult tasks. The major motifs in the literary text used in this narrative network include real human characters (hero or good or Rostam), real-bestial characters (Rakhsh), mythical-legendary elements (evil force or Div-e Sepid), events encompassing the main actions in the story (slaying Div-e Sepid, overcoming evil, and dropping the blood of the demon’s liver in Kay Kavus’s eyes to restore his sight), symbolic objects (the blood of the demon’s liver), natural elements (black cave), unusual incidents (the seven labours). In the process of illustration, the miniaturist uses motifs to produce the images. Therefore, pictorial elements become symbols when they are placed in the composition according to the motifs. The contribution of literary motifs to shape the pictorial narrative in the illustration of an epic was a central discussion in this article. This study attempted to answer the following main questions: What is the role of literary motifs of the “Haftkhān” in the illustrated miniatures of the story and the process of turning the text of Shahnameh into pictorial text? What techniques have miniaturists used to manifest these motifs in the illustrations?
Bound and free motifs, which form the narrative network of the text, were extracted and compared with the illustrated versions of the stories in miniatures. The purpose of this study was analysing the place of the literary motifs of the “Seven Labours of Rostam” in the formation of illustrated miniatures of this story. In this qualitative descriptive-analytical study, the data were collected through documentary and library research.
The results showed that pictorial signs and symbols in the miniatures appear in congruence with the manifestation of the motifs in the text. Such an illustrated translation of the literary text has led miniaturists to utilize motifs used in the plot based on their priority in the composition and framing of their works.
Volume 16, Issue 91 (September 2019)
Since the dietary fiber has an important role in human nutrition, Incorporation of fibers into bread can compensate for its shortcomings and change it into functional food. Dietary fibers enhance the nutritional value of bread; however, they change the rheological properties of the dough, thus altering the final product quality. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of the addition of zucchini powder in different levels of 5%, 10% and 15% to flour, on the rheological properties of the dough as well as physicochemical and sensory properties of bread. In this study, zucchini slices were dried in a hot-air dryer until reaching 9% moisture content. The zucchini powder was prepared and added to wheat flour in different amounts. Rheological properties were measured for each treatment using a Farinograph instrument. The extensibility and tensile strength of the dough in addition to the bread texture were evaluated using a texture analyzer to investigate the bread staling during 72 h. The color of bread was evaluated by measuring L*, a*, and b* Hunter lab color parameters. The 5-point hedonic scale was used to assess the quality of the bread samples. By increasing the zucchini powder percentage, the amount of ash and fiber increased. As the zucchini powder content increased, the water content absorption slightly decreased, however, the stability and quality index of the dough increased. The zucchini powder caused an increase in the dough extensibility and tensile strength. The redness (a* parameter) of bread which was fortified with zucchini powder decreased with increasing zucchini powder. Treated bread texture was softer than the control while the staling rate increased. Sensory evaluation showed that bread containing zucchini powder has higher overall acceptance than the control sample.
Volume 16, Issue 91 (September 2019)
Nowadays due to the interest of, asking for increased food production and the food industry focus on redesigning to optimize functional as well as maintain or improve the taste and nutritional value of the product.Palm kernel due to its significant amount of compounds can be used in beneficial food production as a cheap and functional source. In this study the nutritional benefits of palm kernel meal in 3 different levels (5, 10, 15%) was added to the formula Piccoli pasta and laboratory chemical, physical, and sensory quality was conducted for three times. Palm kernel powder-free pasta also was used as a reference sample. Then amount of this features were investigated in the final product. In addition, colorimetric tests, tissue analysis of raw and cooked samples, phenolic compounds measurement and sensory evaluation of taste, color and texture of the product was done.
Data analysis shows that by increasing the amount of palm kernel flour, protein and moisture decreased, but fat, ash and fiber increased. In addition cooking analysis shows that Palm kernel meal volume loss increased while the cooking time is decreased comparing to traditional product.In the sensory evaluation there was no major difference and all three were in a same acceptable level. The results show that phenolic compounds increased with increasing palm kernel flour percentage. tissue analysis does not show any particular trend in the sample. According to the results replacement of ten percent of flour with palm kernel flour has the best result of checked ones.
Volume 17, Issue 100 (june 2020)
Nowadays, due to some problems, such as allergic reactions and high fat content, the partial replacement of cow's milk with milk of other animals, such as goat's milk, is so crucial by proper techniques to improve the quality with the aim of yogurt production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Zataria multifliora and Mentha longifolia L extract on the qualitative characteristics of probiotic yogurt produced from the cow-goat milk in proportions 10: 90, 30: 70, 50: 50 and 0: 100. Sensory evaluation was performed on produced samples one day after production to selecting the best samples and then, the experiments were carried out on selected samples during 28 days. The results showed that, over time, acidity and syneresis values increased and pH value, viscosity and probiotic count decreased. The highest viscosity was related to the equal ratio of cow - goat milk and 0.05% of Zataria multifliora extract. The antioxidant activity (AA) trend was irregular but descending and extracts had a significant effect on AA. The treatment of cow-goat milk (10 : 90%) and 0.03% of Zataria multifliora extract had the highest probiotic count. The treatment of cow's milk (100%) containing the equal concentrations of two extract (0.02%), showed the highest color, taste, consistency and overall acceptance scores by panelist. As a conclusion, it can be concluded that in order to achieve the best quality of probiotic yogurt, various concentrations of extracts and optimal ratios of cow-goat milk should be used. .
Volume 18, Issue 7 (11-2018)
The effect of the dynamic behavior of fins on the natural convection heat transfer inside a square cavity was studied numerically. Attachment of conductive thin and flexible fins with length equal to 0.2, positioned at 9 locations on both hot and cold wall was examined. The top and the bottom horizontal walls of the cavity were insulated while their left and the right vertical walls were maintained at a constant temperature T_h and T_c. The numerical scheme is based on the finite element method adapted to triangular non-uniform mesh element by a non-linear parametric solution algorithm. Furthermore, the dimensionless equations of flexible parts of the cavity were solved using the Newton-Raphson method. Based on our results, the dynamic behavior of the fins leads to decrease the rate of heat transfer in compared to the rigid fin. It also found the shape of the fins and its positions play an important role in decrease or increase of heat rate inside the cavity.
A. Mark Pollard, Hossein Davoudi, Iman Mostafapour, Hamid Reza Valipour, Hassan Fazeli Nashli,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (7-2012)
Archaeological excavations on the western part of the Central Iranian Plateau, known as the Qazvin Plain provides invaluable information about the sedentary communities from early occupation to the later prehistoric era. Despite the past archeological data, chronological studies mostly rely on the relative use of the Bayesian modeling for stratigraphically-related radiocarbon dates. The current paper provides a new model for excavations and the chronological framework based on new radiocarbon dating of the six key archeological enclosures in the Qazvin plain. A Bayesian analysis of these data is presented on a site-by-site basis to give the best chronologies. Finally, all dates are combined into a single model of the chronology of the Qazvin Plain from the Late Neolithic to the Iron Age. The procedure aims to use the Bayesian model to predict the transition points between the archaeologically-defined periods with the highest possible precision, to redefine the existing chronology for the Qazvin Plain