Volume 26, Issue 3 (2019)                   EIJH 2019, 26(3): 31-45 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Associate Professor, Department of History, Arak University, Arak, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of History, Arak University. Arak, Iran , mohaamad.beigi@gmail.com
3- Assistant Professor, Department of History, Arak University, Arak, Iran
Abstract:   (855 Views)
Traditional celebrations and recreational activities are considered part of the Iranian historical identity. Ancient and medieval Persian sources have documented various types of these celebrations, suggesting the social commitment to such rituals. Apart from social identity, these tendencies could also bring dynamism and refreshment into the society. With the passage of time, despite many adversities imposed on social foundations, some of these ceremonies were redefined and retrieved as the national heritage. Of course, other forms of joyful ceremonies that were matched with new religious thought were added to the national heritage, as well. On the other hand, Iranian governments and rulers of the time also supported and promoted some of these rituals in accordance with their personal morale as well as political and religious attitudes, thereby contributing to their survival and continuity. In the Safavid era, the Iranian society was not different as a relative political stability and security allowed the continuity of these traditions. The present study intends to introduce the patterns and types of these celebrations. Thus, the main question of this research is: what were the forms of joyful ceremonies during the Safavid? Research data show that despite the fact that the Safavid period, at one time and other, was engaged in some civil or external wars, the social texture had a deep link with promising and recreational approaches and hence; there were various types of celebrations and ceremonies based on social traditions.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2020/07/10 | Accepted: 2019/09/19 | Published: 2019/09/19

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