1- Assistant Professor of ELT, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran , a.r.eghtesadi@cfu.ac.ir
2- Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
Abstract: (1351 Views)
With the shift of research attention from human malfunctioning to human optimal functioning in the workplace, job engagement which is regarded the opposite of job burnout has attracted researchers’ attention in organizational psychology. This exploratory study aimed to investigate the predictive role of emotional intelligence (EI) as a personal resource in determining levels of job engagement among Iranian English language teachers within job demands-resources model (JD-R). To this end, 442 English language teachers who were teaching in both public and private contexts were selected through non-probability convenience sampling and were surveyed regarding their demographic information, the perception of their levels of job engagement and emotional intelligence through a demographic questionnaire, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), and emotional intelligence scale. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that after controlling for the effect of demographic variables, there were significant positive predicting relationships between two emotional intelligence subscales of management of own emotions (MOE) and management of others’ emotions (MTE) and job engagement components of vigor, dedication, and absorption. The results imply that training teachers to improve their emotional intelligence can be a strategy to boost their job engagement.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Arts and Humanities (General) Received: 2020/07/10 | Accepted: 2018/07/15 | Published: 2018/07/15