Volume 14, Issue 3 (2007)                   EIJH 2007, 14(3): 39-52 | Back to browse issues page

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Dadashzadeh Fahim H. Role Of Economical Factors, Sexual Satisfaction and ... inTehran. EIJH 2007; 14 (3) :39-52
URL: http://eijh.modares.ac.ir/article-27-849-en.html
Allame Tabatabaei university
Abstract:   (3931 Views)
Family is the initial cell and corner stone of a society that forms the base of characterization of the child. Health of society depends on health of family. Family with positive outputs renders mental and sentimental problem, socialize proportional children with the values and manners approved by society and arrange sexual behaviors. Present paper aims to identify important factors effecting family break-up and their impacts on family. For this purpose, out of 150 divorce applicants (30% male70% female), 107 samples were selected randomly and were studied by interview techniques based on, questionnaires. In this research tow hypotheses "economic difficulties are the laying ground for the family break – up" and "Absence of intimate space and sexual satisfaction are the factors of family brake – up as well as one question “Is annoyance the basis for family problems? Were studied. The results showed that 63.6% of the society confirmed the economic problems in divorce whereas 24.3 of men of families seeking divorce were unemployed. Of course, the proportion of unemployed men is 2/6% in Iranian families. And the rate of employment in divorce families is 36.8% among the employment of all married women in Iran (12%). The difference between the indices of sample group with that of statistical society was at the level of P= 5% were significant. 93% of women and men were annoyed from each other.
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Received: 2006/07/26 | Accepted: 2006/12/23 | Published: 2007/08/23

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