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Showing 3 results for Azizipoor

Volume 0, Issue 3 (No. 2- 2008)

Abstract In many archaeological excavations, bone has been found in tow forms. In the form of tools and in the form of row material. Therefore, bone has been studied in several points and gives many beneficial information to researchers. In previous excavations less attention has been paid to the bones and other remains of human and animals, for example teeth and crown. These findings are now collecting and recording carefully. pale biologists, anthropologists, zoologists, and pale pathologists are surveying the information about economic, social and cultural condition in ancient society. In this research we will survey several applications of bone in the knowledge of antiquarian culture.

Volume 13, Issue 2 (Fall & Winter 2009)

The Parthian and Sasanid sites of Valiran are situated in the suburbs of Damavand, a city in the east of Tehran. The discovery of burials along with the cereal and animal remains have made the situation apt for investigation of the pale diet. This research aimed at investigating the nutritional condition of the ancient inhabitants of Valiran site in Parthian period in order to understand the ancient geographical situation in the mentioned region. XRF method was used to analyz the archaeological skeletons.
Farhang Khademi Nadooshan, Tahereh Azizipoor, Mohammad Taghi Safari,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (5-2009)

Silver coins of Alexander of Macedonia, until the arrival of Parthians in the 1st century BC, have been put in WDXRF in order to determin Ag, Cu, Pb and Au as major and trace elements for fineness, debasement and refinement of silver in ancient Persia. Seleucid kingdom from 4th to 1st century BC was succeeded by several dynasties and kings. But the chemical composition of their silver coins and their fineness shows there was no changes in technology and economic policy.

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