Volume 25, Issue 1 (2018)                   EIJH 2018, 25(1): 77-93 | Back to browse issues page

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Shekari Niri J. An Inquiry into Maragheh Observatory: The First International Scientific-Research Foundation of the Ilkhanid Era. EIJH 2018; 25 (1) :77-93
URL: http://eijh.modares.ac.ir/article-27-44327-en.html
Assistant Professor of Conservation of Historical Buildings Department, Faculty of Architecture, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran , shekari@arc.ikiu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1560 Views)
The Maragheh observatory site was excavated in 1970. Prior to the excavation, there was very little known about this architectural masterpiece. The observatory was constructed on the top of a hill called "Rasad Dāghi". In fact, Samarkand and Jaipur observatories had derived the idea and astronomical units from the Maragheh construction. So, we can use those as comparisons while aiming to better understand and interpret the existing works in order to properly reconstruct the Maragheh observatory. Compared to similar monuments in India, the Maragheh observatory can be renovated only using the Maragheh architectural units. Comparing existing evidence of observation, including archaeological, historical and scientific evidence, will lead us to better understand the realities of the original design. With the reference to the architecture of the existing ancient observatories, the hypothesis was that through a comparative study, an architectural algorithm/pattern could be found and used to determine the shape and arrangement of the Maragheh observatory. The main objective here is to compare the historical and archaeological evidence of Iran's observation instruments with other countries in order to develop the knowledge of Archaeoastronomy. The sky and astronomical phenomenon provided the tools for time reckoning, calendar organization and celestial navigation that supported those human voyages.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2020/07/10 | Accepted: 2018/12/15 | Published: 2018/12/15

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