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Showing 33 results for Aghajani

Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2013)

Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR), caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is one of the most important diseases of canola (Brassica napus) in Golestan province, the leading canola producer in Iran. In order to assess the yield loss of canola caused by SSR, 80 fields were surveyed in four different regions of the province (Gorgan, Ali Abad, Kalaleh and Gonbad) during 2006-2007, and SSR intensity was recorded weekly in the fields. Study of yield loss-SSR severity relationships by linear, nonlinear and multiple regression analyses with final intensity (Sf), time to initial symptoms (tis), Gompertz rate of disease progress (rG), and standardized area under disease progress curve (SAUDPC) as independent variables indicate that single point and integral models were significant (P < 0.05) only in three cases. Results of multiple point models which were performed using weekly recorded SSR intensities (S1, S2, …), were significant in two cases and a general model for 2007 survey was developed using S3 to S6. Eventually, response surface models were developed for each region by integrating tis with SSR intensity variables (Sf or SAUDPC).

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2015)

A 27 day study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of aqueous extracts of Hypericumperforatum on hemato-serological parameters and survival of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmikiss) under thermal stress (20 ± 2 ◦C). A total of 360 rainbow trout (97.2 ± 1.6g) were divided randomly into four groups and  immersed in different concentrations (0, 250, 500 and 750 ppm) (T0, T25, T50 and T75) of aqueous extracts of H. perforatum. The blood samples were collected on day 12 and 27 and hemato-serological parameters were determined. In stage 1, the total red blood cell, hemoglobin and hematocrit didn’t show a significant difference among controls and treatments but in stage 2, those parameters were significantly increased in T50 and T75 compared to T0 and T25.  The total white blood cell, lymphocytes, total protein, albumin, and total IgM showed a significant increase in treatments compared to control but the results in the neutrophils was opposit. The MCV and MCH didn’t significantly change in two stages but the MCHC of T75 were significantly higher than T0 and T25. The glucose of T50 and T75 were significantly lower than T0 and T25. The hepatic enzymes, ALT and AST of T75 significantly increased compared to other groups in stage2. The highest and lowest survival rates were observed in T50 and T0, respectively. Based on the results, it seems that Hypericumperforatum could control the effectsof stress and increase the survival rate of rainbow trout when exposed to chronic heat stress.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)

Interests are divided into three categories of validity; valid, invalid, and unrestricted. Utilitarianism is divided into two categories: act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism. In act utilitarianism, the greatest benefit for the greatest number of individuals is weighed according to specific situations, while in rule utilitarianism, adherence to moral rules is considered without exception. In expediency jurisprudence, one must act according to the rules, but in some specific cases, lower interests must be sacrificed to preserve higher interests. In rule utilitarianism, one must proceed according to the rules, and the rule is not subject to exceptions. The temporal criteria of interest, the material and spiritual nature of interests, and the consideration and non-consideration of religion and otherworldly interests are among the differences between utilitarianism and expediency jurisprudence. On the other hand, the principle of the primacy of repelling harm over attracting benefit has also been reinterpreted based on negative utilitarianism.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)

Considering the high nutritional value of fish meat and low consumption of fish in Iran, it is always advisable to consume this meat and its products. Cyprinus carpio is one of the most important and widely used species among fish. In the present study, Cyprinus carpio meat with beef meat (red meat) was used in the production of different samples of non-fermented sausages in ratios of 5, 15, 25, 35, 50, 65, 75, 85, and 95% in combination and on the day after production, physicochemical tests such as moisture, protein, fat, and ash content, and organoleptic evaluation such as color, aroma, flavor, consistency, and overall acceptance carried out on the samples. The results showed that by increasing the proportion of fish meat in the formulation, protein content increased and fat, ash, and moisture content decreased. The proportions of 35 to 65% of fish meat received the highest score, while, the proportions of 5 to 35% and 5 to 50% showed the highest scores of aroma and flavor, respectively. Treatments with a ratio of 65 to 95% of fish meat had the highest score of consistency. The overall acceptance of treatments showed that the ratios of 35 to 65% of fish meat showed the highest scores.

Volume 8, Issue 20 (Supplementary Issue (Tome 36)- 2004)

One of the most important factors which alter job creation to a necessitate is non-oil export capabilities development. The country's foreign exchange income will be increased through paying attention to worth industrial activities Fields. Iran, with huge resource of raw materials, origins and Labor forces have a considerable potential to be developed through industrial activities channel. In other word, industrial sections are not only able to affect commercial development but also may create new opportunities. So, in order to facilitate commercial development, increasing efficiency and productivity, raising production power and job creation in industry recognition and introducing of worth industrial activities must be noticed. In this research, understanding more about different worth industrial activities in order to increase job creation was studied. Priority of job creation in Iran industrial sections is determined by using seniority of important index (Compatible with ISIC codes) and numerical taxonomy method. According to this study priority of different industries considering job creation aim are as below: 1- Textile industry 6- Print and paper industry 2- Mineral industry 7- Miscellaneous industry 3- Wood industry 8- Basic metals industry 4- Machinery industry 9- Chemical industry 5- Food industry

Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2010)

Residual unbalance in hand-held power tool rotors transmits undesirable vibrations to the hand of its operator. These vibrations can be effectively suppressed using a one plane automatic dynamic balancer (ADB). This balancing device consists of several balls constrained to move inside a sealed cylindrical ball-race unit partially filled with oil. One of the hand-held power tools is an angle grinder. This study introduces the design of an ADB for eliminating vibration of a grinder based on the achieved design parameters. A physical model of the system is derived for a Jeffcott rotor with an ADB. Utilizing Lagrange's method, the nonlinear equations of motion for an autonomous system in polar coordinate system is derived. Further, the equilibrium position and the linear variational equations are obtained by the perturbation method. Moreover, the dynamic stability of the system in the neighborhood of the equilibrium positions is investigated by the Routh-Hurwitz criteria. The results of the stability analysis provide the design requirements for the ADB to achieve balancing of the system. In addition, time responses are presented by the generalized-alpha method. Employing the modal analysis method the equivalent damping and stiffness coefficients are achieved. Finally, the ADB is designed and manufactured by solving the equations of motion governed on identified unbalanced grinder. To evaluate and identify the performance of the ADB, vibration levels are measured in cases of with balancer, without balancer, and are compared with a typical commercial ADB.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (Number 4 - 2010)

Sclerotinia Stem Rot (SSR), caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is believed as the most important disease of canola (Brassica napus) in Iran. Temporal analysis of the disease epidemics was carried out by evaluating SSR in 80 fields in four locations of: Gorgan, AliAbad, Kalaleh and Gonbad in Golestan Province during 2006 and 2007. Scouting of the fields to record disease incidence (I) and disease severity (S) was started before the end of flowering and continued weekly up to harvest time. Disease Progress Curves (DPCs) were studied using mathematical growth models and their goodness of fit determined based on such statistics as coefficient of determination (R2), standard error of estimates (SEE) and residual plots. Gompertz model with a mean R2 of 94.69% was selected as the most appropriate model for describing SSR progress in field conditions of Golestan Province. Rates of increase (rG) per unit of disease in the canola fields were 0.003 to 0.077 (with an average of 0.03). This is the first temporal study of canola SSR in Iran.

Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2012)

In this article, the size, dimensions, volume, bulk and particle densities, empyting and filling angles of repose and friction coefficients against different surfaces were evaluated for two varieties of barley, Sahra and Valfajr, as a function of moisture content in the range of 10.12 to 42.17 (w.b.%). Most physical properties of barley varieties were significantly affected by moisture content variation. The length, width, thickness and unit mass of Sahra variety increased from 9.88 to 10.16 mm, 3.37 to 3.89 mm, 2.54 to 2.80 mm and 0.048 to 0.074 g, respectively, as the moisture content increased. The respective values for Valfajr varied from 8.37 to 8.87 mm, 3.03 to 3.21 mm, 2.21 to 2.37 mm and 0.037 to 0.043 g, respectively. In Sahra variety, sphericity, geometric mean diameter, bulk density, particle density and porosity increased from 44.59 to 47.40%; 4.38 to 4.79 mm; 568.10 to 613.68 kg m-3; 1,099.65 to 1,245.72 kg m-3 and 48.34 to 50.74%, respectively. The coefficient of static friction increased linearly against all the tested surfaces as the moisture content increased. In Valfajr variety, sphericity increased from 45.79 to 45.89%; geometric mean diameter increased from 3.82 to 4.06 mm; bulk density increased from 579.68 to 608.58 kg m-3; particle density varied from 1,410.82 to 1,230.61 kg m-3; porosity varied from 58.91 to 50.55% and the coefficient of static friction increased linearly against all the tested surfaces as the moisture content increased. The angle of repose for emptying and filling increased linearly as well.

Volume 14, Issue 2 (7-2014)

The purpose of this article is study of effects of high voltage AC stray current (380 VAC) and environmental effects on durability of concrete power poles. In Iran, annually spend large costs for replacing them with new concrete poles. In this study, the degradation effects and mechanisms of 380 VAC stray current on water saturated concrete were investigated via field and laboratory tests. They included electrical and electrochemical tests and microscopic inspections. Based on the results of tests both environment and AC stray current reduce durability of the concrete power poles. Formation of galvanic macro cell, carbonation, vibration of concrete pole due to wind force and weight of cable, diffusion of corrosive ions from soil to concrete power pole and its accumulation in near ground level are some of environmental effects on degradation of concrete power poles. In addition pollution of air can form deposit layer on insulations of concrete power pole. In raining condition, the layer absorbs water and surface resistance of insulators reduces considerably. So high voltage AC current can creep in surface of the insulator and can exchange between two other phases and ground. Generally grounding system can't act immediately or have not suitable low electrical resistance. Meanwhile if concrete of power pole has low quality then it absorbs high content of rain and its resistivity decreases considerably. Thus some parts of fault current can pass through water saturated concrete power pole. In an special location around Isfahan with polluted air condition, in raining condition current creep through the surface of some insulators occur and immediately many cracks forms on concrete cover of power pole and in some cases concrete cover start to fall without any corrosion in rebar. Based on field study, AC stray current does not occur in concrete power poles which manufactured by centrifugal method and they have very low w/c ratio in their mix design. In this method excess water of concrete mix is removed before staring curing of concrete. Microscopic study of concrete of the molded pole and centrifugal pole showed that the later had much denser structure and for this reason depth of carbonation in the later was much lower than the first. In addition the centrifugal poles have pre-stress condition and it reduce their vibration against wind force and weight of cables. Vibration has destructive effect on concrete cover of concrete poles, special in their ground level because force of vibration concentrates in this location. For study mechanism of degradation of AC stray current, some concrete samples prepared and in water saturated condition subjected to 380 VAC stray current. Based on results of tests, high voltage AC stray current can reduce the concrete pole durability by thermal and shrinkage stress and also by creating vapor pressure within water saturated concrete and transport calcium hydroxide toward cement paste-aggregate interfaces. Application of new technology for reducing water to cement ratio and proper installation and maintenance of the concrete poles considerably increases durability of them against destructive effects of AC stray current.

Volume 14, Issue 10 (1-2015)

In present paper the Inamuro Model based on free energy approach of the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) was used to simulate the motion of bubble and coalescence of two bubbles under buoyancy force. By combining the Tanaka and Inamuro models, three-dimensional model of Inamuro was used in two-dimension for decreasing the computational cost. Firstly it was ensured that the surface tension effect and Laplace low for two density ratio 50 and 1000 were properly implemented. Secondly in next step, effect of governing dimensionless numbers problem such as Etvos number and Morton number on Reynolds number and terminal shape of bubble were investigated. Different flow patterns in various dimensionless numbers were obtained and by changing the dimensionless number, terminal change of bubble’s shape was seen. Finally, motion of two bubbles and terminal shape of coalescence of two bubbles were studied in different dimensionless number, which shape of first bubble was same to single bubble, but it was seen that second bubble experienced various shapes due to its location in wake of first bubble and less difference pressure on two sides of this bubble.

Volume 14, Issue 14 (Second Special Issue 2015)

Friction stir welding (FSW) has become a technology of widespread interest because of its numerous advantages, most important of which is its ability to weld otherwise unweldable alloys. In this study, friction stir welding process has been used to join A441 AISI steel and AA1100 aluminum alloy. Optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and Vickers microhardness tests were employed to study on the joint microstructure evolution and hardness. The results showed that after welding process, head affected zone (HAZ) and stir zone (SZ) were formed in steel base metal side and head affected zone (HAZ), thermo-mechanical affected zone (TMAZ) and stir zone (SZ) were formed in aluminum alloy side. Mg2Al3 spherical particles formed with the ferrite and pearlite constituents in the junction. These particles were formed between the aluminum grain boundaries and due to the difference in contraction coefficient with aluminum base metal, were causing hot cracks in stir zone during solidification. Due to the generated frictional heat, small grains of ferrite and pearlite with very fine grain size of aluminum were formed in stir zone. Base metals dynamic recrystallization and formation of intermetallic compounds led to stir zone microhardness became higher than other areas.

Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)

Friction is an important factor that causes frictional heat generated in the friction stir welding process and makes the joint between work pieces. The objective of the present work is investigate on the effects of friction stir welding parameters on the mechanical properties and material flow in AA1100 aluminum and A441AISI joint. In this study, tool offset, plunge depth, welding linear speed and tool rotational speed were chosen as variable parameters. Comprehensive analysis using the experimental results showed that the strongest joint obtained at 1.3 mm tool offset and 0.2 mm plunge depth when to the offset tool rotational speed and linear speed were 800rpm and 63mm/min respectively. Fracture locations in tensile test at all samples were in aluminum sides. Internal defects that caused in lower tool rotational speed removed by increasing the revolving and with growing trend in linear speed due to the more forging force, the surface defects abated. The maximum strength of welded joints with selected parameters was 90% aluminum base metal. In this research, microhardness of joint interface ascended with increasing rotational speed. This phenomenon is due to formation of thick intermetallic layers in abutting edges of sheets.

Volume 15, Issue 7 (Supplementary Issue - 2013)

Charcoal rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina is an important disease of soybean throughout the world. To understand the spatial distribution of soybean charcoal rot incidence and M. phaseolina populations in Golestan Province, 172 soybean fields were surveyed for population density, in two successive years, and integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS). Each year, 60 fields were also surveyed for disease incidence. Propagule density was determined by assaying five 1-g subsamples of soil from each field using a size-selective sieving procedure. In the seasons of 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, disease incidence ranged from 0 to 97% and 3 to 91% with the highest in Gorgan and Aliabad, respectively. Total mean of disease incidence were 21.01 and 35.84 percent in the province. In the two sampling years, Sclerotia were recovered from 73.33 and 93.57% of the total fields. The average population density per gram of soil ranged from 0.65 to 14.31 and 4.7 to 16.9, respectively, with the highest levels in Aliabad in both years. Charcoal rot incidence was positively correlated with soil populations of M. phaseolina (r= 0.61 and r= 0.47, P= 0.01). Geostatistical analyses of the survey data showed that the influence range of propagule density and disease incidence was between 8,000 to 14,000 m. In general, no significant correlation could be found between soil factors and sclerotia numbers. But, higher average air temperatures and decreased precipitation may have a significant effect on disease intensity.

Volume 16, Issue 86 (4-2019)

This study was conducted to investigate the content of phenolic compound and radical scavenging capacity (IC50) of chevil as a replacement for synthetic antioxidants. The extract of chevil leaves powder  was obtained by maceration (12 h)  and microwave (60 s) with ethanol or water  (100: 0, 75: 25 , 50:50) and the amount of  total phenolics and flavonoids was measured by spectrophotometry and antioxidant activity was measured by scavenging free radical 2,2-diphenyl -1- picryl hydrazine (DPPH). Data were analyzed by SPSS versiov 24 as well as variance analysis. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the extracts obtained by two used solvents ethanol and water (p<0.01). The extracts obtained by microwave showed the highest flavonoids content (0/75±0.008 mg Eq. Rutin/g dry sample) and the highest radical scavenging activity (1/04 ± 0/1) at ethanol to water ratio of 0:100 % as comared to maceration method. In contrast, the highest total phenol content (TPC) (3/665±0.09 mg Eq. gallic acid / g dry sample) was obtained by maceration at ethanol to water ratio of 0: 100%. For both methods, the rate of extraction was affected by solvents  ratio and water was more effective than ethanol.

Volume 17, Issue 99 (May 2020)

Background and Objectives:
Due to the bioactive components, the use of bioactive compound improves the qualitative properties of foods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Ocimum basilicum and Urtica dioica extract on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of sausage.
Materials and Methods:
U. dioica extract at 0, 0/1, 0/2 and 0/3 % and O. basilicum extract at 0, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5% individually and in the ratios of 0.15-0.20 and 0.25 - 0.35 % of U. dioica – O. basilicum extract added to sausage formulation and the experiments were carried out on treatments.
control sample (whithout any extract) had the highest pH value, fat, and moisture content and had the significant difference (p<0.05) in comparsion with other treatments. The treatments containing 0.1 % U. dioica extract, had the lowest pH value and moisture and highest protein content. The lowest fat and the highest ash content related to 0.3 % U. dioica extract. Regarding free radical scavenging activity, the U. dioica extract had more antioxidant activity individually and in comparison to O. basilicum extract and the compound extracts. Among the treatments, the treatment containing 0.1 % U. dioica extract showed the highest scores of taste and color.Treatments containing 0.3% U.dioica extract and the mixture of U.dioica - to O. basilicum extract (0/25-0/35%) represented the highest score of appearance and texture respectively. In terms of overall acceptance, after the control sample, the treatment containing 0.2 % U.dioica extract had the highest score.
The Urtica dioica extract showed the better results compared to Ocimum basilicum extract separately or combination of two extracts.

Volume 17, Issue 100 (june 2020)

Nowadays, due to some problems, such as allergic reactions and high fat content, the partial replacement of cow's milk with milk of other animals, such as goat's milk, is so crucial by proper techniques to improve the quality with the aim of yogurt production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Zataria multifliora and Mentha longifolia L extract on the qualitative characteristics of probiotic yogurt produced from the cow-goat milk in proportions 10: 90, 30: 70, 50: 50 and 0: 100. Sensory evaluation was performed on produced samples one day after production to selecting the best samples and then, the experiments were carried out on selected samples during 28 days. The results showed that, over time, acidity and syneresis values increased and pH value, viscosity and probiotic count decreased. The highest viscosity was related to the equal ratio of cow - goat milk and 0.05% of Zataria multifliora extract. The antioxidant activity (AA) trend was irregular but descending and extracts had a significant effect on AA. The treatment of cow-goat milk (10 : 90%) and 0.03% of Zataria multifliora extract had the highest probiotic count. The treatment of cow's milk (100%) containing the equal concentrations of two extract (0.02%), showed the highest color, taste, consistency and overall acceptance scores by panelist. As a conclusion, it can be concluded that in order to achieve the best quality of probiotic yogurt, various concentrations of extracts and optimal ratios of cow-goat milk should be used. .

Volume 17, Issue 104 (October 2020)

Oils and fats under the influence of several factors such as oxygen, light, heat, metal ions and enzyme are oxidized. Use of synthetic antioxidants due to the possibility of toxicity and carcinogenicity, has been under questioned. The aim of this study was to optimize the extraction conditions of Ajowan seed extracts and evaluate their antioxidant properties. In this study Ajowan seed under different concentration of solvents (water and ethanol in 0, 50 and 100% concentration), extraction time (0.25, 12 and 24 hours) and different temperatures (20, 50, 80 °C) were prepared. The optimal extraction conditions were defined by response surface methods and extraction was performed at the optimum condition. Then different concentrations (0.2, 0.4 and 0.6%) of optimum extracts were prepared and added to the non- containing antioxidant soybean oil. All treatments were kept under 90 °C for 5 days. Acidic value, peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) were performed on each treatment in every day. Data analysis showed that addition of water to the solvent increased phenolic compounds extracts and antioxidant activity. According to the results of the thermal stability of soybean oil, the best results were related to BHT and other higher concentrations of ethanolic extracts. The results of the present study showed that the ethanolic extracts of Ajowan seed can be used as natural antioxidants in the formulation of edible oils.

Volume 17, Issue 109 (March 2021)

Fried foods due to suitable taste, flavor and mouth feel are very popular but they contain high level of oil. Frying time and temperature and coating before frying process are the main factors, affetcting oil content in fried products. In this study the effect of different concentrations of Balangu seed gum (0, 10 and 20 %W/V), frying temperature (150, 170 and 190 0C) and frying time (2, 4 and 6 minutes) on the quality and sensory attributes of fried zucchini slices were investigated and optimized by response surface method. Results showed that the amounts of water loss and oil uptake during frying process were reduced with increase of gum concentration in the coating agent, but the moisture content of sample was decreased by increasing of frying time and temperature while oil uptake increased. The L* index of the final products were decreased with increase of frying time and temperature and Balangu seed gum concentration. The most affecting factors on the a* and b* index are frying temprature, frying time and Balangu seed gum concentration respectively. The sensory evaluation results, showed that, total acceptance of fried zucchini slices increased with frying time and temperature incensement while decreased with Balangu seed gum incensement. Optimization results showed that the optimum processing conditions of fried zucchini slices were frying time of 2 minute, Balangu seed gum concentration 14.31% and frying temperature 177 0C and in these conditions the quality attributes of final products were in optimum level. Application of Balangu seed gum lead to produce low fat fried zucchini slices without adverse effect on sensory attributes of final product.

Volume 18, Issue 111 (May 2021)

Fruits and vegetables are perishable products due to their high water content and high enzymatic activity, and large amounts of them are deteriorated each year before consumption. Different methods such as the use of heat or chemical preservatives are common to reduce food waste, but increasing consumer demand for fresh or minimal processed foods has led to increased research for finding alternative preservation methods. In this study, the ability of clove, cumin and fennel essential oils (concentrations of 50, 75, 100 and 200 ppm) in reducing peroxidase enzyme activity (as one of the main factors of biochemical deterioration) in apple fruit was investigated. Clove essential oil in pure state and in concentrations of 100 and 75 ppm reduced 66.67% of the peroxidase enzyme activity while concentrations of 200 and 50 ppm of clove essential oil reduced 62.97 and 48.15% of the peroxidase enzyme activity in apple fruit respectively. Cumin essential oil in all applied concentrations led to a 66.67% reduction in peroxidase enzyme activity in apple fruit samples. Also, the use of concentrations of 100, 75 and 50 ppm of fennel essential oil has reduced 62.97% of peroxidase enzyme activity in apple fruit samples, while increasing the fennel essential oil concentration reduces its inhibitory effect on peroxidase enzyme activity so that the application of pure state and concentration of 200 ppm of fennel essential oil reduced 18.52 and 55.56% of peroxidase enzyme activity in apple fruit, respectively. The results of response surface optimization method showed that the lowest peroxidase enzyme activity for clove, cumin and fennel essential oils were obtained in essential oil concentration and enzyme activity time of 200 ppm and 40 seconds for clove essential oil, 146 ppm and 112 seconds for cumin and 130 ppm and 183 seconds for fennel essential oil respectively.

Volume 18, Issue 114 (August 2021)

Increasing consumer awareness of the dangers of chemicals and the effect of heat treatment on the foods nutritional value, lead to increase of the demand for the production and use of fresh or minimaly processed foods. In this study, the ability of cumin, fennel and clove essential oils (concentrations of 50, 75, 100, 200 ppm and pure form) in non-thermal inactivation of courgette peroxidase enzyme were investigated. The results showed that only pure form and concentration of 200 ppm of cumin essential oil and also pure form and high concentrations (100 and 200 ppm) of fennel essential oil were able to reduce the peroxidase enzyme activity in courgette but using concentrations of 50 and 75 ppm of fennel essential oil leads to increase peroxidase enzyme activity. Clove essential oil in all studied concentrations reduced the peroxidase enzyme activity, which indicates the ability of clove essential oil to react with oxygen and inhibit the reaction of enzyme peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase (enzymatic browning reaction). The best conditions for inactivation of peroxidase enzyme under the influence of cumin essential oil included a concentration of 194.5 ppm essential oil and an enzymatic activity time of 0.02 seconds, while the optimal conditions for achieving the lowest peroxidase activity included using 200 ppm fennel essential oil and enzyme activity time of 0 second, and 200 ppm of clove essential oil and enzymatic activity time of 1.7 second.

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