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Volume 0, Issue 0 (12-2024)

Aim and Introduction
The central bank operates by setting an inflation target and implementing monetary policies to achieve its economic goals. The accurate estimation and calculation of actual inflation in society are crucial for establishing the correct inflation target. Any discrepancy between the set inflation target and real inflation can disrupt the central bank's policy-making. If the actual inflation differs from the inflation perceived by society, it can further complicate the central bank's decision-making process.
Society's perception of inflation, as reflected in inflation expectations, refers to consumers' personal feelings and assessments of the rate at which market prices are rising. This perception is often associated with an increase in the cost of living, products, and services, as well as a decrease in the standard of living. Criticisms have been raised regarding the rationality of individuals when estimating inflation rates. Carroll's epidemiological model (2001) posits that individuals form their expectations of future inflation based on the information they receive, such as expert forecasts published in articles. Those who do not encounter such articles may rely on previous inflation statistics and forecasts they have come across.
Initially, the influence of the media on society's perception of inflation was considered. Subsequent developments in this theory led to the identification of various experimental factors from different societal studies that can impact this perception. It is crucially important to note that factors other than those involved in the calculation of the inflation rate can also influence this index.
This study investigates inflation perception through both qualitative and quantitative approaches and explores its relationship with potential influencing factors. The Consumer Inflation Expectations Index quantifies the percentage by which consumers anticipate prices of goods and services to fluctuate over the next 12 months. The index is constructed by developing a questionnaire that reflects the socio-economic conditions of the countries under study. The questionnaire encompasses various inquiries pertaining to past experiences of price changes, personal financial circumstances, business conditions, purchasing power, expectations regarding interest rates and inflation, and significant purchasing and saving intentions. Understanding the determinants of perceived inflation is vital for the efficacious implementation of policies within a society. This research was conducted within a comprehensive framework, evaluating a sample of 384 consumers in the city of Tabriz. Participants were selected randomly in November 2023 and consisted of either household heads or family members responsible for a substantial proportion of household expenditures, all aged 15 and older. The causal-comparative method was utilized to analyze the collected data, acknowledging that individual perceptions of inflation may be influenced by variables such as geographical location, gender, level of knowledge and education, performance, attitude, and subjective norms. Some of these variables may be inherent traits that are unchangeable, while others may be external factors beyond the control of the researcher or unethical to manipulate. Furthermore, this method was employed to identify factors associated with unsuccessful policy implementation to prevent their recurrence, as well as to pinpoint and cultivate beneficial factors.
The survey results from this study indicate that the perceived inflation rate in Tabriz in November 2023 was 70.54%, compared to 50.40% as reported by the Iranian Statistics Center for the same period, showing a discrepancy of approximately 20.14% between the community's perceived inflation rate and the official inflation rate. Additionally, the perceived inflation rate for October 2023 was estimated at 59.80%, which is higher than the official inflation rate of 51.20%. The forecasted perceived inflation rate for December 2023 was also examined, estimated at 57.83%, showing a decreasing trend compared to November's perceived inflation rate. This rate was compared with the official rate of 70.49% reported by the Statistics Center. The significant gap between perceived and official inflation rates confirms the high bias in the perceived inflation rate relative to the official rate and indicates a concurrent movement between the actual inflation rate and the perceived inflation rate. As a result, the impact of expected inflation, derived from perceived inflation, on the official inflation rate is validated. The results also revealed that perceived inflation rates are higher among women, part-time employees, manufacturing workers, unemployed educated individuals, and married people. Factors such as very low knowledge of the concept of inflation and related statistics, incorrect recollection of past prices, the disproportionate effect of frequent purchases, asymmetric perception of price increases and decreases, and household income levels play a significant role in explaining the highest perceptions of inflation rates. Furthermore, individual behaviors in purchasing and consuming goods have led to increased perceptions of inflation. The role of media and social networks in shaping inflation perceptions has been very prominent, with the highest perceived inflation rates attributed to the influence of reports from foreign media. Changes in the gold and currency markets also had the greatest impact on consumers' inflation rate estimates.
Discussion and Conclusion
The achievement of objectives stemming from policy implementation relies heavily on the accurate estimation of the said policies and the factors influencing their execution. This study has revealed that the perceived inflation rate and its influencing factors may deviate from the official inflation rate and its contributing factors. Inaccurate estimations heighten the risk of policy misalignments with predetermined goals. It is therefore imperative that estimating the perceived inflation rate and its influencing factors falls within the purview of executing centers and is factored into the planning of societal policies as a whole

Volume 1, Issue 1 (6-2020)

Forming urban heat islands is a serious challenge of the present age and a concern of academic communities. Attention to this issue has increased tremendously in scientific articles and researches, particularly in the last decade. With regard to the importance of the issue, the aim of this study is to form a systematic review and thematic analysis of articles and other researches in this field. Moreover, the content of the key articles was analyzed and the most important factors affecting the formation of urban heat islands were represented in a diagram and each of them was analyzed separately. As examined, urban heat islands are affected by climatic and urban construction factors. The climatic factors include sunlight, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, soil moisture, air humidity, precipitation, latitude, seasonal topographic variations, and the proximity to the river and the sea. Although these factors are almost uncontrollable in the existing cities, they have enormous importance for deciding new towns location and making the decision for city development direction. The second group of factors mainly related to the design of cities is controllable. Among these factors, the most important one is the amount and quality of vegetation in the city. Other factors such as land use, urban density, type of materials used on the facade of the buildings and streets, form and geometry of the city, and also transportation mode could influence the intensity and extent of urban heat islands.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2024)

The relationship between Iran and Africa has had a long history including various aspects specially cultural issues. Their relationship, despite its ups and downs, has continued to work. The cultural relationship between the two countries has undergone many changes. These transformations have occurred both in Iran, Africa as well as the whole world. This study intends to examine and evaluate this era and the nature of these relations before and after Islamic revolution in Iran. The main question raised in this regard is that considering the good historical back ground, what has been the orientation of Iran's foreign policy in these periods? Studies point out that the relations between Iran and African countries affected by domestic or international approaches have had ups and downs. Apparently, during Pahlavi's regime, in spite of some measures taken to establish relations with African countries, these relations didn't have coherent policy and the relations with the North African countries has had more priorities over relations with sub-Saharan countries. Moreover, Iran’s relations with some countries such as the Apartheid government, or its military and financial support for some governments have provoked skepticism towards Iran among the other African countries, and has led to the cut off of the relations with Iran. However, victory of the revolution in Iran created a new development in relations with Africa, and considering  the approaches and goals of this revolution, relations with Africa has been placed in the highest foreign policies of IRI. Although, even in this age, these relationships have  gone under lots of  ups and downs  at the time of the ruling of    various governments in IRI.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2019)

Introduction: With its special geographical and topographical conditions, springs, waterfalls, variety of herbals, wildlife, and historical buildings, Khur va Biabanak has a high capacity to attract tourists. Strategic planning can be a way to exploit these opportunities. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify strategic priorities of economic development with an emphasis on ecotourism in Khur va Biabanak, Isfahan.
Instrument and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical research, the data were collected, using library and field method and two groups, including 150 tourists and 30 tourism experts were selected, using available sampling method. To identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as well as to complete the information, the specialists were referred and a list of strategies was prepared. The SWOT model was used to select economic development strategies and the data were analyzed by GIS software.
Findings: In External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS), the "diversification of ecotourism attractions" with a weight of 0.069 was the first opportunity and "environmental degradation and damage to historical monuments" with a weight of 0.053 was considered as the most important threat. In the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) matrix, the most important strength was "the variation of ecotourism attractions in the region" with a weight of 0.069 and the most important weaknesses was "physical and environmental infrastructure shortage" with a weight of 0.063. The directional strategy of this city was a competitive strategy (ST).
Conclusion: "The development of cooperation between organizations involved in managing tourist attractions, paying attention to the participation of people, increasing the advertising for the introduction of tourist attractions, and tourist attraction during the year by presenting various types of ecotourism" are the most important strategies for the economic development of tourism in Khur va Biabanak, Isfahan.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2019)

Aims: Urban spatial planning may be defined as the spatial planning in the geographical location of the city, based on the approach of providing the needs of inhabitants within the geographic spaces, following the recreation of the roles and functions of urban elements. By planning identity signs in urban spaces, it is meant to make the safety and security of the city sustainable. By identifying the emotional, psychological, and educational needs of citizens, visual discipline is created; by planning the identity signs of city’s index and planning the signs, vitality is created for citizens; and in completion, with city architecture, facade and urban landscape will be managed in such a way that the citizens' mental and objective needs are met. Given the role of signs in the city, the question of this study is in what situations, will signs meet the need for security and self-awareness of the inhabitants? In what situations, are vitality and beauty transmitted to the citizens and affect the city's atmosphere? Applying a descriptive-analytical method and using library studies as well as available documents, this study examined the planning of urban signs to achieve the main function of the sign.
Conclusion: Signs in urban spaces with appropriate planning can have positive effects and meet citizens' needs for self-awareness, security, education, etc. In this regard, convergence should be created among decision makers, urban managers, and culture, community, economics, politics, and geography of the urban space of citizens.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (9-2020)

The quality of urban spaces and the presence of residents are some of the primary issues of current urbanism, as the dominance of vehicles has diminished the commuting opportunity for different social groups and the liveliness of urban spaces. This is especially true for urban spaces where once acted as children’s playground and now have turned into vehicle routes, pushing their former function to the sides. In the dense landscape of district 10, with its insufficient open urban spaces, this issue is even more pronounced, doubling the need for creating urban spaces accommodating children. Tactical urbanism is a general term describing such urban interventions regarding different qualities (e.g. the scale of the project, provisional measures for reusing the unused potentials of cities, providing privileges and support, unofficial actions within legal bounds, or attention to and revitalizing abandoned spaces) and has been further extended in specific academic fields such as traffic engineering

Volume 1, Issue 2 (11-2021)

In recent decades, much research has been conducted in the context of domestic violence, especially violence against women and children; But in related to another form of domestic violence, or sibling abuse, not only has little attention been paid by researchers, but most parents also ignore their children's violent behavior toward each other as a common childish behavior. However, most of these cases have profound and destructive effects on children's social development and cognition, and consequently increase the likelihood of committing criminal behaviors. Among these, social and cultural factors are a hidden phenomenon that determines the shape of individual relationships in families. The present study describes the prevalence of sibling abuse with the aim of examining the economic, cultural and social contexts of student families.
     The survey study was conducted among 600 high school students in districts one and six of Mashhad using a researcher-made questionnaire in two sections: self-reported victimization and delinquency with Cronbach's alpha 0.918, and was conducted in the academic year 2020-2021. Data analysis shows that the cultural and social characteristics of families such as inadequate parental education, poverty and unemployment, affect the prevalence of sibling violence, and violence among students with lower levels of family background was more prevalent in compare to others.
    This study shows that social factors and cultural level within families affect the level of violence between children; therefore, if a society can strengthen the normative and cultural components of families through education and the media, it can improve the health of families. The Iranian legislature has taken an important step to combat this type of behavioral violence by passing the Child and Adolescent Protection Act 2020.
Keywords: Domestic Violence, Brother-Sister Abuse, Victim Self-Report, Crime Self-Report, Mashhad High School Students

Volume 1, Issue 2 (11-2021)

Child sexual abuse is one of the social problems that has devastating effects on various aspects of children's personality. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the psychological consequences of sexual harassment in related to children. The main purpose of this study is to identify the psychological, behavioral, cognitive and emotional consequences of sexual victimization of children under 15 years of age among those referred to four social emergency centers located in Tehran province.
     In this research - which is quantitative in terms of type and descriptive-analytical in terms of method - First, different indicators were selected as the effective factors of sexual victimization and each of the selected data was entered into the statistical tables using the available sampling method and using the researcher questionnaire. Then, the relationship between the variables was measured using statistical tests and the correlations were analyzed.
     The results of the analysis of child sexual abuse cases referred to the social emergency confirm that there is a significant relationship between child sexual abuse and subsequent mental disorders. Hypothesis testing suggests that sexual abuse has psychological, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional consequences for children's personality. Due to the need to identify these factors in order to prevent the occurrence of psycho-behavioral disorders afterwards and increase ways to eliminate or reduce it, early detection of child abuse, intervention, treatment and prevention of horrific complications of child abuse seems necessary.
Keywords: Mental Disorder, Mental Health, Mental Consequences, Sexual Victimization, Social Emergency

Volume 1, Issue 2 (11-2021)

Today, in the era of the domination of the virtual world over the real world, with the expansion of the Internet and social networks, social communication and subsequent elements of individual identity has undergone extensive quantitative and qualitative changes. Women, as the majority of social media users, are more exposed to threats and psychological harm than ever due to their physical and psychological characteristics. One of the types of harms that can be explained in the context of the knowledge of social psychology is "self-objectification".
     The present study is applied in terms of purpose, and descriptive-survey in terms of implementation. The statistical population of the study is 271 high school girls in Kashan. By distributing a standard questionnaire with closed-ended questions, the necessary information was collected. In the process of objectification, women under the influence of media advertisements, draw ideals for themselves and in the same direction, they constantly evaluate and review themselves, and if they see their appearance closer to current patterns at the media, they gain self-confidence; otherwise, they become involved in physical shame. As a result, their self-confidence appears to be conditioned by the fact that it puts their mental health at risk, and this type of risky behavior based on criminological theories such as the lifestyle theory of Gottfredson and Hindelang is likely Increases victimization; Because the more recreational activities and leisure a person has, and the more she interacts with criminals or in criminal or dangerous environments, the more likely she is to become a victim.
Key words: Women Victimization, Social Networks, Self- objectification, Social Prevention

Volume 1, Issue 2 (11-2021)

"Internet pornography", is dealing with attractive sexual content behaviors through the Internet. The harms, the exploitative nature and unlike consent  of the children and juveniles provoked reactions from the international community, and several international instruments have called for criminalization and cooperation of governments in combating this behavior, but adult pornography is met with the advocates and opponents .The advocates know it as a symbol of women's freedom that provid material benefit and prevent violence and its opponents regard it inconsistent with ethical and moral values and human rights, which result in commodification of women. In Iranian Law. This phenomenon includes children, juveniles and adults and it is referred to by “vulgar”, “obscene” and “pornography” modifiers. It is due to the Islamic mandates and ethical values which regard any kind of pornography as a religious prohibition. These profligate behaviors are measured against chastity and continence, advised vehemently in Islamic teachings and therefore, they are regarded as utilities of indecency, prostitution and corruption of ethical values and virtue. In Iran, different acts have criminalized internet pornography including Islamic Penal Code, Children and Juveniles Protection Act, have created a new order in this case. Considering these acts, criminal behaviors of internet pornography include principal, connected and accessory criminal behavior, each acquires their unique conception and legal elements. The present study proposes that a comprehensive law should classify pornography into three levels: extreme shameful, shameful and disagreeble, and concurrently provide differential support to vulnerable people, according to the degree of promiscuity, its different types Subject to appropriate disciplinary and criminal responses.
Keywords: Internet Pornography, Obscene, Vulgar, Virtual Space.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (11-2021)

The insistence on using the word illegitimate relationship on behaviors such as sending photos, videos or text between men and women in cyberspace, has led to misunderstanding the behavior and the criminate or incriminate of this behavior under sec. 637 of Islamic Penal Code Act 2013, while the actus reus of such behavior is different. A correct perception of the actus reus is always a behavior that leads us to the mens rea and whether or not it is a crime. The mere use of the word illegitimate relationship to send text, video and photos between a man and a woman cannot be a reason to impose a tough religious penalty with a tougher penalty on a mere virtual behavior. This misconduct can affect other audiences as well. In fact, the actus reus of such behavior is out of sec. 637 and it is subject to sec. 14 of the Computer Crimes Act.
   This research has been formed by descriptive-analytical method and using library resources, with the aim of examining the nature and material element of the virtual illicit relationship and correctly identifying its legal element so that heterogeneous behavior is not included among the examples of sec. 637; At the same time, the principles and rules of law, exemption and jurisdiction principles should not be violated.
Keywords: Actus Reus, Mens Rea, Illegitimate Relationship, Cyberspace.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (1-2025)

The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) is the result of the political will of its three founding countries for economic convergence, which had previously symbolized in its predecessor, the Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD). The desire of Iran and two other neighbouring countries to fill the void of past regional cooperation led to the revival of RCD in ECO in 1984. The collapse of the Soviet :union: and the independence of the Muslim Republics led to expansion of the organization. During 1992-96, ECO realized the main areas and priorities of cooperation and established several regional institutions and since 2006 entered the implementation phase of its agreements and strategies. This research seeks to analyse the activities of ECO to achieve the set objectives and evaluate the degree of their realization.. The main question of the essay is whether ECO has been able to realize the goals of regional integration? What has been the role and influence of Iran in the successes and failures of ECO? And can we still hope for the success of this organization? The research hypothesis is that ECO has not achieved much success in the implementation of a large number of agreements and regional plans, and its activities have not had a tangible impact on regional development and prosperity. In the meantime, Iran has played a large role in the failure of ECO. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and the data has been collected and analysed by referring to ECO documents, library sources and field experiences.


Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2020)

As part of the community, children have their own needs, desires, and preferences. Citizens who have been neglected in social life, especially in the design of cities and the creation of urban environments. The purpose of this research is to investigate the needs, desires and preferences of children in providing planning and design indicators for urban spaces. The main research questions are: What are the desirable street indicators from a children's perspective? What are the practical solutions for the indicators in the study area? In this research, documentary study method and content analysis were used to identify design and planning indicators of child-friendly Street. In order to identify the needs and desires of the children, 40 13- to 12-year-old students of Hajar Primary School in Mesbah Street in Karaj were asked to write down the characteristics of their desired street. To examine the collected textual data, the concepts contained in the textual data were first extracted, coded and categorized based on the content presented. After classification, the frequency of codes in each category was determined. Objective and visual dimension had the highest frequency in recognizing the desired indicators of children. As such, 28% of the data were related to the visual dimension. Social dimensions (24%), activity (23.27%), psychological (15.27%) and finally environmental (9.45%) were the least important factors for children

Volume 2, Issue 1 (12-2019)

The Horn of Africa includes four countries: Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. One of the problems in this region is the border and territorial Conflicts and its insecurities in the border areas of the countries. Various factors are effective in creating this instability and border insecurity. Among them, history, historical mentalities, and the role of colonial history is significant. This research is a descriptive-analytical study that uses library resources to investigate the role of history in creating border insecurity with a case study of the role of colonialism in border insecurity in the Horn of Africa. The dependent variable of the research is border insecurity and independent variables are history, colonial history, and the Horn of Africa region. The main question is what is the role of history and historical changes in creating border insecurity in the Horn of Africa? In the Horn of Africa, the most important border conflicts and insecurities include border clashes between Ethiopia and Eritrea; Djibouti and Eritrea; and the insecurity has been caused by ethnic and tribal conflicts in the Somalia-Kenya border areas. The research results show that the history, colonial history, and actions of the colonial powers in drawing the borders of the countries, especially in the Horn of Africa region, which is based on colonial interests and not local interests, it has played an important role in border disputes between countries and instability and insecurity in border areas.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Today, with the increase of population and the uncontrolled growth of cities and the advancement of technology and the consequent destruction of the environment, the living conditions of many living beings have become difficult, which has caused man to move away from nature and lack comfort and tranquility; Biophilic design by facilitating and improving the quality of human communication with nature around it, using global sustainable design strategies tries to control environmental degradation to environments with improved social and cultural conditions, along with creating the ability to understand and process and benefit from past experiences. Create to ultimately improve the quality of urban life. In his extensive research, Professor Beatle has identified Oslo as an ideal city for biophilic urban planning. For this purpose, in this research, by considering this city as a model and adapting this city with Moallem Boulevard in Ramsar city in order to improve the condition of the boulevard in terms of biophilic urban planning, the present article tries based on descriptive-analytical method and To evaluate the measurements qualitatively and by describing, analyzing and interpreting the contents, to provide effective solutions on improving the quality of the environment with the approach of environmental perception in biophilic urban design.The results show that Moallem Boulevard in Ramsar has the potential to achieve biophilic urban design based on a comparative study with the city of Oslo, and by using the components of environmental perception and biophilic design, proposes plans to improve the quality of citizenschr('39') environment And created visitors.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2021)

Problem statement: Bazaars are considered one of the most important spaces that can be a source of emotional arousal by stimulating the audience's senses and can be effective in the formation of the sense of belonging to a place as the identity center of the cities. In this regard, the historical Bazaar of Tehran with its unique features has great importance. It has long been a dynamic and lively center with spatial qualities and has almost met the needs and different senses of people.
Aims: This article aims to identify the features that examine the existence of identity and sense of place in the Tehran Bazaar.
Methods: This article analyzes the initial passive observations through behavioral mapping in the first step. The second step measures the dependence of variables through interviewing on a 7-point Likert scale.
Results: The visual landscape played the greatest role in the perception of the environment and along with the tactility landscape, it is almost constant during the day. On the other hand, acoustic and chemical landscapes are two effective stimuli in the sensory richness of the environment that have more changes during the day than other environmental stimuli. Also, the existence of historical buildings, despite the interest of individuals, does not per se strengthen the sense of place and paying attention to the components of spatial identity and the impact of each sense of place in the bazaar improves market quality and leads to continuity of life and permanence of this valuable architectural heritage.

Volume 2, Issue 6 (9-2021)

This study aimed to provide a model for improving the quality of women's and girls' leisure time in the family with an approach based on physical activity in Isfahan province. This research was carried out using a qualitative method with a systematic approach of grounded theory. The theoretical population consisted of knowledgeable and experienced women's sports and leisure professors who also used the snowball method for sampling. The data collection tool and method were semi-structured individual interviews, and the interviews continued until the theoretical saturation of 15 interviews. For data analysis, a systematic approach includes three main steps: open coding, axial coding and selective coding. In the axial coding stage, the connection between the following categories of causal conditions (support of important others, organizing, applicability of activities, institutionalization of activities); context factors (environmental attractions, environmental conditions, sports attractions(; interfering factors (evolutionary changes, cultural and social barriers, gender hegemony, macro trends, structural barriers); strategies (education and culture building, measures to support women's recreational sports, promotion and development of physical activities, respect for the dignity of women and girls, justice in the implementation of activities, media support) and consequences of qualifying women's leisure time (reducing behavioral disorders, individual empowerment, collective empowerment, increasing participation) in terms of coding paradigm in Sports manufacturing corporations was determined; also in selective coding phases, each component of coding paradigm described. The province's sports managers can use the signs, concepts and categories identified in their plans to improve the leisure time of women and girls in the family with an approach based on physical activity and use the proposed appropriate strategies to compensate for the backwardness and development of women's sports.

Volume 2, Issue 7 (12-2021)

Companies have widely adopted the Internet and related technologies worldwide to conduct their business and improve performance. Internet technologies and electronic business provide new opportunities for companies to compete in the global market and play a significant role in the world economy. Despite the significant studies in e-business, there is a need for more comprehensive analysis in examining e-business in the sports industry based on new e-business approaches. This article aims to develop a theoretical framework of e-business based on the participation of sports consumers in the company's development, which was carried out with the qualitative research method and based on the foundational data theory and a constructivist approach. Research data were collected by a purposive sampling method using a snowball technique and based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with e-commerce. The number of research participants by using the theoretical saturation index reached 19. The analysis of research findings showed five main categories. Different dimensions of business, to make money for yourself and profit for the company. The final model of the research was presented so that the sports consumer can enter into business with companies through social networks by reaching electronic maturity and designing a project or service if he has high communication literacy. It was found that sports consumers can participate in developing sports or non-sports companies that either need online advertising are advertising agencies. These sports organizations need to hire people or sports manufacturers that need feedback on their products.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2022)

Statement Problem: The discourse model of participatory design is proposed in the world as a solution for the redesign of urban contexts. Extensive destructions in the historical contexts of Iran are due to the lack of implementation of the urban design discourse.
Aim: This research explores the pattern of discourse creation in participatory design with the approach of citizenship education in the historical context of Kazerun.
Methods: The qualitative research approach was coded by categorizing the clusters of the participating community and snowball sampling into 3 open, axial and selective categories, then it was interpreted with the content analysis technique.
Results: The categories extracted from the interviews were included in 7 axial factors and in 2 selective reasons, including residents' ignorance and incorrect urban management.
Conclusion: Considering the effective factors in the citizens' ignorance (lack of understanding of the characteristics of the context, social and economic factors), the urban designer as a facilitator, at the beginning with the aim of making the participants aware of the historical context and creating a context for central participation, provided citizenship education then with preliminary education Urban design helps to turn the proposal into the ideas of the participants. Then moderates the ideas and codifies them in the form of integrated and comprehensive policies and helps the city management to communicate the implementation policies of participatory urban design and solve the problems caused by incorrect policies in the field of urban management, economic, design and security.

Volume 3, Issue 9 (5-2022)

Students are the country's future makers and the university's existential philosophy. Participation in sports activities can positively affect students' liveness and vitality. The purpose of this study was to present a constructivist theory in line with student participation in sports and physical activities, which was done with a qualitative research method and a heuristic-fundamental nature. Through the purposeful sampling method and snowball sampling technique and based on interviews with 17 experts with experience in university sports, research data were collected, and data were coded and analyzed based on the theoretical foundation of data and with Charms' constructivist approach. The findings showed that four operational factors: budget allocation, management, human resources, technology, and infrastructure, and two mediators of development environment and development resources have a significant role in student growth and desire to participate in sports. As a result, a baseline theory based on medium-range data, which is the essence of the theoretical foundation of data, called " general to specific growth pattern of student in sport, "was explained aiming at changing behavior and institutionalizing a desirable habit based on the active participation in sports for students. It was found that the components of university sports become in the form of the university sports components roles, taking into account the development of stimuli through mediators and operational factors, and the development of university sports in Iran is not far away if this cycle is implemented properly.

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