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Showing 3 results for Bourbour

Volume 9, Issue 3 (summer 2024)

Aims: Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas. The objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on pain anxiety, perfectionism, and aggression among women diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
Method and Materials: The current research design was semi-experimental with a pre- test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of the research included women with fibromyalgia in Ardabil province of Iran in 2024. In this study, 34 women with fibromyalgia were selected through purposive sampling and divided into experimental (n=17) and control (n=17) groups. The experimental group participated in eight 90-minute sessions of ACT, while the control group did not undergo any intervention. Data collection involved administering the assessment Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale (PASS), Perfectionism Inventory (PI), and Eysenck Aggression Questionnaires (EAQ). The collected data were then analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance in SPSS-27.
Findings: The results showed that ACT significantly decreases cognitive (F=41.42, P=0.001, η2=0.61), avoidance (F=37.21, P=0.001, η2=0.59), fear (F=54.71, P=0.001, η2=0.68), physiological anxiety (F=46.72, P=0.001, η2=0.64), perfectionism (F=63.20, P0.001, η2=0.71), and aggression (F=52.11, P=0.001, η2=0.66) in women with fibromyalgia.
Conclusion: This research offers valuable insights into the effectiveness of ACT in enhancing psychological well-being among women diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Subsequent studies should delve deeper into the enduring effects of ACT and its viability within comprehensive treatment strategies for fibromyalgia, striving to deliver tailored and holistic care for individuals grappling with this complex condition.

Volume 19, Issue 11 (November 2019)

Despite the intense development of cable-driven robot in recent years, they have not yet been vastly utilized in their potential applications because of difficulties in their performing accurate installation and calibration. This paper aims to present a suitable control method, relieving the limitation of accurate calibration and installation requirement in the suspended cable-driven parallel robot. In this paper, kinematics and dynamics uncertainties are investigated and based on their bounds, a robust controller is proposed. The main innovation of this article is providing a new control method to cost reduction by eliminating accurate measurement tools such as a camera in position control of a deployable cable-driven robot. Using this approach, reducing costs in building a robot and increasing the speed of installation and calibration is achieved. Another problem investigated in this paper is the problem of joint space controllers applied to redundant cable-driven parallel robots, namely the loosened redundant cable. To solve this problem, the embedded force sensor and a new sliding surface for the controller is proposed. In fact, in this paper, the conventional joint-space controllers are modified to become applicable to the control of cable-driven robots. Finally, by conducting some experiments using ARAS suspended cable-driven parallel robot, the proposed algorithms are verified and it is shown that there are feasible solutions for stable robot maneuvers.

Hamid Abrishami, Fatemeh Bourbour, Ma’asoumeh Aghajani,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (7-2014)

In this paper, a model based on GMDH Type Neural Network, is used to predict gas price in the spot market while using oil spot market price, gas spot market price, gas future market price, oil future market price and average temperature of the weather. The results suggest that GMDH Neural Network model, according to the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Direction statistics (Dstat) statistics are more effective than OLS method. Also, first lag of gas price in the future market is the most efficient variable in predicting gas price in spot market.

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