Showing 15 results for Assari
Volume 7, Issue 14 (Fall & Winter 2021)
So far, various translations of Nahj al-Balaghah into Persian have been made, but in general, due to the shortcomings in the translation of Arabic into Persian, these translations have been criticized by some litterateurs. The present study critiques the lexical aspect of the translation of "Derivatives of Estef’al" in the sermon of Nahj al-Balagheh. Since one of the most important tools to eliminate translation deficiencies is scientific critique and evaluation using literary science e.g. vocabulary, grammar, syntax and rhetoric, and an important prerequisite in this category is familiarity with vocabulary. Ignoring of vocabulary causes serious harms to translation. This research addresses the harms related to issues in understanding the semantic meaning of terms, including (disregard of the root-meaning of the word, disregard for the meanings of the subject, omission, and so on) and in this case, 5 Persian translations of the sermon of Nahj al-Balaghah (Faiz al-Islam, Dashti, Shahidi, Ansari and Zamani), by referring to the main literature of this aspect, and discovering the exact meaning of the word were reviewed. It should be noted that in the sermons of Nahj al-Balaghah, the derivatives of the "Estef’al" have been used 293 times, and 35 lexical mistakes have been found.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2008)
The worldwide development of information and communication technology (ICT), commonly called ICT revolution, has accelerated dramatically since the second half of twenty century. The main characteristic of this revolution is the rapidly increasing computing power of new ICT products. Varying results achieved by different countries and regions fuel the debate over exactly how much influence ICT has on economic growth. We provide an insight of results from past studies carried out to confirm the productive relationship between the two, ICT and economic growth.
The focus of this paper is to examine the impact of ICT on economic growth in OPEC countries using panel data over the period 1998-2004. Based on the literature, a Cobb-Douglas production function is specified to include ICT indicators. The results of estimates show that ICT contributed significantly to economic growth of OPEC countries over the period under study
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2009)
Casual relationship between financial developments and economic growth is one of the striking empirical macroeconomic relationships. Following the development of financial issues, our attention turns from economic growth to another issue of economic welfare. In this study, we try to examine the relationship between financial developments, economic growth, poverty and inequality in OPEC countries. The simulation of the models and statistical inferences, in this study, are based on the static and dynamic panel data approach. The empirical models are estimated by using GMM estimators, fixed effects and random effects using the data between 1990 and 2004.
The results of this study show that financial developments through its effect on economic growth can mainly contribute poverty alleviation and inequality reduction in these countries.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2011)
Over the past decades, one of the most important indicators of the development and welfare was economic growth or any quantitative variables such as gross domestic product and income per capita. As long as the World has experienced a wide gap among rich and poor countries, economic growth as the only effective factor in welfare was questioned and consequently, gross domestic product distribution and other issues related to social justice raised as a distinguished feature of welfare and development economics.
Estimating welfare trend in Iran can mirror the policies imposed by policymakers. Therefore, this paper aims to estimate welfare index during 1974- 2006 period. In this paper MATLAB software is used to estimate welfare employing fuzzy logic model using Sen's approach. The results of this study show that in spite of high degrees of vacillation, welfare trend was ascending during the aforementioned years. The maximum value obtained was 0.715 in 2005 while the minimum value obtained was 0.421 in 1994.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)
Aims: The spread of the Corona pandemic has affected the status of companies involved in information and communication technology. This study aimed to investigate individuals’ subjective perspectives on the use of ICT (online businesses, virtual meetings, e-learning, and generally the role and impact of cyberspace) and finally evaluate people’s willingness to pay.
Materials & Methods: In this study, a conditional logit model was used. The required information was collected through a field survey by completing a questionnaire from 384 respondents of Tehran citizens in 2021.
Findings: Based on the information from the questionnaires filled, more than 75% of the respondents rated the use of cyberspace capabilities for encountering Corona disease as moderate and high. The result of estimating people’s willingness to pay for the feature of “use of information and communication technology” in the present study was 5600000 Rials.
Conclusion: Considering the capabilities of this technology and its position among the people, it is necessary to put on the agenda ICT penetration expansion and planning to make maximum use of its capabilities in similar pandemics and crises.
Volume 14, Issue 4 (winter 2014 2015)
Sports and recreations as a forward industry play direct and indirect roles in national development processes. Sport increases the level of social health, reduces health care expenditure, and raises employment. It increases economic growth by incoming capital flows. Currently, sports and recreation activities industry is of main and influential influence on economic growth in the developed countries. Many countries have paved economic growth path with constructing infrastructure for global and continental events. In Iran, the presence of government in sport sector is very sensible. This paper examines the effect of government investment in sports on economic growth in Iran over the post-Revolution period (1979-2010). To this end, an Auto Regressive Distributed Lag method (ARDL) model is used. Estimation results show that government investment in sport has no significant effect on economic growth. Hence, it is recommended that government would invest in infrastructure and education related to sports for creation of public and professional sports with high efficiency.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (Spring 2015 2015)
Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel is one of the ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.2) that produced 8.5 percent of industry value-added in Iran in 2007. Isfahan, Tehran, Khuzestan, Hormozgan, and Markazi provinces accounted for 90 percent of the value added in this sector. To determine competitive advantage in this sector, the regional input- output technique is used and AFLQ (Adjusted Flegg Location Quotient) is employed for making regional input- output tables. But this method is misleading, because it defines weak provinces as key sectors. This article presents new method (MFLQ) that provides better result than AFLQ. Isfahan (as a developed province) is not key sector in AFLQ method but it is key sector by MFLQ method.
Volume 17, Issue 3 (Autumn 2017 2017)
The ecosystem is a fundamental pillar of human life, which has been changed due to the progress and development of the world. The emission of air pollutants is a key factor in environmental degradation. Air pollutants impose the so-called "degradation costs" on different sectors, which these costs are not included in official calculations. Consumption of energy carriers is the main cause of air pollutants emissions in Iran. Therefore, this research seeks to examine the degradation costs of air pollutants emitted by the use of energy carriers in Iran. One way to reduce the emissions of air pollutants and their degradation costs is to impose tax on the consumption of energy carriers. This study considers a scenario for raising the price of energy carriers to the level of FOB price of Persian Gulf. For this purpose, the standard computable general equilibrium model of Lofgren et al () is used. The statistical basis of the CGE model is the 2006 social accounting matrix (SAM). The statistical data on energy consumption and emissions of air pollutants are derived from the energy balance sheets over the period 2006-2012. In addition, economic sectors are divided into 25 sections according to the ISIC classification. Degradation cost in the baseline scenario is equivalent of 14.43% of GDP (at constant prices) in 2006, which by applying the scenario for increasing the price of energy carriers, this cost declines by 23% and amounts to 10 percent of GDP. Results also reveal that the road transportation and electricity sectors experience the greatest reductions in degradation cost.
Volume 18, Issue 1 (Spring 2018 2018)
The consumption pattern of typical household is a combination of quantities, qualities, acts and tendencies describing use of resources for survival, comfort and enjoyment by society or a group of people. In this paper, we examine the impact of cash subsidies on expenditure pattern of households after implementing Subsidy Targeting Project at both urban and rural levels in Iran. We estimate a panel data model by applying data on household income and expenditure survey (HIES) during 2004-2014. Findings indicates that paying cash subsidies significantly affects all 14 expenditure categories in urban and rural households, except for health expenditure in rural households. Consequently, the shares of eight urban expenditure categories and nine rural expenditure ones have increased, while the shares of six urban expenditure categories and four rural expenditure ones have decreased. In all cases except for home durable goods, the shares of urban and rural expenditure categories, the shares of other household expenses and transfers changed in a same direction. In both urban and rural levels, all increased shares of expenditure are related to current household’ welfare, but the shares of categories which increases future household’ welfare have decreased. It seems changes in relative prices after paying cash subsidies have persuaded households to sacrifice some investment, education, and health expenditure for additional expenditure required for meeting basic needs.
Volume 19, Issue 128 (October 2022)
Among the main problems in fortifying foods with phytosterols are their high melting point, gypsum taste and low solubility. One of the ways to overcome these problems is to use a suitable coating material and phytosterol coating. . In this study, olive oil was used for phytosterol coating due to its high nutritional benefits by nanoemulsification method. In order to optimize the underlying conditions, the percentage of olive oil (oil phase), the percentage of sodium dodecyl sulfate (surfactant) and gelatin (as stabilizer) were considered as independent variables and the particle size was considered as the response. Experimental conditions were determined by designing the experiment using the mini-tab software using the RMS response surface methodology and using the Box-Behnken design. Two formulations (7.1, 3.7, 90) and (7.9, 3.7, 80) due to having the smallest particle size (103-105) nm as suitable and experimental nanoemulsification conditions for Encapsulation Phytosterols were selected. The results after coating showed that the particle size, pH, viscosity, surface tension and physical stability of these nanoemulsions provided the best conditions for their application. Finally, the formulation (7.1, 3.7, 90) after Encapsulation was selected as the best formulation for phytosterol Encapsulation due to its suitable physical and chemical properties, greater stability and 112 nm particle size.
Sajjad Faraji Dizaji, Ebrahim Hosseini Nasab, Peter A.g. van Bergeijk, Abbas Assari,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (7-2014)
This paper investigates the short- run and long-run effects of government size and exports on the economic growth of Iran as a developing oil export based economy for the period of 1974 - 2008 using an autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL) framework. A modified form of Feder (1982) and subsequently Ram’s (1986) model has been applied to include both government size and exports in growth equation. The findings show that in long run and short run the Armey curve (1995) is valid, indicating that both a very big size and a too small size of government are harmful for growth and government should adjust its size. The results also show that total exports, the amount of oil exports in terms of barrels and oil prices affect economic growth positively and significantly both in short-run and long-run. However, non-oil exports do not have a significant effect on growth in the long run
Samira Motaghi, Abbas Assari, Lotfali Agheli,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (7-2015)
The present paper attempts to estimate the relationship between labor productivity and health, technological progress and education, using panel data observing 57-nation Orgamization of Islamic Coopeation, OIC over the period of 1995-2009. A two-step procedure was used with the first involving an estimate of labor productivity based on observations in the OPEC, GCC and ECO member countries and also African nations within the Islamic countries. The second step involved an estimate of the effect on labor productivity of health, technological progress and education. Our findings indicate that labor productivities in Islamic countries with some exceptions on an average are above 3 with the highest of 12 belonging to Azerbaijan. Exceptions are Somalia and Gabon with negative productivities and Brunei and Cameroun with productivities around one. The only variable influencing labor productivity in the Islamic countries is health with technology and education having no meaningful influence.
Volume 22, Issue 3 (Autumn 2022 2022)
Today, the share of government aid from the public expenditures to support military and civil servants' pension funds has increased from about 11% in 2013 to 19% in 2021 and this trend has been increasing in recent years. This study aims to use DSGE models to simulate and apply corrective measures to enhance the financial misalignment of Iran's pension system. For this purpose, the model has been calibrated once for the PAYG-DB system that is currently used in Iran and then for the system based on financial provision based on the amount of partial savings to compare their welfare and distributional effects. The simulation results show that people reduce their savings by switching to a partial savings system, which increases consumption in all generations and capital accumulation in the whole society. In the second part of the article, impulse response functions were used to investigate the effects of emerging diseases and population aging variables on the financial misalignment of pension funds. The results show that the financial misalignment of pension funds increases following the positive shock in the above variables. Based on the results, parametric reforms such as a mechanism linking the retirement age to life expectancy and transition to a partial savings system can reduce financial misalignment and increase financial sustainability in Iran's pension system.
Volume 22, Issue 4 (winter 1401 2022)
Aim and Introduction
The pension system is of special place in the employment regulations of the private and public sectors of all countries of the world. In addition, pension funds are known as one of the most sensitive and complex financial institutions in today's world, whose main goal is to preserve the livelihood and dignity of people in old age. Pension funds have been created to provide social rights for citizens, and a long-term horizon is one of the main features of such funds. By receiving insurance premiums from the insured and investing the resources gathered in the early years and the so-called youth period of the fund, pension funds provide pensions for retirees during their maturity. The process of maturity of pension funds occurs naturally and if it is accompanied by the aging of the country's population, it will intensify. According to the International Monetary Fund, pension expenditures in the Social Security Organization and the civil serpents' Pension Fund will increase from 5.3% in 2015 to 11% in 2040 and 19.6% of GDP in 2080 and in the future, a large part of the country's budget should be spent on paying pensions.
This study seeks to simulate and apply corrective policies to improve the financial misalignment in the Iranian pension system using dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model based on the overlapping generations (OLG) model. In this regard, impulse response functions were used to examine the effects of the proposed parametric corrections. The DSGE models are stochastic, microeconomic-founded, provide the possibility of dynamic evaluation of parametric changes as well as random changes of exogenous variables of the system, and give inter-temporal optimization of the behavior of economic agents. In addition, the mechanism of intergenerational transfer in the pension funds, can be well evaluated and studied by these models, so it seems to be a suitable tool for studying the effects of demographic parametric changes on the financial balance of pension funds.
The results show that positive shocks to the variables of years of service, birth rate, and average years of insurance, the financial misalignment of pension funds decreases. According to the results, linking the retirement age with life expectancy and increasing the years of premium payment can reduce financial misalignment and increase financial stability in the Iranian pension system.
Discussion and Conclusion
The government's decision to implement reforms in Iran's pension system is essential, taking into account social considerations and the step-by-step nature of these reforms. However, according to our findings, the following policies should be presented to improve the financial imbalance of Iran's pension system:
1. The results of the positive shock analysis to the years of service variable showed that the later retirement of people reduces economic dissatisfaction, and considering the past and projected increase in life expectancy in Iran, increasing the retirement age is justified and logical. According to global experience, the average retirement age should be increased from 60 to 63 years for men and from 55 to 58 years for women (one year for every two years). Also, in the future, it is suggested that the average retirement age be linked to the growth of life expectancy.
2. The analysis results of the positive shock to the birth rate variable showed that the young population reduces the financial imbalance. Therefore, it is necessary to implement policies to encourage birth in the coming years, because the population aging phenomenon will have destructive effects on the stability of the pension system.
3. A positive shock to the average variable of years of insurance has positive effects on reducing the financial imbalance of pension funds. In this regard, it is suggested to change the calculation of pensions in all pension funds, including state, military, and social security organizations, based on the average salary of the last three to five years of employment, which it is currently based on the average of the previous two years.
Volume 30, Issue 2 (Summer 2023)
Financial imbalances and disparity between resources and expenditures in Iranian pension funds have made the need for reforms inevitable. Today, the share of government aid from public expenditures to two Civil and Military pension funds has increased from about 11 percent in 2013 to about 19 percent in 2021, and this trend has been increasing in recent years. However, despite the perception of the crisis in the pension system of various actors, these reforms have not been implemented. In this regard, the present study seeks pathology and finds a solution to solve the crisis of the Iranian pension system during 2013-2021. Due to the existence of different actors and stakeholders, one of the non-quantitative methods of game theory models, called the graph model, was used to resolve the conflicts. This model is an important tool for modeling and analyzing complex problems, expresses the most likely consequences of various problems in the world, and finally provide guidelines for its improvement. The modeling results of the retirement crisis show that the fourth mode of the model, i.e. the state of reform, is more likely to occur. Therefore, the current situation is not a stable one for all players, and they are motivated to leave. According to the results, limiting government support, changing the pension system, and carrying out structural and parametric reforms will improve the current situation.